Lunar Mates Volume Two: Books 4-6

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Lunar Mates Volume Two: Books 4-6 Page 1

by Loribelle Hunt

  Lunar Mates Volume Two


  Loribelle Hunt

  Author’s Note

  Welcome to Lunar Mates! The Lunar Mates series was begun 2006 and to celebrate its ten year anniversary each book is being revised and updated. Volume 2 contains the books Call of The Moon, Christmas Moon, and Claiming The Moon. Next up in the series is Hunter’s Moon in May 2017. If you’d like to be notified of new releases join my mailing list or my Facebook Reader Group for updates.


  Author’s Note

  Call Of The Moon
















  Christmas Moon




















  Claiming The Moon

















  Captured Moon: Lunar Mates 7 (Excerpt-Unedited)


  Call Of The Moon

  Lunar Mates Four


  Chloe knows up close and personal how terrifying it is to be mated to the wrong werewolf, and she has the scars to prove it. After killing the wolf who’d made her life a misery, she accepted the protection of another pack.

  Six months later the annual meeting of alpha’s brings the one wolf who is a danger to her independence back into her life. Try as she might, she can’t resist the chemistry that flares between them, but can she trust it?

  Billy let her go and has regretted it ever since. Can he prove to her in one week that they are destined to spend a lifetime together?

  This book was previously published and has been revised and expanded from 14000 words to 25000 words.


  When the North American alphas decided to give the Appalachian pack to Jackson Phillips and send Darius Stewart to start his own pack in the former Alabama lands, Billy Cagle wasn’t surprised. He hadn’t expected the five A.M. wakeup call the next morning however, informing him he was Jackson’s new beta. Or the non-stop work since.

  It had been a several weeks now. He’d spent the last few days in Knoxville dealing with the knot of business problems Brant left to them when the old alpha died so suddenly, but he was almost home now. Billy pulled into a diner lot and parked, scrubbing a hand over his face. When had he slept last? A couple of days ago? Three? It felt like months. Which was why he was stopping at this little hole in the wall before attempting the winding road up the mountain and to his bed. He needed coffee strong enough to stand a spoon in.

  He paused when he entered, letting his eyes adjust from the outside glare to the dim interior as he took it in. It had been a popular hangout when he was a teenager, but it looked deserted now so he checked his watch. Too late for the lunch crowd and way too early for the Friday night teenaged crowd. He took a booth in the back and waited for a waitress, knowing the door chimes would bring one soon enough. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

  Her steps were preceded by the sweetest, most enticing scent he’d ever caught. He opened his eyes to watch her approach, but she stopped and stood stiff, still several feet away. The retro uniform dress didn’t do a thing to detract from her beauty, and he was a little surprised that he knew her. He smiled.

  “Chloe French. It’s been a long time.”

  He rose to greet her properly. His wolf wanted a much closer look and the man agreed. He wanted to touch her. Taste her. Claim her. He blinked, thrilled at that realization. His. She was his. But when he pulled her into his arms he swore he felt the world crack open and misery pour into his soul. Because now he could scent the man clinging to her skin. The man who’d claimed her first. The werewolf who’d stolen the woman who should have been Billy’s.

  “Who?” he demanded. Who would dare steal what wasn’t his?

  “What are you talking about?”

  Her voice was just a whisper. It should have been a soothing caress over his senses, but all he felt was loss and fury. If he were a weaker man he might have cried out. He wanted to throw his head back and rail at fate. Might have if her scent hadn’t changed. Sickening sweet. Her fear coated his tongue and that just pissed him off. He’d never hurt her and she should know it. He’d known her since she was a little girl. He moved back to the booth and sat down.

  “Any chance of getting a cup of coffee around here?”

  He tried to keep his voice light and teasing, his demeanor non-threatening. Her fear dissipated a bit but a wary edge stayed with her. He didn’t ask her again who’d stolen her. He’d find out soon enough and once he did, he’d do whatever was necessary to claim what was his.


  Chloe stepped into the clearing and took a deep breath, trying to slow the hammering of her heart. She gulped past the lump in her throat, part fear and part nerves, part excitement and anticipation. It wouldn’t do to let her emotions get away from her in this crowd and she was feeling way to much.

  The alphas, with their betas and enforcers, had been in a meeting most of the day, and now with dusk beginning to fall they were joining the other members of their packs who’d made the journey for this year’s celebration. The beginning of which was starting to get into full swing now. At least a hundred people were milling about, and more were arriving by the second.

  The week-long celebration would be wilder and more political this year for a lot of reasons, mostly because two new alphas had been accepted and acknowledged. Jackson and Darius had survived their year trial period and tonight had turned into an excuse for a giant ass party. That made it both easier and harder for her.

  Seven months ago she’d taken sanctuary with the Panhandle pack in north Florida, who was hosting this year’s meeting, but she’d grown up in the Tennessee Appalachian pack where Jackson ruled and Darius had originally come from. Where Wyatt had come from. Despite that nearly year long nightmare, werewolves didn’t bother her much, especially not here where she knew Gage would ensure she was left alone. Gage might be the scariest werewolf she’d ever met but he was also protective as hell. Well, except for one other wolf in particular. She hadn’t seen Billy Cagle yet, but he couldn’t be far behind the others if he wasn’t already here.

  She looked around as she made her way through the crowd, not bothering to hide a delighted smile. The host pack had gone out of its way for this reception. Well, the women of the pack led by Marilyn and Maggie Saunders, the adult daughters of one of the pack’s senior members, and the teenagers they’d commandeered. Chloe had helped more with the food than the decorating so she hadn’t seen the finished product before. Trees strung with bright white lights surrounded the huge clearing and torches lit the clear areas. Long tables were piled high with food and there was even an open bar.

  By the time she arrived, the place was pac
ked. She’d considered leaving town while the council was in session, but she owed Gage more than that. It was hard growing up female in a werewolf pack, and some would say since they couldn’t shift they’d never be equal. Chloe’s father was a historian, though. She knew better. And when it came down to it, she knew who Gage was. What he was. She was one of very few trusted with that secret, and if he said he needed her here, well who was she to argue with her king?

  That didn’t reduce the temptation to make herself scarce, but she wasn’t a coward. She’d given her word and that meant Billy would come for her. What had thrown her off all day was that the other women were already treating her like she was mated to the Tennessee pack’s beta. She couldn’t decide how she felt about that. Nervous and anxious for sure. Something else she couldn’t define.

  Wyatt had put her through hell. He’d beat her, controlled her, separated her from her family and pack. The only reason other werewolves didn’t scare the crap out of her was she knew so damned many. She hadn’t stayed with him as long as she did out of any sense of loyalty. Fuck no. She’d been afraid her father or Billy would go after Wyatt, and he never would have let that be a fair fight. It would have been ugly and dirty and underhanded. Neither of them had said so but she got the feeling they were both pissed that she’d killed Wyatt instead of them. That wouldn’t be a problem with her dad but she wasn’t so sure about Billy.

  She couldn’t figure him out. She knew he was the male she wanted as a mate until things went to shit, and she knew Gage had convinced him to stay away at least until now, almost seven months later. Billy hadn’t visited, but he’d called at least once a week. Those could have been uncomfortable, stilted conversations but he always had a funny story about someone they both knew in the pack or news she hadn’t heard yet. He made her laugh until she remembered what he would ask of her. What he would demand, or maybe even refuse to demand, and that would probably hurt both of them in the end. Which didn’t really make her feel any easier, knowing he was here somewhere. Knowing it was time she, they, come to terms with what could be between them. It was that possibility that had made her promise Gage that, yes, she would be here. She would talk to him. She would at least try to take the risk.

  But, damn was it hard. She felt eyes on her as she moved through the crowd, and pushed away a surge of dread. There was no danger lurking here. Wyatt was long gone and Gage wouldn’t let anyone, even her mate, hurt her. She wouldn’t be hurt like that again. It was a promise to herself. Still, she couldn’t help the knot in her stomach, the pounding that began behind her eyes. There were too many people, pressing too close. She imagined them looking at her with curious, speculative gazes. Judging her weaknesses and her skin crawled.

  Shit. This could not happen now. She’d never liked huge crowds and the discomfort had gotten worse after Wyatt’s death. She’d been doing so well, though. Heat pricked her eyes and she squeezed them shut, willing the moisture away. Her counselor, a werewolf’s mate, had assured her that some day she would feel whole, complete, and strong again, and most of the time she did. Months had passed and sometimes she felt the same as she had the day she’d walked out of Jackson’s territory and never looked back. Vulnerable, weak, exposed. Joanne thought that was part of the problem. She needed to face the place where she’d lost her hope. She needed to face Billy Cagle. Sometimes that task seemed impossible. As much as she secretly admitted she longed to see him, she didn’t trust him not to force his claim. The uncertainty pissed her off as much as it scared her.

  She felt him watching her seconds before she saw him. As she scanned the crowd for her parents or someone else she knew—safety in numbers right?–her eyes clashed with his. He held her gaze before slowly nodding and disappearing into the throng. A sudden rush of yearning made her lightheaded and she spun to push her way back to the parking area. It was her first glimpse of him in months, and she had to get out. She couldn’t see him like this, feeling nervous and overwhelmed in a crowd. Should have arranged a smaller meeting earlier. In her haste, she bumped into a tall, broad back.

  “Whoa! Hey, are you okay? Chloe?”

  She looked up into Jackson’s concerned face. She tried to smile and hated how weak the effort was. Great. Just what she needed.

  “Fine. I’m…fine.”

  He frowned and took her elbow. It was obvious he didn’t believe her, and she couldn’t figure out a way to unobtrusively escape.

  “Come say hello to Summer and meet her cousins. They’re having a regular reunion over here.”

  She wanted to see Billy but not here, not now, and almost refused. One look at his determined jaw made her relent. She’d been ignoring the disapproving stares of the Appalachian pack members all day and there was nothing to be gained by pissing off their alpha.

  “Have you see my parents?” she asked.

  She’d heard an interesting rumor earlier that she hadn’t had a chance to discuss with Gage yet, but she wanted her father’s take on it too. Jackson glanced down at her.

  “Heard about that, did you?” he murmured before continuing in a normal voice. “Nolan said they’ll be in later tonight. They’re staying with Kyle. I didn’t know they knew each other that well.”

  It was clearly a question, and since she knew he’d sworn his loyalty to Gage she gave him part of an answer.


  “Kyle and my grandfather were friends. In the Atlanta pack,” she said softly, making sure no one would overhear. Jackson, also cautious, nodded.

  There was no Atlanta pack anymore. Once it had been the Regis’s pack, their king, but he’d died decades ago, betrayed and killed by rogues. His heir, his daughter, had disappeared. Very few knew that her son had returned. Chloe didn’t know what Gage was waiting for but she trusted he had good reason to. For now, she had other things to worry about.

  Jackson threaded his way through the growing press of people and came out on the edge of the crowd. He released her arm and grinning, walked toward a laughing group of women sitting on three stacks of hay. Chloe stared at them. It was as if they were holding court. Three regal looking females surrounded by adoring werewolves. They were self-confident and natural, all three beautiful, and none looked alike though she knew they were cousins.

  She spotted Darius and Trey among the wolves but it wasn’t their presence that gave her a jolt of surprise. The normally grim-faced pair were smiling and laughing with the rest of them. She was a few years younger than them but she was pretty sure she’d remember if she’d seen that before, especially Trey. She’d always seen him dour and disapproving. A total killjoy. This was a complete turn around.

  As she walked forward she saw recognition, then pity and disapproval flash in their eyes, although they recovered quickly. Her spine stiffened. She wasn’t looking for approval and she sure as hell didn’t want anyone’s sympathy. She lifted her chin and met their challenging gazes. She would control her destiny, and do it on her own terms.

  Then she turned her head and met Summer’s eyes, and was wrapped in such warmth she forgot all about the men. They’d only met briefly before but she liked Jackson’s mate. Gage had told her Summer and her cousins were witches but not much more and she decided to ask Billy about them later. Summer introduced her to her cousins, Meg and Tara. As Chloe had already noticed, the women were a study in contrasts. Summer was of medium height and build, Meg was short and curvy, and Tara was tall and sleek. They pulled her into their friendly circle and Chloe liked them all immediately.

  She relaxed and listened closely as Summer talked with the other two, while watching the crowd for other friends. Not only were several members of her home packing coming, but because of her father’s position she’d visited many other packs growing up and hoped to reconnect with some of their members. It was going to be a busy week. She’d already, unexpectedly, been roped into several gatherings, lunches, and dinners. Fitting in old friends was already starting to look like a challenge, though some of them would be at events she’d committed to. Suddenly, Chloe
felt Billy watching her again. She looked up and saw him standing just a few feet away, his gaze steady and calm.

  Summer leaned over to her. “He’s not sure if he’s welcome over here right now. He doesn’t want to upset you.”

  Startled, Chloe turned her head to meet Summer’s eyes. Had the other woman read her mind when she wondered why Billy didn’t approach? Summer took a sip of her drink and watched Chloe over the rim of her glass.

  “We’re all curious about what’s going to happen between you two.”

  She went from embarrassment to irritation in about two seconds flat. Everyone was entirely too interested in her personal life, and she was anxious enough about it without the scrutiny. He was her mate. She knew it. Almost accepted it. What worried her was the fear that still struck her out of nowhere sometimes and the trust required to submit to that kind of intimacy. She knew damned well he’d want her submission. Her eyes watered and she took a deep breath, refusing to panic here.

  “I’m working on it,” she whispered to Summer.

  She again felt an outpouring of warmth, and recognized it for what it was. Friendship and strength. It buoyed her, made her remember how far she’d come. Made her remember the dreams she’d had before Wyatt. Dreams that had revolved around Billy. But when she turned back to look for him, he was gone, hidden once again by the swelling crowd. Disappointed and relieved, she sighed and shook her head.

  She was a mess. A confused, damaged mess, and fuck was she sick of it, but it didn’t shut up the internal voice she’d thought she’d mostly defeated. Why would anyone want her? Why would Billy Cagle, beta of one of the most powerful North American packs and by all accounts a very together individual, want someone like her? The internal harangue pissed her off. She took a good look around, and examined the couples in the clearing. To her right, Trey stood with Tara pulled in front of him, his arms around her waist. Darius held Meg’s hand while she talked quietly to Tara. And even though he wasn’t touching her physically, Jackson’s eyes never strayed far from Summer and he made sure she always stood within easy reach. This is what Chloe should have had, a relationship that screamed intimacy, trust, and love.


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