Lunar Mates Volume Two: Books 4-6

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Lunar Mates Volume Two: Books 4-6 Page 7

by Loribelle Hunt

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at them. “And how are you going to explain me having a guard all of a sudden, especially one who isn’t my mate or in his pack?”

  “Aaron Williamson is here,” Jackson said, ignoring her question and naming a member of their pack who’d been a hunter but was retiring to take over the enforcer Clint Osborne.

  Billy shook his head. “He needs to keep shadowing Clint, but Aidan is here too.”

  She knew Aidan Williamson pretty well. He was a year younger than her and had just finishing his first year of medical school. More importantly, he was someone Billy knew and would trust to be around her. She wouldn’t win this fight and she knew it.

  “Fine. Someone let him know I’m free till lunch tomorrow. He can come here for breakfast and coordinate the schedules with Billy.”

  She could have handled it on her own but knew she’d be wasting her breath if she tried. Billy never said a word. Didn’t speak, in fact, until everyone had left and she started walking to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes down the hall behind her. She was making all kinds of concessions here. She might as well get some pleasure out of it.

  “I expected you to argue,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  She shrugged. “What would be the point?”

  “Gage didn’t even bother to order you and you didn’t put up a fight, but you knew damned well I was going to when we were alone and you would have fought with me.”

  She cocked her head to the side and studied him while he finally started to strip too. “You know, I don’t think I was planning on doing that. One, I wouldn’t win. You’d just bring in Dad and Jackson for backup. And two.” She took a deep breath as his jeans and underwear disappeared.

  “Two?” he asked softly, stepping forward and setting his hands on her hips, pulling her close. He leaned down and brush his mouth against hers. “What’s two?”

  “I don’t remember.” She stared up into his eyes and fought the urge to smile. Figured what the hell. “And if I didn’t know better I’d think you want me to argue with you,” she teased.

  He gave her a wicked grin. “The making up would be fun.”

  He kissed her lightly, trailed his lips across her face and down the side of her neck. A gentle scrape of teeth. Nowhere near hard enough to break skin and more than enough to make her stomach do a slow flip.

  “Ask me, Chloe. Ask me to make you mine, permanantly,” he whispered.

  She almost did, but as much as she’d enjoyed last night and spending most of the day with him, she couldn’t let herself forget that he was on good behavior and everything could change after she accepted him.

  “You promised me a week,” she reminded him softly, and was relieved when he chuckled even if it sounded a little forced.

  “Well, I’d better start convincing you then.”


  She didn’t trust him, not enough, and he knew he shouldn’t expect her to so soon. Actually, he’d made a hell of a lot of progress in twenty-four hours. He planned to make use of it. There’d be no more reminders of danger or other people tonight. Just him and Chloe and how good they were together. And right now, more than anything, he just wanted to hold her, to love her. To cherish her. She couldn’t hide from him. She was trying to, but her scent didn’t lie. She was his and she knew it.

  Now he just had to make her accept it and that meant not letting her think, so he kissed her and he didn’t hold back. He couldn’t have if he’d tried, not tonight when he was so worried about her. Feeling so damned possessive. She was his, and no one and nothing would be allowed to interfere with that again. He would find a way to convince her.

  The kiss became deeper, darker. He tried to hold back but he was too late. He’d let the primitive side of himself out and couldn’t cage it now. She didn’t seem to mind. He twisted his hand in her hair and tilted her head back, angled it so he had complete control, and walked her back to the bed. She was gasping when he finally let her loose. He had no idea what she saw on his face but her eyes went wide and her scent became sweeter, intoxicating.

  “I can almost see the wolf in you now,” she whispered. “I’ve never seen you in your wolf form.”

  He froze, and while he did, she scrambled back to sit cross legged on the center of the bed. “You don’t have to show me. I’m not like, asking you to perform on command or anything.”

  She was teasing, but he sensed, felt her yearning. He didn’t know if that was because she wanted to him change, to see him changed, or if she wanted it for herself. If they had a daughter would she be able to shift? He’d never considered the possibility but he thought it was a joy he’d want to share with their children, no matter their sex. Chloe would never be able to run with him. Was it cruel to show her something she’d never have? Could they still share it?

  “Billy? I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.”

  He watched her, took a deep breath to figure out her emotions. It could be called cheating, but fuck it. She felt bad for putting him on the spot but worse, she expected rejection. He might have got pissed off after the progress they’d made but reminded himself that he’d seen her vulnerable. Had stripped her bare. She hadn’t had the same chance and they both needed this. He needed to shift into his other form, rub up against, curl around her, and have her see the part of him that was a wolf.

  He changed while he held her gaze. It was painful as his muscles, bones, and joints twisted and morphed, but it didn’t last more than a couple of seconds and then he was a wolf. Normally in this form he’d want to be outside. Would want to run and hunt. But his wolf side wanted his mate, needed to be accepted by his mate.

  He leapt onto the bed and she didn’t flinch from him. Sighing, she shoved her hands into his fur and stared into his eyes.

  “You aren’t gonna break my heart, are you, Billy?”

  He shifted, used his heavier body to pin her to the bed, and growled against his will. “It’s mine. Why would I break it?”

  She stared at him for a full two seconds before she burst out laughing. He thought about taking offense, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips and all thoughts flew straight out of his head, which was probably her intention. Then she kissed him and he felt all the things she couldn’t say yet. Her hunger. Her love. The fear that he’d abuse the trust growing between them. But it had no place here.

  He licked and nibbled his way down her body, pausing to tease her nipples into hard points before moving on. He spread her thighs and scraped his teeth over her clit before sucking it into his mouth. Her luscious, addicting scent sharpened and she began to beg desperately to come. He considered dragging it out, loved the soft sound of her pleas, but he didn’t think he would be able to hold himself back and he’d be damned if she didn’t get off first. He thrust two fingers into her pussy, curled them to rub against her G-spot, and she screamed. She was so fucking beautiful and he couldn’t hold back anymore.

  He was inside her before he was aware of moving, his fingers laced with hers, holding her arms above her head before he remembered this kind of dominance and aggression would scare her. But when he went to release her she held tight and shook her head.

  “No guilt or blame, remember?” she whispered. “And no holding back. Not here and now, not tonight.”

  He wasn’t sure he could have if he’d tried. She felt too good, and he didn’t want to focus too much on her words. On the implication that tonight was an aberration. That it wouldn’t happen again. He gave her pleasure instead, thrusting slowly while he teased her nipples with his teeth. Tugging the balls in her hoops until she whimpered. And then he fucked her until they both cried out.


  “We don’t have to go to this,” Billy said, willing his fingers to loosen their grip on the steering wheel.

  He’d prefer not to. It was his last night in the Panhandle, and Chloe had been quiet all afternoon. The week had gone by too fast and he hadn’t been able to spend
as much of it alone with her as he’d wanted. Hell, he would have been happy to never see another person, to spend all their time in her little house convincing her to come home with him. Where she belonged. The only thing that had been accomplished by not doing that was the Dallas splinter group picking Nolan to be their new alpha and the council giving him the old Atlanta lands.

  But he hadn’t come here for that. He’d come for her and wondered if it was a risk taking her to dinner with everyone else. She would either realize how well she fit into his life, or she would bolt and run when he wasn’t looking. If it were up to him they wouldn’t be going, but Jackson hadn’t asked him. Summer had asked Chloe. Why hadn’t she said no?

  He figured this Sunday evening would be his last relaxing one for a while, and he sure as hell didn’t want to waste it in a crowd. The last few days had been as close to perfect as he had ever imagined. He and Chloe fit well together, the sex was phenomenal, and she’d opened up about her life and dreams. They’d had one tense conversation about Wyatt that he knew would probably have to be repeated later, but in the meantime he thought it would be better to show her how he was different from her former mate rather than try to convince her with words. So why the fuck was he taking her to a casual dinner with the leaders of the Appalachian and Alabama packs?

  She smiled, but he thought he detected an undercurrent of apprehension. “It’s just dinner, Billy. No big deal. We’ve been to plenty this week.”

  “Right,” he answered, decided not to point out that this was different.

  He opened the door and stepped out into the balmy night air. She joined him at the front of the car and he took her hand, leading her up the front steps of the house where Jackson and Summer were staying. A fine tension strummed through her body. He cupped her face in his palms, leaned down, and kissed her. Softly. Slowly. Trying to communicate just how precious she was to him, and how much her standing by him meant. When he broke the kiss, he straightened and smiled down into her eyes. She offered him a curious smile in return.

  “What was that for?” she asked.

  He shook his head, reached for the doorknocker, and grinned. “Just ’cause I can, baby.”

  The door swung open so quickly, he suspected Jackson had been waiting on the other side. He waved them through the living room and out onto the back deck. Billy noted the porch’s occupants and kept a grip on Chloe’s hand. Though maybe he was the one that was nervous not her. He’d been friends with Eric for years, and had come to think of Jackson not just as his alpha but a friend. But put those two with Darius and Trey in this kind of setting? Casual. Laid back. Just a bunch of friends getting together. The four of them had always been larger than life characters. Even Billy felt a little awed. Trey rose from where he leaned against a rail and extended his hand. He gripped Billy’s and grinned. He would never get used to Trey Williams looking anything other than grim.

  “So are you keeping Jackson in line, Cagle?”

  He almost laughed out loud. Like anyone could do that? This evening was going to be unreal. Looking bemused, Chloe squeezed his hand in silent support and his heart thumped in response. The other werewolves laughed, and Jackson punched Trey on the shoulder.

  “Ignore him,” Jackson told Billy. “He doesn’t want to be in charge, but he thinks the rest of us need a babysitter.”

  Billy cocked an eyebrow. He couldn’t believe anyone would think Jackson needed a keeper, and he was pretty sure he didn’t want the position. Couldn’t Summer have that job? Jackson laughed at his expression and with one last supportive squeeze of his hand, Chloe pulled free and walked to the table. The four mates sat around it, talking and laughing quietly, with a bottle of wine and an extra glass. She joined them. Summer filled a glass and pushed it over to her.

  The guys walked to the other end of the long deck to the grill. Jackson lifted the lid, and he and Darius worked quickly to add charcoal and douse it with lighter fluid.

  “No bond yet,” Jackson remarked lightly, disapproval underlying his tone.

  Billy repressed a sigh. Here we go. He shrugged. “She’s nervous. Understandably.”

  The alpha’s jaw clenched and Billy knew he was remembering Wyatt and all the trouble he’d caused.

  “Yeah, it is,” he answered, meeting Billy’s eyes. “But she’s the best choice to take over Nolan’s duties, and she’s your mate. Are you really gonna let her go?”

  He wasn’t planning to but he also had no intention of talking to Jackson about it when he was in alpha mode, so he kept quiet.

  “I expect you home in a week.”

  Billy didn’t let his relief show. He’d been prepared to argue for more time in Florida. Now, he just had to convince Chloe to stay with him, to come back with him. She hadn’t said anything, hadn’t even hinted, but he was afraid she was still thinking about running.

  “Thanks,” he said quietly, turning to watch her.

  She was relaxed, her earlier nervousness gone as she smiled at something Summer said. Fuck. Maybe he’d imagined that. Maybe the nervousness was all his. She looked up and caught him watching her, and the smile slipped from her face. She turned back to the conversation at the table, attempting to ignore him, and he grinned. She wouldn’t be able to pull that off any more than he could.


  Chloe felt his eyes on her and smiled before trying to banish the awareness humming along her skin. His presence was reassuring. When did he go from making her nervous to making her feel protected? It had happened sometime over the last week, in the first twenty-four hours probably, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly when. She tried to concentrate on the conversation flowing around her instead, but she stayed distracted. Because she had no idea where to go from here. He hadn’t mentioned her going home with him at all, and as the day had progressed she wasn’t certain where she stood.

  She couldn’t deal with that here so she sipped at the glass of wine, and forced herself to relax. It was early evening, the sky just beginning to turn pink with dusk, and the scent of pine filled the air. It was warm, but not too humid. It would be a perfect night to spend on the beach. She felt comforted by the atmosphere and let her mind drift.

  When we get home, I want a deck like this. She jerked back to herself and took a long drink from her glass. When we get home? What the hell was she thinking? But, damn, she was thinking it. She felt Billy watching her again and looked up to glare across the porch at him. His eyes reflected surprise. Let him wonder.

  Summer set her hand over Chloe’s wrist. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” She forced a smiled. “I’m fine.”

  Summer and Tara exchanged knowing glances, and it raised her hackles. Why did everyone have to know her business?

  Summer turned to smile over her shoulder at Jackson. “Even if it’s inevitable, it sucks to have no choice,” she said. “Or when they think you have no choice.”

  Chloe snorted. She had options. Didn’t she? She’d moved to Florida, after all, and tomorrow, she could pack up and move on. Never mind the ache in her heart at not ever seeing Billy again. She’d get over it. Her body tensed, as if protesting her assertion. One of Summer’s cousins, Meg, gave her a knowing smile.

  “You think you can leave, but he’s already under your skin. And besides, he’d just come after you.”

  Shock froze her in place. “How did you…” She let the know trail off. Meg, all of the cousins, were witches.

  Meg shrugged. “We all have different talents. I’m…intuitive. Sometimes things just come to me.”

  Summer asked if she would really do it, really try to leave, and Chloe gave her an incredulous look. Did she honestly expect an answer to that question? It wouldn’t remain a secret for long if she did. And Summer freaking knew better. Even as Chloe considered escape, plotted how to make it happen, a part of her protested. At first it was only a small, whispering complaint, but it quickly rose to a loud wail that she had to clench her teeth against. She was at war with herself over what was best for her. If the situation we
ren’t so ridiculous, she would have laughed.

  Thankfully, the men started calling for dinner and the long table was set and filled. She sat at one corner, with Summer seated at the end of the table next to her, and Billy to her right. Conversation ebbed and flowed, utensils scraped against plates, and the night grew dark as people lingered. She kept quiet, tensing whenever she felt a gaze land on her and instinctively brushing against Billy. Rather than act annoyed, he leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  “Do you want to leave?”

  She looked at him, noticing the way the evening’s leisure had eased the worry in his eyes and the lines around his mouth. She liked the change, and knew it wouldn’t be fair to drag him away from something he obviously needed. So with a slight shake of her head, she smiled and answered softly. “No.”

  He searched her eyes and nodded. “If you’re sure.”

  She was and she smiled. His arm draped across the back of her chair in silent support, the tips of his fingers brushing her shoulders. The contact was soothing. She eased into some of the discussion around her, but mostly she simply watched. And leaned more into Billy the farther the night progressed.

  She almost hated to admit that she was having fun. She’d grown up in a werewolf pack, and with some rare exceptions, they were social creatures. Even Trey, whom she’d considered taciturn at best, was open and smiling, jumping into the fray when Meg and Tara ganged up on Darius. Chloe watched, and throughout the evening the realization slowly dawned on her that she’d seen all these males, except for Billy, in casual social settings before, but they’d never been this unwound. She noticed the touches, the long looks, the secret smiles between couples. She became more aware of Billy’s arm around her, such a simple gesture to give her so much a sense of security and comfort. The importance of a true mate bond to a werewolf started to sink into her heart.

  She had been raised around them, went to school and social events with them, but bonding had always seemed to be more about incredible sex than true romance. The reality was so much more. The bond ran deep and took the edges off the werewolves’ predator personalities. It humanized them.


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