Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series Page 4

by Minky St Anne

  I found the whole thing about them stimulating me until I came over and over to be a little odd. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining but other than the occasional guy who makes a show of pretending to care that you get satisfaction, it’s mostly all for show until they’ve shot their wad. With Vyran, he’d seemed to get a real kick out of me coming so hard I couldn’t see. Likewise his brothers with those pulses of energy they’d slammed into my body. Surely they hadn’t gotten anything out of that?

  Lying in bed trying to sleep I do my best to rid myself of memories of the demonstration that Seolfer had given me of just what his silver fettyr, with its round-headed cones, was capable of. That he seemed to be able to control them by thought alone, was erotic beyond belief. I guess this made him the Nyphrazi God of Silver.

  Unlike Vyran, with his leather fettyr and natural coloring, Seolfer seemed hard and unforgiving. Maybe it was because of his silver hair and eyes and that shimmering skin of his.

  Shutting my eyes doesn’t help. This has me replaying the psychic promises they’d all whispered to me after Vyran had transported me back home from the Caves of Nyphrazi. But he’d been too late.

  Far too late.

  You try climaxing five times in a row when your folks are a couple of doors away. I damned near had to eat my pillow to stop crying out as those balls of energy they’d slammed into me pulsed away. I might well be twenty nine years old, but to my parents I was still their little girl and little girls didn’t have multiple orgasms.

  “You look like shit,” says my younger brother, when I stumble into breakfast the following morning.

  “Thanks!” I spear him with a withering glance that does nothing to soften the glee he’s experiencing at my feeling like death.

  “Still suffering from insomnia?” says my Mom, her face a picture of concern.

  “Yeah. Thank goodness I’m finished at the plant.” I sip tentatively at the mug of steaming hot coffee she’s put down in front of me. Yuck, decaf. I know she’s doing it for my own good with the sleeping problem and all, but it truly tastes like crap. Crap that doesn’t even give me a buzz.

  Ah, the plant, my own personal hell for the preceding three months. Twelve to sixteen hour days spent gutting fish. It’s been a couple of days since I finished my contract and despite scrubbing myself every day, I’m still aware of a faint fishy odor. Thankfully I’m not planning on dating any time soon.

  “What are you going to do now?” says my dad.

  “I’m not sure. I need something if I’m gonna finally nail those credit cards.”

  “There’s a job going at the mine,” says my brother.

  “What doing?” I ask indifferently as I doubt it’s going to be anything I’m going to be capable of.

  “Working in the cafeteria.”

  “Really?” Now this I could do.

  “You should get in soon though. I only heard about it late yesterday.”

  Knowing how quickly jobs get snapped up, I hurry through breakfast, dress as I think someone interviewing for a job in a cafeteria would, and am on the road not far behind my brother. Finding the site office is easy enough, although the mine boss is a little surprised by my appearance given the job hasn’t even been advertised.

  “Do you have experience scrubbing pots?”

  At first, I think he’s having me on, but soon see he’s entirely serious. Lucky I hadn’t responded with a smartass reply as I’d been tempted to.

  “Ah, yes. Over twenty years.” I hope I’ve kept the ‘are you fucking serious’ tone out of my response.

  He nods sagely, before rocking back in his chair and looking at me through slit-eyes as though to check for homicidal tendencies.

  His chair slams back down. “There’s a drug test!” He throws this at me like a gauntlet.

  “No problem.” Hell I haven’t even had caffeine in a couple of weeks.

  “The hours are long.”

  “I’m used to that.”

  “Dang, I thought I could smell fish.” He chuckles away at my expense. “Okay, if Glory likes you, you’re hired. Save me a heap of trouble that’s for damned sure.”

  “When do I start?”

  He looks at his watch and then at me. “You’re late already. Each five minutes, we dock fifteen.”

  I’m running by the time I reach the cafeteria. There I report to Glory a woman who looks to have been boiling the hell out of anything green for nigh on forty years. She’s hard boiled herself, but I instantly like her and thank my lucky stars that the feeling is mutual. I’m washing my first dishes within minutes of her giving me the final nod and after a week working at the mine, I no longer smell of fish. Now I’m an enticing mix of dishwashing liquid and over-boiled greens.

  I settle into the new routine and while the hours are long, the work is reasonably light compared to the fish processing plant. Sure we’re run off our feet around break times but we do get to rest up a little in-between. And I’m working with an experienced crew with some of them having been there almost as long as Glory. When she tells me that she thinks I’m going to be there for a long time too I don’t know whether to be flattered or depressed.

  Just think of the money becomes a constant refrain.

  One thing I do have trouble with at work is all the guys hitting on me. As far as the cafeteria crew goes, I’m the youngest by around twenty-five years and so it’s not like I’ve got a lot of competition. I wouldn’t mind if they seemed to be actually interested in me but it feels more like a Pavlovian response to anyone under fifty.

  I know it’s been a couple of months since I saw Vyran and he hasn’t tried to contact me, but I’m having difficulty looking at another guy without comparing them to him.

  If I take errant thoughts about his brothers into account, the highest ranking of any of the guys at the mine, in the men-I’d-like-to-fuck stakes, is position number seven. Only Gerry, Alan and Ross make the grade and I’m keeping them at arm’s length. With difficulty.

  In the end my horniness and Gerry’s leaving the mine to go and work in the lower forty eight results in the perfect night for a date. This way I can screw his brains out and then it’s goodbye baby. Even better is that I don’t have to work the following day either.

  Chapter Two

  Gerry is the perfect gentleman in front of my folks when he picks me up for our date. This doesn’t last. No sooner has he gotten in the cab of his truck than he turns to me and, without preamble, says “We can go to dinner and then I can fuck you sideways, or we can forget about dinner.”

  His cheeky grin is the only thing that stops me from slugging him. But who am I kidding; this is what I want him for.

  “I’ve already eaten.” My grin matches his.

  A slight lift of one of my eyebrows is all it takes for him to floor it, distributing quite a bit of the gravel in our driveway in the process. Something I’m sure my dad will have something to say about in the morning.

  Gerry’s been staying with his folks too but he has the advantage of being in a guest cabin a short distance from the main house. This also means there’s no indoor plumbing and so I know I’m going to have to use an outhouse at some stage during the evening. We haven’t had one of those at our place in yonks.

  Again Gerry plays the part of the gentleman until we’re safely inside. Then he starts peeling my clothes off me before I even have a chance to drop my handbag. It takes me a moment to relax into what is obviously going to be a quick fuck but once I do, I make short work of his clothes too. Less than five minutes after entering the cabin and we’re both standing naked.

  He devours me with his eyes, while I’m examining him with less enthusiasm. I find him sadly wanting after Vyran and his brothers. Damn, I knew this would happen. He’s big enough alright, but rather ‘white bread’ when compared to the Gods of Nyphrazi. Oh well, it’s this or my hand. I take a small step towards him and it’s all the encouragement he needs. I have him rubbered-up in seconds because even though I’m on the pill, it’s safety first w
ith me. Luckily I’d done a bulk buy of condoms lot long before my life in Seattle disintegrated. There was no way I’d buy them up here. Everyone in town would know before I’d had a chance to open the first packet.

  “Bed or counter?” he says.

  His eyes skitter between both but I see them dwell on the counter just that little bit longer. I could ruin his night and say the bed, but to hell with it, the counter height looks as though it’ll make things interesting. My response is obvious when I too look at the counter before smiling.

  With a whoop of joy, he grabs me around the waist and swings me up.

  “Arrrrgh! It’s fucking freezing.” This is no understatement, I feel as though my ass has just been plonked down on a slab of ice.

  “Half the fun baby,” he says, while sliding me forward so my cheeks are damned near being cut in half by the edge of the counter.

  He wastes no time on foreplay, instead burying himself deep inside me, although not as deep as Vyran. It’s just as well I’ve been in a perpetual state of arousal since my visit to the caves otherwise I think the condom would have been in tatters after that maneuver. As would I. He pumps studiously away and to be honest I’m feeling not a lot, but then everything changes.

  First I notice my silver bangles vibrating, then it’s as though they’ve got a life of their own. They tighten around my wrists and an unknown force drags them and my hands high above my head. Gerry takes this as an invitation to suck hard on my nipples. One and then the other and then repeat until I’m arching towards his questing mouth and moaning deep in the back of my throat. By now the bracelets have hooked themselves over some hooks set on the underside of the shelf that’s high above the counter. I’m stunned when I see the hooks crush closed, effectively locking me in place.

  Looking back down, horror fills me when I see Gerry’s bright blue eyes turn silver, along with his hair. He smiles maniacally at me and it’s as though his face has morphed into that of Seolfer’s.

  “Gerry, are you there?”

  There’s a brief flash of blue in the eyes staring intently at me, but they soon return to silver.

  “Gerry’s stepped out. This is the only way I can reach your realm and fuck you until I achieve Nysa,” says Seolfer, pulling almost free of my body and far enough for me to see that damned silver fettyr of his with all those dimples and domes. “Ready?”

  I yank futilely to free my hands from my mangled silver bracelets. “And if I’m not?”

  “You soon will be.”

  I’m abusing him roundly when he slowly, agonizingly so, nudges himself back into me. That the domes on his fettyr have started to rotate at some unspoken command only adds to the eroticism of the moment. He grinds himself into me as far as he can, then stands still and lets all the little bulges on his fettyr do the work for him. Despite his body not moving an inch, it still feels like he’s drilling himself into me as the domes pump in and out along the length of him while he stands there calmly and watches for my reaction.

  Rather than give him the satisfaction of seeing me lose it, I think about doing mountains of dishes by hand, of vacuuming and cleaning toilets. It works until he accelerates the domes and then adds to the general mayhem by folding the lips of my labia back with the fingers of one hand before slowly licking the thumb of his other. I know where it’s headed but my scream of denial soon turns into something altogether different when he grinds his wet thumb into my clit.

  He leaves my wrists hooked above me while he fucks me for what feels like hours and has me climax so many times that I lose count with each response more wanton than the previous. He, however, looks more and more frustrated as time goes by, with no sign of him being anywhere near achieving the dreamed-of Nysa. He gives up on the bumps of his fettyr doing the work for him and slams himself into me repeatedly, desperate to come. Every thrust he smashes into me is more desperate than the last, his face contorted in passion and anger as he tries to reach his elusive goal.

  I’m in the middle of going off again when my wrists are suddenly released. My arms fall limply to the counter on either side of me and a vicious case of pins and needles kicks in soon after. The last of my shuddering has abated when I notice that Gerry’s hair is once again dark brown again and his eyes are blue.

  He looks confused and shakes his head as though to clear it.

  “You okay?” I ask him

  “I think so?” He doesn’t seem too sure.

  He pulls out of me slowly and goes to remove his condom. It’s not there. Both our eyes widen at the same time as the ramifications of this dawn on us. He lays me back on the counter, pushes my thighs to the side and soon has a couple of fingers rooting around in hopes of finding the missing prophylactic. That I come again while he’s doing so doesn’t help in the search.

  It’s after he resorts to using a flashlight in his search that things turn truly weird. He gets me to hold myself wide for him while he shines the torch inside of me in hopes of finding the missing rubber. What he finds is far more disturbing.

  “It’s turning silver.” His voice trembles.

  “What is?”

  “Your pussy. It’s like it’s made of silver.”

  “You’re fucking joking,” I say, lifting my head so I can look at him. I’m not filled with confidence when I see the reflected light shining bright on his face.

  He reaches towards me and as soon as I feel his finger touch the inside wall of my vagina, it’s as though Seolfer is crammed back inside of me with the bumps and hollows going into overdrive. When my silver-lining snaps at Gerry’s finger, he goes as white as he was when Seolfer was possessing him, drops the flashlight and staggers away from me.

  Any arousal I’m still feeling is dashed as the cold bucket of what Seolfer’s done to me is thrown in my face. He’s fucked my dating life up well and truly, that’s what he’s done.

  I’m now exceptionally glad that Gerry plans to be away at the break of dawn, less chance of him blabbing to anyone. As it is, it’s a battle to simply get him to drive me home, given he’s looking at me like I’m some alien life form. I’ve only just shut the door of his truck, when he roars away as though the hounds of hell are after him.

  One thing I’m pleased about is that everyone at home seems to have turned in for the night. Certainly I would have had trouble facing them now that I’m the proud owner of a silver plated vagina. Fuck, that’s something I never thought I’d say.

  Chapter Three

  I sneak in as quietly as I can, complete a half-ass brushing of my teeth and am soon lying in bed shivering as the reality of what’s happened sinks in. When I feel things moving down below I close my eyes in hopes of blotting it out even though I know it’s futile. I also know it’s not my imagination when I feel something cover my clit.

  Despite being worried about what I might encounter, there’s no way I’m not shoving my hand down there to see what the hell is going on.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

  If I ever get my hands on Seolfer, I’m going to knee him so hard in those silver balls of his that he’ll be soprano for the rest of his godforsaken life.

  Not only am I the proud owner of a silver-plated vagina, but, yay, I’ve got a clit to match. Talk about your family jewels. I pick at the river of silver that runs from my clit before disappearing inside of me to see if I can peel it away.

  Big mistake.

  The whole thing vibrates and it’s not long before I’m doing the same. It’s when the first climax rolls over me that I hear Seolfer’s voice inside my head.

  “Any time you want me to bury myself deep inside of you, just tap it.”

  I’m about to tell him to fuck off and take his silver with him, hoping he can hear me, when he says, “Or I can do it.”

  The laughter that follows does nothing for my peace of mind.

  On waking the next morning I stare at the ceiling for a good long time. I let my hand stray south to confirm that what I think had happened last night really had. I’m not even close to my bi
ts when I feel the vibration starting.

  My feelings of animosity to Seolfer for saddling me with this don’t survive when I have some of the best sex I’ve ever experienced.

  On my own.

  My biggest worry is that I’m going to spend every waking moment tapping the hell out of that lump of silver. And how am I supposed to wash myself properly?

  I soon find out in the shower when the silver shucks to the side to give me access before melting its way back into place after. Clean and dressed I walk carefully down the hall towards the kitchen, when I feel the vibrations start; my feet are rooted to the ground while I’m rooted in the hall. What the hell does he think he’s doing? I sure as hell didn’t set it off that time. Feeling weak in the knees, I continue through to breakfast and a chorus of good mornings.

  “Are you all right?” says my mom. “You look a little flushed.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Maybe you’re coming down with something?” says my dad.

  While tempted to inform them that I’m coming, but just not down, I keep my thoughts to myself and concentrate on my breakfast. I’m close to finishing, when the vibrations start and stop several times in a row before settling down into a steady pulsing.

  I can’t get out of the house fast enough and manage to put a mile between myself and my family before the pulsing stops. I think Seolfer’s session is over, but then the silver that coats my insides goes ballistic.

  I’m sitting there, hands gripping the steering wheel like it’s a life-line when a truck pulls up next to me. It takes every bit of effort to turn my head to look at the occupant. It’s old Harry from next door.


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