A Long Distance Love Affair

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A Long Distance Love Affair Page 17

by Mary-Ellen McLean

oh just everything about you really.....

  Enjoy the day. Have a sip of wine for me. I will be for you.

  Your ever adoring Chariette

  Chapter 6:

  Wild Nights

  "The night was made for loving, and the day will come too soon"...

  Dear Chariot

  I am afraid necrophilia may be your only option if you don't come and rescue me sometime in the (very near) future!! I am seriously longing for you.....

  Dying for you


  Oh Chariot

  Given a night with you I would be a very happy woman. I too would be devoted to the task until almost perfected. I would like to leave that gap to give an excuse to return to keep aiming for perfection. I think it would actually be possible with you. Oh if only someone would give us the night!

  Dear Chariot

  Hope you've had a good day. It was wonderful to hear from you yesterday. I'm so keen too to see your beautiful naked body and to touch you and be touched by you. Oh it seems such an age since we have been able to do this in a dedicated way. I was wanting you very much today...overstimulated by you yesterday - but not overstimulated enough! Oh I'd love to be over stimulating you right now (I hope you noticed the deliberate word spacing there....).

  You're such a sexual thrill to me.


  Dear Beautiful Most Desired One

  Thoughts of you have invaded my weekend. Try as I might to shut them out, I have spent the last couple of days oh so hankering for you. I have been thinking of your eyes a lot and the way you express yourself through them. You have no idea how much they charm me. Oh what weapons of destruction upon a girl's well being! And I have been thinking of your face as you're coming. That's a very luscious thought to dwell on too.

  I meant to go for a long bike ride this weekend, but I ended up going to the beach at the Gold Coast instead. It truly is a magnificent beach down there, but it was pretty wild with rips today and I understand there was a drowning there yesterday. But the beach!! Oh the salty fresh smells and the feel of the sand between my toes and the caress of the water on my body is just wonderful...almost as wonderful as the caress of your beautiful hands on me, in me, over me, around me. Even the beach couldn't purge me of you....

  Your adoring Chariette

  Dear Chariot

  Very excited about the potential chance of spending a delicious whole night with you. I think we have both deserved this for a very long time. Here's hoping it will all work out OK. In addition to reconnoitring the lie of the land at the hotel, please also check for:

  1. Sturdy table

  2. Full length mirror

  3. Firm walls

  4. Capacious bath

  5. Bed with firm head rail

  6. Spacious couch

  Should these things not be available however then we can resort to various poses (sideways, from behind, you on top, me on top, soixainte-neuf) and others that will no doubt come to us in the heat of the moment using the

  1. Bed

  2. Bed

  3. Bed

  4. Bed

  5. Bed

  6. Bed

  Oh this proposition has picked me up no end! Wonderful to hear from you, and to dwell on the delicious thought of being in your company and delighting in your lovely physical being. It will be so beautiful to me just to be able to feel you take my hand, and for me to stroke your beautiful face.

  Excited, happy Chariette

  My truly beautiful Chariot - my partner in pleasure

  I had a wonderful night with you. It was such a delicious sexually erotic experience. I loved everything about it. All day my mind has been drifting to you and your beautiful body and what you were doing with it, with me. You've given me some beautiful memories to linger over.

  Ilove your physical presence. You are truly a delight to be with and touch and explore. I love to give myself to you too and love so much to pleasure you. I am so glad you appear to enjoy me too.

  It was a lovely lovely night

  Happy Chariette

  Oh my Beautiful Delicious Wonderful One

  What a delightful morning surprise! I couldn't stop smiling to myself all afternoon. It was wonderful to see you and feel you and be felt by you. You looked - oh - so good to me. And you felt just divine. It was a lovely lovely experience. You make me happy!!! I love kissing you and being kissed by you!

  Enjoy your weekend. Rest up after your trip.

  I think you are wonderful. Oh I embrace thee with all my being!


  Dear Traveller

  Glad to have you back in beautiful Brisbane. It makes me feel happy just to know you are here. Hope you're not too tired and that you can rest up and recover today.

  Talk about us being on starvation rations in relation to indulging each other!! But at least we make the most of those nights when we get them, and it keeps my imagination alive and my desire alive enough to keep wanting the next encounter with you. Communication with you in the intervening periods is also very crucial to this and I enjoy the intimacy and friendship this brings almost as much as the physical connection. I have to admit that my desire for you appears to be stronger than ever, poor smitten creature that I am.

  Hope we can arrange one of those nights sometime soon. Oh how I would enjoy some passionate physical coupling with you. You would get all the attention you desire and so would I.


  Dear Chariot

  Oh I hope I'm not too forward with my suggestions for our next tryst...I did put in a lot of 'perhaps' and 'maybes'.....but then again, I decided a few years ago to learn from the old Chinese proverb: "Man wait for long time with mouth open before duck fly in"....

  Hoping you will make me glow inside this week....

  Hoping you're having a good week

  Fast forward Chariette

  Dear Chariot

  Here's hoping it will work out tomorrow. I am beside myself with anticipation and it's a full moon so you can be assured of my complete abandoned delight in you.

  Have a good trip down there. Weather is surprisingly mild for Melbourne at this time of the year.

  If it doesn't work out we'll just have to wait till some next opportunity arises. I'm glad you're keen to see me. I'm keen to see you too.


  Dearest of Dear Chariots

  What a delightful experience being with you today. I am still glowing inside. It was so wonderful to touch you and be touched by you and to feel you inside me. It was great to be able to take advantage of the situation to spend some time to be together. I spent the evening trying to find out what information I had missed this afternoon in case I'm asked when I get back to work.....

  You are so beautiful to look at and to behold you take my breath away. I was very moved by the experience today...


  Dear Very Tasty Chops

  I have some lovely images of you in my mind too after our brief but delightful encounter. You lying there, your arms above your head, totally abandoned to the moment, allowing me to do whatever I wanted with you. I love exploring you with my eyes, my fingers, my lips, my tongue, my nose. You are so very touchable and explorable. I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to get you out of my psyche or how I'm ever going to be able to stop wanting you. Failing miserably on both counts.....


  Dear Oh So Desired One

  Oh it was so good to hear your lovely voice today. It sends me into deliriums of desire....you've probably guessed by now that pretty well anything much connected with you has the same effect. I'm as keen as the sharpest rapier wielded at Bannockburn when it comes to you...oh you are my thrilling thrilling blade!

  I am very glad you are working on possible connections in the flesh for us. It would be so good to spend an entire evening with you again soon. I need you so very much.....Have desire will travel.

  I have had such a good time with you since we decided to go down this path. I love th
e sexual thrill of anticipation as I'm travelling to meet you. I love to see your face and hear you when I arrive. I love your hugs. And I love to get right into it!! Oh you please me so very very much.

  I hope you arrived home safely after your battle with the trucks.


  Mon Cher

  That was a lovely chat we had this morning! We traversed a myriad of topics in a brief time. You are so very easy to talk to. You make me feel relaxed and accepted. I hope I make you feel the same. (You also make me feel excited and tense and I like that too....) You should tell me some time what I make you feel....

  I hope plans for a get together are progressing. Should I start feeling excited??

  Thinking of you. Wishing I could give you lovely soft and tender kisses all over your face.


  My beautiful lovely One

  Oh how I could do with you tonight. I am just aching for you. I think you are just the loveliest thing on earth....

  "Close up the casement, draw the blind,

  Shut out that stealing moon...."

  I so adore you

  Most Wonderful Prince

  I was just thinking about you (when I shouldn't be....) I was thinking how much pleasure I get just from thinking about you. I was also thinking what wonderful shape you are in. Your body is paradise to me. You are wonderful to behold and even more wonderful to touch.

  I hope you get to come home early today as you planned. Just get stuck into the grog and relax for a bit, wind down to the weekend. You work so hard!!

  I am heading out this evening to see the film 'Romulus'. Taking the hanky because I sobbed at the end of the book so am likely to make a spectacle of myself this evening with friends when I see it on film. I am very sensitive to other people's troubles and am often very very moved by them. I am very moved by you too but I think you know this already....not that you have any troubles....but then again I sense some vulnerability there somewhere....

  I love the way you make me feel. You turn up my voluptuousness and sensuality to full strength. I wish we could be indulging in each other's delights this evening.

  Have a lovely weekend. I will be calling for you in the night like a wolf howling at the moon....


  Dear Imaginative One

  Oh I like your suggestions of combinations very much! Travelling with you, talking, singing, eating, drinking, making mad passionate love all night....how indescribably lovely all that would be.

  I will bring music next time we manage to get together. I'd so love to sway with you, our arms around each other, letting the music prime us to tenderness and then to desire and passion.

  I am full of adoringness of you just now.

  Mon Prince Très Charmant

  Your email last night was lovely! And so long!! Your typing must be improving by now. At least I can claim to have had one positive effect on you!

  When I was in the mountains yesterday I was thinking how lovely it would be to spend some time up there with you - in a cabin, in the winter, with a fire and lots of lovely wine and music, just relaxing with you and making love to you through the night.... oh the anguish of longing! And what pleasure it would bring me to drive you and know that you were beside me able to enjoy the views and just relax and take it in. Mind you I am not in any way ungrateful for the time I do get to spend with you - I cherish these moments more than I can tell you and they bring me great joy.

  How was your weekend? What did you get up to?

  My body is longing for your touch just now.


  Oh Chariot

  How I long to deliver your every heart's desire....


  Dear Dear One

  I understand it will be difficult for you to contact me while you’re away as you have ‘someone’ travelling with you.

  The thought of being without you over the next few weeks is creating a pit of desolation in me....

  My kitchen is full of food but I'm only hungry for you.....

  I hope your trip goes well and that your weekend is relaxing and enjoyable for you. The rain should stop by then, but it's oh so lovely just now. Almost as lovely as you.

  You're the song in my heart...how I wish you could play me


  My Beautiful Prince

  Wonderful to hear from you this afternoon. You sounded as delicious as ever. You have been much in my thoughts (but unhappily not much in my body)...you will need to redress the situation when you return. I will happily help you to redress it by a process of mutual undress.

  Very glad to hear that things are going well for you. I hope you survive the heat and humidity. It must make Brisbane seem quite mild by comparison.

  Can't think of any more news for you other than that I continue to adore you. Oh the 'mathematics of love has such strange arithmetic'....

  Take care of your beautiful body. You are beyond compare.....


  My Best and Dearest

  Could definitely do with you just now. Oh how wonderful that would be....

  Some very exciting news in your email...the 16th July eh? You can be assured I will be there wherever it is. Oh how fantastic. The anticipation of this is already awakening in me. Oh you are my heart's delight "and where you are I long to be...."

  I have noticed that your French is very very good now. I must try extending you some more....

  I would like to know more about the other journey you mention. I hope you will take me into your confidence on this....

  And when you say 'see you soon', is that soon the one that most normal people mean (ie in a few hours...days) or is it your version of soon which could be a few months????

  Needless to say I am dying to see you and your beautiful smile aussi vite que possible!

  I hope you have been having good days at work. I am keen to hear about your time too.

  Always keen...


  Chariot my Charmer

  I also spent a substantial part of the weekend thinking of you, now that we have a 'date', it has set off the delicious anticipation of you which I'm finding very hard to turn off. It makes me think of the sheer pleasure I get from seeing you and being in your company and oh the luxury and untold delight of being able to touch you, undress you, delight in the sight of you, the feel of you and to kiss you and be intimate with you. I don't know how I'm going to get through this week. And I don't know what I would do if I were without the sweetest of joys that you are to me. It would be like being dead...

  Oh thou hast my heart in thrall!

  Your eager beaver

  My Prince

  Well I didn't feel too ignored last night! You were truly magnifique and definitely robuste! Thank you for a wonderful time. I'm musing on what I loved the most. I think it was when I was on top of you (towards the end of our fantastically athletic coupling) and leaning over and kissing you on each stroke downwards. Our mouths were really seeking each other out and our bodies were in complete sexual harmony. Oh you are so beautiful to me.

  I would like to know what you remember most of the evening....

  Next time we'll have to supply you with knee pads rather like skateboarders wear to protect yourself. I feel ashamed that you must have been in some pain and you didn't let me know. I would have changed position immediately for you.

  I'm finding it difficult to walk....

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you

  Dear Loud and Clear

  Very willing to be compromised. I am sure I can arrange things to mutual satisfaction. I could get the flight down to arrive around the time suggest, and get an earlyish flight back the next day. That is assuming of course you still want me to come....

  I noticed the full moon on my walk. Not aware of any special effect from eclipses. Full moons however definitely heighten my desires for you (if that could be possible).

  Glad you had a good day and that you're over your jet lag. I am very keen to
test out the veracity of that.


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