Must Wait

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Must Wait Page 17

by Ginger Sharp

“Ryan, do not do this to him. What the hell, Ryan? He does not need to watch porn with you. That is horrible, Ryan.”

  Ryan fiddles with the DVD player. “Shut up, Livi he needs to learn. He needs to see it. I can’t take it anymore, this shy guy crap.”

  The television comes back on. Olivia hits him on the arms as Ryan growls at her.

  “Livi, get upstairs, honey. I am not going to watch these with him when I got you to control.”

  “No way. Not tonight. You got your control night before I left to come here. Pedro, give me the remote. I will turn if off for you.”

  Ryan jumps up and grabs her. He spins her away from me and she almost loses her towel. Ryan uses his chest, pushing her back to the wall. He pins her there with his hand around her neck. He forcefully kisses her.

  Ryan pulls his head away from her and bites her bottom lip, tugging at it as her eyes are locked to his. “I will tell you what kind of night it is going to be. Go now, Livi. You better be ready for me outside the bedroom door. Do you hear me, Livi?”

  She whispers, “Yes, Ryan I hear you.” She smiles and kisses him again.

  Ryan lets her go. “Now, Livi.”

  She runs off up the stairs as I watch in astonishment.

  Ryan looks at me. “That is how you shut up a woman when she is all angry with you. Sit, Pedro, and watch the porn.”

  He throws hand lotion and a towel at me. I look up at him confused. “What is this for?”

  Ryan shakes his head at me. “Really Pedro? I do not think I have any instructional videos on masturbation. Don’t get anything on the couch Pedro. Katie will kill you.”

  He walks into the kitchen and takes food out of the oven. He points to the pan. “I do not know how long I am going to be. It sometimes takes hours to break her. You might want to eat first before you touch yourself.”

  I watch him go up the stairs.

  I am completely freaked out by him. He wants me to jerk off on his daughter’s couch watching porn as he is upstairs with his wife. What have I gotten myself in to? I glance up at the television and my jaw drops at what I am seeing. Man roughly slamming into a woman. He flips her around mounting her from behind. I smile at the screen, I have done that to Katie. I watch the woman’s face for about thirty seconds before turning the television off. I can hear Olivia’s muffled screams above me as Ryan talks all nasty to her. Her cries get louder as I hear Ryan moaning and swearing. The sound stops then I start to walk towards the kitchen. Olivia starts moaning. The sound is identical to Katie. I can’t take this anymore, the torture. I feel myself getting aroused at her sounds. I shake my head and decide to go back outside to the deck. I can’t hear them out here. I sit in the lounge chair thinking about seeing Katie tomorrow. I smile as my mind goes off to the few times I made Katie moan out and how she screams as she climaxes. I am doomed if she is anything like her parents. She did say she grew up like this and I just had my first experience of those two. I am in for a wild life with her. I smile, knowing that she is worth the wait.

  A few hours later, I am startled awake as I hear the deck door open. Ryan comes walking out sitting down next to me. He is barely dressed, only wearing boxer shorts.

  He looks over at me. “What are you doing out here, Pedro? Go sleep in either Katie’s room or the guest room. Your choice.”

  “Are you done for the night?”

  He smiles. “I will never be done with Livi. You will understand some day that driving force behind these Nora women. They constantly need to be pleasured and satisfied. They get all nasty with you.”

  I look up at his face. “I guess that is why Katie is so nasty to me all the time.”

  He laughs. “I guess so. What did you get accomplished and why are you outside?”

  “Nothing and I could not handle Olivia’s moaning and screams. I can’t believe you two are so open like that with me here.”

  He shakes his head. “Pedro, I do not get you. Are you not able to get it up or something?”

  “Yes it works just fine, Ryan. I could not say in the house because I got aroused. I think it would be wrong for me to jerk off over the sounds my future mother and father-in-law making it in their bedroom.”

  Ryan slaps his forehead. “Shit, Pedro. Point well made. I am sorry. I was not thinking.” He pauses for a moment. “Yeah, that would be wrong. Yes, wrong of my future son-in-law to masturbate on my daughter couch. Thank you for respecting me, Pedro. I am not used to that, you know. Normally I see Katie getting eaten out by some guy or girl on the couch.”

  “She does that in front of you?”

  “No, I caught her and Noelia once in the old house on the couch days before you met them. I was so freaked out that I shipped her and her girlfriend to her mother in Costa Rica. I wanted Livi to deal with her. Well, we see how that that turned out. So, here we all are now.”

  I laugh. “Yes, I was shocked by them too.”

  “Come in the house and go to bed, Pedro. You should sleep in Katie’s room. It is the farthest away from us. Livi is sleeping now, but if she wakes I cannot guarantee she will not ride me again. She is like that you know.”

  I shake my head at him as I follow him into the house.

  He turns and looks at me. “Shit. We have to get you into a suit for tomorrow. Hopefully I have something that fits you. We should do this now since we have to leave so early.

  I follow Ryan upstairs to their bedroom. He opens the door and flips on the light. I see Olivia sprawled out across the bed with a sheet barely covering her.

  Ryan shouts over at her, “Livi, wake up honey. Pedro needs our help.”

  Olivia snaps, sitting up on the bed. Her hair is a wild mess much like Katie’s.

  She looks over at us. “I am not having a threesome with you and Pedro. He is my daughter’s whatever.” She plops back down on the bed.

  Ryan chuckles. “Sure, Livi, you and your fantasy of having two men at once. I am sure Pedro would not be able to keep up with us.”

  She gives him her middle finger and he laughs at her. Ryan opens the door to the walk-in closet. He turns on the light and pulls me in with him. He starts moving around hangers as Olivia comes to the door wearing Ryan’s shirt.

  “Rye, what are you doing in the closet in your underwear with Pedro?”

  He smiles over at her. “Funny, honey. He needs a suit for tomorrow. Shoes too, but we might have to find a place to buy them up there.

  She stares down at my body taking all of me into her sight. “If I knew he was coming, I could have prepared for him.” She pushes past me going into the closet. She moves the hangers around. “Here it is.” She hands the suit to Ryan.

  Ryan scowls down at her. “No way. He is my size. This suit fits Nick Junior. It will be too snug on him.”

  Olivia glares up at him, taking the suit from his hands. “Let him try it on and we will decide then.”

  Ryan laughs. “You just want to check him out like you do to his brother, Paolo.”

  She turns red as she pushes him. “I am not the one showing him porn and teaching him how to fuck your daughter. Isn’t this what it is all about? You want him to get laid, right? Then that is the suit.” She storms out of the closet.

  He calls after, “But baby, this is my fuck suit.” He hands me the suit, “She won’t be happy until you try it on. Don’t let her eye fuck you. If she bites her lip, fucking run, Pedro.”

  I stare at him, shaking my head. “I will go into Katie’s room to try this on.”

  I enter into the hallway passing Olivia who is walking back into her bedroom carrying boxes.

  I go into Katie’s room and change into the suit. I look at myself in the mirror not recognizing myself. I walk out back into the hallway and Olivia is coming out of the guest room again with a bunch of shirts. She glances at me and tilts her head. She walks ahead of me in to her bedroom sitting on her bed.

  “Rye, come out of the closet.”

  Ryan walks out, looking at me. “I am not sure. I guess he is smaller than me in the pants.

  Olivia nods. “He is not addicted to pasta like you are. He is thinner. I am not sure about the shirt though. Looks tight in the arms and shoulders. Here are some of Nick’s clothes and shoes. I just bought these for Nick and he is a size twelve.”

  Ryan snaps his head at her. “Nick is a twelve?”

  She looks at him. “Yeah, he has feet like Chris and Tyler. Pedro, you are a twelve. Ryan’s shoes will be too small for you.”

  Ryan looks over at her. “Why are you buying shoes for Nick Junior? Do you buy clothes for him too?

  She nods as she gets up to hand me the shoes. She sits back down on the bed glancing over to Ryan. “It is a kind of therapy for me. He is here all the time and we go out shopping. He is the closest thing I have left to Briar.”

  Ryan pecks a kiss on her cheek, then jerks his head towards the door. He stands up going to the door listening. He looks over at Olivia. “Stay here. Someone just came through the front door.”

  I hear a man’s voice talking and a girl’s voice giggling. Ryan turns back around. “I think Nick Junior is here. How often is he here?”

  Olivia looks up. “All the time. He goes out clubbing with Katie when she is home and he brings girls back here since your sister won’t allow him there.”

  Ryan scowls at her. “He needs to get his own place. He makes good money.”

  Olivia shakes her head at him.

  Then out in the hallway appears Nick with two girls. One in each arm. He turns and looks at me standing there in the suit as he comes to the door, “Pedro, is that you, man? What are you doing here? What are you doing in Aunt Olivia’s bedroom?”

  Olivia calls out to him, “Nick, are you drunk?”

  He stumbles into the room. “You got me, Aunty. Oh shit, what is going on here? Uncle Ryan and Pedro, seriously Aunt Olivia?”

  Ryan starts laughing. “I have been trying, but she won’t.”

  Olivia hits him. “No, Nick. That is not what is happening here. Pedro is here to surprise Katie tomorrow at her graduation. He has to get into some of your and Ryan’s clothes.”

  Nick turns to the door. “Hey, ladies, go into the next door down the hall. I will be right there.”

  Ryan looks at Nick. “How many did you bring back here and isn’t time you get your own place?”

  He laughs. “Two blondes and not twins like you had though. No, I will not move out. I like it here in this house and I invest all my money.”

  Olivia hits Ryan. “Really, Rye? Two twins?”

  Ryan chuckles. “At least I trained Nick into sweet talking his way to be with two girls, but he will never have multiples like me. He will never beat my record.”

  Olivia gives him a nasty look.

  Nick smiles as he hands me a shirt. “I will get there, Uncle Ryan. Your magic number was five women at the same time, right?”

  Ryan nods at him.

  Olivia stands up shrieking. “I am surprised you don’t have a disease, Ryan. I need a drink.” She storms off.

  Ryan smiles over at Nick. “That was for my twentieth birthday. Nick you are too soft like your father. You do not have the stamina like it did. Pedro, back before Livi, I was quite a ladies’ man. Women did not want to get to know me for my mind. They just want my dick.”

  Olivia walks back into the room with a big glass of wine. “I need to get drunk and pass out now or I am never going to sleep. Ryan’s ego is stroked, so he will be poking at me all night. Nick’s got two girls waiting for him in the next room and I got the thirty-one-year old almost virgin stud standing half naked in my bedroom. What is wrong with this picture?”

  Ryan looks over at her. “Aww, honey, you are mad at me?”

  She sips down her wine. “I should have gotten more experience before I settled on you.”

  Ryan chuckles. “Sure, baby, like that would have happened. Nick, why don’t you lend one of your girls to Pedro?”

  Nick turns to him. “Nah, that won’t happen. Katie has his pussy whipped.”

  Olivia shouts, “Nick, go now and attend to your guests. Pedro, I am sorry.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her. “My head is spinning. Are you people always like this?”

  Ryan speaks up, “Yes, you will get used to us. We can be over the top at times, but it is in all good fun.”

  Olivia glances over at him. “Yea, I have to get to sleep before Nick keeps me up all night trying to compete with his Uncle Ryan.”

  I nod. “I think I am good for tomorrow. I am going to head off to sleep.”

  Ryan walks me down the hall to Katie’s room.

  He steps in behind me. “Keep your door locked tonight. These band groupie girls have a tendency to wander to the wrong door in the night. It is very annoying.”

  I look over at him. “Why do you tolerate this?”

  “I don’t. This is why we live the way we do in Costa Rica. It is a simple life for us. Nothing crazy like here.” He nods as he turns leaving me.

  I go to the door and lock it as instructed. I look around Katie’s room since I have no insight about her lifestyle really. She has photos all over her desk. Mostly of her and her friends either from college or high school. I see a few from when she was a child with Ryan holding her. She looks so happy in these photos. I move over to her bed sitting down. I just look about her room. Wondering what it would be like to live here with her. Nick would have to leave though. I would have to put my foot down on her wild parties if Ramón will be here with us. I take off my clothes and climb into her bed. I nuzzle my nose into her pillow, wishing that she was here with me.

  There is banging at the door then it pushes open. The light flips on so I glance up seeing Olivia walking about the room. She comes over to the side of the bed rubbing my shoulder.

  “Pedro, you have to get up. You got thirty minutes to shower before we have to leave. Got to get through Connecticut before 8 A.M.”

  I nod into the pillow, my eyes closed. She slaps my ass and I jolt up.

  “Good, now you are up. Get ready.” She leaves the room closing the door.

  I go down the stairs and see Ryan sitting still on the couch. He nods up at me. I walk closer to him taking in his appearance.

  “What happened to you, Ryan?”

  He laughs. “What do you mean? I am not in Costa Rica today? This is me when I am not being a beach bum or a part of some metal band. Today, I am lawyer and a proud father. You clean up well yourself.”

  “Are we coming back here tonight?”

  “Yup. Katie’s apartment is all packed up and on a truck as we speak. She stayed in a hotel last night. You can drive back with her. No funny business though on the way back. My girls are coming to watch me play hockey tonight. I got into a pick-up game.”

  I nod as I see Olivia running past me. She looks amazing in a form-fitting dress. She is beautiful and her hair is pulled up.

  Ryan throws the television remote at my leg, “Hey, Pedro. Keep your eyes up. You are eye fucking the wrong woman.”

  I look at him. “She looks amazing.”

  “I know. Believe me, I know.”

  “I am glad Lasaro and Paolo are not here. They would both be on their knees licking her feet.” Oh god, did I just say that.

  “Pedro, you are making progress. You might just survive after all.” He pauses before he yells, “Fuck, Livi, let’s go honey.”

  She runs at him. “I am ready.”

  Ryan is driving fast and he pulls up to a coffee shop. He looks over at me. “Want coffee or juice, Pedro?” “I will take water.” I stare at Olivia as she scrolls

  through e-mails on her phone.

  Ryan comes out a few minutes later walking over to

  Olivia window. She rolls it down taking her coffee. Ryan

  gets back in the car and hands me a water bottle. He

  drinks his coffee as he smiles over at Olivia. She reaches

  out touching his knee.

  He glances back at me. “Why no coffee, Pedro?” I look over at him. “I do not like it.”
  Olivia spins around to look at me. “How could you

  not? Your family has coffee plantations.”

  “Coffee is very bad for you. Those high levels of

  caffeine. People get addicted to it. The caffeine robs your

  body of the calcium it needs to keep you bones strong.” Olivia and Ryan laugh at me. Ryan nods his head. “I

  guess that is our problem, Olivia. We live life


  Ryan drives fast and I take in all the sights. Ryan and

  Olivia are talking about a summer tour kickoff party in

  Las Vegas.

  Ryan glances back at me. “Pedro, do you think you

  can work it into your schedule to fly to Vegas next month

  for the party?”

  Olivia head snaps to him. “These are matters that

  need discussing with me first, Ryan.”

  Ryan looks over at her. “If he is going to be with

  Katie full time, he should be there with us.”

  She glares. “What the fuck, Ryan? What do you mean

  full time?” She turns in her seat and looks at me. “Pedro

  do you really think this is going to end well for you?

  Katie’s life is here. She will have a job in about two

  weeks, granted she passes the bar. She is not going to

  move to Costa Rica to help you raise your son. She is not

  that type of girl.”

  Ryan grabs at her leg. “Fucking leave him alone, Livi.

  Who are you to say what she wants? I have talked to her

  about this.”

  She glares at him. “No and I am surprised with you,

  Ryan. Bringing him here. Taking him from his son.

  Exposing him unnecessarily. Do not corrupt him, Ryan.” “Whoa, Livi. What is wrong with you?”

  She screams at him, “I only have one left.”

  “Oh, I get it. You can’t control her. You can’t

  protect her anymore. She needs to do her own thing. You

  pushed her to be like us and your father. She is tough and

  if they get hurt, that is on them, not you. Stop protecting

  her like I have, Livi.”

  “Fuck you, Ryan. This is not like you not protecting

  what is yours.”


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