Barefoot Bay: Giving Chase (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Cypress Corners Book 8)

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Barefoot Bay: Giving Chase (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Cypress Corners Book 8) Page 5

by JoMarie DeGioia

  “Yep. Billy and Shannon are trying their hand at the same type of business.”

  “I think they’ll do really well.”

  “They’re both into it with both feet. I’ll give them that.”

  Carrie smiled as she recalled just how into it Shannon and her new husband really were. They were a unit, and she’d seen that almost from the beginning. Even before Shannon had kicked off her shoes.

  “Are you really going to work for Billy?”

  A smile teased Chase’s mouth. “He insists I’ll be working with him, not for him.”

  “Billy can be pretty stubborn.”

  “Just how well did you get to know my cousin when he was down here?”

  “I only know what I saw when he was pursuing Shannon. She was stubborn, too.”

  “They’re perfectly matched, then.”

  She laughed lightly. “Definitely.”

  Chase pushed his now-empty plate aside and folded his hands on the table. “We Harris men can be very focused. We see what we want and, well, that’s it.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Hey, my brother Zach is the word man. He can come up with some line of shit to calm the meanest bull any day. Billy and me? We’re just doing our best.”

  His eyes were so intent. His face was a picture of confidence. It was very seductive, that kind of assuredness. She was sorely lacking in that department herself. She had to bring up her game for the little one that was coming. That was for sure.

  Carrie reached across and touched his hand. It felt solid. Warm. “Your best is pretty darn good, Chase.”

  Chapter 6

  Chase let Carrie’s words wash over him. It was gratifying, because he was trying his damnedest to walk the razor-thin line between attentive and at-ease. This girl affected him like no other ever had, even if his own experience with the opposite sex was less than stellar.

  “What are you doing Sunday?”


  “Yeah. You’re off, right?”


  “Come out with me on Saturday night. You work a half-day, right? The girl at the spa desk said so.”

  “Thanks, Paula. Yes.”

  He let a smile curve his lips. “Then we’ll spend Valentine’s Day together.”

  Her pretty eyes went round. “Valentine’s Day?”

  “Sunday, Carrie.” He quirked a brow. “Haven’t you noticed all of the hearts strung just about everywhere?”

  “They’re hard to ignore.”

  “Then we’ll spend it together.”

  She nibbled her lip, but then gave him a nod. “Okay.”

  “Don’t worry, Red. I’ll make it one you’ll remember.”

  She leveled a look at him. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  She sounded so serious he felt a tingle of unease. “What, exactly, are you afraid of?”

  Carrie studied the top of the table for a long minute before facing him again. “I’m afraid that memories will be all I have.”

  Her statement was so sad his own heart sank. “That’s not all, Carrie.”

  She started, and then nodded. “The baby.”

  He didn’t grin, but he sure wanted to. “Yeah, the baby.”

  She shifted in her chair and he suspected she was going to say more about it. Set down some ground rules or something like that. Then her eyes shifted and she looked at a spot over his shoulder.

  “Chase!” a woman called, causing him to turn and follow Carrie’s gaze.

  A woman raised a hand to him, her waist-length dark brown hair pulled back with a stretchy hairband like he’d noticed Carrie wore. From Billy’s description of Frankie Becker, he figured this had to be the woman herself.

  “I’m so glad I caught you.” Her whiskey gold eyes sparkled as she let out a breath. “Sorry to interrupt your lunch. Hi, Carrie.”

  “Hi, Frankie,” Carrie said with a smile.

  “Chase Harris, Frankie.” Chase stood and held out a hand. “But I’m guessing you already figured that out.”

  Frankie nodded. “Yep. I’m sorry Billy couldn’t come down here but I’m very glad to meet you.”

  Chase dipped his head. “Likewise. Please, join us.”

  He held out one of the empty chairs at their table and Frankie nodded and sat down.

  “I’ll be quick,” she said. “I know we were supposed to meet later, but Elliot made some plans for this weekend that, apparently, start today!”

  “For Valentine’s Day,” Chase guessed aloud, taking his seat once more.

  Frankie’s smile was bright. “My husband loves to make grand gestures.”

  Billy had told Chase all about Frankie’s husband, billionaire Elliot Becker. He was one of the founders of the Barefoot Bay Bucks minor-league baseball team, and a driving force behind the proposed stadium and tourist center. His wife’s goat farm and petting zoo would be an unusual but very welcome addition to that plan.

  “So,” Frankie went on. “We’ll have to make arrangements to get the parcel to you next week sometime.”

  Chase nodded. “That works for me. Are you sure I can’t just swing by and pick it up from one of your staff?”

  Frankie’s brows shot up. “No way. Nobody touches Dominic’s stuff but me.”

  He blinked. “Dominic?”

  “My buck. Nasty little guy, but I love him.” Frankie laughed. “I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who does.”

  Chase looked at Carrie, who’s eyes were sparkling. Just what did she know about this?

  “Frankie, what, exactly, am I taking back to Billy?” he asked.

  “Dominic’s sperm, Chase.”

  Chase’s mouth dropped open. “That’s what I’m here for?”

  Frankie nodded. “I’ll have it collected right before you head back to Cypress Corners. Then it will be frozen and readied for transport.”

  “Ready for transport,” he repeated.

  “Billy really didn’t tell you?”

  “He just said you wouldn’t want to mail the package when I suggested that.”

  Frankie laughed and Carrie grinned as he looked over at her.

  “No,” Frankie said. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  Chase sat back. “Goat sperm.”

  “Premium goat sperm, I’ll have you know.”

  “Why wouldn’t Billy just get a male goat himself?”

  “A buck, you mean. And they can be very temperamental. He wants to open a petting zoo, right?”


  “Then there you go.”

  “There I go.”

  Frankie patted his hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll call or text you when I’m back in Barefoot Bay.” She stood. “Carrie, always nice to see you.”

  “Nice to see you too, Frankie.”

  Frankie waved a hand as she crossed the restaurant towards the lobby. Chase was still processing when he caught Carrie’s chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, finding a smile.

  “You should have seen your face.”

  “I was surprised, is all.”

  “Ha! You were shocked. Billy didn’t tell you anything about just what you were doing down here?”

  Chase shook his head. “Now I know why.” He blew out a breath. “I have to feel a little sorry for old Dominic, though.”


  “He misses out on all the fun.”

  That got him another laugh from her, and he grinned. Their baby had been made the old fashioned way, not that he’d known it at the time. Still, he felt his connection to Carrie grow as they shared the last of their meal before he took her back to the spa shop to finish out her day.

  On Valentine’s Day, though? He’d take a page from Elliot Becker’s book and plan some kind of grand gesture to make her see that they could really make this thing work.


  On Saturday evening Carrie ran a brush through her hair after she’d dressed for her date with Chase. She’d chosen to wear a pretty red cardigan over a creamy winter-white camis
ole, and paired the set with a slim dark brown leather skirt. It was Valentine’s Day Eve, if that was such a thing.

  Running her hands over her hips, she wondered at the life growing inside of her. By the time the weather turned warmer, and that would be sooner rather than later here on Mimosa Key, she wouldn’t be able to do up the back zipper of her skirt.

  Thin cream tights and high leather books a shade darker than her skirt finished her outfit. She put on a little bit of makeup now, too. Mascara and a rosy lip gloss, along with a sweep of blush. She did nothing to hide her freckles. Doug had made fun of them, in a tone that had been just this side of disparaging. Jeez, how had she missed what a slug he was?

  This was her second date—or was it her third?—with Chase, actually. Third dates had a certain aura around them. It was the next-step date. The next-base date. The take-it-up-a-notch date. Where, exactly, did that leave her?

  She’d already been in the guy’s bed. She’d been a willing and able participant in a stereotypical post-wedding hookup. Did the third-date rules apply in her particular situation?

  A knock came at her door and she gave one last look in the bathroom mirror and turned out the light. Pulling the door open, she found Mrs. Prattle standing there. A smile wreathed her rosy face, and her hands were folded over her perpetually-aproned middle.

  “Hello, dear.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Prattle. Did you need something?”

  “Oh no, dear. I was just about to take a roasted chicken out of the oven and I wondered if you would like to join Mr. Prattle and myself.”

  Carrie shook her head. “No, thank you.”

  Her brows furrowed above her round glasses. “But you often join us for dinner on Saturdays. Since Thanksgiving, anyway.”

  Don’t I know it. “And I’ve enjoyed sharing your scrumptious meals, believe me. You and Mr. Prattle have been very kind.”

  “Kind, shmind.” Mrs. Prattle’s confusion turned to obvious interest as she ran her gaze over Carrie’s outfit. “Look at you! Do you have a hot date?”

  A flush washed over Carrie’s cheeks. “I don’t know about hot.”

  “Well, I do.” Chase stepped behind Mrs. Prattle, who gasped as she whirled to face him. “Good evening,” he said to her.

  Carrie ran her gaze over him. He was wearing pressed chinos and a thin sweater in a deep shade of green. It was a V-neck, and she could see just a glimpse of the crisp hair she knew were sprinkled over his finely-wrought chest. She mouthed his name, but very little sound pushed past her lips.

  Her landlady giggled and twisted her apron in her hands. “Oh, aren’t you a gentleman. Our Carrie could use a night out.”

  “Seriously?” Carrie squeaked.

  “I’m Mary Prattle,” Mrs. Prattle said. “And you are?”

  Chase bowed his head. “Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Prattle. I’m Chase Harris.”

  “Harris.” Her mouth was an O as realization apparently struck her. “You’re related to Shannon’s Billy.”

  “I am indeed,” he said with a smile.

  Mrs. Prattle stepped back to allow Chase to enter. “And you are our Carrie’s hot date for the evening.”

  “Really?” Carrie was beginning to believe she was invisible, the way the two of them talked as if she wasn’t standing there. “Hello, Chase.”

  “Hey there, Red,” he said, at last turning those gorgeous hazel eyes in her direction. “Wow.”

  His one word of praise sent shivers through her. Mrs. Prattle’s eyes were twinkling and Carrie could just imagine the machinations beginning to spin in her mind. She’d told Carrie when she’d moved in that she’d felt thwarted that Shannon had managed to handle her love life without her careful intervention. Surely the woman wanted to meddle in Carrie’s affairs now.

  “Thank you again, Mrs. Prattle,” Carrie said with a smile. The woman was a dear, if meddlesome. “Maybe next Saturday?”

  “Maybe next Saturday, what?” Chase asked.

  “Dinner downstairs with Mr. Prattle and myself, Chase.” She brightened. “Oh, perhaps the both of you could join us?”

  “I don’t think Chase will still be in Barefoot Bay next Saturday, Mrs. Prattle.”

  Carrie heard Chase cough, or make some kind of sound like it. He was looking at her with a strange expression on his face. His eyes were dark and his lips in a thin line. She did a quick calculation and wondered if he just might still be around next weekend. But hadn’t he said he was only here for a week?

  “Or, maybe you will be?” she asked, trying to get on firmer footing.

  A small shrug from him was her only answer.

  “Oh, then at least promise me the two of you will think about dinner?” Mrs. Prattle asked.

  “We will,” Carrie rushed out. “Thank you for the invitation.”

  Her landlady suddenly seemed to pick up on the murky undercurrent running between Carrie and Chase, and she fluttered her hands in a wave and hurried back downstairs.

  “Sorry,” Carrie said. “She’s a little intrusive but very kind.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault you don’t know my plans.”

  “I guess that’s true.”

  “For the record, I might not be around next weekend.”

  Carrie held onto the doorknob to do something. “When do you go back?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Why not?”

  Chase shook his head. “I’m at Casa Blanca until Wednesday.”

  “But when do you go back, Chase?”

  He leaned against the doorjamb. “That’s entirely up to you, Red.”

  Alarm trilled through her. “I think you’re giving me way too much power.”

  “Seems to me you never had much before now.” He pushed off the jamb and took her hand in his. “Don’t you think you deserve it?”

  “Why?” she asked on a breath.

  He smiled and heat washed over her. “You already have it over me, Carrie. You and that baby you’re carrying.”

  Her heart dipped a little. This was because she was pregnant. Yes, he probably wanted to hook up again. Even she recognized that the night they’d shared had been incredible. But the reason he was making this full-court press? It had to be the baby he’d never had with his ex-wife.

  “You look gorgeous, by the way,” he added, bringing his lips to hers for a hot sweet kiss. “Are you ready to go?”


  “Then let’s hit it.”

  She grabbed her bag and locked up before following him down the staircase that clung to the back of the wood-framed house. She would focus on having a nice night out with a great guy. As for having any sort of power over him? She had every reason to believe it was all because of her little tagalong.

  Why else would a guy like him want any kind of future with her?

  Chapter 7

  Chase wondered at the doubtful expression on Carrie’s beautiful face. First there was the brush-off regarding dinner with her landlady. And then there was the complete lack of confidence. Didn’t she know how hot she was? How sweet and funny? As strange as it might seem, the more time he spent with her the more time he wanted to spend with her. He’d actually missed seeing her the last couple of days.

  He’d given her some space, hoping she would think a little bit about him and how they would spend the weekend together. And they would spend it together. He wanted to be with her because of her, and not just because she was having his baby.

  He didn’t know how to tell her that, though. He’d fucked up with Cheyanne after forcing a marriage on her. He wouldn’t do that with Carrie.

  His truck was parked in front of her place, and he held open the passenger door for her.

  “Thank you.” She climbed in and he took a second to admire her legs. They were long and strong, and he remembered just what they’d felt like against him. Around him.

  “So what do you have planned for us tonight, Chase?”

  He wriggled his eyebrows, winning a laugh from her. “Dinner, Red. An
d dessert.”

  “Okay. And after?”

  “After? Hmm. I think we can probably come up with something.”

  She quirked a sideways glance at him but he just shook his head at her and walked around to his side of the truck. Turning the vehicle back towards the resort, he steered through the scant traffic. Saturday night must not be exactly hopping in the sleepy little town, but that was probably because most of the activity was centered in and around the resort.

  He found out from the concierge that there was a big Valentine’s Day party tomorrow evening, and wondered why Carrie hadn’t mentioned it. She was just coming off of a bad breakup, or had been when she’d stumbled into his field of vision at Billy’s wedding. The fact that the other woman was someone she could run into on any given day at Casa Blanca had to add to her dislike of the lovers’ holiday. It had never been one of his favorites. That was, until this year at least. Until spending it with Carrie had become a very real possibility.

  “You didn’t make a reservation at Junonia, did you?” she asked, her voice small.

  “No. Should I have?”

  She gave a shake of her head and ran her fingers through that silky hair of hers. “No. I just didn’t want you to make a fuss.”

  “Hey, whose Saturday night is this?”

  She wrinkled her nose at him. “Yours, I guess?”

  “Ours, Red. But I don’t want to spend any of it at some stuffy restaurant.”

  “It’s not stuffy, actually. Fantastic food and atmosphere, but not stuffy.”

  “Then we’ll go there on our anniversary.”

  She gaped at him and he reached over to pat her leg. “I’m kidding, Carrie.”

  He’d managed to fill the past day and a half with the activities scheduled up and down the resort’s beach. A lot of it was spent just staring out at the water, though. Trying to get a handle on what he wanted his future to be. He was pretty sure now, though. His future was sitting right next to him.

  He had to rein it in a little bit. He was seized with the urge to push for more. To get a commitment from her that they could have an actual future. She so wasn’t ready for any of it. Maybe after tonight she could give him a hint about the reason why.

  He parked at the resort and turned to her as he cut the engine. She was staring at him, her eyes wide and shiny, and he leaned in for another kiss. The one they’d shared up in her funky old-fashioned apartment had been way too brief in his opinion. In hers too, unless he missed his guess. Her gaze had gone soft and a little hungry. Now she returned his kiss, cupping the side of his face with one hand.


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