The Prophecy of Arnaka (The Arnaka Saga Book 1)

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The Prophecy of Arnaka (The Arnaka Saga Book 1) Page 27

by Lucia Ashta

  Elena spoke aloud, “God, I am in total awe of you. Thank you for your gift. I love you.” She stared at the rainbow for a very long time. The wonder of seeing the rainbow encircling her did not diminish with the passing minutes. The world was a magical place where even the astonishing was possible.

  Elena gazed at the rainbow until the rain and the water of the creek chilled her body so much that she began to shiver uncontrollably. She would have to get out of the water even though she didn’t want to break the enchantment. Gratitude flooded Elena’s heart for a few final moments, and then she ran out of the creek.

  Her clothes were of no use to her. They were as soaked as she was. She grabbed them, along with her sword and sandals, and ran toward the house. The water pelted her naked body and streamed to the ground. The rainbow vanished from this world the instant Elena turned her back on it. It had truly been for her. No other human eyes had seen it.

  40 One Tribe

  Ashta and Anak arrived back at the campsite just as night was settling in. A waxing moon illuminated the sky making the twins’ return walk pleasant and effortless. They were surprised to come upon a bubble of light encapsulating the campsite. The tingle Ashta felt as she walked through it was unlike anything she had experienced before.

  It was a protective force field that only the light of heart could enter. This was what Area and Arien had remained behind to create, and Ashta thought it was brilliant, for where there was purity of heart there could be no danger. The protective shield spanned hundreds of feet around the campsite and up into the sky.

  This barrier was a great gift. Not only did the bubble of light energetically protect all of them while they were within it, but it also made them invisible to anyone that could pose a threat. Area and Arien, the twins who seemed to float on air, had done their jobs well.

  Ashta and Anak were the last to return with supplies. They paused in disbelief as they saw the campsite was dotted with quaint wooden cabins. A large wooden table and chairs marked a common area. It was becoming blatantly obvious that assumptions were a fool’s thinking when it came to this group. Ashta had presumed that Thom was collecting wood for a campfire. They all had. But it turned out that Thom was a magician who could transform anything that had the essence of plant in it. Thom had created a small village with wood that the rest of them would have used for fire.

  Thom, silent and mysterious even in the recesses of his own mind, delighted Ashta. It would be wonderful to sleep in a cozy, private bungalow. Thom had also fashioned a bed large enough to accommodate both Ashta and Anak. He had transformed leaves and grasses into a mattress, and Ashta plopped onto the bed, reveling in the luxury. This unexpected comfort filled her with pleasure. Thom had anticipated everyone’s needs and honored the relationships they had with one another and provided a great gift for them all.

  The cousins returned with a wonderful assortment of berries, grains, and grasses. Carn and Baldub brought a deer, which they honored in its death with prayer and offerings. Ashta and Anak had filled everyone’s canteens with fresh water. Now, they all scattered in different directions to gather firewood since Thom used the wood he had collected for grander purposes.

  There was plenty of fallen wood within the protection of the bubble so they did not have to leave its periphery. In just a couple of hours, they created a permanent setup where they could stay for extended periods of time if necessary. With their beds ready for sleep and Baldub tending the growing fire, they were ready to relax.

  That night, under the glow of a bright and silvery moon, the light warriors sat around the fire sharing songs in their own languages. Song was able to cross all barriers of speech. The emotion of the songs was not lost on this intuitive group. They each took turns singing, and once the others heard the song, they were able to join in and sing along in a language that had been foreign to them only minutes before. Soon, the singing became boisterous; they were singing as if they were one tribe. They were rapidly becoming just that.

  Thom sang also, surprising Ashta by being just as loud as the rest of them, while he whittled wood. But he did not work with a knife or with any other wood carving tool that Ashta had seen the men in Arnaka use. Thom traced the curves of his creations with his fingers. The energy he moved through his fingers transformed the wood with a grace and fluidity that only wizardry could accomplish.

  Thom created gifts for Ashta and Anak. He sensed how important their home was to them and crafted pieces that were reminiscent of Arnaka. With his special skill, he first carved a small pyramid with a hole in the top. Ashta was shocked. How had Thom known they emitted light that surged out of the top of pyramids? How had he known that the seemingly immovable capstone on the pyramid slid out of its placement on its own as if it weighed nothing?

  Ashta was still in wonder at Thom when he presented them with his second carving. It was an amazing likeness of their master and spiritual father, Kaanra. Thom portrayed Kaanra sitting with his legs crossed in front of him, as if he were leaning against a tree. The master’s eyes were closed, and he appeared to be at perfect peace with the world around him. Ashta and Anak had seen Kaanra in this exact position more times than they could remember. Thom had captured Kaanra’s inner beauty. Ashta was moved to tears. She turned to pass the figurine to Anak so that he could see its magnificent detail and saw that he, too, had tears in his eyes.

  The twins turned to Thom. Thank you, thank you, thank you, they said to him through the waves of their minds. You honor us with your gift and with the beauty of your heart. Thom smiled and bowed his head to them. You are welcome, dear ones.

  In the swell of emotion that they both felt, Ashta and Anak inched closer together. Anak wrapped his arms around Ashta and held her. They sat like that for a very long time, staring into the fire. One enfolded by the other, together always, together as one.

  Thom was the one to break the spell when he stood between the twins and the fire. Thom approached them to offer one last gift. When Thom had seen Ashta and Anak nestled together, he knew there was one more carving he needed to make. He stood over Ashta and Anak and reached out his hand. Within Thom’s palm rested a figurine of two lovers, holding each other closely, connected as one. It was an identical likeness of Ashta and Anak.

  Ashta looked up at Thom with gratitude bursting forth from her heart. She untangled herself from Anak and stood. She embraced Thom so that he could feel the love she held for him in her heart. When she finally released her hold on him, he was crying. She embraced him again, and, this time, Anak joined them. The twins loved Thom and his tenderness already.

  They all sat around the fire for hours, sharing songs and joyous laughter. It felt good to be carefree and to get to know each other before the stress of what lay ahead of them. Baldub had a loud and raucous laugh that Carn mirrored with her own laughter; the two were quickly becoming close friends. Their boisterous merriment infected them all.

  They discovered that Carn spoke Baldub’s language. She had been taught the language by her mother who was born in the land of Baldub’s people. It was noteworthy that, in general, there was little interest in learning the mundane details of everyone’s lives. There were no questions about those commonplace details of human existence—who they were, where they were from, what their families were like. Those details did not define them and ultimately meant nothing in terms of their reasons for being there. The names of towns did not matter. The names of people did not even matter. The essence of each soul was all that the companions gathered there needed to know.

  Area and Arien had the bearing of those who had been taught their intrinsic worth since the time of their births. They carried themselves with elegance. But Ashta knew that Area and Arien must also possess humility. Lightworkers could not function from a place of arrogance; it was not possible. It was only through knowing that all power sprung from the Divine that one could foster light as a warrior.

  As twins, Area and Arien were connected in some of the same ways as Ashta and Anak were, but their w
ay of relating was quite different. Where Ashta and Anak shared the passion of fire and the emotion and fluidity of water, Area and Arien shared the element of air. Consequently, the energies and dynamics of the twins were disparate.

  The cousins shared mischievous energy that remained from their time playing together as children. That same sense of frolicsome familiarity continued, tempered some of the time by advancing maturity. They elbowed each other with private jokes, but without a sense of exclusivity.

  In the comfort of a new sense of family, bonded not by ties of blood but by those of spirit, and in the comfort of their new makeshift home, the group did not concern itself with the uncertainty of the future. They did not know what step their spirit guides would ask them to take next, but they would relax and enjoy the moments gifted to them as they waited for direction.

  As the fire died down, the celebration of life and friendship drew to a close. One by one, the companions retired to the comfort of their cabins. Ashta nestled snuggly against her twin, her mirror, a source of reassurance in their shared breath and beauty. She cherished sleeping with Anak. It had been a rare opportunity for them within the walls of the Temple of Laresu’u Kal where there were no lovers other than them.

  The gentle stirrings of sleep now held beautiful surprises as her partner was only a reach away. To feel his caress in the night was a whisper in the dream world of sleep. It was powerful to be able to touch each other at any moment. It was bewitching, a tempting thing that temple life had long curbed suddenly made available. In the pleasure that Ashta felt at such a simple thing as Anak’s touch through the night, it was easy to forget that a real war was being waged, one that involved real souls. Ashta allowed herself to forget all of that in the moment and settled into her lover’s arms.

  41 The Illusion

  The days passed almost without Elena noticing. Her body continued its healing in such a way that she was able to forget about the car accident most days. Every day, Marian or Victor instructed the twins. The teachers helped prepare their students for spiritual warfare, both in abstract learning and in the art of weaponry. All four of them knew that a real, physical battle between the light and the dark was impending. They didn’t need to speak of it. It tingled in the air around them, and they could all feel it.

  That morning, Elena and Marco were to meet Marian for a training session with the wooden staff. Though Elena and Marco usually slept together, Marian had given them separate rooms in the guesthouse. She said that it was important for their growth and integration to have the option of space if they needed it. The night before, Elena had understood Marian’s wisdom. She slept alone in her room. She needed to process all that had happened in the thunderstorm at the creek.

  Although Elena was behind schedule, she took the time to read a prayer that held great meaning for her. She found a thin, unremarkable-looking book in Marian’s library that offered a simple prayer. Though minimal, the prayer gave her a greater depth of understanding of how Creator and the universe worked. She didn’t know where the prayer came from, but it spoke to her soul.

  Elena read the prayer aloud. She was beginning to understand the power of the spoken word.

  Source of all things:

  You radiate within and all around us;

  Even the darkness shines with your light.

  Let us breathe sacred breath,

  Creating a temple within where there is only you.

  Lead us in each moment,

  Guiding us to create reality in its fullest.

  Help us love all creatures as you do,

  Showing compassion for all life.

  Meet our body’s needs with plenty

  And grant us the wisdom to walk this earth.

  Allow us to forgive ourselves as we do others,

  Creating peace within.

  Grant us the knowledge of our divine purpose,

  With the strength to fulfill it.

  Repel the advances of darkness

  While we strive to hold pure light and faith in our hearts.

  We are grateful to you always. Thank you.

  When Elena read the prayer, it reminded her what was important. She asked Creator, the archangels, the angels, and the ascended masters to be with her that day, to help and guide her on her path. Elena breathed in that divine breath, moving it through her body, reminding herself that she was a combination of the human and the divine. She was ready to start her day.

  She left her room, anxious to see what Marian would teach them. The petite woman surprised them regularly. Marian was gifted with the staff and had already taught the twins how to spin, swing, and twist in ways that converted the staff into a formidable weapon. Marian had told them she would teach them something special that day. Remembering, Elena picked up her pace.

  Marian and Marco chatted quietly while they waited for Elena to arrive. They stood on one of the big terraces of Marian’s home that overlooked the creek. Though they had their backs turned to her, both Marian and Marco felt Elena’s quiet approach and turned to greet her. Elena smiled. Marian and Marco looked happy to see her. It was such a beautiful feeling to be loved by people that understood her—the real her—and embraced all of her.

  Elena and Marco practiced their use of the staff. Marian led them through exercises in which they battled each other in mock combat. It was oddly exhilarating to Elena. It was at times titillating, and Elena could tell that Marco felt it too. Occasionally, Elena and Marco would exchange a flicker of feral energy that Elena knew they would express in lovemaking later. It was inevitable.

  Staffs clinked and clashed as Elena and Marco learned more dexterity in defense and attack. After several hours, the twins were tired, but there was an ease about it all; the twins moved swiftly and with fluidity. Marian decided they were ready to learn the last lesson she would teach them with the staff.

  Marian directed Elena and Marco to bring their sparring to a close, and then led them down from the terrace, across the gardens, and toward the creek. The sound of the rushing water became louder and more intoxicating the nearer they got to it. The flowing water made Elena’s senses prickle to a different level of awareness. The water seemed to allow Elena to access frequencies of information she could not feel as easily without it.

  Though Marian was leading them and Elena wanted to be respectful of her teacher, an urge was building within her that was becoming irresistible. Elena weighed her desire to give in to that impulse against her wish to respect her teacher. In the end, Elena decided she had to honor herself in this. She kicked off her shoes and ran toward the creek. She waded into the water until it reached the edge of her shorts. Elena was happy to be so free.

  Elena curled and uncurled her toes, enjoying the mushy dirt bottom. The water lapped against the hem of her shorts getting them wet. She was so immersed in her enjoyment of the creek that she momentarily forgot that Marian had led them there for a specific exercise. Elena tried to force her eyes open, but it was a difficult task; the water had a very powerful effect on her. Just a minute in the water transported Elena to another world that she didn’t want to separate from.

  When Elena’s eyes finally fluttered open, she was shocked to see Marco standing directly in front of her only a few feet away. Elena had been so absorbed in her experience that she had not even felt him. Marco stood in his boxer shorts, in the water up to his thighs, staring at her with a beauty and intensity that sent a shudder through her body. Elena stared back into Marco’s eyes; they were as mesmerizing to her as the water. She felt a magnetic pull to his heart center. Her body yearned for the beauty they could touch together.

  “Ahem.” Marian’s soft throat clearing startled both Elena and Marco. The twins were both so bewitched by the power between them and the flowing energy of the water that they had forgotten why they were there.

  Elena started, “Oh, Marian. I am sorry. I mean always to be respectful.” Then Elena blushed a little. “I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted to run into the water so badly.”

  Marian smiled at the part of Elena that wanted to be free and explore life.

  “My dear child,” Marian said, “do not apologize for loving life and what it has to offer. And especially do not apologize to me for listening to your heart and honoring it. Doing that actually respects me, not the other way around. I am here to teach you that all the answers you need are within you already. When you listen, then you are truly free to live the divine life.

  “Now, would you two get out of the water and get dressed again so I can show you some real magic?”

  The mischievous twinkle in Marian’s eye got Elena and Marco moving, their curiosity piqued.

  Elena and Marco watched Marian prove to them what an illusion this three-dimensional world really was. It was one thing to believe that a woman in her sixties could move as if she were a teenager while emitting tangible waves of energy, and it was quite another to see it. The twins stood together as they observed Marian perform what seemed like a timeless ritual.

  Marian moved with her eyes closed and with grace and agility, as if the comings and goings of this world did not affect her. Her movements gave credence to that conclusion. She moved to a slow, meditative tempo, but her unhurried movements were deceptive. Great power was building, fueled by the intensity of focus that she held. It was a combination of concentration and relaxation of focus. It was that perfect balance between holding a specific intention and handing it all over to Creator without attachment to the outcome. That was Marian’s special formula.

  Marian’s black hair barely moved out of its chignon as she swung the staff around her body in measured movements that made Elena think of the art of Tai Chi. Marian’s motions were so like the meditative practices of the temples Elena had seen in her visions that a thought flashed through her mind. Had they all shared a life at the temple before? Was that why Marian was so devoted to helping them? Elena didn’t think that the style of movement Marian was demonstrating was of this time.


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