The Road Back (Limelight Series Book 2)

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The Road Back (Limelight Series Book 2) Page 5

by Piper Davenport

  “Don’t take it personally?” Bam cut me off and pressed forward. “Are you fucking kidding me? Did you see the look on Lucy’s face?”

  “You weren’t supposed to hear any of that. It was meant to be a private conversation,” I argued.

  “Right. A conversation with two other people about me and my wife,” he snapped.

  The expression on Bam’s face grew more intense. I relaxed my posture and took a step back. Bam was right to protect Lucy and he was right to get in my face. I was being a prick about the whole thing, but it still didn’t change the way I felt or my opinion on the subject. I didn’t want Lucy to settle for a musician who would end up destroying her life.

  “Lucy is family to me,” I said, adjusting my tone. “She was family to my wife. I’m very protective of her.”

  “No shit. So is everyone else in her life. Hell, I practically had to kung-fu fight her driver/assassin, Rex just about roasted me on his gigantic fire pit…”

  I glanced and Rex who simply grinned and nodded.

  Bam continued, “The fact that y’all feel she needs protecting is the funniest part. She can handle herself just fine.”

  “That’s just it, Bam. You don’t know what she can or cannot handle because you don’t know what’s out there. You weren’t around back in the day. There’s a big reason Rex had to hire Sully, and Robbie had to hire someone for his twins. There are a lot of shady people out there and the bigger you get, the crazier they get.”

  “Well, she has me to protect her now, so you can all back the fuck off,” he said in a slow a low tone.

  “Bam, with all due respect, I don’t know you,” I replied.

  “Respect? You think you’ve been treating me with respect? Was that respectful to Lucy? To speak about her like she’s a child, or her father’s property? What about all your shitty assumptions about my commitment to her, or my intentions? You’re right, you don’t fucking know me, so what gives you the right to judge me?”

  I could clearly see Bam’s anger level was entering the red zone and he didn’t appear like a man you’d want to mess with when pushed too far. I was well schooled in several forms of martial arts, but this guy looked like he was a little more schooled in ‘broken beer bottle to the neck,’ and I didn’t care to push my luck.

  “You’re right,” I replied.

  Before I could get another word out, Bam said, “Excuse me, I have to go find Lucy,” and left the room.

  Robbie grinned. “I believe that young pup just gave you a tongue lashing, Jack.”

  “Fuck you, Robbie.”

  Rex walked up to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. “Still question his devotion to Lucy?” he asked softly.

  “I’m starting to see what you mean.”

  * * *


  After Bam had walked into the bathroom and taken over the comforting Lucy position, I stepped back into the studio waiting area and focused on my notepad again. I jotted down a few things I needed to look at when I got back to Rex and Roxie’s, which is where I’d do the most work… I needed complete quiet which this environment didn’t offer. Roxie had insisted I stay with them once Bam and Lucy returned, which meant I’d be heading over there tonight after practice. I really liked Roxie and couldn’t wait to get to know the woman who’d raised Lucy.

  There was a lot to do when planning a tour, but Lucy and I had most of it covered, and since Lucy had a relationship with every manager at every venue where we’d be performing, our planning had been a hell of a lot smoother than previous ones.

  Although, I think part of the reason things were going so well, was because Roses for Anna had finally fired Chas Chambers, their previous manager and the man who’d stolen a great deal of their money. I had managed to get some of it back, but I couldn’t get it all, and I still had pangs of guilt surrounding that fact.

  Bam had assured me everything was okay and he didn’t care about the rest of the money, but I still wished I’d discover Chas’ evilness sooner. I sighed.

  “You okay?”

  I jumped a little and glanced up at Jack.

  “Sorry,” he said with a gentle smile. “Didn’t mean to scare you… again.”

  I rose to my feet and squared my shoulders. “I’m good.”

  “Can you tell me which way Lucy went?”

  “I can…”

  “Okay, which way?”

  “Oh, I’m not going to.”

  He crossed his arms. “Why not?”

  I matched his stance. If the jerk was going to close himself off to me, I would close myself off to him. “Maybe because she’s upset and you’re the reason why. Or maybe because you said some pretty nasty things about one of my favorite people. Take your pick.”

  He dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling for several seconds before meeting my eyes again. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I plan to apologize.”


  “Well, that’s good. I hope you plan to apologize to Bam as well, because let me tell you something about my best friend. Bam Nelson’s had a tough life, but you’d never know it. He’s always happy, always sweet, and will always stand up for the ‘little guy.’ He’s the best person I’ve ever known and you saying all those nasty things about him makes me angry. So angry, I might just lose my religion.”


  “I’m not done,” I snapped.

  His eyes widened and he got a weird (but sexy, damn it) look on his face. I jabbed a finger toward the door. “That man… the one you called a piece of shit―”

  “I never called him a piece of shit.”

  “You implied it,” I countered.

  He took a couple of deep breaths, but didn’t argue.

  “That man is more than my best friend, he’s my brother. And like any big sister, I will cut anyone who steps to him. And if you’re that little bitch, don’t doubt that I will cut you too.”

  A familiar chuckle had me turning my head toward the sound.

  “You can put your sword away, Had,” Bam said.

  Lucy stood slightly behind Bam, her hand on his arm.

  I uncrossed my arms and stepped away from Jack. I watched his body war with his emotions… it was written all over his face as he studied Bam and Lucy.

  “Lucy, honey, will you let me apologize?” he asked.

  “Go for it,” she said, her eyes still wet.

  “I was a jerk. I won’t make excuses, but I let my love for you overtake my common sense. I never had the honor of raisin’ my own daughter, so you were it, baby girl, and I overreacted. Will you forgive me?”

  Lucy rushed to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I love you, Uncle Jack. Of course I’ll forgive you.” She glanced up at him. “But if you ever disrespect my husband again, I will kick you in the family jewels.”

  Jack chuckled, giving her a gentle squeeze. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Jack?” Rex called as he opened the door. “We need to get back to it.”

  Jack called back. “I’ll be right there, I’m doing something more important.” He cupped Lucy’s face. “I really am sorry, honey.”

  “I appreciate that, Uncle Jack.”

  He kissed her forehead and turned to Bam. He extended his hand and said “I owe you and your bride an apology. I was in the wrong, and for what it’s worth, I respect you for standing up for Lucy. I hope you can accept my apology and my hand in friendship. I’m usually a great guy… you can ask the two friends I have.”

  Bam chuckled, along with the room and shook Jack’s hand.

  “Shit, man, if I’d know you were such a dick I wouldn’t have dropped all that coin on your signature drumsticks for all those years.”

  Jack erupted into laughter and it was great to see the dark cloud that had been hanging over him all day finally lift.

  “Thanks, man, and again I’m sorry everyone. I guess all of this has been a little rougher on me than I thought.” He smiled and gave a genuine bow of humility to all in the room bef
ore exiting to the tracking room.

  “Ohmigod, I was not expecting that,” Lucy said with a sigh, sitting back on the sofa. “Jack’s always been the quiet one. He never says boo to anyone, let alone shares his feelings like that.”

  Bam shook his head. “He’s hurting, obviously. Just gotta be patient.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, he better think twice about doing that again.”

  “He will,” Lucy assured me. “Despite what you just saw, he’s a really good man, so he tends to learn from his mistakes.”

  I gave her a wary smile. I envied Lucy in a lot of ways. She had a great family and seemed to forgive easily. Plus, she married Bam. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t romantically interested in Bam, but I would like to meet and fall in love with someone as good as him. Unfortunately, I didn’t trust people enough to let myself get that close. Too much betrayal.

  “Alright, I’m gonna head out,” Bam said, kissing Lucy’s temple.

  “Okay, honey. We’re almost done here, so I’ll be in home a bit.”

  He nodded and walked out, and Lucy and I got back to work.


  LUCY’S DRIVER, SULLY, pulled the car to a stop outside of the palatial mansion on the water that was Lucy’s childhood home. It looked like something from a Tuscan village, not a Seattle suburb. Good lord, it was magnificent.

  “Welcome, Miss Simon,” Sully said after he opened my door.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

  He smiled. “If Mrs. Haddon invites you to stay, you don’t have much of a choice, so I’d highly suggest you just go with it.”

  I took a deep breath and climbed out of the car.

  “I’ll take care of your bags,” Sully said.

  “Oh, thank you.” I also knew offering to help wasn’t really an option, so I went with that as well and let him take care of it.

  “Hadley,” Roxie cried as she pulled open the front door. “Welcome!”

  “Hi, Roxie. Thank you so much for having me.”

  “It’s our pleasure, honey.” She pulled me in for a hug and smiled. “We love company. Let me show you to your room, then I’ll give you a tour of the house.”

  I nodded and followed her up the right side of the foyer (they had a freakin’ double staircase for Pete’s sake), and down the hall in the middle of the upper landing.

  Roxie opened the third door on the left and stood back so I could precede her inside. My mouth dropped open of its own accord and I let out a quiet, “Wow.”

  The room was bigger than my apartment at home. A slight over exaggeration, but not much of one. A king-sized bed sat between two large windows that overlooked the water, and a door to the right led to a large bathroom with a to-die-for claw-foot tub.

  “I figured you might like the room with the tub,” Roxie said. “I love mine.”

  “You read my mind,” I confirmed.

  She chuckled. “Sully will leave your bags. Do you want to freshen up before dinner?”

  “No, I’m good,” I said. “Can I help?”

  “Sure,” she said. “I’ll show you around.”

  I dropped my purse beside one of the dressers and followed Roxie downstairs. She took me through all of the rooms downstairs and I was sure I’d need a map to find my way around. We ended in the kitchen and I heard male voices as we approached.

  Walking inside, I stalled.

  Jack turned after grabbing a bottled water from the refrigerator and an expression that I’m sure matched mine appeared on his face. “Hadley. What are you doin’ here?”

  “I…,” I stuttered.

  “She’s staying with us until you go on tour,” Roxie said. “Isn’t that great, Jack?”

  He nodded, but his face belied his agreement.

  “Rex. Got a minute?” Jack asked, and walked out of the room.

  I shook off his cold reaction to me and forced a smile. “Okay, what can I do?”

  Roxie pulled out the makings of a salad and dropped it on the counter. “How do you feel about leafy greens?”

  “I love leafy greens,” I said, and went about doing my best culinary work.

  * * *


  Rex followed me into the game room and closed the door behind us. “What’s up?”

  “What the fuck, man?” I snapped.

  “What the fuck, what?”

  I scowled. “Why is Hadley here, Rex?”

  “Roxie invited her to stay… well, we invited her to stay. It seemed pointless for her to pay for a hotel when she was doin’ stuff for us as well. She and Lucy have become good friends and they’re workin’ well together, so she asked if Hadley could stay. You know, Rox, she loves hostin―”

  “Rex,” I growled.

  “You said you didn’t have a thing for her.”

  “I don’t!”

  “Seems like the gentleman doth protest too much, Jackie boy.”

  “I think thou should fucketh the fuck off, Rex.”

  Rex grinned.

  “Let’s just say I don’t have a thing for her, and I’m trying to keep it that way.”

  “Well shit, that’s gonna be a little harder with her stayin’ here, isn’t it?” Rex mused while dragging his hands through his hair.

  “Ya think?”

  Rex shrugged. “Brother, you said there was nothing between you, and besides, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway once Roxie had made up her mind to have her stay here.”

  Rex and I snapped our attention to one another and in unison said, “Roxie!”

  “She can’t know about any of this,” I said frantically. I couldn’t actually think of which scenario was more frightening, Roxie trying to keep us apart, or trying to play matchmaker.

  “No kidding,” Rex replied. “If she finds out, she’ll meddle, and no good could come from that. What the hell is it with you drummers and managers anyway?”

  “Are you really judging me? You’re the one that keeps introducing all of us!”

  “Keep your voice down, Roxie will hear us,” Rex shushed.

  I continued my rant, now whispering, “You just about arranged Lucy and Bam’s marriage. Did he have to pay you in drum skins and cowbells?”

  “No, actual animal pelts and cows.”

  I scowled. “Explain to me why you’d parade a smoking hot young, amazing woman in front of me, and then blame me for noticing. A woman that seems absolutely perfect in every way imaginable and I’m the asshole for getting a little hung up.”

  “Just so I’m clear,” Rex said grinning. “You don’t have a thing for her.”

  “I did ask you to kindly fucketh off, didn’t I?”

  “The salads are ready!” Roxie called. “What are you boys doing in there?”

  Rex replied. “Nothing, just talking about…” he froze and glanced at me, apparently momentarily unable to think of a suitable cover story.

  “The tour,” I said, just as he came to and simultaneously blurted out, “cars!”

  “Cars on the tour,” I said

  “Tour transportation!” we yelled triumphantly in unison.

  “Well, come eat, you can talk about whatever it is you’re not really talking about later,” she responded.

  * * *


  I slinked away to bed as soon as I possibly could. Dinner had been an exercise of trying to ignore the closeness of one Jack Henry, the gorgeous, but increasingly hostile man I’d been forced to sit next to.

  I was currently lying in a quickly cooling tub and nursing my hurt feelings. Good lord, the tour hadn’t even started, and I already needed it to be over. I needed to go home and hole up in my little apartment in Mobile where I could hide for a while.

  I reluctantly pulled the plug and climbed out of the tub, wishing I had a glass (or a bottle) of wine. Roxie didn’t keep any alcohol in her house, which made sense, but I would have really liked a little right about now.

  I pulled on undies and a T-shirt, brushed out my hair and then decided to see if I could find some ice cr
eam or something to get my sugar fix. I glanced at the big fluffy robe Roxie gave me hanging on the back of the door, but decided to forgo it, and headed downstairs.

  Opening the freezer, I’d hit pay dirt. I grabbed one of six individual mint-chocolate-chip ice cream containers (thank God someone in the house has a sweet tooth), a spoon, and headed back upstairs when I heard a thump and a familiar voice exclaim, “Shit!” I froze in place and squeezed my eyes closed. There I stood, half-naked, foraging for ice cream and Jack Henry was in the house… somewhere.

  “Jack?” I called out as quietly as possible. “Is that you?” the last thing I needed was to wake up the whole house.

  It took a minute, but then he said, “Yeah, Hadley, it’s me.”

  I looked around for a something to cover myself, but only found a tea towel draped over the oven door handle. “Are you hiding?” I called out, still scrambling for anything to provide me with a shred of modesty.

  “Kind of, yeah.”

  He appeared before me as though he were an apparition and I froze in place, the pathetically undersized tea towel, barely covering my thighs. God, he was gorgeous. He wore a pair of black PJ pants, slung low on his hips and a long-sleeved ribbed Henley that left nothing to the imagination in regard to his lean but extremely cut body.

  “Fuck,” Jack breathed out. “Uh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were, ah…”

  “Why are you here?” I blurted out.

  “I live here when I’m home.”

  “I mean, here, Jack. In the kitchen. Shouldn’t you be out at the guest house?”

  He gave me a smile that made me want to drop my towel. “Roxie keeps a stash of tea that helps me sleep.”

  “Oh, okay. Can you, um, turn around or, close your eyes or something, so I can just scoot past you.” I felt the heat rising to my face.

  “Sure, but I’d rather have your company. Here, you can wear these,” he said before swiftly removing his pajama bottoms, tossing them to me before I could protest.

  He now stood before me in his grey boxer-briefs, giving me a great look at his bulge. Not that you could miss it. I tried to compose myself and slipped on his pants. He smelled amazing and his intoxicating scent was driving me crazy.


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