Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It

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Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It Page 22

by Brenda Hampton

“Whatever. Just drive the damn thing and get your food. Haven’t you picked on me enough already?”

  “I wasn’t picking on you. I thanked you for cooking, thanked you for the effort, and thanked you for not killing us.”

  “You’re welcome. And before I forget to tell you, Stephon stopped by earlier to see you.”

  “I told that fool I wasn’t going to be there. What did he want?”

  “He didn’t say.”

  “That’s cool. I’ll give him a call later.”

  I was quiet for a moment, as I tried to lead up to asking him about Nokea. I waited until after we left Sweetie Pie’s with three bags of food before I asked him.

  “Say, have you heard from Nokea lately?” I asked.


  “So, she hasn’t said anything else about the family reunion?”


  “Hmm.” I paused. “Well, when she came by the house the other day, what did she want?”

  “She wanted to tell me about her plans to move to Detroit.”

  I widened my eyes in shock. “What? She’s moving to Detroit?”

  “She might.”

  “What about LJ?”

  “What about him?”

  “I’m sure he’s moving with her.”

  “Not in a trillion years.”

  “So, I guess in so many words, that’s what you told her?”

  Jaylin reached over and patted my lap. “I love the way you read my mind. Had she only done that before she came over, she could have saved both of us some time.”

  “You and her have really been through a lot. After all y’all been through, it amazes me that y’all can still be such good friends.”


  “Or am I missing something? You aren’t still sexually involved with her, are you?”

  He took his eyes off the road and cocked his head back. “What?” he said, as if he didn’t hear me.

  “I said the two of you aren’t still intimately involved, are you?”

  “Nope. It’s been a very long time since we’ve been down that road.”

  “Your idea of a very long time and my idea are two different things. So, when’s the last time you had sex with Nokea?”

  He immediately got defensive. “What’s with all the questions, Scorpio? I’m not in no mood to discuss Nokea.”

  “Hey, I just asked. Don’t get all bent out of shape about it.”

  “Then case closed. Trust me, there’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  I left the situation alone because I already had my answer. This bastard was still fucking around with Nokea! After all we’d been through, he was still running back to her for sex. I couldn’t believe it. And I had Stephon to thank for telling me the truth. I didn’t say anything else to Jaylin that night. When we got home, I felt sick to my stomach and couldn’t even eat. Instead, I went downstairs and thought hard about making some changes in our relationship.



  Having three important appointments, I left the house around eight-thirty in the morning. My first stop was to go see my attorney, Mr. Frick, about this bullshit with LJ. I had a feeling Nokea and Collins’ stupid asses were up to no good, so it was in my best interest to get a move on things.

  Collins was what I called a straight-up punk-ass, weak brotha. He couldn’t even stay here and fight for his own damn woman because he was afraid of losing her to me. What he didn’t know was if I truly wanted to, I’d take Nokea away from him in a heartbeat. There was no doubt in my mind she would leave him to be with me, but I wasn’t trying to go there. Now, though, I wasn’t sure what the hell I would do. I wasn’t as worried about LJ, because at the end of the day, I knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

  After sitting with Frick for hours, he pretty much gave me all the confirmation I needed. He told me that as soon as they made a move, be sure to let him know. I intended to do just that, as well as let that punk, Collins, know how I felt about the whole damn thing. He’d called me on my shit before by coming to my office that day with Nokea, so it was only fair I called him on his shit.

  I had another stop to make before going to see him. Apparently, Stanley had a life insurance policy. I’d gotten a letter from his attorney the other day, asking me to come to his office. When I got there, I had a long wait. Being the impatient brotha that I am, I was about to leave when he came out of his office and invited me in.

  Stanley’s attorney was an older black man, kind of on the chubby side, bald, and couldn’t even talk right. He rambled on and on about Stanley. Really not trying to hear all the mumbo jumbo, I suggested he get to the point. He gave me a letter. I opened it and read:

  My son, if you’re reading this, I guess you know I’m gone. It’s not by choice, but as usual, God had his way. I wanted to tell you that even though we never had a father and son relationship, you were always in my prayers. There wasn’t a day that went by I didn’t think about you.

  After your mama died, I was lost, man. I didn’t have much to offer you, or anybody for that matter, so I thought it would be best if I just went away. I knew you’d do all right for yourself because you were that kind of kid. You used to always take charge and stand up for yourself when you felt something wasn’t right. Standing up might have gotten your butt spanked several times, but I admired you for having the courage to do so.

  Courage, you see, is something I never had. I didn’t know how to fight for what was mine, or for what I wanted. I bailed out, son, just as I did on everybody else. You have every right to hate me, because I deserve it. But hating me isn’t going to give you the peace of mind you deserve.

  I hope by now you’re starting to see the picture. I loved you, Delores, and Jeffrey, but I know my way of loving you all wasn’t nearly enough. It was, however, at the time, the best I could give. As for the money, it was the least I could do. I don’t even know if you’re going to accept it, because that’s the kind of man I know you are. If you decide to take it, please put it to good use. I chose you because, out of all my children, I always felt as if you had it the worst, being without a mother and a father. It wasn’t even your choice, but you’ve grown to be a wonderful man, an outstanding father, and the son I always dreamed you would be. Whenever you make your way up here to Heaven, don’t forget to say hello.

  Love, Stanley

  (I hope that’s not asking too much.)

  I folded the letter and held it in my hands. I looked at his attorney and spoke calmly, “I don’t want the money. Split it between my brother and sister and be done with it.”

  “But it’s five hundred thousand dollars we’re talking about here.”

  “I don’t care if it’s five million dollars. Just do it.”

  “Ya see, I can’t. Once everything is settled, I have to give it to you. After that, you can do whatever it is you want to do with it.”

  “That’s cool,” I said, standing to leave. “Is there anything else?”

  “No, that’s pretty much it. But you don’t seem too excited about the money. Most people would be in here jumping for joy.”

  “Well, money doesn’t excite me. Having my father in my life would have, though. No matter how bad things were.”

  “I understand, young fella, and I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thanks for your time,” I said, shaking his hand.

  On my way over to Collins’ house, I thought about what Stanley said in his letter. To me, it still didn’t make much sense. I had so many friends and knew so many brothas who struggled every day to take care of their children. Some had four and five, maybe six kids, and they didn’t go off and abandon them. At the time, he only had Delores and me. What was so hard about taking care of two damn kids? And with the help of Mama and Ursula? I couldn’t figure the shit out, and really didn’t give too much of a fuck about it anymore.

  As for the money, what was I supposed to do with it? I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but was I supposed to take a trip or something, use it for my education, buy
a house—what? I was already a completely established man, and at this point, there wasn’t nothing Stanley could do to enhance my life. I’m sure Delores and Jeffrey were going to feel differently, but they could most certainly have every dime of it.

  I knew exactly where Collins lived because I had to pick up LJ a few times. When I rang the doorbell, I could hear him yelling at someone on the phone. I didn’t even think the wimp had it in him to get loud, but knowing his ass, he probably put up a front every time I came around.

  “Who is it?” he yelled.

  “Your nightmare,” I yelled back.

  He opened the door and quickly ended his call. “Come in,” he snapped with an attitude. I stepped in and stood in the foyer. “Would you like to take a seat, or do you prefer to stand there?” he asked.

  “No seat. I won’t be long.”

  “Good, because I’m busy. So what’s on your mind?”

  “My son. I’m sure you know Nokea told me about your plans, and I wish you all the luck in the world. I do, however, want to let you know some serious shit is going to go down if you and Nokea think my son is going with you, because he’s not.”

  Collins sighed and shook his head from side to side. “Jaylin, why won’t you allow Nokea to be happy? You have done nothing but turn her world upside down since you’ve known her. And the moment she finds true love, bam. What do you do? You step right in and try to take it away. If you love her like you claim you do, then step back, my brotha. Trust me, she and I are going to work this out, and when we do, man, I feel sorry for you.”

  “Collins, you are living in a fantasy world. You need to feel sorry for yourself and not me. And to think I used to have so much respect for you. You know damn well the reason you want to leave St. Louis is because you’re afraid of losing Nokea to me.

  “If you think you’re the true love of her life, then why do you feel threatened by me? I’ll be more than happy to answer that for you: it’s because every time you look at her, you get a vision of me being right next to her. When you’re making love to her, you feel my presence. It’s as if I’m right there with you. When she closes her eyes, you know who she sees.

  “All I’m saying is don’t fool yourself. Taking her many miles away ain’t gon’ make her love for me go away. She’s still going to feel the same way and you know it. So man up and face reality, punk.”

  He opened the door, asking me to exit. “Grow up and prepare yourself for a major loss,” he said. “We’ll soon see which way Nokea turns, won’t we? And when she chooses the better man, because she already has, I’ll be sure to send you a postcard, thanking you for fucking her over so badly so I could love her like she deserves to be loved. Now, get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back over here unless I ask you to.”

  “There’s no need for me to come back, Collins. You have nothing I want, or for that matter, nothing I can’t have. So adios, my brotha. Good luck to you on your move to Detroit, and try not to stay away too long this time. The last time you left, you failed to handle your business here, so I had to do it for you. Nokea didn’t mind, and like always, the pleasure was all mine.”

  I walked out and Collins slammed the door behind me. I laughed at the shit. Since I knew he would call Nokea to tell her about my visit, I waited for her to call. I had the phone in my hand, and no sooner than I hit Highway 40 going back to my house in Chesterfield, she called.

  “What are you trying to do to me?” she asked with a raised voice.

  “I’m trying to prevent you from fucking up your life. I stopped you once before, but this time I don’t know if I can save you.”

  “You don’t have what it takes to save me. I wish you would just back off, Jaylin. You continue to make things difficult for Collins and me, and I’m sick of it.”

  “Now, how did I make shit difficult for y’all by telling him my son wasn’t going with you?”

  “That’s not all you told him and you know it. So what, you and I had sex. Do you have to keep throwing it up in his face?”

  “You and I didn’t have sex; we made love, and Collins needs to know that. Especially since he thinks he’s going to run off with my damn son.”

  “Just like Scorpio needs to know it too, right? How would you like it if I told her what in the hell’s been really going on? She’s so darn excited about having your freaking baby, so how would you feel if I shattered her world?”

  “It wouldn’t bother me one bit because she already knows what she got. She ain’t tripping off of me fucking another woman.”

  “Fucking another woman, maybe not. Loving one, hell yes. Now, stay out of my business before I start making trouble for you.”

  Before I could say another word, her li’l sassy ass hung up on me. Again, I didn’t trip because I knew what time it was.

  When I got home, there wasn’t nothing but peace and quiet. Everybody was gone, so I went into my office and called Stephon.

  “What’s up?” I said. “Did you stop by to see me?”

  “Yeah, man. I kind of need a favor.”

  “I guess I already know where this conversation’s going.”

  “Damn, why you gotta be all like that?”

  “What’s the favor, Stephon?”

  “Man, with the economy being so bad, things getting kind of tight. The shop ain’t doing too good, and I’m two months behind on my rent. As for my bills, shit, I don’t even want to talk about those.”

  “What did you do with the money I gave you?”

  “Jay, you know two thousand dollars ain’t no money. I blew some of it at the club that night, tried to get caught up on some bills, and you know gas ain’t no joke. I wouldn’t even be in this predicament had I not paid almost ten grand for Mona’s engagement ring. I’ve been trying to get it back so I can pawn that motherfucker, but she refuses to give it to me.”

  “Well, right now, I can’t help you. All my money is tied up in investments. Check back with me in a month or so.”

  “Man, come on. All the money you got ain’t tied up in investments. Don’t even play me like that. I know you think this about some drugs, but it ain’t.”

  “I never said it was. All I said is I ain’t got it.”

  “Not even five grand?”

  “Stephon, look, last month I gave you exactly seven thousand two hundred fifteen dollars and twenty cents. That’s down to the penny. What in the hell you did with it, I don’t know. I’m not going to continue to waste my money like that. If you need some more money, I suggest that you seek another profession.”

  “See, I bet you don’t tell your bitch that. Sorry that I’m a man and I can’t fuck you like she do, but you wrong, Jay. How you gon’ do something for another motherfucker and I’m your damn cousin?”

  My brows scrunched in. “Man, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but something straight up got you tripping. Don’t you worry about what the fuck I do with my money. I ain’t giving your ass nothing. I’m tired of taking care of your grown ass, Stephon. Your banking institution has shut down.”

  There was a long pause before Stephon said anything. “You selfish son of a bitch. You gon’ need me one day. Fuck you and your money.”

  Stephon hung up on me. Two hang-up calls in one day and I was getting pretty pissed. Nokea and her bullshit was on my mind, and so was Stephon. I’d been doing just fine, and hadn’t had to go off on anybody in weeks, but these damn fools were itching to get scratched.

  By the time Scorpio came home, I headed out to get some shit off my chest. She asked where I was going, and I told her I’d be right back. I gave her a kiss and jetted.

  I drove to Nokea’s house. She opened the door with an attitude.

  “I’m not too thrilled to see you either,” I said after I walked in.

  “What is it, Jaylin? If you came all this way to argue, I don’t feel like it. If you came to see your son, he’s taking a nap.”

  “Then good. He don’t have to see me put my foot in your ass for hanging up on me.”

; Nokea walked over to the couch and plopped down. She crossed her legs and calmly spoke to me. “Stop being so vulgar and come sit down so we can talk.”

  “Okay, that’s better.” I walked over and sat next to her on the couch.

  “Jaylin, I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of going through this stuff with you. Why can’t you move on with your life and I move on with mine?”

  “We are moving on, Nokea. Look, you can’t expect for me to be happy about you moving away. I have too much to lose if you do. It’s as simple as that.”

  “You’re not going to lose your son, okay? I’ve already decided I’m not moving to Detroit. I told Collins that earlier, and now the ball is in his court.”

  “Good. Then I don’t have to take this conversation any further. I can go kiss my son right now and leave.”

  I went into LJ’s room and gave him a kiss. Before I got ready to leave, Nokea called my name.

  “What’s up?” I asked.


  “So, what? You wanna have sex before I go?”

  She smiled. “No, silly. Is Scorpio pregnant or not?”

  “Aw, that.” I walked back over to the couch and sat down. “Naw, not yet. She thought she was, but we got a little bit more work to do.”

  “Well, I’ll be glad when she gets pregnant so you can cut LJ some slack.”

  I motioned with my finger.”Come here,” I said. She came around the couch and stood in front of me. I grabbed her waist and tossed her on the couch. I lay on top of her and playfully kissed her cheeks, tickling her. “I am never going to cut my son any slack. You understand?”

  She laughed and tried to bite my face. I turned my head from side to side, then stopped to lick her face. She tried to wipe her face with her hands, but I held them above her head. She struggled to get away from my grip and laughed when she couldn’t. I licked her cheek again, but she kept turning her face from side to side.

  When my cell phone rang, we stopped playfully tussling, but I continued to hold her hands together. A blank stare came over my face and I stared into Nokea’s eyes. My dick was on the rise, and Nokea widened her legs so she could feel it. Our lips met up and we started to kiss.


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