Ash: A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 2 (The Beckett Brothers)

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Ash: A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 2 (The Beckett Brothers) Page 1

by Susan Fisher-Davis


  The Beckett Brothers

  Book Two

  Susan Fisher-Davis

  Erotic Romance

  ASH, a Beckett Brothers Novel, Book 2

  Copyright © 2018 Susan Fisher-Davis

  First E-book Publication: September 2018

  Cover design by Amy Valentini

  Edited by Amy Valentini/Romancing Editorially

  Cover Photo: Becky McGraw/Cover Me Photography

  All cover art copyright © 2018 by Susan Fisher-Davis

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  PUBLISHER: Blue Whiskey Publishing

  Susan Davis

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  To Becky McGraw/Cover Me Photography for the photo.

  To Amy Valentini, my wonderful editor, cover artist, and friend. You are the best!

  To my husband, Rob, for pushing me to do this and knowing when to let me alone

  when I disappear into my cave. I love you.


  To Toby, Sandra, Rhonda, and are the best betas an author could wish for.

  I love all of you and appreciate you more than you could ever know.

  And to those of you reading this, thank you.

  I couldn’t do it without you.

  Chapter One

  Pulling onto the expansive property that was the Circle M ranch, Ash drove his truck up to the barn. The wind howled around him when he stepped out causing him to tug his cowboy hat down lower. He sure as hell didn’t feel like chasing it today. Entering the barn, he strode down the aisle after letting his eyes adjust. The smell of fresh cut hay assaulted his nose, and he breathed in deeply.

  “Hey Ash,” a man said in greeting as he strode toward him.

  Ash touched the brim of his hat as cowboys do and smiled. “How’s it going, Everett?”

  Everett Flynn was older than dirt but the old cowboy ran the ranch with an iron fist, and everyone respected him for it.

  “Good. Only that damn horse is back here.” He motioned him toward the back of the barn as he turned around, so Ash followed him.

  “He just needs to be settled down,” Ash remarked, trying not to laugh at the old man’s cantankerous view of the young horse of which he knew he was referring.

  “You can shoot him if you want,” Everett muttered just loud enough for Ash to hear.

  Ash grinned, pushing back a chuckle. “You know better than that.”

  “Yeah, I know. The damn horse just needs some manners. He bites and hates anyone on his back. He’s young—I get it, but I can’t get nowhere with him. Brian thinks he’ll make a great pleasure horse, but I seriously have my doubts.”

  Brian Marlowe and his wife, Nora were the owners of the Circle M ranch along with being English professors at the local college. Ash had been recommended to them five years ago when they’d purchased a horse no one wanted. Ash smiled when he saw Brian leaning against the wooden rail, watching a black mustang run around inside the corral.

  “Hey, Brian,” Ash said as he stepped up beside him and placed his booted foot on the bottom rail.

  “Hey Ash, how are you, son?” He jerked his chin at the horse. “Gorgeous animal, isn’t he?”

  Ash looked at the horse and nodded. “Yeah, he sure is. Everett says he’s mean.”

  Brian chuckled making Ash grin. “Everett thinks all horses are mean. Makes me wonder why he even bothers working on a ranch.”

  Ash chuckled. The man had a point. “How’s Nora?”

  “Wonderful as usual, she’s getting the cabin ready for Cassie.” Brian glanced at him. “She’s coming home. She’s going to stay in the cabin, so she can have some privacy. She finally divorced that low-life husband of hers. I never did like him.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Brian. It’s never easy. Gage and his wife are separated too.”

  “Sorry to hear that. There was just something about Ross Porter I never did like, but now he’s hurt one of my girls. All I know is, the son of a bitch had better not show his face on my ranch.”

  “Is Nora happy about your daughter coming home?” Ash asked as he watched the horse rear up.

  “Yeah, always…under any circumstances. In my opinion, Cassie is way better off without him.”

  “It’s just too bad that had to happen.”

  Brian turned to face him. “It is but as I said, I never trusted him.”

  Ash sighed. “Let me get this beast to my ranch, and I’ll do what I can with him for you.”

  Brian slapped him on the back. “Hell, Ash, if anyone can do it, it’s you. I know you’re busy with your feed business and all, but Nora and I trust you.”

  “It’s not a problem, Brian. I can take a little time to work with him. I love working with horses.”

  Ash moved to the gate and opened it then stepped inside, moving closer to the horse. He noticed the horse’s ears were back and he was pawing the ground. Neither was a good sign in Ash’s opinion. Slowly moving toward the animal, he put his hand out and murmured soft soothing sounds. The horse stood still but turned his head to stare at Ash.

  “Come on, boy, I won’t hurt you,” Ash said in a low tone of voice. Stepping closer to the horse, he gently touched the mustang’s neck and watched as the skin quivered. He ran his hand slowly down along the animal’s back. The horse snapped at him making Ash jump back. He glanced at Brian when he heard him chuckle from behind him.

  “Maybe Everett’s right about this one,” Brian said with a worried expression.

  “Everett’s never right about horses,” Ash said as he watched the horse shake his body making dirt and dust float up around them both. Ash had been around enough horses that it didn’t bother him.

  “The hell I ain’t. This one here would be better off in a glue factory,” Everett said then spit tobacco juice onto the dirt floor.

  “You think that about every horse,” Brian muttered.

  “No horse of mine is ever going to a glue factory,” Nora Marlowe said as she stepped up to the railing beside her husband.

  Ash grinned. “We all know that, Nora.”

  “We only want the horses gelded around here, hon,” Brian said laughing.

  “You take care of this one for me, Ash Beckett,” Nora s
aid with a grin.

  Ash laughed and shook his head at the banter. Nora and Brian Marlowe were a fantastic couple. Brian would do anything for her and Ash thought it was great that they were still so much in love after all this time, just like his parents. He hoped he’d find that one day, but he was thirty-five now and beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen for him. Mentally shaking his head, he turned to Brian.

  “Could you toss me the halter, Brian?” Ash caught the halter when Brian threw it to him and walked back to the horse. Taking a deep breath, he talked to the horse as he tried to get the halter on him but the mustang was having none of it and ran from him, circling the corral.

  “Damn it. I need a rope,” Ash said. “He’s going to be a problem.”

  “Oh come on, Ash. I have faith in you,” Nora said with a smile.

  Ash chuckled. “That makes me feel so much better, Nora.”

  Nora laughed then sobered. “How’s Brayden doing?”

  “Great now. Melissa makes him very happy. She’s definitely what he needed.”

  “She’s a lovely woman. The wedding was beautiful. You looked very handsome in your tux, Ash.”

  Ash shook his head and laughed. “I know you love me, no matter what you say.”

  Nora shrugged. “Yes, I do. I’m so happy Brayden’s out of prison though. We all knew he didn’t do it.”

  Ash took a deep breath. “I never doubted him for a second.” He circled the rope above his head then tossed it so it would land around the horse’s neck. Success.

  “Those of us who know him felt the same way. He loved Maisy, and he would never have hurt her. I’m so glad he’s happy again,” Nora said.

  An hour later, Ash was finally on his way home with the mustang. The horse hadn’t been happy at all about being roped then dragged into a trailer. Now, Ash just had to get him out of it again and into a stall without being kicked or bitten in the process.

  After backing the trailer into the barn, he shut off the truck, and stepped out. His ranch manager, Ernie Bates, walked toward him then jumped back when the horse kicked the inside of the trailer.

  “Shit. What do you have in there?”

  “A devil, for sure. He’s one mean son of a bitch. I’ll go in through the side door and when I tell you, open the back gate but first, go open a stall for me.”

  “You got it, boss.” Ernie ran to a stall and opened a gate then ran back to the trailer.

  Ash took a deep breath and opened the side door. As he untied the lead from the hook, he quickly leaned back as the horse tried to bite him.

  “You know, I’m beginning to not like you much either. One of us is going down and I’m telling you right now, I don’t plan on it being me.” Ash put a blindfold on the horse so he couldn’t see what was happening. “Open the gate now, Ernie.”

  Doing as he was told, Ernie slid the gate open and moved back as Ash led the horse down the ramp then toward the stall.

  “Wow. That is a gorgeous animal. Does he have a name?”

  Ash grinned. “Diablo. Fitting, huh? I told you he was a devil.”

  Ernie laughed. “Very fitting, but he is a beautiful horse.”

  Ash had to agree about his being a beautiful horse. The horse was black without a speck of any other color on him. His coat was shiny. He was a tall horse, but wild as they come. Ash hoped he could do something with him. Nora and Brian were the only people he still trained horses for these days. He used to do it quite a bit before his feed business took off. Lately, he just rarely had the time, but he loved the Marlowes and would help them anytime they needed him.

  Two weeks later, Ash drove his pickup back onto the Circle M ranch and backed the trailer into the barn. After shutting the truck off, he climbed out and walked to the back of the vehicle.

  “Did you bring my horse back, Ash?” Nora asked from behind him.

  Ash spun around with a grin, but it died when he saw the beautiful woman beside Nora. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She was exquisite with her dark red hair pulled back from a prettier face he’d never seen. She had gorgeous gray eyes that pulled him in hard. Freckles sprinkled across her pert nose that fanned out across her cheeks teased his eyes, and had him wanting to pull her against him so he could kiss every one of them. She stood around five-seven, which made him at six-five almost a foot taller than she was and from what he could see she had one hell of a figure. He looked at Nora when she cleared her throat.

  “Ash, this is our daughter, Cassidy Porter. Cassie, this is Ash Beckett. The best horse whisperer around these parts.”

  “Trick Dillon is actually the best, Nora, but thank you. Cassidy, it’s nice to meet you,” Ash said as he pulled his glove off and put his hand out toward her.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Beckett and please call me Cassie,” she said as she put her hand in his.

  Ash was sure he felt a zap of electricity. “I prefer Cassidy, and please call me Ash.”

  A blush stole across her cheeks, and Ash grinned when she glanced away from him then he looked at Nora.

  “I did bring your horse back, Nora. I think he’ll be a fine pleasure horse now. I’ll unload him. Where do you want him?”

  Nora pointed in the direction of a stall and after he unloaded the horse, led him through the barn to it. Walking out of the stall after making sure he’d settled the horse, his eyes met Cassidy’s again but she quickly looked away from him. Nora closed the gate and smiled at him.

  “You’re right, Trick is the best,” she said making her daughter gasp.

  Ash chuckled. “Don’t worry, Cassidy, she doesn’t mean it. Otherwise, she’d call Trick.”

  “I do, but he’s always busy.” Nora laughed.

  “Mom,” Cassidy exclaimed in obvious embarrassment.

  “Oh honey, Ash knows I’m teasing him. It stems back to Trick being really busy when I first called him, and he recommended Ash. Your father and I had used Trick before but when he was too busy to accommodate us, he sent us Ash. I told Ash the first day he showed up that I didn’t have a lot of faith in him since Trick was the best, but if Trick sent him then I’d take a chance.” Nora shrugged. “I did, and have never regretted it. Trick lost us to Ash.”

  Ash smirked. “I’m not sure I won the prize.”

  Nora burst out laughing. “Of course you did, Ash.”

  Ash laughed and saw Cassidy grinning. He put his fingers to his hat.

  “I’ll be going now. Call me if you need anything. You ladies have a nice day.” He strode to his truck, climbed in and after starting it, drove off.


  “He’s a good-looking man, isn’t he?” Nora asked as Cassie and she watched him walk to his truck.

  “Yes, but don’t go getting any ideas, Mom. I’m certainly not looking for another man.”

  “What you were married to wasn’t a man. A real man doesn’t shirk his responsibilities like his marriage.”

  “What makes you think Ash Beckett would be any different?” Cassie stared at her mother.

  “Because he has morals. Ash is a good man. You know your father and I have excellent instincts, and that man is a good one.”

  “I can’t believe you’re trying to fix me up already. I just divorced Ross.”

  “Yes, you did but your marriage has been over for a while now and the sooner you remember that, the better. You’ve been over Ross for some time now, Cassie. You know as well as I do, he’ll be coming here to try to talk you into returning to Nevada with him and if you do, I swear I will disown you.” Nora moved around her daughter and walked out of the barn.

  Cassie stared after her mother. Taking a deep breath, she followed her. There was no way she’d take Ross back this time or any time again. Cassie had actually done what she’d threatened him with twice before. She divorced him. Her parents didn’t know about the other two times he’d cheated on her and she’d taken him back. But not again. The third time was the charm. She’d played the fool long enough, but her mother was right about one thing, Ash Becket
t was one good-looking man.

  His dark brown hair curled at the nape of his neck. His eyes were the most beautiful color she’d ever seen. They were ice blue, surrounded by thick lashes. She’d never seen anyone with eyes that shade, and the way those chaps he wore hugged his crotch, had her salivating. Then when he walked away, she swore he had the best ass she’d ever seen on a man. Oh, but there was another thing her mother was right about—Ross Porter would be coming to Montana wanting her to return with him to Nevada. Only Cassie wouldn’t go back with him. He’d told her he wouldn’t give up on getting her to take him back, but he’d lose this time.

  Who knew that one month later, she’d have Everett calling Ash to work on a horse she’d just purchased. After seeing what Ash had done with Diablo, she knew she wanted him to work on any horses she bought. The thought of seeing him again had her rethinking it though, but the man knew what he was doing when it came to training a horse. Diablo had earned his name before Ash Beckett had gotten a hold of him and now the horse was a pussycat. Sucking in a deep breath, she went in search of Everett.


  As Ash walked up to the corral, he saw her sitting on the top rail watching the palomino run around inside of it. The horse tossed his head, stopped, and reared up. Ash knew he had his work cut out for him. Whether it would be harder to break the horse or stay away from this beautiful woman, he wasn’t sure.

  Cassidy looked over at him. Her long hair hung in a braid down to the middle of her back tempting him to run his hand down it.

  “Hello, Ash,” she said softly and in reaction, his dick wanted to rise, shocking him to the core.

  “Cassidy,” he said as he touched the brim of his hat and swallowed so hard, he feared she’d heard it.

  A smile lifted her lips. “You just can’t call me Cassie, can you?”

  “Nope.” He grinned as he walked up to the rail and laid his arms on it to stare at the horse. It was safer than staring at her.


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