John: The Senior Killer

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John: The Senior Killer Page 10

by Robert Waggoner

  Sitting on the top of small twenty foot stack, a nice view was had. The incoming tide felt and looked powerful as the small waves made their way inland. The sun rising out of the east cast a dark blue against the ocean and a deep brown where the waves sucked back to make another run at the beach giving evidence of the strong rip tide. Along the sand dunes evidence of powerful storms lies against the dunes. Large trees and logs like white skeletons mixed with small pieces of driftwood were tightly bunched against the sand hills. From her position on top of the stack, Wendy could see just the top of the Round House on the bluff. Fronting the bluff from north to south short grasses long since turned brown swayed in the light ocean breeze. The usual strong smell of salt and decaying seaweed was only slightly as the breeze was mostly bringing fresh air to her nose. What a beautiful place, she thought as Brad climbed down with Jones following.

  Standing on the beach next to the stack Brad brought out two red handkerchiefs from his small backpack. He made up both into a blindfold and first to go was Agent Jones. No words were necessary as Jones began his accent of the stack. Slowly he went as it was evident he didn’t know exactly what or where to place his hands and feet. It took him fully twenty minutes to reach the top. He knew better than to take off the blindfold and made his way back down the stack to the beach. When he reached the sand he took off the blindfold and was totally out of breath. He said, “Now that was a challenge, ’ and grinned at Wendy whose turn it was next.

  Blindfold in place, she began her climb. She was intelligent and had tried to memorize the hand and foot holds along the way. However, only about five feet up the stack she didn’t have a clue where she was going. It took her almost an hour up and down the stack. To the both of them, with a surprised look on their faces when Brad said they did excellent for the first time climbing blind.

  Wendy regretted later when she blurted out like a smart ass challenging Brad to the task. Brad gave her a blindfold and turned around so she could fit it to his head. She loved the way his hair felt, so soft and thick. An electric current shot its way between her legs and then she spun him around to make sure he didn’t peek! Brad asked her if she was satisfied with the blindfold and when she said yes, he turned a quarter ways around and up and down the stack he went like a monkey up a tree. Not one minute had passed before he was standing on the sand in front of her. She pretended to pout as she took off running back to the house. Brad and Jones went for a run and didn’t return for over an hour. By then it was close to ten am before the high pitch of the alarm and lights went on announcing their arrival.

  Billy was waiting for them to come back standing next to the door smoking like a winter chimney. He followed them in talking a mile a minute about signs and numbers.

  Brad, Wendy heard from the wooden table by the window where she was talking to Sujin and drinking coffee, tell Billy that after breakfast they would all get together for a talk. Mike had left for his home and told Sujin to call him if they needed him. If not he would stick around his farm for a day or two to catch up on some work.

  The phone rang just after they finished with breakfast. Brad took the portable down to the basement while the rest of them, minus Billy who was having his dessert outside talking to Rocky, sat drinking tea and discussing the case. It must have been an important call as it was fully a half hour before he returned with an abnormal scowl on his face. Sujin made him a fresh cup of tea as he sat back down on the floor. He took a couple sips of the tea and remarked how good it was and gave his wife a look of love.

  Wendy was jealous she had such a man and longed for a relationship like theirs. She’d chosen a career over a relationship and now was starting to regret it. Snap out of it she said to herself. She was still young and attractive as some of her dates had told her. Oh well, get back to reality girl and concentrate on doing the job she was an expert at.

  Brad looked at each one of the team and then said, “We are going to have visitors here by tomorrow morning. Steve will bring the new FBI special agent Nancy for a meeting to discuss the case and our new development concerning the ‘A’ towns. Meanwhile let’s take the day to do our own research and at dark let’s have a sit down to discuss what we think might be important to the case.”

  Wendy and agent Jones sat there digesting what he said and wondering what tomorrow would bring.

  John Mitchell, a.k.a. Clyde Walker sat in his easy chair with his laptop glancing at the TV news and looking at a map of Washington state of Goggle Earth. Listening to the weather forecast it would continue to snow. A record amount of snow was forecast for the winter and Clyde loved to hear it. He knew few tourists would venture to come to this slowly snow bound town.

  Then he heard the newscaster say they had a special press conference about the serial killer known as the “Senior Killer.” His ears perked up and he saw the camera switch to a room where a tall woman was standing looking very serious. He slowly closed the laptop and focused on the screen. The announcer was saying that the press conference was hosted by the special agent in charge of the case of the serial killer.

  The camera zoomed in on the woman who began to speak. “My name is special agent Nancy Longstreet. I was appointed by the Director of the FBI to lead the search for the serial killer known by the media name of “The Senior Killer.” I will make a brief statement and then take your questions one at a time. First we know his name and where he worked and where he was raised as a child. We also know what the murder weapon is and we have concrete evidence of where he might strike again. We have over five hundred agents on this case and we will find this animal and put him in custody soon. Now I will take some questions.”

  “Yes, the man in front.”

  “What is his name and where did he work?”

  “His name is John Mitchell and he worked for a film company in Hollywood.”

  “The lady in the back,”

  “Thank you for this press conference and your first details of the case. I would like to know where he was born and where he was raised; and if you know the location what transpired when you investigated it?”

  “He was born in Olympia and lived east of the capital on a farm. He has one brother living who appears mentally retarded and no doubt the killer has serious mental problems. We believe we interviewed the suspect, but his disguise led us to think he was the brother. We have since found a secret room under the kitchen where evidence tells us it was used to lock up the children. That would account for our profilers stating our killer was abused as a child or as even a young adult.”

  A shouting question came from the front, “Madam, if you had an interview with the suspect, why is it he is not in custody?”

  “Unfortunately, another government agency was conducting the interview and decided to let him go and put a watch on the farm. Subsequently, he escaped and we have no idea where he might be now. But from the cryptogram of random letters we think he will strike again in the future starting with the letter “A” in the phrase: ‘Catch me if you can’.” Now, one last question.”

  “Ms. Longstreet, as I understand it, the FBI is working together with another government agency and if that is true, who and what are they. Is it part of Homeland Security?”

  “No it is not part of Homeland Security. It is a loosely held group of individuals consulting with the FBI. The head of the group is an ex-military man by the name of Brad Pratt. No more questions and thank you for coming.”

  “Jesus H. Christ,” Brad shouted in his room with Sujin. They had been alerted to the press conference by Steve. Steve told them to remain cool and he would see them in the morning. “Can you believe this? She has spilled the beans and now this guy knows who I am. What is God’s name was she thinking about. I will kill the bitch.”

  Sujin had never before seen him this angry. He was pacing around the room like a caged animal. Rocky was on the bed with her and he lay with his head in her lap whining. Finally Brad quit ranting and put on his running gear and left the house with Rocky hot on his heels.

  The rest of the team had been watching the news conference in another room. Half way through Billy told them that the shit was going to hit the fan and a few minutes later they heard Brad shouting and feet running up the stairs. Everyone was afraid to move or say something. Agent Jones couldn’t believe his ears that this agent in charge gave away evidence that should never be made available to the press. All knew the more the killer found out the harder it would be to catch him. Jones felt that this was a giant setback to their plans and the ability to catch this guy. Wendy later agreed with him and both wondered what was going to happen the next day when this witch came for the meeting. They all found out about two hours later when Brad fresh from a hard run, took a shower and used the phone in the center hub for all to listen while he call Steve in Seattle.

  “Steve,” he said quietly into the phone. “If you come anywhere near this house with her I will kill her and feed her to the crabs. Under no uncertain terms bring that person here. I will not be responsible for my actions to protect my property and family and that includes my team,” and he hung up. The team clapped their hands and a thought went through agent Jones’s head: what will happen now he wondered? Well, I’m just along for the ride and the experience and too low on the ladder to be drug into an interdepartmental squabble.

  It was close to midnight when the phone rang on Brad’s private line. The story was told about the phone call to the team at breakfast the next morning after their early morning run. Brad told them that Nancy Longstreet had been raked over the coals and would Brad meet them in a neutral location. Brad agreed only if the governor of California, Oregon and Washington were at the meeting along with the Director of the FBI at his father’s house in Palm Springs in two days’ time. “He will call me before noon today with an answer.”

  Two days later Brad and Sujin flew to Palm Springs. His mother was excited her daughter in law was coming. She also knew an important meeting was scheduled and that didn’t faze her at all. Just another in a line of important meetings she thought. Talking about grandkids was vastly more important than an ole meeting between bunches of gray haired old men.

  Brad was with his father behind closed doors in the study. Sujin and Brad’s mother sat under an umbrella by the pool drinking fresh fruit juice. Brad’s mother, whose name was Gwen, was saying, “I hate to be blunt my dear, but you know we would really like to have a grandchild. We see little of you and forgive my intrusion upon your private affairs.”

  Sujin noticed a kindly look in her mother in law’s eyes and took a deep breath and said, “Well you won’t have to wait much longer Mrs. Pratt, I’m pregnant and we just found out last night after taking a pregnancy test.” Tears ran down Gwen’s cheeks and she held her summer dress tight against her neck like someone would steal her next words.

  “Oh Sujin, does your mother know yet? I’m just beside myself with happiness and I can’t wait to tell Phillip. He will be so proud. Of course he would want a boy, but I will take what God gives us,” she said with undying gratitude. She felt her life was complete now and so many thoughts ran through her head. She and Phillip had discussed moving to Florida, but now they would postpone and wait until the baby was born. Palm Springs was much closer than Florida and they would want to be near their grandchildren. The girls sat at the pool for a long time talking about babies and what if it was a girl and what if it was a boy.

  Meanwhile tension in the air in the study was so thick it was like the tall rough at the U.S. Open golf tournament. You would have to hack your way through the tension entering the room.

  In the room sat Brad, Steve and the governor of California. They were waiting for the others to arrive and he meeting was scheduled for one pm. It was now just before noon and the discussion centered on what Brad thought the killer would do next and the question of what to do with special agent Nancy Longstreet. Brad told them the ‘A’ theory about the cities in Washington, but now that the cat was out of the bag, would the Senior Killer change his plans or would he be brazens enough to go through with his plan right in front of the FBI.

  Brad’s father cautioned his son on overreacting and to let the powers to be handling the chain of command to decide what to do. Steve agreed and Brad said he would let it develop for the time being. Then a knock on the door announced lunch was served in the dining room.

  Gwen couldn’t help but tell her husband the good news at the lunch table. He took the news in stoic stride and the governor shook Brad’s hand and gave him a hug. Brad’s face was red and Sujin had downcast eyes as were her Asian culture traditional custom. Once the excitement slowly diminished lunch was served. After lunch the men sat at the pool and drank coffee or tea waiting for the others to arrive. At one o’clock the two governors of Oregon and California arrived and just after that, the FBI director and Nancy Longstreet made their appearance.

  The meeting took place around the large dining room table. Brad’s father took his usual place at the head and the others sat where they wanted. The Director took the other end of the table with Nancy, eyes on fire, sat next to him. Brad was next to his father with Steve across from him. Steve stood up and was about to say something when the doorbell rang. A minute of silence and a knock on the door produced two men in black suits announcing they were secret service and would it be permitted to check the house as the president of the United States waited in his limo. Everyone looked at one another and just the smallest of a grin on Brad’s face was never seen by anyone.

  Phillip and the all the rest of them including Nancy stood up and waited for the president to enter the room. He didn’t wait for the secret service to check the house out and strode in with his usual confident self. He shook hands with everyone except the FBI director and Nancy, but he did acknowledge her presence. He wasted no time as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Phillip and asked that all be seated. Phillip drew his chair off to the side a little ways to give the president the head of the table. The president spoke.

  “None of you here, save the Director and Steve have any idea the pressure of the serial killer has put me under. My advisors tell me the press conference the other night damaged our investigation and put one of our agencies under the spotlight. I gave you, Mr. Director specific instructions to work with Brad’s team. You were observed to have spent less than three minutes at the breakfast meeting leaving your special agent and Brad to work out what needed to be discussed. I find this intolerable and a gross dereliction of duty forgetting you direct orders from me and your sworn testimony of the office you hold. Now Mr. Director I expect to have your letter of resignation on my desk by today eight o’clock Eastern Time. You are now excused from this meeting and Ms. Longstreet you will remain here as I’m not through just yet.”

  The FBI Director’s mouth was hanging open as was Nancy who finally realized what a gross mistake she and the Director had made. She realized there was no way out and she would be on the street by this time tomorrow. The former Director left as a car waited for him at the curb. In the meantime, the president was talking to Brad off in the corner of the room close to his ear. Only a minute passed and one could see Brad’s head nod a yes to whatever the president was saying. They all sat back down and the president continued his speech.

  “You all know and I don’t have to tell you how important this is to the citizens of this country. I will tolerate no more mistakes and from this point on the person in charge of this case are Brad Pratt and his team. Nancy,” and her mouth fell open again and she looked through terrified eyes at the president, “you will go with Brad to a place of his choosing and I will give you twenty seconds to decide that he will be your boss and if you cross the line one more time, you will, as I heard that Brad mentions you would be crab food, I will let him carry out that threat with my approval.” At that he waited for her to respond and it wasn’t long in coming.

  “I will agree to your terms and do my best for my country.” The president with his beady eyes stared at her to make sure she realized he was giving her a chance to redee
m herself and left the room, but not without shaking hands with the others and surprisingly Nancy’s too.

  It was then Brad stood up and said, “let me fill you in on our plan and then we will let Nancy fill us all in on current developments, if any.” Brad then told them of the ‘A’ plan, but not the details. He further told them this was only a best guess scenario and it had a forty percent chance of being correct. He went to say, “We have no idea what he will do now that the press conference is over and he has added information from which to either change his plan or maybe he will throw it in our faces.”

  For the next thirty minutes discussions were heard around the table and when it came to Nancy, she told them no new developments had occurred in the last few days. At that the meeting was over and the governors departed for their respective agendas. After seeing them out the door, Brad told Nancy to follow him and they went to the side of the pool for some much needed air and refreshments. Brad didn’t realize how tall she was. She was as tall as his six foot plus height. She walked a little awkward due to her height and had a slump to her shoulders from walking slouched over self-conscience of her height when young, he thought.

  Sitting down at the pool side he noticed she was visibly shaking. I guess I might be too if the president fired my boss and then gave me only seconds to make a career decision, or most likely be thrown to the wolves for dinner. Let’s see what she is made of, he thought. The maid brought them fresh juice and they sat there quietly for a few minutes as she stared at the juice in her hands. Finally she lifted her head and Brad noticed her eyes still held a contemptible look. It was then he knew she might not make it, but maybe with Wendy’s help and agent Jones she might turn out an asset rather than a liability.


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