My French Billionaire (In Bed with a Billionaire Book 5)

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My French Billionaire (In Bed with a Billionaire Book 5) Page 8

by Marian Tee

  At the billionaire’s nod, Kharis’ grandfather had continued, Then you understand what I’m asking of you?

  Ne. Yes.

  And he did.

  He understood that Paul had entrusted his granddaughter to him because the older man had no choice. And by giving his word, he had also assured Paul Stamos that Kharis’ innocence was safe with him.

  Or at least it was until she was eighteen, the billionaire thought. And that was assuming they were still together even then – and that he was still alive.

  “Christien?” Her soft voice drew him out of his thoughts and when he glanced at her over his shoulder, she asked, “What are you going to drink?”

  “Whisky.” It was her first time to ask him that, and a slightly disturbing thought occurred to the billionaire.

  He put the whisky bottle down and turned to face her again, saying carefully, “It just came to me that there are some things we haven’t talked about.” He gestured to the whisky bottle on top of the minibar. “I thought you should know I only drink socially. I’ve always known my limit, so if you’re worried about me being an alcoholic---” Her smile halted his words.

  “I just wanted to know more about you,” she said simply.


  “I’m sorry if that came out a little too defensive,” he apologized with a faint grimace. “This – whatever this is - is all new to me.”

  “It’s okay. It’s all new to me, too.”

  The smile that accompanied the words was still too fragile for his taste, and the billionaire found himself staring and wondering – what else could he do to make things go back the way they were?

  “Christien?” Her smile had turned quirky, and the billionaire couldn’t take his gaze off her. He had dreamt of her smiles, dreams that made him think her every smile was unique. Then, he had considered it a foolish illusion, but now that he finally had her back in his life---

  He realized it was true.

  “You’re staring at me again.” And this time, her smile was the picture of tender affection.

  How was it that she had a thousand smiles in her disposal? How was it that just when the billionaire thought he had seen it all, she would give him yet another smile to stare at? Was it because she embraced life, and life in turn had gifted Kharis the ability to torture men with her smiles?

  Recovering himself with an effort, he raised his glass, asking gruffly, “We’re good with this then?”

  “It’s never been a problem to start with,” she answered wryly. “I just don’t see you as the type to let go like that, you know?”

  “I’d like to think that’s a compliment,” he said silkily, “but on the other hand, your words also seem to imply you think I’m very controlling---”

  “Umm---” The look on her face was precious. It made her look like she had her hand caught in a cookie jar – when she hadn’t actually planned to steal any cookies in the first place.

  “It’s okay, little mutant.” And the billionaire’s lips curved into a smirk. “Because I am controlling, and I don’t plan to change.”


  Christien blinked.

  A moment later, Kharis’ face turned red and she squeaked in embarrassment. “Oh my God.” Her voice lowered into a mortified whisper. “Did I just say that out loud?”

  “Err…” He gave her an apologetic glance. “You did.”

  She let out another sound of embarrassment, this time a moan, and he laughed. He finished preparing his drink and brought Kharis a bottle of ice-cold water as he joined her on the couch.

  “Thank you.”

  But she was looking at him so speculatively as she spoke, and so he felt obliged to ask, “What is it?”

  “Can I have a sip of that?”

  Ah. He smiled at her. “No way in hell.”


  He shook his head and just to play it safe, he drank everything in one gulp before putting it down on the side table.

  She made a face when he turned back to her. “I can’t believe you did that. Shouldn’t you be choking now or something?”

  “I should be,” he agreed, “if I were an amateur about this.” He looked at her pointedly.

  She made a face again. “I can’t help being an amateur when no one’s letting me drink---”

  “You’re seventeen, Kharis.”

  “Like you didn’t drink when you were underage.”

  Christien flushed.

  “See?” she said triumphantly. “So I think it’s entirely hypocritical---”

  “It’s non-negotiable.”


  “How about I offer you something else?”

  “You can’t bribe me,” she huffed.

  The billionaire smirked. “Are you sure?”

  “Uh huh. You have no chance---”

  “Even if it’s a kiss I’m offering in exchange?”

  Her mouth snapped shut, her gaze turning wide-eyed. A moment later, and she slowly wetted her lips. The sight had the billionaire biting back a groan. Seduced by a teenage girl, he thought grimly, and she didn’t even know what she was doing.

  “Are you serious?” she whispered.

  “Have I ever lied to you?” She turned white and Christien swore in his mind, realizing too late she had misinterpreted his words as a dig at her. “I’m sorry.” He cupped her face before she could turn away from him. “Kharis.” But still her gaze avoided his. “It wasn’t any kind of dig.”

  Still not looking his way, she mumbled, “Even if it was, I deserved it---” Her words ended in a gasp when she suddenly found herself hauled to his lap. Her legs automatically adjusted, straddling him, and both of them stiffened when they felt her soft flesh pressing down against his crotch.

  And his very rigid and powerfully throbbing erection.

  “C-Christien?” Her tone was shaky and breathless, but her brown eyes were clouded with innocent need.

  “Do I have your attention now?” He barely managed to keep his voice level, with every cell of body rampaging in sexual need.

  She nodded vehemently.

  “Good. Before we talk about kissing, I think we should set some rules between us first.”

  “R-rules?” she stammered.

  “Yes.” His voice was flat. “Rules, and the first one being that we keep the past where it belongs. We only deal with the present, start with a clean slate, and that means me knowing you’re seventeen. We move on from there and from there alone. Do you understand?”

  Kharis slowly nodded.

  “Secondly---” His hands came to clasp her waist, and he felt her tremble against his touch. “I promised your grandfather your innocence is safe with me---”


  He grinned. “Disappointed?” Her red face was answer enough, and his grin widened. Pulling her closer, the billionaire brushed his mouth against her ear, whispering, “There’s no need to be.” His tongue licked the outline of her earlobe, and a whimper escaped her. “There’s still a lot of things we can do while you stay a virgin---”

  This time, she buckled against him, and Christien sucked in his breath, the movement having caused her breasts to press against his and her soft flesh to envelop his erection between her covered folds. It pulsed and throbbed, but instead of making Kharis pull away, she did the opposite.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, and then she began rubbing herself over his erection.

  What. The. Fuck.

  As his hands moved down to her hips, clamping around them to still her movements, it began to dawn on him that maybe he had been too rash in giving Kharis’ grandfather his word. Could he really last so long without touching her?

  Kharis looked up at him. “C-Christien?”

  He shook his head, saying roughly, “You can take the reins when you’re eighteen. But until then, I have to stay in control.” He gave her a humorless smile. “Or I’ll end up breaking my word---”

  “I don’t mind.”

  He bit back a groan. “And that�
��s exactly why I have to be in control. So at least one of us stays sane.”

  “But I really don’t---”


  She fell silent.

  “I didn’t know you were underage when we met. Had I known you were, I would never have let things go so far between us---”

  Sadness shadowed her gaze. “Does that mean,” she asked haltingly, “you regret what happened between us?”

  “I should. I wish I did.” His lips twisted. “But I don’t. Even if it makes me a monster in everyone’s eyes – I don’t give a damn.”

  A smile quivered on her lips. “I’m glad.”

  “Kharis.” Faint exasperation underlined the billionaire’s voice. “Don’t you have an ounce of self-preservation?”

  “Self-preservation has nothing to do with what we have. And besides---” She hesitated then lifting her chin, she said defensively, “I researched, okay? Sixteen is the age of consent in Connecticut---”

  “Enough.” He didn’t know whether to laugh or frown, another entirely new situation to be in, and once again he had Kharis to thank for that. “Be that as it may,” the billionaire said finally, “you’re still too young for me.”

  She surprised him with a flash of stubbornness, arguing, “Not in the eyes of the law.”

  And despite everything, it had the billionaire’s lips twitching. “Just so we’re clear – are your arguments all for the sake of getting me to have sex with you?”

  She blushed, and the billionaire released a mock sigh. “Do you see now? If just hearing me use the word ‘sex’ is enough to make you blush, then how do you expect me to take you seriously---”

  Her eyes flashed mutinously. “Like this.” And it was all the warning the billionaire got before Kharis suddenly cupped his face---

  What. The. Fuck.

  ---and covered his mouth with hers.

  The billionaire became absolutely rigid under her as Kharis’ soft lips slowly and hesitantly moved over his. He did his best to control himself, his fingers tightening around her hips, but when he felt her tongue slowly dart out to touch his lips---

  Ah, fuck it.

  His own lips parting, he muttered against her mouth, “This is how you kiss, baby girl.” The endearment slipped out of nowhere – he had never even thought of using the term with any other woman, but with his beautiful little mutant – it felt completely right.

  His mouth took over, and he slowly began to tutor his baby girl in the art of kissing. His tongue moved against hers, patiently and leisurely, until her tongue began to mimic his movements.

  He let the kiss go on at its own pace, but when he felt her start to relax, Christien took it as his cue to deepen the kiss. Hauling her closer until her breasts were smashed against his chest and her own throbbing flesh was right over his pulsing erection, he kissed her harder and deeper, and when she whimpered, he took that as another cue.

  He started sucking on her tongue and didn’t let up even when she moaned against his mouth. Instead he sucked harder until he felt her hands clutch his shoulders, her fingers digging into his back.

  It was another cue, and he pulled away, just enough to whisper roughly against her lips, “Do the same for me.”

  Shock flared in her eyes, but his smile was merciless, his tone commanding. “Suck on my tongue.”

  He pulled her back again as she whimpered, but the moment their mouths joined, she immediately did as asked. She sucked on his tongue shyly and hesitantly at first, but when she heard him groan, the sound seemed to give her confidence and she started sucking harder.

  It was arousing as hell, so damn arousing he knew he had to pull away---

  “Enough, baby girl.”

  She looked up at him in dismay, her eyes still clouded with passion.

  Seventeen. He had to remember she was still seventeen and he had to keep his hands off her.

  “D-Did I do something wrong?”

  “If wrong meant you’re driving me insane with desire---” A humorless smile touched his lips. “You were sure as hell wrong.”

  “Oh.” Color stole her cheeks, and a tentative smile touched her lips. “It was my first kiss.”

  Ah, fuck.

  Didn’t she know that saying things like that would only make a man want to fuck her more?

  Unable to help it, he kissed her hard, and although he had obviously caught her off guard, she didn’t pull away. Instead, her arms went back around his neck while her lips parted sweetly under his.

  It was harder to pull away this time, and by the time he managed to wrench his mouth from hers, both of them were panting.

  “We have to stop for now,” he said tautly. “I’m in danger of losing control.”

  She wetted her lips, and the sight of her tongue had his cock jerking under her folds. He wanted to suck on it, wanted it laving his cock –

  Ah God, that delicious tongue of hers would be his ruin.

  He placed one large hand on her cheek and sucked in his breath when she automatically held it to her, closing her eyes and rubbing her face against his palm like she was begging to be petted.

  Softly, sweetly, she said, “I’m yours again, aren’t I?”

  He pulled his hand out of her hold, and when her eyes fluttered open, he slowly traced her lips, which started to tremble at the feel of his touch.

  “Do you want to be mine?”

  Her eyes clung to his. “From the very start.”

  His chest clenched. “Then…”

  One of his fingers dipped into her mouth, and with her gaze still on him, she started sucking on his finger.

  His chest tightened even more.

  Maybe this still wasn’t love.

  But did it matter when whatever they had was just as good?

  “Mine,” he heard himself say.

  And Kharis sucked harder on his finger.

  “All of you is mine now.”

  For better or for worse.

  Or until Death persuaded him that it was time for them to part.

  Chapter 10

  They’re called the BBFs or boys with billion-dollar funds. Rich, gorgeous, and sexy – this group of six men may look no different from their peers on paper. But dig a little deeper and you realize there’s so much more to them than meets the eye. While most boys their age lose themselves in drugs and alcohol, the BBFs have taken an entirely different path from the start. They party hard, sure, but they work just as hard, and their growing self-made fortunes are proof of it.

  There’s Derek Christopoulos, whom everyone expects to eventually follow the rest of his family in politics. On the other hand, the Christakos twins – Nick and Jason – have long made their mark in the corporate arena while the so-called Prince of Darkness, Reid Chalkias, remains on the top of every NBA scout’s wish list, despite having hung up his jersey even before graduating from college. Nathan Callis, on the other hand, is hailed as the only legitimate supermodel of his generation, while Christien di Luca is touted as one of the world’s youngest entrepreneurs.

  They’re the world’s most eligible bachelors, no doubt.

  And so the all-important question is: do YOU have what it takes to snag a BBF?

  This was followed by a supposed list of likes and dislikes for each of his friends, with the criteria based on the analyses of several dating experts.

  What a load of crap, Christien thought in disgust as he threw the tabloid in the trash.

  Anyone who wasted time reading this was an idiot---

  His phone vibrated, and he immediately tapped on the screen when he saw that the message was from Kharis.

  So…there’s this tabloid piece I just read.

  And of course, his girlfriend had to be one of those idiots. The thought stilled his fingers, which had been in the act of speed-dialing Kharis’ number.


  Did he really have a girlfriend – and a seventeen-year-old at that?

  The fact had the billionaire wincing, and soon other worrisome details of the relat
ionship had forced their way to his mind. It had been a month since Nightmare’s launch, which meant it also had been a month since he had last seen Kharis. While he had striven to answer all her texts no matter the time, Christien had found himself dodging her calls.

  And the worst thing about it was that he didn’t even know why he was doing it.

  His phone vibrated in his hand again, and it was another text from Kharis.

  Kharis: There’s no mention of you having a girlfriend.

  Christien: We talked about this before. I want you to have a normal life, and that’s exactly what you won’t have if the press learns about you.

  Kharis: But I want them to know you’re mine!

  His lips twitched, thinking that the words were definitely spoken like a seventeen-year-old. It was downright childish, but it was also cute as hell, and he knew even if he were given a choice, he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  And didn’t that make him an idiot as well?

  Christien: I am yours. I know I’m yours. Shouldn’t that be the only thing that matters?

  Kharis: Spoken like a player.

  Christien: You know I’m not one.

  Kharis: Do I, really? I thought I knew you, but these days I feel like I know you less and less.

  Christien: Are you picking a fight with me?

  Kharis: You’re the one who’s thinking that, not me.

  Which meant she was, the billionaire translated. And he didn’t know what to do or even how to feel about it. No woman had ever tried picking a fight with him, not even Karolina.

  Deciding that as the older one, he had to take the higher road about this, Christien started typing his reply again.

  Christien: I’m sorry the tabloid piece is troubling you. Unfortunately, this type of trash will always be a part of my life. And while I would like nothing better than for the world to know that I’m yours, doing so will mean you’ll be subjected to such trash as well.


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