Rogue Highlander: Played Like a Fiddle

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Rogue Highlander: Played Like a Fiddle Page 54

by Sondra Grey

  Greg performed the service right there in the kitchen, marrying Franco and Lydia before them all. When he pronounced them man and wife and said, you may now kiss the bride, Lydia, without waiting for her groom to kiss her, jumped at him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. A pink hue had crept up Franco’s shirt collar and was fast moving upward.

  “Get off me woman, have you lost your marbles?” he jokingly admonished Lydia, gently pushing her away but still holding on to her arm.

  “Hey, no one speaks to Lydia like that,” Larry said cracking his knuckles. Jim joined the group with a mock menacing stance

  “I knew I was making a mistake staying here,” Franco said, groaning as Lydia kissed him on the cheek with a smack and once again he turned red with embarrassment.

  They ate their celebratory meal at the massive kitchen table, and then Caroline declared that her brother was going to play the fiddle and everybody should gather out into the yard for a dance. Vincent agreed readily, and the festivities began. Martha brought the wedding cake she had baked out into the yard and Nic reluctantly parted with a few bottles of his fine whiskey. People ate and drank and made merry all afternoon while Vincent played all the popular numbers on his fiddle. Elizabeth and Joe had to threaten Caroline that they would lock her up in a room before she agreed not to dance anymore with her huge belly.

  Lydia was dancing with Xavier, Molly with Greg, Martha with Larry and Jim together. Nic sat on a wooden bench next to Caroline and watched. Franco stood to one side, reclining against the bark of an old oak tree, carving a boomerang. It was clear he was crazy about Lydia the way he looked at her. He stood there watching her with adoration while he chipped away shavings from a crooked piece of wood with a small knife. He held the piece of wood in his flawed hand. Though he was unable to keep his flawed hand straight and from shaking and could not always bend its fingers, his grip in that hand was strong.

  “I am going to have a word with the groom, don’t go dancing away Caroline, Joe will have my hide for it.” Caroline gave him a mischievous smile as she nodded with apparent innocence, batting her lashes at him as he shook his head in defeat and walked away.

  Franco saw his new master approaching and gave him a nod of acknowledgment.

  “Hey, boss.” He mumbled not taking his eyes away from the work at hand

  “You are my man now Franco. I want you and Lydia to be happy. So, you have any trouble, you come straight to me.”

  “You have good men. They are kind, not cruel.” He said, and Nic realized for the first time that he could have been a target of mockery among Juan’s men or even from Juan despite his standing among them, or maybe more so, because of it.

  “Aye, that they are.” Nic drawled.

  “You are not worried I might spy on you? That all this is actually a hoax of Juan’s to plant me amongst you?” he said without rancor and Nic appreciated his gumption.

  “Is this a hoax then?” Nic asked and for the first time since their conversation started Franco looked up. Nic approved the fact that the man knew the value of an eye contact.

  “No,” he said firmly without giving any further explanation, and Nic knew he was telling the truth.

  “But I did ditch my old master for a girl. Aren’t you worried I might ditch you one day for something better, once a turncoat always a turncoat.”

  “Now look here Franco, we all saw what happened this morning. Juan refused to let you have Lydia. That is why you left him. Don’t get all sensitive on me and don’t expect me to coddle your guilt. You are a smart guy, and you know you have no need for it. Besides Juan is a fool. He lost you for a stupid ego contest. In his place, I would have just taken the girl rather than losing my man.”

  “Aye boss,” Franco said duly chastised

  “Let me put it like this Franco, for you seem to understand the value of these words better than any other. If I find out that you have been meddling with me and mine, I am not going to be very happy.” Nic said kicking the ground with the tip of his boot and Franco nodded with laughter bubbling in his chest.

  “So, what work will you give me? I am a cripple.”

  “Don’t push your luck too much man. Anyone who works for me earns his keep with pure hard labor, crippled or not. Besides, we both know you are as much of a helpless cripple as I am.” Franco seemed to like the confidence his new master had in him and his face beamed with quiet pride.

  “Despite one bad hand and one bad leg you can ride a horse better than any other man on the Alvarez ranch or for that matter, the Rhymer Ranch. So, I was thinking, to begin with, you do a little of everything. Make yourself available for where ever help is needed. Fix fences, guard the boundaries, and clean the barn and the sheds.

  I hear you are quite the accountant, so keep the books, the stock and orders and such. And remember you come across any of the Alvarez men just ignore them. We don’t start any fights, that is our policy. Call for help. Never hesitate to ask for help. When you are more in numbers, they will not get into a skirmish, and your men can keep you from getting into one when you are goaded.”

  Franco nodded in acceptance. Nic realed he was a man of few words and he liked that. He was also realizing that one thing Franco coveted more than anything else was respect, and Nic intended to give him enough of it to keep him.

  “Now go ask your bride for a dance. Or do you intend to stand here carving wood while she dances with all the other men in town?” Nic scolded and Franco pocketed his knife, handed the boomerang to Nic and went off to do his bidding.

  The tool he had carved was smooth, and the finish was good. It fitted well in Nic’s grip as he turned it over and over in his hand. As he looked up from his new toy, he knew he had done a foolhardy thing that day and Juan Alvarez was going to make him pay for it.

  But right here and now he was content. He was surrounded by the little empire he had built. The sun had set, and Xavier had started a small bonfire. The occasion was turning into a right little country wedding. They were all hopping and dancing and making merry. He smiled and observed them all in turn. That was when he saw them.

  Vincent was playing merrily, and suddenly he turned to Elizabeth and said something in her ears. She looked up at him in shock and gave him a look as if asking for confirmation. Vincent nodded confidently, giving her a sly smile and laughing out loud as she ran into the house. Nic had a feeling as if he was not going to like whatever came next. He strode off to Vincent and stood next to him, his hands in the pockets of his army style sleeveless jacket, looking out at the crowd.

  “Had a chat with our new man?” Vincent said as he played on. Nic nodded looking straight ahead.

  “What do you think? Is Juan setting us up?”

  “Well, I don’t think he is smart enough for it.”

  “But Old man Alvarez is,” Nic said, and Vincent looked at him with sudden compassion.

  “Nic, it happened a long time ago. You need to let go.”

  “Somethings stay with you forever.”

  “You must tell Elizabeth what happened.”

  “Yes, some day I will.”

  “Nic keeping things inside will hurt more.”

  “Yeah, who would know better that me?” Nic’s voice was hoarse

  “Elizabeth said you hardly talk in your sleep nowadays. And you haven’t had a single nightmare in weeks.” Nic nodded

  “She is giving me some gruel twice a week at night before going to bed. It's helping.”

  “Is she giving you gruel or is she giving you tea?” Vincent asked smiling wolfishly

  “Keep it up, friend and my fist would like to meet your perfect teeth.” Vincent laughed out loud not breaking the rhythm of his song.

  “That reminds me. what were you talking to her about just now?”

  “Jealous, are we?”

  “Of you?” Nic asked scornfully

  “I told you way back all your women are safe with me.”

  “Where did you send her Vince?” Nic asked in a guarded
tone, and Vincent motioned towards Elizabeth who was just then coming out of the house.

  “You will see for yourself.”

  Elizabeth came to a halt if front of them, breathless from her dashing in and dashing out.

  “Take a breath woman. Where have you been wandering off to?” Nic asked, frowning at her disapprovingly. She pulled forth her hand that she had been holding behind her back and held it out to him. Nic sucked in a sudden breath looking from her to the object in her hand and then furiously at Vincent who played his fiddle without a care in the world. Elizabeth took his hand and placed in it the harmonica she had brought out from its hiding place which only Vincent knew about.

  “Vince said you haven’t played since your accident Nic. I would really like to listen to you. Play for me please.” The way she said it Nic had no defense against her and he looked at the instrument as if it would bite.

  “I won’t force you if it pains you too much. But sometimes the only way to make the pain disappear is to bear down on it.” She said, and Nic’s heart came undone. She was so sweet, so innocent, in the way she was trying to help. What would happen if she knew about what had happened five years back? Would she hate him? Would she stop loving him if she knew there had been another woman in his life? He couldn’t bear the thought and decided to grant her wish.

  Vincent had stopped playing and announced. “If I play anymore my hands are going to come off their sockets. So Nic is going to play and sing for us, and I am going to sit right there with my sweet sister on that bench.” He said pointing at his sister with the fiddlestick, and the girl, ridiculously pleased, threw him a kiss in the air.

  Nic looked at his wife and smiled. All the love his heart could hold and a promise of safekeeping surged from his smile. She looked at him with fond adoration, and when he held out his hand, she put hers in it and walked forth with him to the center of the circle where the fire burned.

  Nic put the organ to his mouth and played a note tentatively. The crowd went up in a roar of cat calls and claps as they all approached him in a tight circle calling out encouragement to him.

  Once again, Nic brought the harmonica to his lips, this time playing an entire quartet. He pulled the organ from his mouth and started singing Don’t Leave the Farm Boys, in his deep timbered voice, punctuating it with sweet melodies of his organ. In between his singing and playing, he pulled Elizabeth tightly against his side and kiss her soundly.

  Elizabeth was delighted at having discovered this side of her husband, and she was looking at him with utter devotion. Right in the middle of the song she happened to glance at Molly and saw that the old woman had tears of gratitude in her eyes. Elizabeth nodded her understanding at Molly, and the old woman nodded back.

  Chapter Nineteen

  J uan Alvarez did not come back that day as he had promised nor the day after or the one after that. Everyone assumed that Old man Alvarez must have knocked some sense in his head for the time being, but it was quite clear he would come back eventually.

  The weeks passed quietly as Franco settled into the rhythm of his new life. He took his meals with the others in the kitchen and was easy going with the other men and respectful towards Elizabeth. He hardly ever spared a glance towards his wife when they were in the company of the others, however she hovered around him and fussed over him at meal times. It embarrassed him terribly, and he growled and grumbled at her for it.

  Nic and his men soon found out that Franco was a precious asset. He knew practically every facet of ranching extremely well and had a lot of sound ideas to bring to the table. He was quiet and hardworking and did everything that was told to him with a single-minded fervor. He worked as much as anyone else from sun-up to sundown and stayed vigilant at all times.

  Lydia and Franco lived in a small shack right behind the barn. It was a much smaller structure than the one where Elizabeth had seen them together for the first time, but it was well built, comfortable and in good condition. The men had used it to store tools and such. But after Lydia’s marriage, they cleaned it out, made the necessary repairs, white washed it and made it ready for the newlyweds to live in. It even had a small covered porch in front of the main door. In his free time, Franco built a glider for him and Lydia to sit together.

  Lydia and Franco were the first to wake in the morning and start the fire in the kitchen. Apart from his work with the men, France helped the women to stack wood, do repairs around the house and bring in berries and rare herbs from the forest. The boys teased him by saying that he did it because he couldn’t stay away from his wife for long. On such occasions, Franco only hung his head, sometimes smiled, sometimes blushed but never said a word.

  As March turned into April, the snow melted and the mornings became warmer. One such afternoon, Martha and Franco were talking about the upcoming harvest festival of the Rhymer Ranch. Elizabeth and Lydia were listening to their stories, enraptured. They were chatting and laughing and drinking Martha’s deliciously refreshing lemonade. They had just dispatched two jars of it and a hearty lunch with Jim, to bring to the men who were out on a roundup and were not going to be home until dinner.

  The day for cow punching was drawing closer, and Nic and his men were working harder than ever to make a good sale at the market. The association had been badgering Nic to sell them his land, and he was determined to make enough money to be able to keep his ranch.

  Suddenly they heard a horse riding up the trail that had come up from the village. The horse stopped in the front yard, and the foursome walked to greet the rider. It was Madison, Joe’s store manager.

  “Dr. Rhymer, the baby is coming. You need to come, hurry!” He said

  Elizabeth looked at Lydia, and the girl ran inside to ready her bag. Lydia had always been keenly adept at reading Elizabeth’s needs.

  “I will get the carriage,” Franco said hurrying in the direction of the barn.

  “You go now. Tell Joe I will be there as soon as I can.” She said to Madison, and the man jumped on his horse and disappeared into the woods.

  Franco got the carriage around inside of five minutes, and Elizabeth hopped in next to him.

  “Woah…Woah.” Franco called out to settle the horses, and Lydia came running from inside the house and gave to her mistress her bag and a bundle of soft cotton clothes they had been saving for weeks for Caroline.

  “Feed the men, take care of the house. Ask my husband to come down when he has had his dinner. Joe would appreciate the company.” Elizabeth called out to Martha and Lydia as Franco turned the carriage around and they rode away.

  The childbirth was easy, considering it was her first time. Less than an hour after Elizabeth had reached her house, Caroline delivered a beautiful baby girl. Joe was beside himself with joy, and he did not leave the side of his wife and daughter. His two sisters had come down from Fort Collins to stay for a week, and they were fawning over Caroline and the new baby.

  Elizabeth gave Caroline some medications and took time to explain some things about caring for her new child. Then promising her friend that she would visit again the next day, she and Franco took their leave.

  The sun was just about to set when they neared the ranch. As they approached the crossing where one road lead to the Alvarez property, Franco looked that way wistfully, then cried out to the horses

  “Whoa…Whoa…” The cart stopped, and Franco turned towards Elizabeth.

  “While we were in town I got word from Joe that Juan and the old man are in town today. They have some work with the magistrate and won’t be home all day. After my wedding, I never went back there. There is something that belonged to my Ma that I need to pick up. Would you mind if we took a detour and I picked up the package quickly?

  Elizabeth’s first instinct was to say no, but the sad longing in his eyes gave her pause to consider his plea. She nodded and Franco turned the carriage up the road to the Alvarez residence.

  It was a huge house. With long manicured lawns and landscaping that went on for acres. The Alvarez�
��s housekeeper, a stout old woman, came out hurriedly to greet them and as soon as she saw Franco, she ran to him, tears flowing from her eyes. Franco had always been strong despite his handicap but how he bore that large woman, Elizabeth did not know.

  The marble tiles inside the house shone with care and attention to housework, as did the huge sunny rooms. The big windows and spacious porches offered breathtaking views of the Alvarez property.

  “Franco…you old fool…where the heck have you been? And we heard you got hitched!”

  “Aunt Paloma”, Franco pried the hysterical woman off him then introduced her to Elizabeth as Nic Rhymer’s Doctor Missus. The woman’s eyes grew wide, and she launched into a tirade about how she had heard all about the catalog woman young Nic Rhymer had married, and that God bless his mama’s soul.

  “I don’t have much time Aunt Paloma. I need to take Dr. Rhymer out of here as soon as possible. I just came for mother’s little wooden box.”

  Franco left Elizabeth on the side porch saying he would be back in a few minutes. Elizabeth was mesmerized by the beauty of the place and wandered out into the garden beyond the porch.

  She recognized several rare medicinal herbs planted in a flat garden on her left and could not resist taking a look. She stepped into the patch and started looking at each little plant carefully.

  Suddenly she heard a sound behind her and Elizabeth turned. She had not known that anyone would be standing right behind her and she collided into a frail girl. She steadied herself, holding on to the girl’s shoulders and clumsily apologizing looked up into the face of the madwoman she had met out on the moors that day when she had gotten lost in the storm.


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