Sister Laurel & the Atheist

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Sister Laurel & the Atheist Page 7

by Dee Dawning

  "Well, I'm glad, 'cause now I have a shot at you." Did I just say that?

  He laughed. "You have better than a shot. Is thirty-six hours enough time to fall in love?"

  Love? He's talking love and I'm committed to God. Then she remembered—he took her virginity. "I hope so since we had sex after what, fourteen hours?"

  His bright smile faded as his gaze lowered. "Yeah right. There's something I should tell you."

  "And there's something I should tell you. Tess got a wax job also and she told me that her you know where, was too sore for sex, so she and Seth were going to have oral sex. We could try that tonight and maybe by tomorrow I could find out what it's like to have you inside me."

  "That's one of the things I wanted to discuss with you."

  She didn't respond, but her eyes urged him to continue.

  He pursed his lips as he framed his words. "I'm uncomfortable having sex just so you could see what you missed. It's just not romantic."

  "That's easy for you to say seeing as how you didn't miss a thing. What reason should I have for having sex with you?"

  That fine mind of his was working as he stared at the ceiling. "That you feel close to me. So close that you want to share the closest, most intimate thing in the world with me."

  She squirmed. "Is that why you had sex with Sarah and other girls?"

  A slight blush covered his handsome façade, but his silver blue eyes showed determination. He smiled and his silver tongue flowed, "No, I was filling a physical need, but with you it's different. When I first saw and talked with you, it was like my life, which had been on hold, was finally starting. What happened before I met you had lost most of its importance and only you and life with you from this point on really mattered. Does that make sense?"

  She had to admit it made sense because she felt the same way. What am I to do? I need to talk with Mother Superior or Father Brennen. But not until Julian and I make love again. I want to confess all my sins. "You misunderstand my motives. I want to be intimate with you, because I need to know if what I'm experiencing is real. I need you inside me, to be an extension of you. All sleeping with you last night did was speed things up." She rose and took his hand. "My sister says oral sex is just as good as intercourse. I'd like to find out. You're the experienced one. I'm counting on you. Will you show me how?"

  He rose. As he placed one hand behind her thighs, the other behind her back and swooped her into his arms, she wrapped her arm around his neck as he carried her to his bedroom.

  Chapter Eight – Laurel's Dilemma

  "Life, the gift of nature, Love, the gift of life, a Kiss, the gift of Love." ~Unknown~

  H ow was she to know? The thing she'd always thought sounded disgusting, was wonderful. She loved oral sex—at least with Julian she did. And if she loved oral sex with Julian, simple extrapolation means she'd love all sex with Julian.

  It was just getting light. She glanced toward the alarm clock—5:36 a.m. She turned over and looked at her lover, who by now she was sure she was in love with. Even in sleep, with messed up hair, he was gorgeous. He was so sweet and gentle. He even compared her sex to a beautiful blossom.

  Tess was right. She loved sex. What am I to do? She can't make a decision until they do it, too. She bets that's even more wonderful. Suddenly, she had an urge to see his man-thing again. She pulled the cover back and stared at it. It was hard, just like last night and though it was a little ugly, she wanted to stroke it, even put it in her mouth again. However, she wanted it in her…vagina even more.

  She rolled over, turning her back to Julian and tried to sleep, but she was too wound up. Like a fast forward slide show, mind images of memories of Julian and her flashed through her brain. Starting with Java Joint, her mind recalled everything they'd done, including the heavenly pleasures they'd experienced last night. She couldn't sleep. She sat up and reached for her phone.

  * * * *

  With the kids at her mother-in-law, her one chance to sleep in and the frigging phone rings. She reached over to her cell phone and put it to her mouth. "Yeah?"

  "Sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to someone."

  She pursed her lips. "Not half as sorry as I am." She sat up. "What'dya need."

  "We did it. Julian and I had oral sex last night and I plan to have intercourse next."

  "So did half a billion other people. What's the big deal?"

  There was silence and then a meek voice squeaked, "Tess?"

  "Yeah, it's me. Sorry, with the kids at Seth's mother, I was looking forward to sleeping in. So how was it?"

  "Oh, I can't describe it. Last night was too wonderful for words. So wonderful I can't wait until his…thing was…you know…in me."

  "His cock. If you're going to start having sex, talk like a modern day woman, not some Victorian crone."

  Ten more seconds of silence. "I think maybe I ought to let you go back to sleep, so you can get up on the other side of the bed. I'm at a crossroads. Julian has me thinking of renouncing my vows. I need advice and all I get is sarcasm."

  Tess was so ashamed she felt six inches high. "I'm sorry, Sister sis. Give me an hour, let me put a pot of coffee on and by the time you get here, I'll be your loving, helpful sister again."

  * * * *

  An hour? Tess lived ten minutes away. What should she do until it's time to leave. Gazing at Julian, warmth tingled through her. When she lowered her gaze between his legs and his exposed hard manhood, heat surged to her lower regions.

  She reached between her legs. The tenderness from the wax job had diminished. As a bonus, she was wet and ready.

  Feeling a little naughty, she dragged the covers off him and rose to her knees. She gently rolled him onto his back exposing his stiff manly pride to her scrutiny.

  Still sleeping, he groaned and said, "Don't stop."

  Wondering if he was truly asleep, she waited and watched.

  When he said, "That's it baby, just like I showed you," She knew he was having an erotic dream about last night. That was all the encouragement she needed. She lifted a leg over his thighs and straddled him, his rigid sex resting just in front of her humid recess.

  His eyes opened. "Hi."

  * * * *

  She was so confused, she couldn't stand it. There was no longer any doubt in her mind, she loved Julian. The question was could she stay true to her vows, loving a man as much as God? When she'd finished dressing and Julian had fallen back asleep, she scribbled a note to him.

  I have to go to my sister's. There's more to me than you know. I love you, but I'm not free to act upon that love. I need her advice. Don't be angry and please love me back.

  All of my love, L

  * * * *

  "Hi Daddy, it's Tessa. Is it possible you come over here instead of me coming there?"

  "Sure Baby, is there a problem?

  "Naw, Laurel just called in a panic and wanted to see me."

  "I'll get ready now."

  "Thanks, she should be here in an hour."

  * * * *

  She slid into her seven-year-old Ford and headed the five miles to Teresa's.

  When she got there, Daddy's Buick was in the driveway. She parked next to it. She was excited to see Daddy, but she didn't know how she could talk to Tess about love and sex with him there.

  Dad and Tess were both standing at the door by the time she arrived. Opening the screen door, she stepped in and hugged them both. "It's so good to see you. Isn't this a co-incidence?"

  Tess spoke, "It's no co-incidence. I asked him to come."

  "Yes, Tessa said you needed help to make a decision."

  She forgot how Dad called Teresa, Tessa instead of Tess like most of us. "Well, for whatever reason you're here, I'm glad to see you."

  Tess's outstretched arm pointed in the direction of the kitchen. "Come let's go in the kitchen and get comfortable."

  She led the way, followed by her, then Dad. They took a seat at the kitchen table while Tess served three mugs of coffee and a plate of ho
me made peanut butter cookies.

  Dad smiled at Tess as she handed a mug to him. "Thank you Baby."

  After handing a mug to her, Tess sat down. "I hope you don't mind. I asked Dad to come here because you seemed so confused."

  "Yes, Tessa tells me you're contemplating renouncing your vows for this young man? What does he think?"

  "I have no idea. He doesn't even know I'm a 'sister in waiting.'"

  Tess put a hand over Daddy's. "He knows. I told him. About the operation, the hospital, everything."

  Her mouth and eyes flew open in shock. "You told him? How could you?"

  Tess cocked her head and opened her eyes wide. "Well you weren't and I thought he should know what he was getting into."

  Tess was right, but still she felt betrayed.

  Dad's forefinger and thumb squeezed his chin. "Well, since he knows maybe we should ask him over here. After all, he is an interested party and since there's a good chance he may father my future grand babies, I want to meet him anyway."

  A blaze of heat flashed across her body and she just knew she was as red as cherry syrup. "Teresa's given you four beautiful grandbabies. Isn't that enough?"

  He got a silly smirk on his face. "I wouldn't mind three more. Seven is my lucky number."

  She dug her phone out of her purse and dialed Julian. "All right, I want Daddy to meet him, too." He answered on the second ring. "Hi, I'm at Tess's, Daddy's here too. Can you come?" She turned the phone off and returned it to her handbag. "He's on his way."

  "Good. I'm anxious to meet him. Tessa says he reminds her of me."

  Again, her eyes grew wide, the truth of that statement sinking in. "He does remind me of you."

  A super sized smile formed on Daddy's face. "Well it should be real interesting meeting myself."

  Tess spoke, "Daddy, Laurel and I have some women's things to talk about until your alter ego gets here. Would you excuse us? I'll turn the TV on for you if you'd like."

  "No, no. You two stay right there. I'll go in the living room." He winked. "The TV's much bigger in there anyway."

  After he left, Tess asked sotto voce, "So you had oral sex last night, too."

  Laurel nodded earnestly. "Did you?"

  She nodded. "Did we ever. Seth is a master."

  "I think Julian must be too, because I didn't even know it was possible to climax that way and he did it to me three times."

  "Wow, he must be good. Did you…ah."

  "Suck him off?" She ventured.

  Tess nodded.

  "Ah-huh. That's what I found so amazing. The thought of doing that had always sounded yucky, but once I started doing it, I loved it. His ragged breathing and moaning really aroused me. I liked the aroma and his taste, too. He showed me what he liked and once his thing was moving in my mouth, I felt closer to him. It wasn't dirty or disgusting, more like stimulating."

  Tess laughed. "I feel the same way. I guess you could say they're our stimulus packages.

  She laughed, too. "He must have stimulated me real good too, because this morning, while he was still asleep, I put his thing inside me and made love to him."

  Sis's eyes grew wide—almost round. "Really, you finally had sex with him…again, I mean?"

  She smiled broadly and nodded. "Yes and as I suspected, it was just as fantastic as the oral sex."

  "While he was asleep? And he didn't wake up?"

  "At first, but once I put him in me and started moving in and out and back and forth he woke up. At first he looked confused, but when he realized what I was doing he brightened right up and joined in."

  "I'll bet."

  "Funny thing is it hurt at first and like you said, I bled. It took awhile before it felt good."

  "Tell me, sis, how big is Julian?"

  "I shouldn't talk about that."

  "Why we're sisters. Don't we tell each other everything?"

  "You never told me how big Seth is?"

  "You never asked. He's six and a half inches long and a little wider than a jumbo hot dog. Now, how big is Julian?"

  Her fingers rose between our gaze and she held them roughly seven inches apart. Tess nodded. "And width?"

  She touched her long middle finger to her thumb and showed her the opening they had formed.

  She whistled. "Looks like about an inch and a half."

  Sounded right to her. She nodded. Then the doorbell rang.

  Her heart jumped when she realized it had to be Julian. She ran to the front door and arrived just about the time her father arrived. They opened the door simultaneously and there he was. He pulled the screen door open and handed her a bouquet of red roses. As he stepped inside, she spoke, "Julian Peters, this is my Dad, Albright Adams."

  They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

  She took Julian's hand and put her arm around Dad. "C'mon, let's go in the kitchen. That's where Tess and the coffee are."

  The three of them walked into the kitchen.

  "Hi Julian. Glad you could make our little family confab." Tess hugged and cheek kissed Julian.

  He flashed an effusive, 'aw shucks' smile. "Well, since you're going to talk about one of my favorite subjects, me, I couldn't resist."

  When they parted, she handed the roses to Tess. "Oh, how beautiful." She raised a hand to her heart. "For moi?"

  Laurel flashed an evil eye.

  "Just kidding." At the cupboards, she reached up and took a vase down from the upper shelf of a cabinet, then filled it with water and a touch of baking soda. Cutting the ends off, she put the flowers in the vase and set it in the middle of the table before grabbing a mug for Julian and bringing the carafe to the table.

  Julian poured some cream in his coffee and took a sip.

  She tapped his hand with a forefinger to gain his attention. "Tess told me that you are aware that I am a sister in waiting. Is that true?"

  His lips tightened and his head dipped—a single short nod. "Yes, she told me."

  Dad spoke up, "Laurel thinks she's in love with you and you her. Would you agree with that assessment?"

  Julian nodded. "I can only speak for myself sir. Let me assure you I am smitten by your daughter."

  Her hand reached for his. She chimed in, "I am smitten, too. Where is this headed?"

  Tess wriggled in her chair. "I should think it's obvious. Since you're thinking of renouncing your vows for this man, you need to know if there's a future with him."

  Julian face grew serious. "I would run away to Vegas and marry her tomorrow if I could."

  Dad laughed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves son. There's no rush. I'm sure Laurel would like, and I happen to think she deserves, a conventional wedding with all the trappings, bells and whistles." He glanced at her. "Am I right?"

  She kissed Daddy on the cheek. "That would be my preference."

  Her sister's eyes narrowed. "Laurel. When are you supposed to say your permanent vows?"

  "In three weeks. Didn't you get the invitation?"

  Tess shook her head.

  "I didn't get one either," added Dad.

  Julian's gaze burned into her. "What are you talking about? Your permanent vows are only three weeks away?"

  Tess answered for her, "Yes and after the permanent vows they are true religious sisters."

  She finished, "After the permanent vows are spoken, it is considered a covenant and it is much harder to renounce the vows."

  Julian took a deep breath. "It looks like we're getting in just under the wire."

  Dad flashed a wall-to-wall smile at Julian. "It would seem so." He held his hand across the table. Laurel got chills when he said, "Welcome to the family," and Julian shook it.

  Smiling widely Julian rubbed his hands together. "This calls for a celebration."

  She shook her head. "Not yet. I still have to talk to Mother Superior."

  Chapter Nine – Mother Superior

  "Other men say they have seen angels, but I have seen thee—And thou art enough." ~ by G. Moore ~

  L aurel hadn't been
at the dorm or the hospital for that matter for over two days. True, she was off from the hospital. Nevertheless, everyone had become so accustomed to her hanging around the dorm and the chapel that her absence had been noted and apparently became the subject of some gossip.

  Her roommate, Sister Celeste told her Mother Superior had been asking about her. Good, this gave her an excuse to see her.

  Since it was only eleven a.m., She headed down to the see her. Her office was located in the adjacent chapel building. She could see Sue—her name was Sue—through the glass in her office door. She was typing something on her computer keyboard. She glanced up when Laurel knocked. Apparently, recognizing her even in the dark hall light, through the glass, she smiled and waved her in. When she opened the door and stepped in, Sue teased, "Where have you been? Holding up in some shady motel room with a darkly handsome, Hollywood actor?"

  A flush coursed through her as she thought, she isn't far off.

  She snickered. "I see I hit a nerve. What can I do for you Sister?"

  She took a seat in front of her desk. "I have something to discuss with you and you're—"

  Sue finished her sentence. "Not, going to like it."

  "You want to or you're thinking of renouncing your vows, aren't you?"

  She just stared at her, open mouthed and wide eyed. "How did you…"


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