in Brownsville, 7, 37, 51, 112
decline in, 311
in Newark, 297
in New York City, 114
stop-and-frisk and, 111
criminal injustice, drug possession and, 111–112
Crips, 49, 85, 86
Crooks, Jahzeph, 161
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, 40, 173, 311
Cure Violence organization, 91
Daily News, 26, 114
Davis, Vick (coach)
as a coach, 80
discipline and, 18–19, 45, 79, 195–197, 244–245
drug dealing and, 77, 79–80, 316–317
as father figure, 19–21, 317
on fathers, 245
football as a kid, 77–78
Gio and, 86–87
joining the Brooklyn Saints, 315–316
life unraveling, 197–198
living by himself, 285–286
losing and, 240, 241
medical assistant course, 133–134
partying, 280
Puerto Rico and, 242–243
slipping reputation of, 70, 241
welfare and, 77, 81, 241
de Blasio, Bill, 41, 67, 111, 112, 267, 311
Chris and, 36
on game buses, 195–197
Isaiah and, 129
of Mo Better players, 45, 209
Oomz and, 150
Ramsey and, 249
Vick and, 18–19, 45, 79, 195–197, 244–245
disinvested neighborhoods, 42
displacement, 170–171, 311
in Brooklyn, 42
Brownsville residents and, 67, 172
Crown Heights and, 173
economic revival and, 41
in Newark, 298
diversity, 146
D-Lo (Vick’s son), 315
doctors, at football games, 181, 202
domestic violence, 217–218. See also abuse
Donnie (player)
anger and, 107–108, 216–217, 281–282, 292–294, 312
aspirations, 285
first day in pads, 183
at home, 283–285
joining Mo Better, 106, 148–149
as leader, 292
Oomz and, 282–283
in semifinals, 303
Tarell and, 255, 286–287
Donte (Vick’s son), 197, 317
Dorian (player), 61, 148
Drake, 103
drug dealers, 77, 79–80, 89, 91, 316–317
drug gangs, 89
drug offenses
Big Oomz and, 16, 57, 279, 317
criminal injustice and, 111–112
in Crown Heights, 40
mandatory sentences for, 89, 90
drug trafficking conspiracy laws, 90
Duke University, 168
Dumbo, Brooklyn, 171
Dwight (Dorian’s father), 64, 186
East Orange, New Jersey, 227
East Orange Jaguars, 227–228, 288
vs. Mo Better, 223, 228–234, 236
economic development, 41, 67, 169–170. See also gentrification
Edwards, Harry, 212
Elizabeth Packers vs. Mo Better, 208–215
Elsie, Miss (Vick’s mother, coach), 78–79, 134, 315
equipment, 11, 180
Erasmus Hall High School, 39, 309–310, 318
Erv. See Roberson, Erv
Esau, Muhammad (coach), 9, 65, 225, 231, 234–236, 289
Evans, Fred (Chris’s grandfather), 29, 30, 32, 36
crews and, 86, 93, 96, 114
Oomz and, 317–318
Poppa’s death and, 156, 160, 161
family court, 84, 104
Farber, Thomas, 92
Far Rockaway, Queens, 246–247
father figures, 19–21, 192
fathers, 56, 59, 73, 153, 186–187, 245. See also Big Oomz; Dwight; Hart, Mr.; Ramsey
fathers, stay-at-home, 267–268
corporal punishment and, 246
crews and, 96
football and, 14
Ferguson, Missouri, 178, 185, 196
Feurtado, Lance, 89, 90, 93
Feurtado, Tony, 89, 90
55th District state assembly race (2014), 217. See also Boozer, Lori
financial aid, 8, 39, 62–63, 87, 102, 127–128, 149, 168, 212–213, 309. See also high school football programs, Mo Better’s link to
Flores, Brian, 45
banning of, 180–181, 313
brain damage and, 270–271
equipment, 11, 180
as escape from Brownsville, 212–213
future of, 180, 270–271, 313
housing projects and, 168
importance in America, 211–213
presence of doctors and, 181, 202
scholarships and, 8
social pressure and, 157
value of, 62–63, 312–314
violence and, 151, 212, 258
football games, filming of, 203, 204, 210–211, 220, 251
“football players,” 3, 74, 179
football programs
Big Oomz’s, 76, 143
declining participation in, 180, 190, 315–316
links to high school football programs, 23, 45, 62–63, 96, 99, 102, 247
merging of, 190
running backs in, 201
football programs, decline in, 16, 17–18, 70–71. See also forfeits
Fordham University, 36
forfeits, 68, 121, 205–206, 286, 287, 293, 315
Fort Greene, Brooklyn, 43, 170
Fort Greene charter school, 147, 214, 262, 263–264
Fort Hamilton High, 23, 38, 43
foster care, 136
Fotuhi, Majid, 181–182
Franklin Avenue, gentrification of, 40
Free, World B., 34
funding for community groups, 32
in absence of kingpins, 90–91
anti-gang task forces and, 90
crack cocaine and, 37
in Crown Heights, 40
respect for Mo Better program, 48–49
social structure of, 90, 113
See also crews
Garner, Eric, 167, 202
Gary (coach). See Gravenhise, Gary
of Bed-Stuy, 43
of Brooklyn, 41
of Brownsville, 169–170
of Franklin Avenue, 40
of Newark, 298
ghetto, 41
gifted-and-talented schools, 53, 122, 145–146
Gio (player)
back in Brooklyn, 312
back in Saint Lucia, 137
Chris and, 69–70, 105, 115–117
crew rivalries and, 103–104, 115–116, 137
football aspirations of, 55, 85
foster care for, 136
friends and, 54, 88, 102
as leader, 8
missing, 97
relationship with mother, 55, 84, 97, 103–104, 136
schooling of, 51–52, 53–54
skipping practice, 68, 69, 96–97, 136
skipping school, 137
the streets and, 80–81, 86–88
transition into American life, 5–8, 11, 69, 103
transition into the neighborhood, 83–84
Vick and, 86–87
girls, 79, 87, 153–154, 280
Glauber, Rae, 32
Glenmore public housing, 32
Gordon, Viviana, 96
GQ magazine, 171
graduation rates, 171
Grand Street Campus High School, 44
Grant public housing, 93
Gravenhise, Clayton (Poppa’s brother), 161
Gravenhise, Gary (coach, Poppa’s uncle), 25, 191–192
Gravenhise, Hakeem (Poppa’s cousin), 9–10, 94, 95
Gravenhise, Nathaniel “Poppa,” 10, 58, 155–156, 159, 160–161, 191–192
Great Migration, 30, 42,
Green Haven Correctional Facility, 58
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, 170, 171
Grier, Pam, 35
Grozav, Ovidiu, 126–127
gun control laws, 92
guns and gun violence, 9, 21, 291
access to, 42, 92
of Antiq Hennis, 25–26
Big Oomz and, 57, 58
carrying of, 93
crew rivalries and, 9, 92, 113–114
drug gangs and, 89
exposure to, 21, 291
at housing projects, 114
of McKay, 134–136
of Mitchell, 48
of Poppa, 155–156
stop-and-frisk and, 110–111, 124–125
of Turner, 161
Wave Gang and Hood Starz rivalry, 95
harassment, police, 167, 291
hardness, 158–159, 279
Harlem, 170
Hart, Andrew (player)
academic importance to, 62, 64
aspirations of, 60
education and, 270
as example for other sons, 59–60
football aspirations, 4, 270
future plans, 269–270
homework and, 268–269
hopes for new season, 99–100, 141–142
missing cleat incident, 228
playing style of, 96
in Poly Prep, 309
roughness of, 208
schooling of, 63
in semifinals, 303
as veteran on Junior Pee Wee team, 10
weight limit and, 206
Hart, Mr. (Hart’s father)
academic importance to, 64
corporal punishment, 266
as correctional officer, 186
on football’s value, 62–63
passion for football, 270
knee injury, 100
retirement of, 265–268
as stay-at-home father, 267–268
upward mobility of, 63, 266
Harvard Business Review, 37
Hassocc Boys, 92
Hell Week, 177–179, 184
Hennis, Anthony, 25–26, 95
Hennis, Antiq, 24, 25–26, 95, 106
heroin, 57, 90, 146, 305. See also drug offenses
high school football programs, Mo Better’s link to, 23, 45, 62–63, 96, 99, 102, 247
“hitters,” 184
hitting and tackling, 13–15, 175–179, 182–185, 258
Hood Starz, 9–10, 86, 94–95
hope, 20, 50, 51
housing policies, racism of, 42, 227
housing projects. See public housing
Howard public housing, 32
Hughes public housing, 32
humor, pain of failure and, 200
incomes, household, 170, 171
indoors, staying, 131, 215
infant mortality, 171
inner city, 41–42
institutional neglect, 42
Intermediate School 392, 53, 122–123, 126–127
interracial living, public housing and, 31, 32
Isaiah (player), 96, 99, 119–124, 281
as best player, 71, 99
Coach Chris’s visit to classroom, 123–124
daily routine of, 131–132
discipline and, 129
at Erasmus Hall High School, 309–310
excitement for contact, 184
filming of football games, 203, 204, 210–211, 220, 251
at first Junior Midget game, 119–121
as football star, 126–128
football vs. rugby, 126–127
hitting and, 175–177
knee injury, 203–204, 205, 206, 211
as a leader, 150
love of football, 127–128
missing practices, 126
playing style of, 96
Poly Prep and, 101–102, 124, 289–290
racing and, 125–126
school and, 100–102, 122–124
Shaquille and, 130
swagger of, 209–210
Jackson, Greg “Jocko,” 164
James (coach), 85–86, 110–111, 136, 239
Jarrett, Jaiquawn, 44, 45
Jasmine (social worker), 290
Jersey City Gators, 281
Jewish people, 30, 32, 33
Johnson, Parrish, 37
Johnson, Robert, 111
Johnston, Darren, 172, 173
Jones, Anthony T., 308
Junior High School 271, 33
Junior Midget team
decline in participation, 17–18
loss to Montclair Bulldogs, 66
Junior Pee Wee team, 16
loss to Brick City, 188–189
loss to Montclair Bulldogs, 65
juvenile detention, Mo Better as alternative to, 105
Kazin, Alfred, 28
Kenneth (Brownsville resident), 93, 94, 96
Kenny (Chris’s cousin), 35–36
kingpins, 88–91
Kings Collegiate, 53–54
knee injuries, 203–204, 205, 206, 211
Koch, Ed, 111
La Guardia, Fiorello, 31
Laino, Vince, 45
Lamont (player), 61, 148
landlords, 29, 30, 32, 34, 170, 291
Langston Hughes Houses, 166
Latinos, 101, 122, 298
lead poisoning, 42
Lee, Spike, 38
Legree, Chris (coach)
Betsy Head Park and, 4–5
Boozer campaign and, 165–167
on Brooklyn changes, 39–43
community service and, 165
discipline of, 36
football as purpose, 163–165
former Mo Better players and, 256
Gio and, 69–70, 105–106, 115–117
having favorites, 119
high expectations for season, 188
letting Brownsville down, 36–37, 164–165
merging football programs, 70
Million Man March and, 38, 165
Mo Better as legacy, 163–164, 165
political ambitions of, 307–309
presence in Brownsville, 26–28
“refugee house” and, 104–105
on resurgence of program, 96
saving the boys, 3–4, 290
visit to Isaiah’s class, 123–124
Legree, David (Jeff’s son), 43
Legree, Jeff (Chris’s brother), 47, 164
Legree, Jeff, Jr. (Jeff’s son), 43
Legree, Lillian (Chris’s mother), 104–105
Legree, Ricky (Chris’s brother), 166, 169
Legree, Sharif (Jeff’s son), 38, 43–44
Lhota, Joe, 112
life spans, 171
Lincoln High School, 101
Lindsay, John, 33
Longo, Becca, 63
losing, 18–19, 305
to Brick City, 188–189
to East Orange, 247
humor and, 200
by Mitey Mites, 70
to Montclair Bulldogs, 65, 66
as motivation, 147
Vick and, 240, 241
losing kids to the streets, 20–21
low-income housing. See public housing
making it out, of Brownsville, 4, 7, 136, 160, 206, 212–213, 263, 300
Mangeiro, Dino, 45
Manhattanville public housing, 93
manufacturing, in Brownsville, 28, 34, 266
Marcus Garvey Village public housing, 25, 27, 32, 94, 148
Marley, Bill, 31
Marquis (player), 149, 184–185, 246, 247
Mateo, Erica, 37, 158, 159
mayoral race (2013), 67. See also de Blasio, Bill
McKay, Kameron, 134–136
Mealy, Darlene, 165
mercy rule, 215
Micropower Career Institute, 197
Middle School 588, 53–54
Million Man March, 38, 165
Mitchell, Dajuan, 46, 47–48
Mitey Mites, 70, 240–241
mixed-income communit
ies, 172
Mo’ Better Blues (Spike Lee film), 38
Mo Better Jaguars
as alternative to juvenile detention, 105
annual banquet for, 316, 318–319
Betsy Head Park and, 46, 55
vs. Brick City, 258–262, 264–265, 271–274
vs. Brick City in semifinals, 288, 302–305
Brooklyn United and, 193–194
busing to games, 195–197, 225, 226–227
cheerleaders, 280
as Chris’s legacy, 163–164, 165
community support for, 47
decline in participation, 16, 17–18, 315–316
decline of coaching, 15–16, 214–215, 234, 256, 290, 300
discipline and, 209, 244–245
vs. East Orange Jaguars, 223, 228–234, 236
vs. Elizabeth Packers, 208–215
first season not in playoffs, 70
former players, 244, 256
former players in prison, 49, 95
former players shot to death, 48, 134–135, 155–156
Hell Week and, 177–179, 184
high school programs and, 23–24, 45, 62–63, 96, 99, 102, 247, 307
Hood Starz and, 9, 86
naming of, 38
physicality of, 45–46, 47
players from outside Brownsville, 63–64
practice routines, 44–45
quitting, 68, 71, 75–76, 99–100, 199
respected by gangs, 48–49
rivalry against Brick City, 188
rumors of disbanding, 70–71
running backs and, 201
vs. Teaneck, 199–203
Mo Better Leadership Academy, 315
Money Gang, 94
Monique (Oomz’s grandmother), 57
Montclair Bulldogs, 60, 61, 65, 66
Morgan, Wayne, 45, 217
Moses, Robert, 29, 30–31
Mott Hall Bridges Academy, 299–300
Mount Vernon Razorbacks, 46–48
muggings, 111
in Brownsville, 37
of Byrne, 90
crew rivalries and, 92, 93
statistics, 155–156
See also guns and gun violence
Naz (player), 61, 96, 148
“never ran, never will” motto, 37–38
Newark, New Jersey, 297–298
Newton, Cam, 210
New York Amsterdam News, 29, 196
New York Board of Education, 33
New York City
black population in, 171
strike against kingpins and, 90
as tough on crime, 111
New York City Housing Authority, 31
New York Daily News, 25
New York Magazine, 38
New York Police Department (NYPD)
increased presence in Brownsville, 191, 291
policing strategies of, 112–114
Poppa’s memorial service and, 160
stop-and-frisk and, 110–111, 124–125
sweeps of crews, 93, 95, 113
New York Post, 26
New York Recorder, 31
New York Times, 33, 48, 89, 164, 170
NFL (National Football League), brain damage and, 212, 313
North Jersey Pop Warner League, 38, 70
Ocean Hill, Brooklyn, 169
Ocean Hill-Brownsville school district, 33
Never Ran, Never Will Page 36