The Big Ohhh

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The Big Ohhh Page 19

by Ashton, Nikki

  “Oh no, that’s awful. I didn’t realise his brother was disabled.”

  “Yeah, he fell from a balcony and damaged his spine, so he’s in a wheelchair.”

  Dad shook his head. “It must be difficult for him to juggle everything then; his brother, his job, and you.”

  I hated feeling it, but the fact that Dad had put me last on the list made me feel a little jealous, which was awful because I’d only been in Charlie’s life for three weeks, so it was quite right that I came down the pecking order of his priorities, but I really liked him and wanted to spend more time with him.

  “Yeah, it is,” I sighed and gave my dad a barely there smile.

  “You know Willow,” he said as he tapped my shoulder with his pen. “There are things you can do if you don’t have much time together.”

  Oh no, he was about to ‘therapy’ me, I knew it.


  “Hear me out. A quickie can often be just as satisfying, if not more, than a long sex session with lots of foreplay or-.”


  I wanted him to shut up because I was annoyed and as per usual when he pissed me off, he had quickly gone from being Dad to Ivan.

  “If you’re sex life isn’t what it should be, it’s probably because he has the constant worry of his brother. You simply need some time away, just you two.”


  “Or, I tell you what is tremendously sexy if you don’t get much time together, phone sex.”

  I huffed and stormed away, Ivan the Fucking Terrible trailing behind me.

  “Honestly, it’s very erotic and-.”

  “Mum,” I called as I walked away. “Tell Ivan, he’s interfering again.”

  “I could give you a book on it…”

  Stroking gently through underwear can be very sexy and a huge turn on – but don’t give your partner a wedgie, it’ll kill the mood.

  * * *


  I flopped back on my bed and pinched the bridge of my nose, entirely pissed off that I hadn’t seen or spoken to Willow in almost four days. Johnny had been pretty sick with the cold virus that he’d got so I’d even taken a few days holiday from work to look after him.

  Finally, though, he seemed to be feeling a lot better and had even managed to eat something today, which was a bonus. He was currently in bed watching a film, so I decided to leave him to it and maybe give Willow a call. I knew she’d be home because she finished early on a Wednesday as they did an early morning surgery.

  When I picked up my phone, nerves started to get the better of me. I had no idea whether she was pissed at me for bailing on her on Saturday night, or even if we were still a thing. For all I knew she might have been so pissed off with me and the fact that I snapped at her, she may well have dumped me and was waiting for me to call so she could tell me.

  I hoped I was wrong as I punched at my phone and called her number. It rang for a while and right when I was expecting voicemail to kick in, she answered it.

  “Hey, you,” she said, with a bright tone. “How’s Johnny?”

  I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly as relief seeped through me that she seemed okay and not mad.

  “He’s much better today. It was some sort of cold virus, but we have to be careful in case it turns into pneumonia, because in paraplegics that can then turn to sepsis.”

  “God,” she gasped. “I didn’t realise. You only think of the things they’re not able to do, not that a normal cold can be life threatening.”

  “I think sometimes I’m too cautious, but infection is always a worry, so the fact that it’s a virus was okay. I wanted to be sure it didn’t get worse, so I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch.”

  I heard her let out a sigh and my stomach churned, not seeing her face gave me no indication of whether it was of relief or resignation and I wondered whether this was when she would dump me.

  “Charlie, listen, you don’t have to apologise to me. I totally understand,” she said. “That’s why I didn’t call you, because I knew you’d be busy taking care of Johnny.”

  “Yeah, but the way I bailed on Saturday night after you’d gone to such a big effort to cook for me. It wasn’t acceptable.”

  “It was fine, honestly, it was only sausage and mash, nothing too difficult.”

  She giggled softly and as my shoulders relaxed, I realised how much I’d needed to hear from her and hear her laugh.

  “No, Willow, it meant a lot. I wasn’t particularly pleasant to you when I left either.”

  “You were worried about your brother; you were bound to feel anxious and tetchy. All I ask is one thing.”

  “What’s that?” I asked with a smile as I knew that there would be a little furrow between her eyebrows.

  “Let me help you in the future. Let me be there for you. I could have come to the hospital with you, or even stayed at the house and got stuff ready for when you got home.” She let out a short laugh. “I’ve no idea what stuff I’d need to get ready, but I’d like to be able to.”

  I ran a hand through my already messy hair and took a deep breath before letting it out very slowly.

  “You’re not dumping me then?”

  “What?” she cried. “God no, what sort of girlfr- person would I be if did that?”

  I chuckled quietly. “You can say girlfriend, Willow. I did ask you after all.”

  “I-I wasn’t sure you meant it, or even remembered.”

  “Of course, I remember.” I sat up sharply and dropped my feet to the floor. “Why would you think I didn’t mean it, or that I’d forget?”

  “I don’t know,” she replied tentatively. “You’ve had so much on and…”

  “Willow, I meant it and I remember it. Not sure I remember you saying yes though.” I was smiling and hoped that she heard the humour in my tone. I didn’t want my first conversation with her in a few days to be stressy.

  “I’m pretty sure I said yes.” She sounded a little lighter now and the relief was massive.

  “Oh yeah. I think I do remember now. Your exact words were ‘oh God yes’.”

  Willow started laughing and the sound went straight to my dick, which once again had been rudely interrupted the last time I’d seen her.

  “Was that supposed to be me?” she asked. “Because if it was, it was a bloody shit impression.”

  “I thought it was pretty good.”

  I felt much happier as I put my legs back up on the bed, shuffled toward the headboard, and adjusted my pillows behind me, put one hand behind my head and got comfy for a long talk with my girlfriend.

  Shit, I was a damn wet pussy, but I really liked the sound of that word - girlfriend.

  “Okay, Johnny is in bed watching a film, which no doubt he’ll fall asleep halfway through, which means I have a couple of hours free, so talk to me. What’ve you been up to?” I asked.

  “Not much really. Although we did discover what’s being going on with Ruben.”

  “You did? Was it what you thought?” I asked and hoped to God it wasn’t.

  “No. He did tell me that I could tell you and Polly, but no one is to ask him any questions about it.” She sighed heavily and I wondered if she was rolling her eyes, which she tended to do a lot when talking about one of her brothers.

  “I don’t really know him well enough yet to ask him anything.”

  “I know, but that’s what he said. None of us are allowed either.”

  “Okay,” I wondered what the hell it could be.

  “He’s gay,” Willow said with a matter of fact. “The guy I saw him with was his boyfriend.”

  I had no idea why he’d felt the need to keep it such a big secret. It wasn’t like people judged others about their sexuality these days, particularly Willow’s family who, from what I could gather, were pretty open and chilled about everything. They all seemed pretty supportive of each other from the little I knew.

  “Did he think you’d all be mad or something?”

  “No, he’s just r
eally private, but he did say he felt he had the Dixon boys’ reputation to uphold. Stupid idiot,” she grumbled.

  I thought about Johnny and how he’d always seemed pretty confident in himself and had never really looked to impress me, at least I didn’t think so anyway. If anything, I was the one who looked up to him and his capability to accept his disability like a fucking warrior.

  “I guess if that’s how he feels.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. I guess I feel sad that he didn’t feel he could tell us without there being a load of fuss about it or us wanting to know all the details.”

  “Well I’m happy it wasn’t drugs, although,” I said a little warily, “I was beginning to think you were right.”

  “You were? How come?”

  Willow sounded worried and I wondered whether I should have kept my mouth shut, but it was too late now, so I told her about the conversation I’d heard Ruben having on the phone at Danny and Patsy’s party.

  “Now we know though, I’m guessing he was arranging to meet his boyfriend.”

  It did sound logical and I hoped Willow thought so too, I didn’t want her getting more ideas about her brother and drugs. Thankfully she agreed with me.

  “Oh God, poor Ruben having to sneak off to call his boyfriend.”

  “Well,” I said as I got myself comfier. “I know how he feels, I’ve had to sneak off and call my girlfriend.”

  Willow giggled and once more it went straight to my crotch. I had no idea what it was about the way she laughed, but it was fucking sexy and definitely woke my dick up.

  “I’ve fucking missed you,” I admitted.

  “Really?” Willow asked but sounded a little unsure.

  “Yeah, I can’t believe how much.”

  The line was quiet for a short pause and I wondered if I’d said the wrong thing, but then Willow cleared her throat.

  “I missed you too. A lot.”

  “Yeah?” I asked as I felt my heart thud in my chest.


  I slid down to lie on the bed. “What have you missed about me the most?”

  “Well,” she replied. “Apart from your beautiful smile and dimples, and your sexy bum, I’ve missed talking to you. I’ve missed you making me laugh.”

  Fuck I really liked this girl.

  “What else?” I asked and moved my hand from behind my head and snaked it down to the waistband on my sweatpants.

  “I’ve missed kissing you.”

  Willow’s voice was soft and gentle, but I could hear her move around and then a door close.

  “Where are you, Will?”

  “My room. I’ve just closed and locked the door.” Something else opened and closed and Willow laughed. “And I’ve put Hedwig in a drawer too.”

  “Why?” I asked tentatively, with hope that my thoughts were along the right lines.

  “Because I’m not sure I can concentrate with his beady little eyes watching me.”

  “Watching you do what?”

  My heartbeat started to increase, and my dick got harder, and I knew that if I was wrong, I was going to have to cut the call short and throw one off. Simply listening to her voice, her laugh, and contemplating what I thought she was about to do had me rock hard.

  “Have phone sex with you,” she almost purred. “You’re going to talk dirty to me while I touch myself and we’re going to tell each other exactly what to do and then we’re both going to come really hard.”

  Fuck me, this was exactly what I needed, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to do it with than Willow.

  “So, Charlie,” she said seductively. “What do you want me to do?”

  I closed my eyes and imagined her in front of me, naked except for a pair of those bright coloured, ridiculously high, pointed shoes that she always wore. Her nipples were hard and tight, and her trim waist curved into her wide hips and lovely plump arse that she was lifting in the air for me to get a better view of.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “All of them?” she asked with a little giggle.

  “Yeah. Everything. Throw them on the floor. Hang on, what’s on your feet?”

  She took in a breath and groaned. “My slippers.”

  “Take them off and put a pair of those fuck me shoes on that you’ve got. The yellow pair.”

  As I heard Willow move around, I kept the image of her in my head and while I waited, imaginary Charlie slapped her bare arse once, just to remind her that I was there.

  Finally, she spoke again. “What now?”

  “Now, I want you suck two of your fingers and then circle your left nipple with them,” I breathed out and pushed my hand into my sweatpants and boxers. “What do you want me to do?”

  Willow was silent for a second or two and then on a shaky breath said, “What are you wearing?”

  “Sweatpants and a t-shirt,” I replied, as vivid pictures of Willow’s nipples buzzed around in my head.

  “Take off your t-shirt and…” She paused to breathe heavily. “And push your sweats and boxers down to your thighs.”

  “You want me to take them off?” I asked, my chest moving up and down rapidly.

  “No, just to your thighs.”

  I quickly did as Willow had asked, not wanting to waste a second and then snatched my phone back up from the bed and put it on loudspeaker.

  “What now?” she asked with unsteady breaths.

  I looked down at my dick and groaned quietly as it bobbed on my stomach, lying next to the thin trail of hair that led down to it. My balls were aching for release, but I didn’t want to rush it, I wanted to take the pace that Willow set for me so that we would come together.

  “With one hand, trail your fingers between your beautiful tits,” I replied, desperately trying not grab my dick and start pumping. “With the other, pinch your right nipple.”

  My mind’s eye watched her do it and she looked fucking beautiful. Her head was back, and her mouth parted on a gasp as the whisper of her own fingers set her body on fire.

  “When you reach your pubes, I want you to trail your fingers across from one hip to the other. I want you to tease yourself, but don’t you dare touch until I tell you to.”

  “Hmm hmm,” she murmured her acceptance and all I could hear then was heavy breathing on the line for a few seconds. “Charlie,” she finally gasped. “I want you to cup your balls and squeeze them gently.”

  I hesitated, scared of being too excited and causing myself pain, but when I heard Willow moan, I was desperate to be there with her.

  “Is your pussy bare, Will?” I asked on a deep groan as my hand covered my balls. “Tell me what you did to be ready for me.”

  “I waxed it,” she replied. “I left a thin strip.”

  “What else?”

  “It’s wet and I can see my juices on my lips.”

  “Fuuuck,” I groaned, my head dropped back as I swallowed hard.

  “S-s-shit,” she stammered. “Charlie what do I need to do now?”

  She sounded frantic, as though she’d die if she didn’t touch herself soon, but I was loving the anticipation of it. This was foreplay like I’d never experienced before, and it was fucking blowing my mind.

  “Run two fingers along your slit and tell me exactly how wet it is.”

  I heard a little mewl and the need inside my bollocks was too much, so I squeezed them hard, enjoying the pain it caused.

  “How fucking wet, Willow?” I demanded and screwed my eyes up tight.

  “Really wet, Charlie.” She sounded emotional, as though she might burst into tears. “My fingers are covered.”

  “What shall I do?” I asked as I looked down at my dick as pre-cum glistened on my head.

  “Oh shit,” she panted. “Grab your cock and run your thumb over the end but keep hold of your balls with the other hand.”

  I did as I was told and felt the tug of pleasure in the pit of my stomach as images of Willow, skimming her fingers through her juices almost persuaded me to start to pump my dick.
  “Will,” I groaned. “Put two fingers inside yourself and pump them in and out.”

  “Slow or quick?”

  “Really slow, babe. Make sure you coat them with your wetness.”

  “Oh, shit Charlie, I need to come.”

  “Yeah,” I gasped. “Me too, but we’re going to take our time.”

  “I can’t,” she protested. “Charlie, make me come now.”

  “Tell me what you want me to do?” I asked, desperate to join in but to also take her mind off the need to orgasm. “What now?”

  “I want you to pump your cock, Charlie. Really fast and hard. I want you to imagine you’re fucking me. Tell me how you’re fucking me, Charlie.”

  “Shit.” As I began to jack off, my balls tightened, and my heartbeat increased tenfold. “I’m fucking you from behind, with that fucking incredible arse of yours in the air. My hands are grasping your hips with my fingers digging into your flesh.”

  “And what am I doing?” she panted. “What do I need to do?”

  “You’re rubbing your clit, circling it with your fingers that are dripping in your juices. While you do that your other hand is pulling at your nipple because the pleasure is too much and you need some pain to balance it out.”

  “How fast am I rubbing my clit?”

  Willow’s last word was delivered on almost a yell and I knew we were both ready.

  “Fast, Will’, really fast. As fast as I’m pumping my dick into you.”

  “Harder Charlie, harder,” she cried.

  I tugged at my shaft, images of Willow and what she was doing flashed in front of my eyes. I was holding onto her tight, possibly too tight, my fingertips leaving marks on her skin. One of her shoes fell off with the movement and fell to the floor from the bed and when I felt my orgasm was almost there, I went harder and faster, the headboard banging against the wall.

  “Charlie,” Willow cried down the line. “I’m…oh shit.”

  As her fingers circled quicker and her gorgeous tits jiggled with the force of me drilling into her from behind, I blew my load and screamed her name.


  Trying to get my breath back, I listened carefully to the phone lying on my bed and all I could hear was a similar sound to my own; heavy breathing and someone gasping for air.


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