State's Evidence: A Beverly Mendoza Legal Thriller

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State's Evidence: A Beverly Mendoza Legal Thriller Page 2

by Flowers, R. Barri

  Instead, mindful they were somewhere where noise could be easily heard, she managed barely more than a whimper. While still holding his throbbing erection, Beverly looked Grant ravenously in the eye. “Condom?”

  He removed one from his pocket and placed it in her palm, content to see her take the lead. She quickly removed the foil and slid the latex over him and climbed atop Grant’s sturdy hips, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Beverly inserted him inside her. “Make love to me,” she demanded in a desperate voice, the sense of urgency spreading across her body like a bolt of lightning.

  “It would be my pleasure, baby,” he husked, and held onto her slender waist while plunging himself deep into her as she absorbed the thrusts while slamming herself back against him with equal zest.

  Her orgasm came quickly and a second one shortly thereafter at about the same time that Grant climaxed with a rush of breath and a violent shudder. Both were breathing heavily, and Beverly could feel Grant’s heartbeat pounding as they clung to one another till the experience had come to a mouths smacking, bodies perspiring, satisfying conclusion.

  “We need to win as a team more often,” Grant said contentedly, giving Beverly another long kiss.

  She kissed him back and climbed off him. “That may not be possible,” she teased, “if you’re a judge.”

  “True,” he said, removing the condom and zipping his pants. “But look at the bright side, baby. When and if that day ever comes, just imagine what fun you and I could have in the judge’s chambers.”

  Beverly pushed him playfully. “You’re insatiable!” She put her clothes back into place; then brushed her hair.

  He laughed. “And you’re not?”

  She blushed. “Maybe it’s the effect you have on me, darling, that makes me crave your body.”

  He chuckled again. “I have been known to have that effect on women.”

  “Oh, really?” Beverly met his eyes with a touch of jealousy. As far as she knew they were exclusive. If they weren’t on the same page there, she wanted to find out before this went any further.

  Grant sensed that he’d used the wrong choice of words and quickly sought to rectify that. The last thing he wanted was to ruin this relationship, something he’d managed to do too easily in the past. Only none of the previous women in his life could hold a candle to Beverly Mendoza and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “What’s important is that this is the first time it’s really meant something to me,” he said in earnest. “I don’t take that lightly, Bev, and I’m definitely not looking at anyone else.”

  She smiled, feeling a sense of relief and maybe a little left over insecurity. “But you will tell me if you change your mind.”

  “I won’t change my mind,” he promised. Not as long as there’s the possibility that we can really go somewhere with this.

  “Neither will I,” she added. She was enjoying his company more than she had any man’s company in some time. She was in no hurry to ruin a good thing.

  Grant straightened his tie. “So how about if I take you out to dinner for a victory celebration? Sex always leaves me famished.”

  “Can’t,” Beverly said apologetically, putting fresh lipstick on after he had taken it all off. “I promised Jaime pizza tonight.” She couldn’t help but think that though only twelve, her son sometimes seemed like he was twenty-five with his maturity and rapidly growing body.

  Grant grinned wistfully. “Did I tell you that I love pizza?” And would love to get to know your son better, if you’ll let me.

  Beverly squirmed guiltily, knowing he wanted more than what they had. And so did she. But right now her son was still her top priority. As were his feelings on the subject.

  “Jaime just needs a little time adjusting to someone else in my life,” she offered contritely.

  Grant looked like a wounded puppy. “How much time does he need—the rest of your life?”

  Beverly touched her nose thoughtfully. “Not much longer, Grant,” she hoped. “It’s been just the two of us for so long, he’s trying to come to terms with the fact that someone else is now in my life who’s very important to me.”

  Beverly realized that along with wanting to protect Jaime, she was also trying to protect herself, from being hurt and abandoned, as they had been by his father.

  Grant furrowed his brow while trying to be understanding. “Seems to me it’s time you let someone else take down that wall you’ve built around the boy.”

  “Please be patient, Grant,” Beverly implored softly, not wanting to spoil what just happened by applying too much pressure either way. “I just want what’s best for everyone—you included.” She kissed him on the mouth. “Call me.”

  Even as she said that, Beverly knew that it sounded like she was afraid of commitment. Was she? Not that Grant had ever suggested he wanted a commitment in so many words. Or maybe she was confused over the terms commitment and exclusivity. Didn’t they mean the same thing in a relationship? Like her, Grant had been married once before. He had no children and didn’t seem entirely comfortable at the prospect of ever marrying again. But she was pretty sure he cared for her, beyond their sexual compatibility.

  Beverly wondered if that was that enough to constitute a real and trusting relationship at the end of the day—a relationship that included her son as an intricate part of the team.

  Would it ever be enough?

  * * *

  Grant showed Beverly out the door, waved good-bye, and settled back into his office musingly. She was the first woman he’d been with who gave as much as she took—both sexually and as a prosecutor. He was damned glad to have her on his side in both departments.

  Should he be offered a judgeship, as expected, it would be all the more reason for them to mesh, without the competitive thing as trial lawyers that brought them together and could potentially tear them apart.

  Grant’s focus shifted to other issues on his mind. He picked up the phone and buzzed his secretary.

  “Get the D.A. on the line,” he ordered.

  A moment later, the heavy voice said, “Yeah, Grant, what’s up?”

  He sighed and glanced out the window musingly. “We need to talk—”


  He watched from the bushes as she left the office building, wearing an aqua jogging suit that looked a size too large on her streamlined frame. He watched as she sucked in a deep breath of the cool October air and then stretched her limbs in preparation for what was a normal jog through the park across the street. She always ran alone, almost as if she considered company an invasion of her privacy.

  That played right into his hands because he liked to do his thing alone, too.

  A slight rustle of the bushes off to the side of the building drew her attention. For an instant in the waning sunlight, he saw fear in her face and thought he’d been detected. But that fear disappeared when she apparently decided it was nothing but the wind.

  He sighed and maintained his low position, careful not to even twitch. He watched as she glanced up at a window. The light was on and the blinds were closed. If she expected someone to open them, she was disappointed. She seemed to become deeply absorbed in thought for a moment or two, before crossing the parking lot in a lazy jaunt.

  He gave her a couple of minutes to enter the park, and then emerged from his hideaway. Looking around, he saw no one. Good. Now it was just him and her.

  Like an addict needing a fix, he pursued her eagerly, fully expecting to be relieved of his urge.

  She was in excellent shape, he admitted to himself, trailing her from a short distance as she moved at a brisk pace. But so was he. He had been lifting weights and running for years in his determination to stay fit and firm. It was the best way to survive on the streets and in the joint, if it came down to that.

  For now fitness would serve him well in tracking down someone who had become his sole obsession of late.

  The park was very quiet this evening. It was almost as if others h
ad decided to stay at home, so as not to get in her way.

  Or his.

  Slowly, but surely, he began to close the distance between them. When she realized he was behind her, she instinctively increased her speed, determined to simply outrun him. But he countered, moving even faster, his long legs giving him the advantage. His blood was pumping like crazy and he loved the feeling. It was like building up to a mind-blowing climax. The climb was always more rewarding than the result, he knew.

  Not that the result would be disappointing. On the contrary, it would be very satisfying.

  After all, she had been targeted for death. And now it was time to wipe the slate clean.

  Collect his just rewards.

  She tried to dart in a different direction amidst tall, old Douglas fir trees, as if he somehow would simply bypass her altogether. Anticipating such, he had countered her move with one of his own, taking a short cut to beat her to the clearing on other side of the park.

  She didn’t realize it, but the dumb bitch had run right into his trap like a rat.

  They came face to face and he saw the stark terror in her baby blue eyes. He even detected a hint of recognition as she tried to make out his face. His eyes. His sly grin. His taut, virile body.

  He pulled out a switchblade, springing it open and moving it from hand to hand with the ease of a magician.

  He might have pitied her, had he not applauded himself for a job soon to be well done. They had reached the point of no return. At least she had.

  The fun this night was only beginning.

  * * *

  Sheldon Crawford huffed and puffed while atop his wife, Maxine, feeling as if he had run out of breath. He was getting too damned old for this. But at the same time, he was determined to keep up with her. A daunting task indeed. She was twenty years his junior and in her sexual prime. Meaning she wanted to be satisfied constantly and had esoteric tastes that at times tested his limits, ability, and stamina. Not his resolve, though. The worst thing he could do was ignore his young wife’s needs, causing her to leave him for a younger man as his first wife had done.

  Sheldon gazed into Maxine’s brown eyes staring up at him from her beautiful butterscotch complexioned face. He nibbled on one of her large breasts, as she loved him to do. She winced and then murmured, taking his cheeks between her hands and attacking his mouth with fervor in hard kisses.

  He propelled himself deeper into her splayed legs, feeling her constrict around him. She clawed at his back and he grunted from the pain, even while their kissing intensified.

  “I’m coming...” Maxine warned him, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Don’t stop, darling.”

  Sheldon couldn’t even if he wanted to. He heard a muffled cry as Maxine seemed to feed off his orgasm to release her own. His chest heaved against her flattened breasts and they climaxed together and loudly, as the sounds of sexual gratification took center stage.

  Afterwards Sheldon collapsed onto Maxine’s body, keeping most of his weight on his knees so as not to crush her. He was exhausted, but gratified in the knowledge that he had pleased her. As a judge, he wanted only to please himself and his brand of justice. Sometimes he would bend the rules, if called for in the name of law and order—or the preservation of his career and satisfying certain obligations.

  But as a man, he wanted to feel needed and loved. Maxine gave that to him. More than anyone had before. So the least he could do was provide her the financial and physical comforts she deserved.

  Sheldon had barely felt her warm breath upon his cheek when a sharp pop rang through the air like a firecracker. A millisecond later he experienced a dull pain in his back. There was a piercing scream, which almost sounded as though it were coming from a distant place. Then he realized that it had come from the person beneath him.

  Sheldon Crawford had been shot before, back in Vietnam. It was an experience you never forgot. He had been caught in an ambush and took two bullets in the chest. Both had missed his heart by scant inches. He had considered it divine intervention, and promised himself that he would make something out of the second life he had been given.

  That life had carried him to the judicial bench, where he had presided over the scum who threatened to one day become free to wreak havoc on the lives of other innocent victims. Not if he could help it. He didn’t believe violent criminals could ever be rehabilitated. Not in his court. They needed to be kept behind bars as long as possible to ensure public safety. And be punished severely for their crimes.

  But even with the best of intentions in his heart, Sheldon knew that these desires sometimes came into conflict with powerful forces beyond his control.

  In the process of passing judgment over others, Sheldon Crawford had come to believe he was somehow secure from the very dangers he devoted his life to fighting.

  He was wrong.

  The second scream roared into his ear like a siren gone out of control even as Sheldon felt another sharp pain explode into his body. He kept a loaded .357 Magnum in the nightstand, but had never had to use it before. And though now in excruciating pain, he knew that it was the only chance he or Maxine had to survive this night.

  But his assailant, seemingly toying with him, allowed the judge to crawl halfway out of bed and lunge for the nightstand, before firing another bullet at point blank range. This one hit Sheldon Crawford in the face, killing him instantly.

  * * *

  Maxine Crawford, immobilized by fear, watched incredulously as half her husband’s head separated from his body in something akin to a horror movie. Without time to even contemplate the terror she had just witnessed or the fact that she was now fully exposed for the shooter to see, Maxine could only think that she was next to die. She was utterly powerless to do anything about her seemingly unchangeable fate as a witness to an execution, but pray like she never had before.

  Through a shaft of diminishing sunlight filtering through the window, Maxine was afforded a surprisingly clear look at the killer, lessened somewhat by the tearful haze of her eyes.

  She took an instant to study the person that stood at the foot of the bed like he was standing guard. He was a Hispanic male in his early thirties, powerfully built, and short. He had coarse black hair; dark, frightful eyes that never took themselves off her nakedness, and a scowl that almost seemed to be a wicked smile.

  Wearing gloves, he held the gun at his side like in an old Western movie and she wondered why he had not lifted it and pulled the trigger by now.

  Suddenly all she could think about was that she wanted to live and see another day. She’d worked too hard to get what she had for it all to end like this.

  Commanding her mouth to speak, Maxine said in a desperate whisper, “Please, don’t kill me...”

  The man said nothing, but continued to enjoy his voyeuristic show at her expense, grinning. She wanted to cover up with the satin sheets, but did not want to provoke him.

  He moved to the side of the bed and she saw that his mouth had become a scowl. He raised the gun and pointed it at her.

  “Please,” she gasped helplessly. “I don’t want to die.”

  “Well, you’re gonna die, bitch!” His words were hollow and menacing.

  Maxine felt she had reached the point of no return, just as Sheldon had moments earlier. There was apparently no reasoning with a cold-blooded murderer.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to imagine how painful death would be.

  Would she even know when she was dead?

  Was Sheldon aware that he had gone to the other side?

  Would there be the light at the end of the tunnel or would they both drift off into some horrible abyss, uncertain as to where or why?

  Then Maxine heard her husband’s killer say in a chilling tone, “But not yet...”

  * * *

  He stared at the good-looking black chick on the bed. Raven hair in box braids formed a halo around her frightened face. Pouty lips had suddenly been silenced. Her breasts and body glistened from sex, and her
long, lean legs were still spread wide as though her old man was still on top of her. He could only imagine how hard the good judge had to work to satisfy her. On the other hand, he was younger, hungrier, and definitely more energetic for the task.

  In truth, it had been a while since he’d had a woman, at least not one who looked like her. The notion turned him on like a dam ready to burst. Only he intended to do so inside the bitch’s mouth and vagina. He glanced at the bloody corpse on the floor, while thinking, There sure as hell ain’t nobody gonna stop me from taking what I want from the lady.

  She certainly couldn’t stop him, not even when he took the gun out of her face.

  Who knows, she might even enjoy what they were about to do.

  He knew he would. Every lingering moment of it.


  They went through an entire large pizza, loaded with cheese, sausage, and pepperoni. Beverly managed to get in a couple of pieces before Jaime literally took over, gobbling down chunks like a garbage disposal. Normally she would have drawn the line after maybe three pieces, tops. She had been concerned about his increasing diet of junk food and a cholesterol level that was already too high. But she had promised Jaime that he could have anything he wanted if he got a B on his math test. And he had gone one better, acing it with an A.

  Beverly considered Jaime the best mistake she had ever made. She had never intended to get pregnant at age twenty. She was hardly more than a child bride herself. But her birth control had inexplicably failed her that night; just as Jaime’s father had failed her when he found out she was pregnant.

  Diego Mendoza was as charming a Latino as they came, making Beverly fall for him with barely more than his shiny red Corvette and dreams of a bright future with her. But it all turned out to be false dreams when the going got tough. He wanted her to have an abortion. When she refused, he got scared of his responsibility and ran away. That was the last she ever saw of Diego.

  Beverly had raised her son alone, no small task with law school and mostly low paying jobs to make ends meet along the way. But they had both survived, if not thrived, and Beverly could not imagine her life without Jaime. Though she knew the day would come when he would have his own family.


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