The Prophecy of Arnaka (The Arnaka Saga Book 1)

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The Prophecy of Arnaka (The Arnaka Saga Book 1) Page 10

by Lucia Ashta

  That was the unspoken message shared that day between all that were present. There was great beauty in their collective tears of joy and in the appreciation of what had transpired. Every man, woman, and child present that day shed tears from feeling the love of Creator for every being that walked the earth.

  There was nothing spoken that day. Of all the people amassed by the pyramid’s entrance, no one uttered even one word; no one wanted to break the spell of the prophecy coming to life. In the end, there was reverence not just for the twins, but also for what had happened through them, as vehicles of divine will. As people came to a still point in recognizing the impact of the moment, they just turned and walked away slowly, as if in a state of prayer.

  Because of the calm and inner quiet that the experience instilled in everyone who had witnessed the workings of the pyramid, the story of what happened that day spread slowly. It was not until late the next day that every inhabitant in the immediate area knew what had happened—that the time for peace and light had come.

  After the first light emission through the pyramid, there was a time of celebration throughout Arnaka. For several days, everyone rejoiced. People found reason to take pause from life’s responsibilities and to enjoy this exalted moment in time. Suddenly, there was more joy in mundane tasks and more pleasure in companionship and the sharing of food. There was a palpable shift in the land, an ancient land of much history, both light and dark. The time of the prophecy was finally at hand in Arnaka.

  15 The Shimmer of Time

  It was an unexpected happenstance and wildly exhilarating. To realize not only that she had found her beloved from this lifetime, but also from another, was beyond Elena’s wildest imaginings. This was why it was better that she give any concerns over to God; only the Creator could gift her a reality greater than any she could imagine.

  Elena examined herself in the mirror; she looked pretty with rosy cheeks and a healthy glow. She had showered and dressed in simple jeans and a teal-colored sweater that brought out the yellow in her eyes. She walked over to the bed where Marco sat waiting for her and began to pull on her favorite brown leather boots.

  “Okay, I’m ready to go to the restaurant,” Elena said to Marco.

  They had just returned from another beautiful hike. Sedona had one amazing trail after another, each affording breathtaking views. While Elena and Marco hiked, they moved past the idea that they had only just met and decided to share a room because of the familiarity they shared with each other. Elena had readily agreed to Marco’s suggestion; she appreciated the comfort and support he offered her. Besides, now that they had found each other again, they were reluctant to let each other out of sight.

  “What do you feel like having for dinner?” Elena asked Marco, sitting down on the bed next to him.

  Instead of answering her, he looked at her with an intensity that caused a rush of unexpected heat to run up Elena’s body. Then Elena let Marco kiss her on the lips for the first time in this lifetime. He kissed her and she tasted him again; he was just as she remembered—sweet tasting like honey. She realized that she had been yearning for him since they last saw each other, and that had been much too long ago.

  Elena now knew with certainty that beloveds existed. No other explanation accounted for how she felt. This was the man that God had created in the beginning of time to perfectly match her soul. Elena lost herself in Marco’s kiss, the kiss of beloveds, and knew nothing else.

  She did not know if she drew breath or if her heart beat; she just knew him. She felt every piece of his soul find its way to hers. And in that moment, she felt it happen, as if she were observing herself. She let it all go. Elena released every bit of restraint, every bit of caution, and let herself fall in love with him all over again.

  Marco did the same. There they were, two beloveds, reunited once again through the shimmer of time.

  Elena woke in the middle of the night wrapped in Marco’s arms, confused; something had beckoned her awake. Before she could figure out what it was, she slipped into another vision. She held onto Marco as her consciousness traveled to other times and worlds. Marco automatically tightened his arms around her in response, giving her the courage to stay with her vision and learn within it. The intensity of the teachings picked up. Her feet set off at a run. She was fast and free at last.

  * * *

  As time passed, Ashta and Anak became even more deeply bonded. Even though they spent much of their time together, it did not dissipate their individual strength and confidence. Instead of becoming reliant on the other for assistance, Ashta and Anak each continued to be independent and were able to combine their strengths. The twins were balanced within themselves, and this allowed them to be together without compromising their own inner power and integrity.

  In spending time together, Ashta and Anak learned not only about their twin, but also about themselves. Because they were such close reflections of each other, Ashta was able to see much of her shadow reflected in the mirror that Anak was. Because of this forced self-reflection, Ashta was able to identify and resolve many issues that she had been previously unaware of.

  Anak also benefited from this practice and grew in similar ways. Both Ashta and Anak experienced evolution through their connection. And at the same time they were growing as individuals, they were learning about their special role on earth and its deeper meaning to them.

  The twins began to understand that there was an imbalance of light and darkness that currently plagued the earth. They knew without being told how important it was that light outshine darkness for the well-being of all humanity. Even within the temple community, Ashta and Anak had seen the real effects that darkness could have when it seeped into a person’s heart. The forces of darkness could manipulate action and inflict great suffering on everyone it touched. The twins had witnessed the fear and anguish that darkness could bring to the hearts of people.

  What Ashta and Anak began to comprehend was that darkness had an important purpose in Creator’s perfect plan. Creator’s design called for light and darkness so that the soul could grow throughout its multiple reincarnations. Free will choice was a necessity. The human being needed to be allowed to choose between light and dark, unimpeded, for growth to take place.

  Even the decision to accept darkness ultimately led to life lessons and growth, though it was a trial inevitably burdened with grief. It was only through the ability to make their own choices that people could learn lessons. It was the only way. Kaanra had explained this to the twins, but they already knew it intrinsically. It made sense to them.

  Although there was a need for darkness, the problem was in the imbalance of darkness, not in its existence. The dark forces were greedy and desired to conquer more and more individuals. The dark forces exerted their influence everywhere they could, hoping to ensnare a human soul. And so it was in human history that there were periods of darkness that possessed the world’s humanity until enough light shone through to dispel it. With greater amounts of light, the excess darkness was overcome and human souls became realigned in their fervor for a higher purpose in life.

  Once incarnated on earth, humans were commonly afflicted with forgetfulness. It was a strong and fortunate person who rediscovered the light behind the fog, remembering why she had come to this planet. It was through this connection to the Divine that a person could know with certainty that all was in order and safe within Creator’s world.

  Depending on the earth’s cyclical history, there were groups of souls that were born into human bodies with the gift of memory. They never forgot their divine origins and the true meaning of their lives. This was the greatest blessing that one could receive in an earthly lifetime. To know the safety and abundance that ultimately encompassed all creatures gave the gift of peace of mind and heart.

  Without this knowledge of human origins, life could be confusing, solitary, and overridden by anguish and despair. Trust in the divine will, and surrender to this same divine will as infinitely more knowled
geable than human understanding, was the only way to find peace in life on earth.

  Ashta and Anak had been gifted with the training of enlightened consciousness at the temples, and, as they entered puberty, Kaanra had helped them to understand their life purpose. The knowledge of their mission on earth resonated deeply with both Ashta and Anak, and they accepted their assignment without question.

  As time passed, they learned to understand more of what they were meant to accomplish in their lifetimes. The twins were able to remember their divine origins and their soul purpose after Kaanra’s prompting. They became some of the fortunate ones who could truly know peace while on earth.

  Recently, through higher guidance and angelic help, Ashta and Anak had learned quite a lot about the purpose of this incarnation. Though deeply connected to each other now, the twins’ guides taught them separately, leading them through similar teachings which, when digested, pointed them to the same conclusions.

  The twins learned it was their job to transmit light to counteract the growing power of darkness. That dispersion of light would give people a chance to break through the darkness to find the light that was always somewhere within them. In the natural state of a human being, the light was strong.

  The innate tendency of energy was to match its frequency to its surroundings. Whichever energy was the greatest in quantity and strength could begin to overpower the energy that did not complement it. Gradually, the lesser energy would shift until it eventually matched the stronger energy. This is why the light that the twins could emit was so important. The greater the amount of light on the planet, the more things began to shift toward the light.

  Once darkness took hold of a person, it influenced the person’s thinking. The way the person viewed the world changed. It was dangerous. People under the hold of darkness acted in ways they would normally never act.

  Kaanra had once again proven himself wise. He had encouraged the twins by giving them free rein in their own numinous explorations. Left to their own devices, Ashta and Anak had been able to reach understandings that resonated deeply with them. The twins came to their own conclusions about their lives and their place in the workings of the planet. Kaanra knew that this was the only way that the twins would arrive at their ultimate truth. In the end, no person could tell another his truth. Each individual had to discover the meaning of his life in his own heart. It was the way.

  In their discoveries, Ashta and Anak had been able to comprehend their life purpose. Once they were able to understand this, it became just a matter of time until they also began to understand the intrinsic nature of their beings.

  It happened to Anak first. He walked by the water’s edge. He had always enjoyed being active. In practice, Anak performed moving meditations. By moving continually throughout his meditations, the busy thoughts of his mind readily fell away leaving room only for those revelations of true substance.

  It was during one of these many serene walks along the River Haakal that Anak had a sudden insight into his origins. He received unexpected knowing that he was an angel that had incarnated in a human life. Though Anak had become somewhat accustomed to the surreal element that pervaded his life lately, this realization left his mind reeling.

  Over the last several weeks, he had come to accept that he had the purpose in life to shine light upon the earth to help transform the condition of humanity, with all the weight and responsibility that it brought. Anak had even accepted the bizarre circumstances that gave him a twin though there was no possible blood relation in the ties of earthly life. He had somehow managed to wrap his mind around all of this. He was able to bring it into his heart and accept it fully. This was now his life, a life of divine providence and guidance.

  But still, as he realized that he was an angel at his core, he struggled to accept the notion. How could he be one of those celestial beings of legend? How could he be one of Creator’s magical creatures, a messenger of godly design? Even as he thought of the unlikelihood of being an angel in a human body, a part of him had already accepted this truth. It reverberated through him as he continued to hear the voices of his guiding angels telling him that he was one of them.

  Anak knew that nothing was unattainable for Creator. Much of creation seemed theoretically impossible. Yet, it was real and true. Life was a miracle in every breath. The impossible was possible, and this was evident in the marvels all around him. So Anak let go of his disbelief and ordered himself to accept this as his new reality. He knew that it was important to accept these offerings from the universe in order to continue receiving more. He had received a valuable gift of understanding, and he was determined to accept it in gratitude. He was an angel.

  Anak realized he knew little about angels that he could be certain about. Because they were mystical beings, they were enveloped in awe, and it was difficult to know where reality began with them and where it ended. When Anak was little, his father would sit him on his lap and tell him tales of legendary proportions. There was always the magnanimous knight or the magician and a challenge, which the chivalrous character unerringly overcame, often with the help of a guiding angel.

  Anak’s father had told him stories about the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and the legions of angels that assisted these archangels in helping humanity. Anak’s life was becoming one of the fantastical stories he had loved as a child. His eyes misted as he thought of the significance of his life on earth. He prayed that he would be able to fulfill the role that Creator had assigned to him.

  He continued pacing along the water’s shore, but he barely saw the water anymore. His eyesight was hazy; prayers dominated his inward focus. The power of the running water had become part of the fabric of his being in that moment. It inspired a new prayer.

  He prayed aloud, with a fervent voice. He prayed from his heart:

  Creator, great beloved of my heart, I love you and I trust you, implicitly.

  I surrender my life to you and to your infinite knowing.

  I release my will to your hands where I know the comfort of your strong embrace.

  Lift me up so that I may soar and remember my divinity while keeping my feet firmly grounded on your beautiful earth.

  May it be so. May it be blessed. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

  Anak always said his prayers aloud because he knew the power in the vibration of the spoken word. As the last words of the prayer left his lips, Anak felt a great stillness descend upon him. He had intended to release the desire for control over his life to Creator. And he had. He could feel himself shift into trust. Anak had given his life over to Creator, so that with Creator’s help he may accomplish what it was he had come to earth to achieve. With Creator’s support, Anak would learn to step into the magical power of the angelic being that he was.

  With that last comforting thought, Anak stopped his pacing. He sat against the trunk of a very old tree. He stretched his long, muscular legs out before him. He looked out at the flowing water of the river and closed his eyes. Anak felt peace within; his breathing grew deep.

  He activated a connection with the tree and welcomed its teachings. The tree had lived for centuries, with roots that spanned a great distance beneath the surface of the water and the earth. Anak was learning how to communicate with the plants.

  Anak’s reverie slipped into a whirl of random scenes. Images of angels, water, and light floated through his mind. Then his attention settled upon Ashta. She was the most wonderful surprise and gift in his life. He now knew what it felt like to be intricately bonded to another human being in such a powerful way that it transcended the boundaries of heaven and earth. And he knew that somewhere along the way he had fallen in love with her. Just thinking about Ashta brought him joy.

  Anak startled to alertness. He sat upright against the tree. What if Ashta were also an angel? The chances were high since they were twins through these unusual, unearthly circumstances. He needed to see her. In seconds, Anak was off at a full run.

  In one of the innumerable m
oments of synchronicity that Ashta and Anak would share, Ashta had just reached the same conclusion as her twin had. He would not find her within the temple walls. Just like him, she had wandered down to the water. At the other side of the river, Ashta had also walked. In a deep state of meditation, Ashta’s thoughts had eluded her mind. At the same instant as Anak, Ashta had also arrived at the realization that she was an angel. She had stood, frozen in mid-stride, until she was able to begin understanding what that meant to her.

  She eventually wandered back to the temple. She had walked very, very slowly on her way back, as if every step led to a greater acceptance of the newfound understanding of her nature. When she made her way back to the temple walls at last, she went directly to her room. She yearned for privacy where she could allow the raw vulnerability that she felt within to come to the surface safely. She did not fully understand why she felt so vulnerable. Surely, the discovery of her angel origins should help her feel stronger and more secure. Instead, it made her feel extremely human and exposed. She went straight to her little bed in her little room. Without even undressing, she climbed under the blankets and curled into a ball, facing the wall and away from the bright light streaming in through the window.

  She had no idea how long she had lain like that when there was a soft knock at her door. She did not respond though she knew that it was Anak. After a few breaths, Ashta heard the soft click of the door being unlatched and opened. Without words, Anak climbed into bed next to her. He curled his body so that it wrapped around hers; his chest pressed against her back. Now she was held between the wall and Anak’s solid body. As his strong arms enfolded her, Ashta’s cries broke the silence. Anak said nothing but let her cry until her sobs dissolved.

  Eventually, Ashta turned toward Anak. She saw that he, too, was crying, softly and quietly, while he held her. She looked at him then with so much love and tenderness that she could not help herself. With a tear-streaked face, Ashta kissed Anak. It was a deep kiss full of vulnerability, passion, and trust. Her kiss spoke more words than she could. They felt the earth move out from beneath them. There were only the two of them and the kiss that had taken them away from the world and all conscious thought.


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