Lust and Bound

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Lust and Bound Page 2

by W. Lynn Chantale

  “Tell me what you’re looking for.”

  He was so close the heat of his body beckoned, not to mention the absolute delicious scent of masculinity and spice. She tried to resist his pull, but it had been too long, and she was already thinking about it, about him.

  His hand tightened in her hair, and the small bite followed by his other hand drifting up her ribcage to flutter a soft caress over her breast left her momentarily weak. “Tell me.”

  “Someone like you.” Even as the words left her mouth heat flooded her cheeks.

  “Someone like me or me?” He leaned close.

  She remained focused on his eyes. “You.”

  A smirk spread his luscious lips. “Do you have plans for this weekend?”

  “No.” She held her breath when he circled a thumb on her nipple.

  “You do now.”

  An entire weekend with Zach, she must have done something right. Maybe there was one thing he could do for her, something she’d thought about for months and that occupied her fantasies every time she used her vibrator.

  Water dripped on her arm, breaking her concentration. “I should finish your hair.” Yet she didn’t move, couldn’t move even if he told her to.

  “Do you have a fantasy, Trish?”

  Did she? Heat flared in her cheeks as she thought about one, a very special one close to her heart, but he wouldn’t want to do that. She shook her head instead.

  “Liar. I see it in your eyes. Okay. You’ll tell me what it is before the weekend’s over.” He released her and sat down.

  She shivered with the sudden loss of his body heat. How could he remain so calm when she was so...flustered? They were silent. Trisha worked conditioner into his hair.

  “So about tonight,” he said after awhile.

  “What about it?”

  “How about dancing?”

  She glanced down at her clothes, scooped neck purple top and a black skirt.

  “I can give you time to change.”


  “Good. Then maybe we can figure out a few more things for this weekend.”

  She grinned. A weekend with Zach. Only one thing would be better. Sex.

  Chapter Two

  An up-tempo beat guided her steps, while colored lights reflected off a silver retro disco ball. Laughter and conversations mingled with the music. Trisha pressed her body closer when Zach curved his arm around her waist.

  Would he say yes? It was just one night, a prelude to the weekend, but she wanted tonight. The heat of his body and the sensuous slide of his skin were the only things she craved. He had to say yes.

  Since her divorce, she wanted to experience all the lust she could handle, but there had to be more than the usual insert peg A into slot B. She drifted her gaze over Zach’s broad, muscular shoulders. How she would love to rake her nails across his chiseled flesh. Surely this big strong man wouldn’t like things soft and slow. Desire set her pulse to racing and she moved closer.

  Another dancer jarred her, momentarily disrupting her rhythm and concentration. The arm at her waist held her upright. She flashed an appreciative smile and resumed dancing. Each calculated bump of her pelvis into the hard body of her partner coincided with the pulsating beat of music. Zach merely smiled and whisked her farther into the bodies clogging the dance floor, stomping and gyrating to a DJ who knew how to keep the party hopping. And those that weren’t shaking their groove thang hovered around the long bar at one end of the club or lounged at tables.

  Keeping time to the music she spun, her hips swaying suggestively, and swept her long curly hair over one shoulder. A tingle of delight whispered through her when she encountered the bulge straining against his slacks and the hope he would say yes stirred again. Surprised pleasure coursed through her veins when he grasped her hips and ground against her butt. Each stroke of his erection produced an answering trickle of heat between her thighs.

  Sliding a hand behind his head, she drew him down for a kiss. He grabbed her hand. And to her disappointment twirled her. Okay, so maybe he didn’t want to kiss her again, but his mouth, his full, firm lips were so made for kissing.

  When she was in his arms again, he dipped his head. His warm breath sent tingles of want down her spine while he spoke in her ear. “You seem to have more on your mind than just dancing?”

  She tossed him a sultry smile. “Maybe.”

  “You are a continual surprise.”

  “And you’re a really good dancer.” She hoped all those articles about dancing and sex were right, because she couldn’t wait to test the theory. All he had to do was say yes.

  “I try.” He cinched her tighter, flattening her breasts to the solid muscles of his chest.

  Each breath she exhaled pressed her taut nipples into the wall of his perfect pecs. The contact only intensified the ache, while his hand drifted lower on the curve of her hip, igniting sparks. Or did she only imagine his hand drifting lower? Real or not, she didn’t care. He could squeeze her ample derriere as long as he kept touching her. Leaning her head on his shoulder, she inhaled the spicy scent of his cologne, made more intoxicating by his warm masculinity. Did the man taste as good as he smelled?

  The smooth linen of his shirt tickled her bare arm, sending a ripple of want through her system. She allowed her gaze to linger on his mouth, the full lips were no doubt soft and firm, and she longed to feel them pressed to hers or to the ache between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to ease the throbbing. She toyed with a lock of his hair, the strands slipping through her fingers like silk. Tonight the soft waves bounced around his broad shoulders, giving him the look of a fallen angel or forgotten poet. A sigh escaped her lips. This man was pure sin and she would be his willing follower.

  She combed her fingers through his hair, fascinated by the silky texture. Would his tresses feel just as sensuous whispering against her inner thighs as he went down on her? A wave of heat flooded her already damp pussy. Would he take his time or hurry through? She bit her bottom lip, noticing how his eyes followed the movement. Would he be the answer to her long orgasmic drought?

  She wanted Zach Walters, craved his touch and longed to have his long rigid...body blanketing hers. For once she didn’t worry about the flab hanging from her arms or the bustier pushing up her breasts and holding in her muffin top. Stifling a soft moan, she resisted the temptation of burying her nose in his throat at the open collar. She wanted to nibble that tantalizing expanse of skin. Maybe it was all the dancing and being tucked so close to him, but each time his hot perusal swept her body, she figured he wanted her too.

  It had to be now or she would never have the courage to ask him the one question burning on her tongue since she agreed to dancing tonight.

  She angled away from him, stared into eyes darkened by lust, and said, “Have sex with me.”

  Slowly and seductively his gaze slid down her body. Anticipation fluttered in her belly. Everywhere his eyes caressed burned with a physical need to be touched. Zach grabbed her hand and whirled her before dragging her to face him once again. Her breath caught and she curled her fingers in the cotton of his shirt.

  He searched her face. “Do you know what you’re asking?”

  She swept her thumb over the swell of his bottom lip, before rising on tiptoe to touch her mouth to his. A jolt sizzled through her system and the kiss was far too short. He grasped her hips.

  “I do.” She held her breath and waited.

  He threaded his fingers through her near waist-length hair, and she shivered. “And here I thought you wanted to dance.”

  “A very private dance.” Leaning into him, she slid a hand between their bodies and stroked him through his slacks. She’d drop on her knees right now and taste him if he let her. Need pulsed through her as she learned the shape of him. Her juices coated her thighs. If he would just say yes.

  He grabbed her wrists and held them at her sides. She continued to press her body into the heat of his and wiggled her hips. He gasped. �
��And you’re sure about this?”

  She held his gaze a moment. “From the moment I met you.” Why did she tell him that? Maybe it was the dance or being near him or just plain old lust. She did have a little too much to drink, but what else could she say? He let her hands go and stepped back.

  Heat glittered in his eyes as he perused her body. The roomful of people faded, until it was only them. Her body responded to his hungry gaze. She lifted a hand and trailed her fingers from her collarbone to the deep vee of the lavender chiffon dress, before lightly fondling each of her aching nipples.

  Mist-gray eyes darkened to steely silver. Under his scorching scrutiny, liquid heat pulsed between her legs and she felt...desirable. She was glad she splurged on the knee-length dress. The color accented her butterscotch skin and brought out her brown eyes. After all, the only reason she’d agreed to go with him tonight was for one purpose and now he was staring at her like she was a ripe, lush berry.

  He spun on his heel, cupped her elbow, and threaded through the throng of dancers. The tempo of the music changed as he guided her off the floor. At one point, he put an arm around her shoulders to keep her from being bumped by a glassy-eyed man staggering back to his table. The man paused and sobered long enough to flash her an appreciative smile, his gold tooth winking in the dim light.

  She chuckled when the man held a thumb and finger to his ear and mouthed the words “call me.” Zach glanced at her then in the direction she was looking.

  “Friend of yours?”

  Trisha snapped her gaze to his, his smooth chocolate face unreadable, except for his eyes—they smoldered with suppressed passion. She smirked. “He is cute.”

  He winged a brow, and she had trouble containing a bubble of mirth. “Are you sure you want to tease me?” His voice, though soft and seductive, held an edge of danger.

  A shiver of anticipation rippled through her. She met his intense stare. The promise of retribution in his gray depths made her pulse race and touched a need deep inside.

  He caressed the curve of her cheek, before sweeping the pad of his thumb over her lips. His fingers drifted to the back of her neck and exerted gentle pressure. The heat of his hand as well as the magnetism of attraction was too powerful for her to fight and she wanted whatever he was offering.

  With his free hand he drifted his fingers over the swell of her breast, brushing the tight bud of her nipple. She gasped at the fiery shudder rippling through her body. A wave of disappointment stole through when the gesture wasn’t repeated. He lowered his head. “Perhaps we can explore that together?” Curling a well-formed arm around her waist, he crushed her to him and claimed her mouth.

  The kiss was as unexpected as it was welcomed, but this was no simple peck of the lips, but a possession, a branding; and she relished it. She clasped her arms around his neck as his lips moved on hers, in a slow, thoughtful demand of intimacy. Moaning, she gave herself up to the spicy taste of him, the firmness of lips; and he deepened the kiss, tongues dueling. The mastery of his mouth overwhelmed her.

  When he lifted his head, she could only stare at him, dazed.

  “Still think he’s cute?”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “Who?” The flirting drunk was the last thing on her mind.

  Laughing he grasped her hand and led her into a semi-vacant hall. Here the music settled to a dull roar, the lighting almost nonexistent. Zach brought her closer, trapping her between the wall and his hard body.

  The heavy, driving rhythm of the bass line pulsed through the plaster and into her back, increasing the throbbing between her legs. He wrapped a handful of her hair around his fist and tilted her head back.

  “I’ve been waiting on this day for a very long time.” His voice was husky with desire. He trailed a finger along the swell of her breast. “Too long.”

  His lips found hers again, gentler, but still possessive. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this aroused by a single kiss. She rested her palms on his chest when he cradled her face. If this was his idea of foreplay, she was glad she asked him for sex.

  Lightening flickered through her veins and tightened her belly, when he pressed a knee between her legs. Her skirt shifted to accommodate the move. The cool air felt just as exhilarating as the heat pulsating through her limbs. Sparks danced and sizzled along nerve endings as he asserted a little more pressure and she ground against his leg. Oh sweet daisies, he was going to fuck her right here in the hall. Trepidation at being caught warred with her heightened awareness and was a powerful aphrodisiac. He tunneled his fingers through her hair, before his lips grazed her throat. She bit back a moan as his other hand pinched a pebbled nipple.

  She made a little noise in the back of her throat. Why did she wait so long to ask him? She wanted more, needed more. With one last kiss, he leaned away. Staring up at him through half-closed lids, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been kissed breathless.

  “Is that your final answer?” she managed to mutter.

  Releasing her, he stepped away. “I already got a room.”

  She waited a beat. He already had a room? Even better. “Always be prepared?”

  “Especially when a beautiful woman is involved.”


  By the time they reached the hotel, Trisha was more than ready for a room. She’d settle for a broom closet at this point. Zach had taken every opportunity to stimulate and tease her on the ride over and she was a giant sensitive ball of arousal. If he touched her one more time, she’d spontaneously combust.

  As if sensing her state, he captured her fingers, his thumb caressing the back of her hand as he held her close to his side. She barely stifled a moan. Liquid desire slicked her thighs, and even the brush of her clothing against her skin produced an ache. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

  He faced her once they exited the car and curled a handful of hair around his fist. A gentle tug sent tiny shivers along her scalp and to every cell in her body. If this was punishment for teasing him at the club, she wouldn’t survive a night of pleasure.

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

  Not he was just being cruel. He wouldn’t send her home horny and unfulfilled, would he? Trisha squeezed his fingers. “I want to.” Her gaze flicked over his broad muscular shoulders, down to a narrow waist, before resting on the rigid bulge straining against the material of his slacks. Oh the things she could do with his long, hard...

  He swung her into the circle of his arms, lowering his head to claim her lips. The firmness of his kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl. Moving closer, she clung to him: she had to, her knees weak with wanting him. One smoldering kiss awakened every nerve ending in her body and intensified the ache pulsing between her legs. As his hand grazed her hip, she was glad she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  From somewhere a cell phone rang and it was enough to remind her that they were standing in the corridor of a very nice hotel. She broke the kiss, her fingers combing through his hair. “Zach.”

  “Yeah. The room.”

  He hurried her down the hall. When she stumbled, they paused long enough for her to slip off her high heels: he took advantage and stole another kiss. If he made love to her half as well as he kissed, she would know what made the earth move.

  He stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor across from the stairs. She stood beside him. This was it. A sigh escaped and she ran a hand over his butt. God, she couldn’t wait to drag her nails against his ass.

  Zach fumbled the plastic card in the metal slot. When the mechanism whirred and clicked, he twisted the knob, but paused. “I have one rule.” His gaze never left her face.

  Trisha met his hungry stare, her lips parting. “What’s that?”

  “I don’t share.”

  A thrill rippled through her body at the possessive note in his deep, rasping voice.

  “Me either.”

  “You can still walk away.”

  Walk awa
y? Was he nuts? She’d waited months for this moment, for freedom. Still, as his eyes raked over her body, waiting for her decision, a tiny seed of doubt wiggled in the back of her mind. She squared her shoulders. Nope. She wasn’t going home until she knew what made her eyes roll to the back of her head and she wanted him to show her.

  “I’m not...”

  He shouldered open the door and dragged her to him. The cool kiss of the textured wall greeted her bare shoulders as his mouth, hot and demanding, found hers. She sighed against his lips, jerking his shirt free from his waistband. He cupped her breast, his thumb stroking her nipple. Fire danced through her veins, pooled low. Her heart skipped a beat when he yanked the chiffon from her shoulders, ripping the sheer fabric.

  Lifting his head, he flashed a quick smile, his mist-gray eyes shining with heat and mischief. “I hope you weren’t too attached to this dress.”

  She didn’t care how he got her clothes off, just as long as he got them off. Her pulse raced and her breath quickened when the thin silk of her slip followed the fate of her dress. Trisha slid her hands beneath his shirt, his skin warm and smooth beneath her palms.

  “Now what am I supposed to wear home?”

  Zach grabbed her wrists, shackling them in one large hand and raising her arms above her head. She gasped as her breasts thrust upwards, straining for attention. “We’ll worry about that later.” He dipped his head, capturing one taut peak in his mouth.

  She arched against him as desire further hardened her nipples and set her blood to simmering. His fingers brushed the curve of her hip, before drifting lower, tracing the sensitive skin below her garter belt.

  “You’re a bit naughty, Trish,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Her answering chuckle melted into a moan when his fingers stroked her damp pussy. His eyes widened when his hand met no barrier.

  “Very naughty indeed,” he murmured. He leaned away, cool air skittering across her heated flesh. “I’ve waited so long for this.”

  “Too long,” she agreed.

  Pivoting, he grabbed her hand and led her into the bedroom. The king-size bed dominated the room and sat in front of the mirrored doors to the closet. Artificial candlelight flickered around the room, casting muted shadows against the wallpaper while the soft scent of jasmine wafted through the air.


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