Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series Page 13

by Minky St Anne

  I plaster myself against Vyran’s back, in hopes of hiding as much of me as possible. If I can get propositioned in my ugly work clothes, God only knows what it’ll be like when I’m in the buff. Even Vyran might be pushed to fight off four armed men.

  However my fears start to dissipate when, despite walking straight towards us, they don’t react to our presence at all. Instead they trudge their way up to where we are and straight on past us in single file. Not one of them looks in our direction, even though we’re within touching distance.

  It’s as though Vyran and I are invisible except that I can see them as clearly as I can see him, with the muscles in his back visibly twitching as he fights to keep himself still.

  Relaxing a little, I peel away from his back, my gaze drops and I lose myself in the perfection of his ass. It’s like my hands have a life of their own and I’m soon I exploring it although I feel him stiffen when I do so. When I’ve got a hand splayed across each flawless cheek I’m unable to stop squeezing them and breathing out a small moan of satisfaction.

  It isn’t loud, but it’s enough to have four guns instantly trained on us and it doesn’t take Vyran squeezing my leg hard, to know I have to remain motionless. I doubt I could move if I tried.

  “You see anything?” says one of the hunters, staring straight through us to the trees behind.

  “Nuttin’ says another, after also staring hard in our direction.

  It’s not until they disappear out of sight and we can no longer hear them crashing about that I risk even breathing deeply. Certainly I don’t move until Vyran relaxes his stance and unclasps my death grip of his ass.

  “How come they couldn’t see us?” I keep my tone low, just in case.

  Vyran turns to look at me, his puzzlement evident. “Who?”

  “The hunters.” I know my own expression is now matching his.

  “You could see them?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Vyran’s countenance flips from puzzlement to worry in a flicker and I can’t say it fills me with confidence.

  “What?” I’m unable to keep my own mounting worry from coloring this one word.

  “Ah, nothing.” Vyran shakes his head as though to clear his thoughts. “It’s unusual that’s all.”

  I’d grill him further but he’s already gotten hold of my hand and is urging me back onto the path before walking off at a pace that has me trotting to keep up and bemoaning the fact I’m not wearing any bra let alone a sports bra.

  We don’t stay on the path for long, with Vyran abruptly taking a sharp right-angle turn off it into the woods; dragging me right along with him. What at first looks to be impenetrable, soon changes. With the merest wave of his hand the trees pull back and we’re able to walk between them easily although they don’t stay that way for long and I can hear them swishing back into place behind us.

  We haven’t gone far when we come across a tree that is ailing. I’m no green thumb, but even I can tell when something’s half dead. Using a series of clicks and whistles, Vyran chats away and by the time we pass, the tree is bursting with new growth and the scars that had marred its trunk have all but disappeared.

  Vyran repeats this process a couple more times with other trees and plants before he stops at a solid cliff face that blocks our way. Dropping my hand, he places both his palms flat on its smooth surface and proceeds to click, whistle and hum until the rock splits with a loud crack that has my heart missing a couple of beats. It’s like the trees all over again, but far more impressive.

  “Come,” says Vyran, grabbing my hand, “It won’t stay open long.”

  There’s nothing quite like the possibility of being crushed by several tons of rock to put a spring in your step.

  “Go, go, go!” I urge him forward and follow him so closely that we move as one. On hearing the rock rumbling behind me, I force myself against him even harder, while yelling, “Fucking move it!”

  It’s only after we arrive safely in daylight on the other side that I allow myself to think rationally about the stupidly of the maneuver. This results in me punching Vyran in the chest. Hard.

  I don’t know who’s more surprised when he staggers backwards, his hand unconsciously straying to his chest to rub it.

  “That’s unusual,” says Vyran, still massaging his chest.

  “What is?” I hold my hand up to stop his reply, “And if you say nothing, I’m gonna thump you again.”

  “It’s just that.” His response stumbles to a halt forcing me to wave my hand in the air to urge him on.

  “You’re stronger than you were,” eventually comes out and I don’t know whether to be worried or not at the wonder in his reply.

  I’m about to ask him of the significance of this but he’s already moving between the stone pillars that we’d faced when we’d escaped the Rock of Doom. I hot-foot it so as not to be lost in what soon shows itself to be a maze.

  We zigzag for ages before finally breaking into the open. The outer edge of the space we’re standing in is ringed by more of those damned pillars, although in this context they look more like Grecian columns. But, it’s the rock pool in the centre of the space that takes my breath away. It’s at least thirty feet across and while shallow at the edges the bottom drops away steeply after that. The deeper the pool gets, the darker the color of the water, until in the middle it’s a startling sapphire blue.

  Even though the day is warm, there’s steam curling off its surface indicating it’s probably hot enough to cook potatoes in. I’m therefore surprised to see Vyran calmly walk into it until the water is up to his chest. Once there, a look of utter ecstasy settles on his face before he shudders.

  “Oh, by the gods that is good. Come, join me.”

  Chapter Six

  I walk to the edge of the pool where the ripples caused by Vyran sluice lazily over the edge. The blue of the water is spellbinding and definitely enticing.

  “How hot is it?”

  “Very,” he manages to get out before another tremor wracks his body, “But worth it.”

  I dip my toes in to check if what’s very hot for a god isn’t the temperature of molten lead for a mere human. No sooner has my foot made contact with the water than I feel as though my blood has been replaced with Champagne.

  The water is indeed very hot, just as Vyran said, but it’s not scalding and so I inch my way in. The deeper I go, the more my body fizzes and I need no further encouragement to fully immerse myself.

  “God, this is amazing.”

  And it is. Every time I move, it feels as though I’m being massaged by zillions of tiny bubbles both inside and out and I’m unable to stop a sigh as I give into the pleasure of having them kneading and stroking my body.

  Vyran moves through the water to my side and after the merest touch from him, the bubbles speed up, zooming in to focus on erogenous zones I didn’t even know I had. My whole body is soon humming with pleasure.

  My breasts feel as though a multitude of small mouths are suckling them with my nipples getting extra special attention. Stabs of desire ripple out from them and down to my wildly buzzing sex.

  “Float on your back for me,” says Vyran, his voice thick with pleasure, letting me know he’s experiencing the same sensations as I am.

  I glide onto my back and give into the bubbly goodness that engulfs me and, feeling one of Vyran’s hands under me, I relax fully and am duly rewarded for my trust. With his free hand, he nudges my legs apart before splashing water over my clit until the effervescence is eating away at me, fizzing me ever closer to orgasm.

  I’m hovering on the edge of sensual oblivion when I feel Vyran’s supporting hand drop away, but it’s soon replaced by smooth rock when he pushes me into the shallows. When he moves from my side, I feel a sense of loss but this is quickly replaced by anticipation when I feel him slide between my legs.

  For a moment nothing happens and so I lift my head to see what he’s doing. This means that not only do I feel him run his tongue deeply through m
y slit but I get to watch him do it, too. The combination is overwhelming. I’m shuddering in response when I see him take a mouthful of water and squirt this straight onto my exposed clit, courtesy of Aurum and that blasted mantle of his.

  I’m screaming my release when I’m surprised to hear Vyran join me. His cock is nowhere near me, so how the hell could that happen? The orgasm is still ripping through me when the air fills with steam. A second later and I find myself lying high and dry on the hard rock, with there being no water left to support me. There’s not a single drop in the pool, although it’s so deep that I can’t actually see the bottom.

  Vyran is also nowhere to be seen.

  I call his name until my throat is raw.

  After it’s finally sunk in that I’m on my own in the middle of God knows where, I freak out. Well who wouldn’t. I’m alone, naked and lost, and with all the water having evaporated, I’m suddenly as thirsty as hell. Panic wells up and I have to take a lot of calming breaths to keep it at bay.

  “Come on, you stupid tart, don’t lose it now.”

  My pep talks to myself are always blunt.

  Because of my constant muttering, I don’t hear the voices until they’re quite close. Torn between salvation and preservation, I dart behind the nearest column, until I can check things out. I’m glad I did, when I spot two men I’ve never seen before entering the space around the pool. Rather than be naked like the gods, or wearing fluoro like the hunters, these men are dressed in baggy leather pants, paired with a wraparound style top made of the same tanned hide.

  They stagger to a halt after a few steps and their horror quickly becomes evident even though I can’t understand a word they’re saying.

  I’m still tossing up whether to appeal to them for help, when they disappear. Not through the columns, but in a puff of steam. I leave it a moment before I go out to investigate but the only signs they’d even been there are an empty bowl and a lone sandal. The bowl would indicate they were here to collect water, so I hope someone will eventually come looking for them.

  They do, until I’m getting quite the collection of mismatched sandals and bowls.

  Eventually I jump in front of the next pair before they can step into the open space, hoping to stop them getting vaporized, or whatever the hell is happening. I’m over being naked by now but figure I must look scary because they high-tail it out of there taking the bowl and their sandals with them.

  I don’t have to wait long for someone else to come by. But at least this time I know them.

  “Axel! Am I glad to see you.”

  On the other hand Axel, God of Nickel, doesn’t look pleased to see me at all.

  “Jasmine. What are you doing here?”

  I chatter away about everything that had lead me up to this stage, but am conscious of his gaze constantly veering toward the pool. When I get to the point about Vyran and me being in there together, he puts a finger on my lips to stop me. This is good because I didn’t fancy going into details.

  “Where is Vyran now?”

  “Gone,” I wail. “He disappeared in a cloud of steam when the water evaporated. I’ve called and called, but he’s gone.”

  “Oh, brother. What have you done?”

  Despite my constant nagging, Axel won’t spill. In fact, the more I ask, the quieter he becomes. After a nerve-stretching silence, he eventually speaks. “We need to see my father.”

  “Do we have to?”

  “Well, no one else can fix this.” He waves his hand in the general direction of the scarily deep hole in the rock that had once been their beautiful pool.

  I’m waiting for him to put his hand on my head and zap me to wherever dear old dad hangs out, but he simply stands there and says, “Father, come to me.”

  When the father of the gods appears in a cloud of steam I’m shocked. The guy is hot! Not steam hot, but if George Clooney went to the gym hot! Silver hair never looked so good. Perhaps the most interesting development is that he’s completely naked, with no fettyr covering his remarkable length. He’s impressive all the same with his cock seeming to have no need of a fettyr to keep it pointing skyward.

  “Father, this is Jasmine. Jasmine, this is Praedytus.”

  “So, this is the one who you’ve all been squabbling over.” Without blinking, he steps forward and casually rolls both my nipples between his dexterous fingers. “But, I can see why.”

  I’d step away from him, but the minute his hands touch my body I feel myself moistening, my clit humming and my body curving towards him begging for release. It’s something he gives me simply by touching my clit with a single finger. My body turns to liquid and if I was any hotter it would be me disappearing in a cloud of steam.

  “I believe you are next, Axel,” says Praedytus, while gently laying me on the ground so I can finish twitching. “You must be careful. Certainly, more careful than Vyran has been.”

  “Where is Vyran?” I manage to gasp out, fighting against the pleasure that’s rolling over me in waves.

  “Safe enough,” says Praedytus, casually, before laughing.

  Unfortunately his laugh is wicked enough to give me pause.

  “I’m wondering if it’s worth it, to be honest,” says Axel, looking down at me and leaving me feeling quietly pissed at him obviously finding me wanting on some level.

  “Oh, it’s certainly worth it,” says Praedytus, followed by what I’d describe as a dirty grin. “Unquestionably.”

  “Will you fix the Opelythe,” says Axel.

  Rather than speak, Praedytus looks nonchalantly in the direction of the pool and, boom, it’s once against full of that gorgeous dark sapphire water. I’m impressed.

  “I will see Jasmine home. You will go now, Axel.”

  These words have scarcely left his father’s lips, than Axel disappears in a puff of steam, leaving me alone with Praedytus.

  “Let’s get you out of here.”

  He holds his hand out to me to help me to my feet and I don’t think twice about taking it.

  I expected him to deliver me back to the shack with Ben; at least this is where I’d asked him to send me a moment before he placed his hand on top of my head. It would seem he has other ideas.

  There’s nothing cave-like about the room I now find myself in, with the design being more Roman than anything else. Here the columns are perfectly smooth and look to be made of marble, as is the bench that Praedytus has just placed me on. I’d steeled myself for it being cold, but the stone is as warm as human skin and almost as soft to the touch.

  “Where’s Vyran,” I say, still worried about what has happened to him.

  “You concern yourself far too much about that boy of mine. Relax,” says Praedytus, cupping both my breasts and rolling the nipples expertly.

  My traitorous body soon forgets about Vyran and all I can focus on is the feelings now churning through my body. What the hell is it about this guy that his touch has me wet and ready in seconds?

  I flop backwards onto the marble bench with little care for how my legs fall open. Actually, that’s not true, I do care and so I spread them wider, my core open to Praedytus’s hot gaze in hopes he’ll soon fill me with that amazing cock of his.

  “Alas, that is not possible,” he says, as though reading my mind.

  Or maybe it’s that my eyes are locked onto his organ to the exclusion of anything else.

  When he claps his hands together twice, it breaks my concentration and my gaze once again meets his. I’m wondering what he’s clapped for when a young woman dressed in a chamois sheath dress runs in, puts a small earthenware jug on the ground next to the bench and then leaves just as quickly.

  Praedytus lowers himself slowly to the ground between my thighs and I slide myself down the length of bench until my ass is hanging off the end. I don’t care how desperate I look; I just want him to fuck me more than anything I’ve ever wanted before. It’s as though my life won’t be complete without it.

  I’m therefore bitterly disappointed when rather tha
n do so he picks up the small jug and tips the contents of it over my mons before putting it back down. With his hands now free, Praedytus expertly massages the oily substance into every crevice and fold and I ready myself to take him. My body heats up whatever it is and the air is soon full of a sweet perfume.

  “Ah nectar and the taste of a woman,” says Praedytus, as if to himself before he bends forward, spreads me wide and then proceeds to feast on me like I’m a ripe peach. He takes his time about it, too, and is thorough. Satisfyingly so.

  I’m thinking he’s finished when he says, “You’ll enjoy this,” before plunging his tongue deep inside me in a poor imitation of his cock, although I doubt his cock could twirl around like that!

  My god, I thought his sons had cornered the market on head, but they’re novices compared to this guy with the pleasure he’s eliciting being border-line torture.

  “What are you god of,” I manage to gasp out between the waves of pleasure that are washing over me, although never enough to let me actually come. He’s a master at keeping me hovering on the edge.

  “Ah, I’m the most treacherous of them all. I’m the God of All Desire.”


  “I’m addictive, whatever your pleasure,” he says, before flicking my proudly standing clit with tip of his tongue.

  “But. What. Do. You. Actually. Do?” I manage to gasp out in single words.

  I can tell he’s thinking about an answer when his tongue stills and he lifts his head. I eventually manage to raise myself enough to look at him but rather than answer my question, he shrugs.

  “Is this not enough?”

  Without waiting for me to respond, he returns to his task, licking at my core until I feel myself opening up to him, my body begging for release.

  “I’d better let you go before I ruin you for the others. Until next time,” says Praedytus, before waving his hand over my body.


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