The Earl of Windermere Takes a Wife (Lords of the Matrix Club #1)

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The Earl of Windermere Takes a Wife (Lords of the Matrix Club #1) Page 30

by Jen YatesNZ

  ‘Enjoy my love.’

  Watching Jassie’s eyes drift shut and her body respond so naturally to Dom’s attentions unfurled a coil of aching heaviness Rogan had carried in his heart for years. God, she was precious.

  ‘Rogan?’ Her arm curled up round his neck and her voice was breathy with arousal but also tinged with determination to get out what she wanted to say. ‘I love you so much. I’d do anything required for us to be together like this!’

  Darting her head forward she dabbed a swift, hard kiss to his mouth before arching back again. Then she almost entirely undid him.

  ‘Are you going to love me again?’

  ‘Lord, yes,’ he whispered, pressing her back into the pillows and taking her mouth. ‘I want tonight to make up for all I’ve denied you all these years—and inflicted on you since we married. I also hope it’s a promise of all we will have together in the years to come.’

  Jassie’s finger pressed against Rogan’s lips.

  ‘Hush. I understand it all now—and I keep telling you, the joy of finally being your wife and able to make love with you far outweighs any pain you inflicted.’

  He opened his lips and sucked her finger deeply into his mouth. She smiled and her eyes dilated. He wished he could see the sparks of topaz fire he knew would be lighting their golden depths.

  With a soft sucking pop, he released her finger and nuzzled his way down her neck until he found the thrusting peak of her other breast. Sliding a hand down over the smooth planes of her belly he delved through the nest of curls to find the nub he knew would be aching and throbbing for his attention. She’d always had a fearless need to experience all that life had to offer, which had sometimes made things difficult for his mother and Jassie’s governess.

  Philip and he, on the other hand, had indulged her whenever they could, ensuring that her adventurous spirit had not been squelched. She’d been able to climb a tree with the same agility and skill as either of them had achieved and could ride bareback by the time she was six years old. Archery, fencing and marksmanship had all come a little later—though not much, as he recalled. She could swim like a fish and easily darted away from their wicked teasing—unless she’d wanted to be caught and tossed high in the air to land with a resounding splash in the water. Her rowing skills were second to theirs only because of her femininity and lesser years. If they could do it she’d believed she could also.

  It had led to some lively lectures from his mother as Jassie outgrew childhood.

  It struck him, as Dom moved in to nuzzle deeply at the back of her neck that she was used to having two males at her beck and call. All her life, until Philip went and got himself killed at Vitoria, she’d known they would aid and abet her tomboyish schemes. Philip was gone, and could never have figured in this scenario anyway. Her easy acceptance of Dom’s presence was not to be wondered at. It probably felt perfectly natural to her.

  The oddest thing was, it felt that way to him as well.

  Chapter 15

  She’d certainly dispensed with that innocence, which at twenty-five had begun to irk her so! Accepting the attention of two men at once had to be thoroughly wicked, but as Rogan took one breast into his mouth in a deeply sensual suckling and engulfed her other in his large strong hand and teased and pulled at her nipple, any thought of protest vanished. She’d known, at least since she was sixteen, that she wanted this kind of attention from this man. Her body had hungered and ached in strange heated ways that had always left her frustrated and often irritable. She’d wanted this even though she’d not understood what ‘this’ was. And she’d wanted it with him.

  The sensation of coming alive from the core of her being outwards would not be denied. Now that she understood what she’d been craving, and it was being served to her with such love, it was like finally arriving at the Promised Land. It felt no more wicked than taking tea with the vicar and his wife—although she didn’t let herself dwell on that thought too long—how could she when Rogan—and Dom—were playing her body like the finest of musical harps.

  Rogan grazed his teeth down over her belly in a sensual glide that sent every nerve ending dancing then almost lifted her into flight as he slid his tongue down through her curls and into her hot wet core. It was impossible to control the wrenching moans that were generated deep in her belly and torn out of her by the exquisite sensuality of his touch. Her legs would not stay still, her body alternately clenched and arched, responding to all the stimuli at once—Rogan’s mouth at her quim and Dom suckling at her breasts with a hunger that was definitely not childlike.

  The wildness was growing in her again, the incredible feeling of evanescence, of exploding and being out of control all at once.

  ‘Please, Rogan!—Dom!—Please—’

  Biting off the words was the hardest thing Jassie had ever tried to do. Rogan couldn’t expect to arouse her to this level of desire and she not beg, cry for the completion her body craved.

  More aware this time, Dom nipped at her nipple, as if to warn her, then lifted his head to watch Rogan, who had stilled and was starting upright. Immediately Dom placed a firm hand on his shoulder. Jassie saw their eyes meet, knew that was all it took to keep her husband focused on her, in this place and this time.

  He drew in a harsh breath, then crawled back up her body to take her mouth with his and she tasted herself on his lips.

  ‘Come ride me, Jass. Take what you want from me.’

  With his arms strong about her shoulders, he rolled to his back and lifted her to lie along the hard planes of his body, his rigid erection pressing up into her belly.

  ‘Kneel,’ he ordered hoarsely. ‘Take my cock inside you. Ride me.’

  As she struggled to make her trembling body obey, Rogan gripped her hips and helped her to straddle him until she was poised above his rigid organ.

  ‘Hold me. Guide me into you,’ he rasped.

  In the dim light of the moon his eyes shone like silver, his love bright and open to her at last, and his mouth worked as if he was in pain.

  ‘Take me, Jass. Slide your hot, wet quim down onto me.’

  He gripped her hand and wrapped her fingers around his thrusting shaft. The feel of his straining flesh in her hand was Jassie’s undoing and the sensual delight of it dragged a soft moan up through her throat. Raising her hips, she positioned the head of Rogan’s cock at her opening then eased herself down on him, savoring his moan of satisfaction as she took him deep into her body.

  ‘Up and down,’ Dom murmured, nipping the back of her neck and she was instantly put in mind of the time she’d watched a stallion serving a mare. She wasn’t supposed to have been anywhere near the stables that day but because everyone had been so adamant in keeping her away, she’d slipped up into the loft so as not to be the only one to miss out on whatever was going forward. She’d been twelve years old but when they led Rogan’s stallion in to where one of the Brantleigh mares was tethered she had understood immediately why they’d banned her. The big grey had been very excited, nipping joyfully at the mare’s neck while she swished her tail and tried to back herself into him. Jassie had lain very quiet in the straw and dimness of the loft but it had been difficult when her own body had wanted to squirm and thrust in a similar manner.

  Now she truly understood what the mare had been feeling and she finally had the stallion—not one but two!

  Dom pressed his hand to the back of her head, pushing her down to Rogan.

  ‘Give Rogue your mouth and—I’ll just hold you from behind.’

  His hands settled at her hips, showing her the rhythm as she began rising and dropping back down, reveling in the wonder of being able to make love with her husband at last. Rogan’s hand slid down between their bodies to find the tiny nubbin, which seemed to have the power to send her spiraling into an ecstatic fever. Dom’s mouth played a symphony of kisses up and down her spine while his hands slid rhythmically from her hips to her breasts as she rose and fell on Rogan. Then with a deep groan of desperation Dom presse
d his rigid cock between the globes of her buttocks, and held her soft flesh tightly about its steeliness.

  That also was a sensitive area it seemed and the intense friction of Dom’s powerful body coupled with Rogue’s deep throbbing penetration catapulted her into a stunning starburst of ecstasy that threatened to overwhelm her.

  Dom rode the rhythm from behind, pressing her down onto Rogan who was trapped by their combined weight. The sudden rigidity of his body was not enough to pierce the intensity of her orgasm but his maddened shout did.

  ‘Get off me, you slut! Get off—’

  ‘Rogan!’ Jassie yelled back, focused only on her own pleasure. ‘Rogan! Stop it! Love me!—It’s me, Jassie and I need you to love me! Love me, Rogan!’

  Dom said nothing but he had stilled at her back as if waiting to see if Rogan would respond to her, she guessed.

  There was a moment of complete stillness when their three bodies seemed to hang in the silence, waiting. The first sound was air hissing out between Rogan’s teeth, then the rigidity slowly left his body and he whispered, ‘I love you, Jassie.—Love me.—It’s all right, Dom. I’m all right.—Let’s take her up again.’

  Dropping down to the pillows, Dom rasped out, ‘You take her up again, Rogue. Show your wife what it means when you say you love her.’

  For a second or two there was no sound or movement beyond the combined thudding of their hearts. Jassie watched Rogan’s lashes fall briefly to form dark crescents above his cheekbones, then they lifted and his smile blazed up at her, as hot and demanding as she’d always known it could be.

  With an easy twist of his powerful body, he rolled Jassie beneath him. Bracing himself above her, their lower bodies still deeply joined, he demanded, ‘What do you want, Jass? Tell me what you want.’

  This! Yes, this was what she’d needed so desperately in her life.

  ‘I want you to—f—’

  ‘Fuck you?’

  ‘Mmm. That.’

  ‘Say it.’

  ‘I—I can’t! It’s not—’

  ‘You can. I won’t do it until you say it.’

  Dom traced her mouth with his finger, stopping to press gently into the dip in her lower lip.

  ‘Tell him what you want, Jass. You won’t be sorry,’ he murmured against her ear before slowly rimming its curve with his tongue.

  Dear God! Jassie raised her hands to where Rogan’s jaw was grinding with the tension of holding still.

  ‘F—fuck me, Rogan,’ she whispered, as she dragged his mouth to hers in an effort to muffle the words.

  With a deep groan of surrender, Rogan began to move, fusing his mouth to hers while lifting his buttocks until their bodies almost separated, then thrusting back deep and hard.

  Together they built an exquisite tension she couldn’t have imagined or described. All she knew was that any greater excitement than this could stop her heart forever. As Jassie felt the fountaining of the incredible heat and ecstasy from her deepest core yet again she thought her heart would burst as Rogan quickly followed with a harsh, prolonged groan of release. Rolling to his side he gathered her against his chest, his arms straining with joy. It was some moments before either of them noticed Dom had pulled away.

  It was Rogue who finally lifted his head to gaze across Jassie to the Duke.

  ‘Dom? Did you—? Fiend seize it—!’

  ‘Settle, my friend. This is not about me. It was only ever about you and Jass. How do you two feel about things now?’

  There was a flat, expressionless tone to his voice as if he were simply asking what they thought about the weather. Jassie turned to kiss his hand and Rogan pulled himself up against the pillows on her other side.

  ‘You responded to Jassie, Rogue, when she reminded you it was her and that she loved you.’

  ‘You did,’ Jassie averred, gripping Rogan’s hand and Dom’s at the same time. Bringing them together at her breast she held them tight within her own. ‘I feel sure you’ll hear me now. I know I have to be quick—and loud—and speak my name and my love. That’s what got through to you, I think. Failing that, I’ll just have to find the presence of mind to slap you!’

  She reached up and pulled Rogan’s head down so she could claim his mouth and affirm that such a slapping would be administered with love.

  She felt his smile against her lips and a sudden wave of emotion swept through her. Clambering higher up in the bed, she flung her arms around Dom and with tears clogging her voice, exclaimed, ‘How can we ever thank you?’

  For a moment his grip was fierce and tight about her shoulders and his lips pressed fervently to the top of her head.

  ‘You have, Jassie. You have. Both of you. This night has been the most amazing gift I could ever have asked for.—And I’d be greatly honored to be named god-father to your first born for I shall always cherish the precious secret that I just may have been present at his—or her—conception.’

  He reached a hand across Jassie and gripped Rogan’s, holding tight and obviously struggling for words, an unusual occurrence for the deeply assured Duke of Wolverton.

  That Rogan was similarly affected meant the two men just stared mutely at one another for a moment until at last Rogan managed to say huskily, ‘We’d be honored also, Dom.’

  ‘Then perhaps it’s time I returned to my room. Don’t want to be found here come morning! If you should need me again I’ll always be available to you—but—otherwise we shall be as we were before, the best of friends.’

  With a final squeeze of Rogan’s hand and another quick kiss to Jassie’s upturned mouth, he left the bed and vanished through the dressing room to the door that led to the valet’s apartments.

  Silence descended with his leaving, disturbed a moment later by an abrupt hiccup of a sob from Jassie.

  ‘You’re crying, Jass?’

  Like a chicken burrowing beneath its mother’s feathers, Jassie turned and buried her face against the soft thicket of dark hair on Rogan’s chest and wrapped her arms tightly around his body.

  ‘I can’t help it. I feel so sad for him. He’s everything any woman could ask for in a husband—and so much more. I could’ve loved him, married him and been happy with him if—if I hadn’t loved you!’

  Reaching up she traced the long, hard bones of his face and gazed lovingly at him through her tears.

  ‘You were always to be mine,’ she went on. ‘I believe we knew that before we were ever born. I’d swear we made a pact.’

  ‘Ah, Jassie,’ he whispered. ‘If I could’ve made such a pact I certainly would have. You’re the only woman I’ve ever truly wanted and you will never know how close I came to choosing death as the preferable option when I thought I could never have you. I understand your grief for Dom. He’s a good man, a friend without price and there’ll be someone out there for him. He’ll find her one day—especially now he has to finally relinquish any hope of making you his Duchess.—But, I have to ask, Jass. Are you sure you can be happy with just me after—well, it’s not just Dom. All your life you’ve had two males at your beck and call.’

  Jassie stilled his lips with her finger.

  ‘This night was total erotic fantasy. It’ll be a treasure we can bring out and reminisce over from time to time. And yes, I miss Philip. How can I not? But as I’ve already said, you are all I’ve ever wanted and I’ll prove that to you every time we make love.—Starting now if you have the stamina for it, Windermere!’

  His laughter was free and untrammeled as Jassie had not heard from him for many years. It sang and chimed through her heart with all the promise and cheer of Christmas bells.

  ‘We’ve got years of loving to reclaim and my stamina feels damned amazing at this moment!’

  Sliding them both down in the bed, he pressed his burgeoning erection against her thigh to prove his point.

  ‘I’m unconditionally yours, Jass. I even have the feeling that one day I could allow you to bind me to your bed and have your passionate way with me!’

  Jassie leaned bac
k to search his eyes in the dim light of the dawn. They were blue, the vibrant, startling hue of bluebells in the woods. No hint of the stark, colorless horror that had invaded them the first time she’d mentioned such a scenario.

  Her own smile was wide and came from some place warm and deep inside her heart.

  ‘That idea does have a certain appeal but I don’t think we’ll try it yet awhile,’ she murmured, leaning in to trail her tongue through the hair on his chest until she located the tight flat nub of his male nipple. Sucking it hard into her mouth caused a very satisfactory groan to rumble through his chest and immediately had him rearing up to take control of the situation, just as she wanted.

  He knelt between her knees, nudging her legs wide and opening her for the press of his thigh hard up into her core. Jassie thrust her hips off the bed, seeking to deepen the friction and Rogan bent his head to trail his tongue from her navel up to her left breast. Circling the raspy tip of his tongue around the rigid nipple, he suddenly dropped his head a little lower and sucked it deeply into the hot, moist cavern of his mouth.

  Liquid fire arced straight to her groin where already his hair-roughened thigh had set her clitoris alight. It burned and throbbed with a rampant urgency beyond Jassie’s limited experience. Her newly sensitized body was aroused way beyond the reasoning of her mind. Desperate for Rogan to fill her with his rigid flesh, Jassie had no thought to control what she was feeling. She was on the verge of implosion and when that happened she wanted, with all her being, to have Rogan thrusting and pulsing deep and hard inside her.

  His hot and ravenous mouth dragged across the valley between her breasts and drew in her other nipple, suckling with an urgency that sent more trails of fire straight to her groin.

  ‘Oh God, Rogan!’ she begged, the raspy wail bordering on a scream. ‘Rogan, please! I need you—inside me—now! Damn you, Rogan, please love me!’

  She ground her clitoris hard against his thigh and writhed violently in an attempt to reach the unyielding thrust of his cock.



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