Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It

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Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It Page 19

by Brenda Hampton

  The chick looked at Felicia and me, then walked out of the bathroom. We seemed to have the attention of everyone in the bathroom.

  I gave her a dirty look that could kill. “You know, Felicia, I had hoped to avoid you tonight. Why, every time I see you, must you show your ass?”

  “You mean the same ass your man can’t keep his eyes off of tonight?”

  “Him and every other damn man up in here that you’ve opened up your legs to. You need to grow up and chill out.”

  “You ain’t exactly no saint now, bitch. From what I hear, when it comes to your relationship, you’re hanging on by threads. So look around you tonight. You just might see your replacement up in here. And from all the attention Jaylin’s getting, you’d better get him home before he slips away. You and I both know how easy he can get away from you, right?”

  “I don’t worry about tramps like you, Felicia. You or any of these other women up in here that keep staring at me,”—I looked around, as I knew I had some haters—“y’all will never have what I have. And even after four years with him, he never gave his heart to you, so get over it and keep on fucking his friends like you do so well.”

  Feeling the drama about to go down, I walked out. I searched for Jaylin and found him leaned up against the wall, talking to this very attractive chick who looked too much like Nokea. I walked up and told him I was ready to go.

  “In a minute,” he said. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward her.

  I snatched his hand away from hers. “I’m ready to go now!” I yelled. “If you want to stay, go ahead and stay. I’ll see you at home.”

  He yelled right back at me. “I said in a minute! Now, cool out!”

  I stormed away from Jaylin and headed for the door. Mr. Sexy jumped in front of me and halted my steps.

  “Are you leaving?” he asked.


  “Can I go with you?”

  “No, but you can take me home.”

  “My pleasure.”

  We walked out, and no sooner than he had turned on the chirper to unlock the doors to his Lexus, Jaylin came outside looking for me. When he saw me, I was just about ready to get in the car.

  “Where in the fuck are you going?” he yelled.

  “I told you I’m going home.”

  “You got two seconds to step away from his car, or I will kick your ass all over this parking lot.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh to myself at how jealous he was. I looked at Mr. Sexy and thanked him for the offer.

  “Any time.” He smiled then got into his car and slowly drove off.

  I got into Jaylin’s truck. He glared at me like I was the one who had done something wrong.

  “You was seriously about to get hurt,” he said, closing the door for me, then entering on the driver’s side.

  “I told you I was ready to go, but you were too busy trying to find a replacement for me.”

  He cocked his head back. “What? I knew her from the shop.”

  I folded my arms and put my neck in action. “Whatever. I know I’m getting sick and tired of confrontations with your women. Everywhere I go, it’s always something. And that bitch Felicia, I could just kill her ass. How could you even involve yourself with a woman so . . . so stupid?”

  “I often ask myself the same question.” He laughed and drove off the parking lot. “But don’t let her get to you like that. You know what you got, and I ain’t trying to be too confident, but that’s just how it is being with a man like me. You gotta let a lot of that shit roll off your back.”

  “Just like you let the men who confronted me roll off your back, right?”

  “Hey, I wasn’t tripping. I knew one thing: you came to this motherfucker with me, and you were leaving with me. I didn’t give a shit about who looked at you, bought you a drink, touched you, felt your ass, or licked your neck.”

  “Yes, you did. If that were the case, you wouldn’t have tripped when that brotha kissed my hand, or when that one touched my backside. And if I had not asked you to come dance, that brotha was seconds away from being laid out on the floor.”

  He laughed, then put a frown on his face. “Who felt your ass in there? Nobody better not had touched your ass.”

  “Well, sorry you missed it. But I know for a fact the brotha I was going to leave with didn’t stand a chance. I saw you looking at him like you wanted to mess him up.”

  “You got that shit right. I was about to fuck both of y’all up. Letting that nigga touch all on you like that. Had your eyes closed and everything, like you was thinking about him fucking you. I was gon’ make sure you saw the light when you opened your eyes.”

  “Please. Just like you were going to kick my ass all over the parking lot too. You know you be talking more shit than anybody I know.”

  “Trust me, I ain’t talking no shit. If I ever catch anybody tampering with my pussy, I’m killing his ass and your ass too.”

  We laughed and decided never to go clubbing together again. For some reason, he couldn’t believe all the attention I got, and I never imagined it would be so crazy going out with him. The women simply didn’t care if he was there with me. I could only imagine what would have happened if I wasn’t there.

  Jaylin hurried home. I barely made it to the door before he removed my jumpsuit from around my neck. We were still outside, my back against the door and my breasts in his mouth while he sucked them.

  “Can’t we go inside?” I said, squirming against the door.

  He ignored me and continued sucking and massaging my breasts. My nipples were at full attention, and my body tingled all over. Jaylin placed his hand behind my head, pulling it toward him. He sucked my lips into his while rubbing his hands through my hair as we kissed. We smacked lips for what seemed like forever, and when he started in on my breasts again, I couldn’t handle his touch. He could tell how anxious I was for him.

  “Is my pussy wet yet?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Dripping wet.” I reached back and unzipped the lower part of my jumpsuit. It dropped to the ground, and I placed Jaylin’s hand between my legs. “Is that wet enough for you?”

  Jaylin closed his eyes and nodded as he touched deeply inside of me. “Let’s go make this baby. I got a feeling he’s coming tonight.”

  “She. Not he.”

  “Then I’ll shoot for twins. How ’bout that?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  Not being able to make it to his bedroom, we worked on our baby in the middle of the foyer. Eventually, we made it to his bedroom and worked even harder. Sex with Jaylin, without any doubt, was off the chain. Every time I thought our sex life couldn’t get any better, it did. He came up with every possible position he could think of that night. It was never the same ole thing with him, and I admired a man who always stepped outside of the box, adding something new.

  As for the baby, or babies, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t gotten pregnant yet. The doctor said everything was fine, but I couldn’t understand why, after all of our efforts, there still was no baby. I wanted his child so badly, and I hoped more than anything the day would come for me to break the good news.



  My life seemed to be back in order. And even though Nokea told me we couldn’t go there again, I didn’t take it personally because I knew she was trying to work out things with Collins. Still, I missed her, and the thoughts of what happened that day stayed on my mind.

  As for the fellas, we were pretty tight again too. Stephon and Shane settled their differences, and I started to trust Stephon when he said he’d cooled out with the drugs. Ray-Ray said he wasn’t cooling out for nobody, so he and I really didn’t hang out as much as we used to. I wasn’t trying to run his life, but I was concerned about him as well.

  I tried to give Nanny B a break from the kids, so she and I spent the entire day together. I took her to Frances Day Spa in Clayton, bought her some items at Frontenac Plaza, we had dinner at Tony’s on Market Street, and afterward
, we went to the movies. Since she cut her vacation short to come back and see about me, she had another one planned already. She wouldn’t tell me where she was going, but said she’d be gone for another two weeks. I made her promise to call us every day, and she promised she would.

  After I dropped off Nanny B at the airport, I stopped by Mackenzie’s school to see how she was doing. She was in kindergarten already, and looked like such a big girl as I watched her through the door. I didn’t want to go in and interfere because the teacher seemed as if she had everything under control. Instead, I thought about how much happiness Mackenize had brought to my life. Since she had been a part of it, it had definitely changed. I visualized LJ’s first day of school, wondering if he would grow up to be anything like me, praying that he would.

  My thoughts quickly turned to Scorpio and me making a baby. It just wasn’t happening. It puzzled the hell out of me that she could go to Denver for three months, have sex with another brotha, and get pregnant by him in an instant. Here I was, pumping all kinds of juices inside of her, and wasn’t a damn thing happening. If I hadn’t gotten Daisha pregnant, I would have thought something was wrong with me. Scorpio had been back and forth to the doctor and he said everything was fine. Maybe it just wasn’t meant for us to have a child together. I wasn’t sure, but something or somebody didn’t want it to happen.

  In the meantime, I enjoyed every doggone moment we spent trying to make our baby. Scorpio was every man’s dream come true. She knew how to please a man way beyond his expectations. I’d never had a woman as good as her, pertaining to sex, and probably never would. It was just something about her insides that made a brotha like me go crazy. I was hooked like it wasn’t funny, and there wasn’t nothing she could do to make me feel any differently about her.

  There had been times, though, that I wanted to kick her ass to the curb, but after a few days, or maybe even a few weeks, my ass got back to reality. And the reality of the situation was, I was pussy-whipped by her just as much as she was dick-whipped by me. Our love for one another played a big part as well, but my sexual desire for her overpowered everything. I couldn’t speak for her, but that’s simply how it was for a man like me.

  Shane invited me over to check out his pad, so not having much to do, I stopped by. When I got there, I was shocked to see Felicia sitting on his couch. I asked if I should come back, but he insisted she was on her way out. She stood up and addressed me.

  “Sorry I can’t stay, but you could at least walk me to my car, can’t you?” she said.

  “Now, why would I want to walk you to your car?”

  “Because I asked you nicely and I want to mention something to you.”

  I told Shane I’d be right back. I walked with Felicia downstairs to the parking garage. When we got to her car, she leaned against it. “Jaylin, I have to know something,” she said, folding her arms.

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you ever think about me?”

  “All the time, Felicia.”

  “I mean in a good way.”


  “Not even a little bit?”


  “So, you didn’t think about me after you saw me at the club the other night?”

  I rubbed my goatee, pretending to be in deep thought. “As a matter of fact, I did. I gazed at your ass several times and said now, that’s a nice piece of ass right there.”

  She smiled. “And then what?”

  “Oh, and then I said to myself that’s the same plump, juicy ass that’s been fucked by my cousin, one of my closest friends, and only Lord knows who else.”

  She shrugged. “So. You got a reputation too, you know? Besides, what does my being with other men have to do with us?”

  “Nothing at all,” I said, placing my hands in my pockets. “But I’m not at my best when I’m sexing a woman that my cousin has been with. I’ve made one exception, and I don’t think it’s in my best interest to make another one.”

  “So, are you saying we will never get a chance to sweat together like we used to?”

  I thought about my previous sex sessions with Felicia and nodded. “We did used to work up a sweat, didn’t we? So, who knows? Maybe in another lifetime.”

  “Maybe so,” she said. She reached out for a hug and then jetted.

  I went back upstairs to Shane’s place. He was laid back on the couch, looking at TV. He quickly hopped up and stood next to me.

  “Let me give you a quick overview of my place,” he said, pointing his finger in several directions. “That’s the kitchen. Right next to it is the dining room. My bedroom is in the middle of the floor, the bathroom is behind those bookshelves over there, and we’re standing in the living room. And, oh yeah,” he said, tapping my shoulder. “My art studio is behind those shelves over there too.”

  I observed the mid-size studio with approval. His place wasn’t all that bad. It was a little too cramped for my taste, but I dug some of his contemporary furniture. “You cool, bro. You doing a whole lot better than I thought you would be.”

  “Where’s the faith, man? Damn.”

  “I got it. But I don’t know if I’m gonna keep it if you keep messing around with Felicia.”

  Shane sat on the couch and so did I. “Man, it ain’t even like that. Felicia came over here right before you called. She wanted to tell me about this business she wants to start, and asked if I would be her partner.”

  “What kind of business?”

  “Some type of architectural firm. You know she already works for one, and I guess she’s trying to venture out on her own. Knowing how much I love art and design, she asked if I would be interested.”

  “If there’s anything decent I can say about her ass, she is a woman who knows how to handle her business and make money.”

  “Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m thinking it might not be a bad idea.”

  “You’re right. It might not be.”

  “My only problem is I don’t want to get involved with her again.”

  “Why not?”

  “’Cause, Jay, she ain’t nothing but trouble. You know she still fucking Stephon every once in a while, don’t you?”

  “No, I didn’t know. I thought he was done with her.”

  “I thought he was too—until the other night. He took that ass home and plowed it.”

  “How do you know what he did with it?”

  Shane sat up and cleared his throat. “’Cause I was in the other room doing my thang. I could hear what was going on.”

  “Whatever happened to a man’s privacy? You motherfuckers are wild. I thought I was bad, but—”

  “But my ass, Jay. If it wasn’t for Scorpio, you would’ve been right along with us.”

  “Maybe so, but why everybody always got to fuck at Stephon’s crib? Your place is nice enough for the ladies to come to.”

  “Only ladies who are special to me come up in here. Frankly, I don’t like for everybody to know where I live.”

  I looked at Shane’s bed and thought about his short time with Scorpio. “So, I guess Scorpio was kind of special to you, huh?”

  I had caught Shane off guard. He paused and swallowed. “No offense, but I kind of liked her ass, man. You really got yourself an amazing woman. If you don’t mind me saying, I momentarily checked her out the other night. Nobody fazed her but you. You could see the love in her eyes. And as for the sistas in there, there were some fine ones, but they couldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole. That had to make you feel good.”

  “What can I say other than I expect the best? Maybe she too bad for me, though, or maybe even too good.”

  “You lost me. What do you mean?”

  Thinking about Nokea, I stood up and paced the floor. I had been very confused about my feelings for Scorpio and Nokea, and wasn’t exactly sure which route to take. I leaned against Shane’s bookshelf and put my hands in my pockets. “I don’t know what’s up with me, man. One minute I’m feeling for Nokea, and the next minute Scorpio is the
best thing that ever happened to me. I’m confused, dog.”

  “I can’t help you with that one because Nokea is a magnificent woman too. I’d love to be caught up with two women like them.”

  “And if you were, what would you do? If something inside nagged the fuck out of you about settling down for good, what would you consider?”

  “I’d give myself six months without the two of them. No contact, no pussy, no dates, nothing. After that, whichever one of them I couldn’t get out of my system, then that would be the one for me.”

  “That would never work for me. I couldn’t even imagine being without either of them for six months, especially with the kids and everything.”

  “Hey, you asked what I would do, and I told you. You’re the kind of person who will do whatever he wants, so—”

  “You’re right. So let’s pop the Remy and drink to me making the right decision.”


  Shane and me kicked it at his place until nine o’clock that night. We ordered pizza and played a few hands of poker. He was an all right fella, and I was kind of glad I had someone else to kick it with since Stephon seemed to be choosing another path. When I called his house to see if he wanted to come by Shane’s place, he said he had something else to do. He sounded kind of bitter about something, but I really didn’t trip.

  Before leaving Shane’s crib, I called Scorpio to let her know I was on my way home. She said Mackenzie, her, and LJ had been out all day long and they were about to lay back and watch some movies. We exchanged the love, and I promised her I’d hurry home.

  Late Monday night, Nokea stopped by to pick up LJ. I was downstairs working out. I rushed her out, as going to see my sister and brother in the morning was on my agenda. Nokea had gotten my sister’s address and phone number at Stanley’s funeral, and she gave it to me, so I called Delores to let her know I’d be stopping by in the morning. Up until recently, I was afraid of finding out more about Stanley, but it was either now or never.

  In the morning, Scorpio and Mackenzie headed for school, and I headed out as well. We missed having Nanny B around; especially me, since I wasn’t getting any home-cooked meals. Scorpio did her best to whip something together, but honestly, the shit she cooked made me want to throw up. When it came to Nanny B’s cooking, I was spoiled and couldn’t wait for her to come home.


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