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Obsessed Page 10

by Deborah Bladon

  "Look at me," he demands as he rapidly finds his rhythm.

  I look into his eyes seeing the same pleasure I'm feeling in his face.

  "You're mine now," he growls as he pushes deeper.


  He thrusts harder, his eyes never leaving mine.

  "I'm so close," I say breathlessly feeling my body tense.

  He slows and I search his face for an explanation. I grind myself into him, wanting him to fuck me even harder. I watch him bring his thumb to his lips. It disappears between them briefly, wetness glistening just on the tip.

  "Jax..." I manage before I feel pressure on my clit.

  His thumb traces circles around my clit as he moves his body slowly. He pushes as deep as he can. His cock is stretching me. The pain of his size within me mixed with sheer pleasure.

  "Please," I beg wanting him to tell me I can come.

  "I don't want this to end," he hisses before moving to kiss me. I hungrily open my mouth to his, allowing him to pull my tongue between his teeth.

  I breathe heavily in his mouth, his thumb now pressing harder, moving faster against my swollen clit. His thrusts become stronger again.

  He pulls back from our kiss, his face mere inches from mine. I stare into his eyes willing him to let me find my release.

  "Now," he rasps through clenched teeth, his eyes boring a hole into me.

  I feel an orgasm wash over me as I watch his face. His lips open slightly, his breathing stalls and I know in that instant he's come at exactly the same moment I have.

  "Ivy," escapes his lips before he leans down, gently placing his head on my chest. His right hand reaches to cup my breast before he places a gentle kiss on the sensitive skin between my breasts. "You're so beautiful."

  I nod even though I know he can't see the movement. I softly run my hand through his hair as I take a deep breath.

  "You're okay?" He looks up at me.

  I smile before I nod again. I want to tell him that was the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced but I've yet to fully catch my breath.

  He sighs heavily before pulling his body away from mine. I feel an instant void as I watch him remove the condom and tie it before wrapping it in a tissue from the box on the nightstand. He throws it in the wastebasket and refastens his slacks and belt before he turns back to me.

  "There's a silk robe in your bathroom." He walks towards the doorway. "I saw it earlier when I was here."

  I pull myself up to sit on the edge of the bed finally removing my shoes.

  He returns with the white robe, helping me put it on before tying it tightly around my waist.

  "Don't move." He kisses me lightly on the forehead before disappearing out of the room again.

  I listen intently, hoping to get a clue as to where he's gone. Part of me is fearful that he's heading for the door, his conquest completed. I hear water running before I hear his heavy footsteps coming back in my direction.

  He pushes a glass of water towards me. "Drink this."

  I take the glass. The sudden realization that he looked through my cupboards to find it brings a small smile to my lips.

  "Ivy. Drink." He motions towards my mouth with his hand. "You've barely had anything to drink today. I don't want you getting dehydrated."

  I raise the glass to my lips. The cold water a welcome reprieve from the thirst I'd been ignoring. I finish the entire glass before handing it back to him.

  "Thank you," I say as he moves to kneel in front of me.

  He smiles before running the fingertips of his right hand across my forehead, pushing back the hair that had fallen into my eyes.

  I relish in his touch, still wanting to express how wonderful it had felt to come under his direction. I clear my throat, readying myself to speak.

  "I have to go." Jax cups my left cheek with his palm. "I have a meeting I can't miss."

  "At Veray?"

  "No." He leans in to kiss me tenderly before standing and reaching for his suit jacket. "Another business interest." I watch as he pulls his phone from the jacket's inner pocket.

  I nod, realizing that I know so little about him, yet we just shared one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

  "I left the envelope on the table. Don't open it without my permission."

  I raise my left eyebrow. "Or?" I teasingly ask.

  "Or I'll be thoroughly disappointed in you." He doesn't look up from his phone. His eyes scanning the screen, his thumb scrolling through messages I assume.

  "I won't then." I stand and adjust the robe, readying myself to walk him to the door.

  He takes my hint and motions for me to lead the way. I do in silence, feeling slightly abandoned after what just happened.

  "Leonard will pick you up for dinner at eight o'clock." He rests his hand on the doorknob. "Wear the red dress hanging in the middle of your closet and bring the envelope."

  I glance over to the table at the envelope still sitting exactly where he dropped it.

  "And, beautiful..." he reaches forward to brush my lips with his. "Don't under any circumstances speak to Mark or Liz."

  "I don't want to talk to either of them today."

  "Good." With that he opens the door, slips through and quietly closes it behind him.

  I lean against the door listening to the elevator's bell signalling Jax's brisk departure.

  Chapter 15

  "I knew you'd look gorgeous in that dress." Jax greets me as he opens the door of the sedan.

  "You have impeccable taste in clothing, Mr. Walker," I tease as I reach for his hand before stepping out of the car.

  "And women," he quips before giving me a quick kiss.

  The remark bites. I'm not foolish enough to believe that I'm the first woman Jax has swept off her feet, and that has me wondering how many have come before me.

  "Let's go up." His fingers interweave with mine as we silently walk up the stairs to his apartment.

  I place my purse and the plain white envelope down on the coffee table before I turn to him. "How did your meeting go?"

  "Fine," he says brusquely. "I'll get us some wine."

  I settle onto the couch my eyes scanning the room, noticing all of the jewelry boxes have been removed from their spot on the table. I don't see them anywhere.

  He reappears carrying two half-filled wine glasses. "For you." He hands one to me before sitting beside me. He crosses his long legs as he skims his hand across the black material removing a stray piece of lint. His black trousers, coupled with the black dress shirt he's chosen offers a muted look I haven't seen him in before.

  I take a long sip. "It's delicious."

  He smiles before speaking. "How was your day?"

  "It was fine." I enjoy another swallow.

  "What did you do?"

  "Nothing exciting. I rested, sketched some new designs ideas, and tidied." I place the wine glass down before turning to face him. "What did you do?"

  He ignores the question as he leisurely takes a sip. "Did you talk with Mark or Liz today?"

  I sigh out of sheer frustration. "No. I didn't."

  "Are you going to?"

  "I should at some point, no?" I retort.

  "No, you shouldn't, Ivy." He once again brings the wine glass to his lips, his gaze falling from my face to the glass.

  "I should. I need to."

  "Why?" He places the glass down next to mine before turning his body to face me.

  "I need to put this to rest and I can't do that until I talk to Liz, at least."

  "What exactly happened?" He rests his arm on the back of the sofa, his index finger leisurely running a small circle along my bare shoulder.

  I shiver from the touch knowing that my erect nipples are pressing against the material of the sheer sleeveless dress Jax chose for me to wear. I search his face looking for some of the understanding I saw not more than a few hours ago.

  "It will help if you talk about it, beautiful." His hand reaches for mine. "Please tell me."

  I take
a deep breath. "They've been sleeping together for years."


  "Mark and Liz," I say the words quickly, hoping that it will help to ward off the tears I can feel approaching.

  "Mark was sleeping with your best friend?" His hand drops mine as he reaches for his wine. He empties the glass in one gulp before I have a chance to answer.

  "Yes. I found out last night."

  "He told you?" He leans back just a bit as if to gain more perspective. His eyes scan my face searching for answers.

  "No." I shake my head slowly from side-to-side. "Liz was already at my apartment when he got there and she overheard us talking and she put two and two together, and..."

  "Jesus." He stands quickly picking up his wine glass. "Nothing is off limits to that asshole."

  "What does that mean?" I call after him as he disappears into the kitchen.

  He strides back into the room, the wine glass, now completely full, gripped firmly in his hand. "You didn't know until last night that she was one of the women he was sleeping with?"

  "How do you know there was more than one?" I try to recall when Jax first asked about Mark and if I offered that he had more than one lover.

  He sits and turns so his body is completely facing me. He stares at me before answering. "I guessed, Ivy. Usually when a man cheats he'll do it more than once."

  "I suppose he will." I look down at my hands before taking a deep breath. I can feel my emotions swiftly coming to the surface. I don't want to cry over Mark again.

  "How many in total?"

  "How many what?" I try to divert the question not wanting to continue the discussion.

  "How many women did Mark cheat with?" He takes another healthy drink.

  "Why does any of this matter?" I bite my lip to hold back the tears.

  "How many?"

  "Three." I jump to my feet. "Three. Are you happy? Mark fucked three other women when he was supposed to love only me. One of which is...or...was my best friend. And he did her in my...in my bed."

  He stands and reaches to embrace me, guiding my head so it rests on his chest. "I'm sorry. Upsetting you wasn't what I wanted."

  I pull back so I can look up into his face. "Why are you so curious about Mark?"

  "I'm not." He motions for me to sit again. "I'm curious about you and what you're feeling."

  I take a drink before settling in next to him on the couch again. "I'm devastated." I draw in a deep breath before continuing, "It was much easier when I didn't know who any of the women were."

  "So Mark never told you about the other two?"

  "No." I sigh. "I don't want to talk about Mark anymore."

  Jax stares at my face before he reaches for my hand again. "No more Mark talk. Let's eat."


  "You've barely eaten anything," he says before taking another mouthful of the perfectly prepared mushroom risotto he's served alongside the grilled swordfish.

  "I'm just not hungry," I confess. "It's delicious though."

  He smiles before finishing the last bite on his plate. "You should eat, Ivy. You're going to need nourishment for later."

  "For later?" I raise my eyebrow teasingly. My heart jumps a beat thinking back to earlier when Jax took me so brazenly, so wantonly that he didn't even undress himself.

  "You'll see," he offers before standing to remove both plates from the table.

  The distant ringing of my phone from the other room startles us both. I don't move from my spot knowing that it's very likely to be Liz calling yet again. Before I left my apartment there were eight missed calls all from her number.

  "You're not going to get that?"

  "No. I know who it is."


  I frown at the mention of his name yet again. "No, it's Liz. She's been trying to reach me all day."

  "From now on it would be best if you turned off your phone when we're together."

  I flash back to earlier in my apartment, right after we made love when he was eagerly checking the messages on his phone.

  "You should turn it off now." His voice pulls me from my thoughts.

  "And you'll turn off yours?" I counter.

  He smirks as he answers, "Of course not. I run several businesses, Ivy. I can't be unreachable under any circumstances."

  "But...but that hardly seems fair," I stumble with my words. "You..."

  As if on cue, his phone rings. He reaches into his pocket and glances at it before raising his index finger signalling my silence. "I need to take this. Wait right here."

  I nod as I watch him rush down the hallway towards his bedroom, quietly closing the door behind him. I know I'm not imagining that there's been a drastic shift in the way Jax is acting. He went from sympathetic and loving to dismissive and preoccupied. I sit in silence, listening for any murmur that may escape his bedroom. There's nothing but stillness. The sound of my phone ringing yet again brings me to my feet. I rush into the other room, pulling it swiftly from my purse, before pressing the Ignore button. Just as I expected it's Liz calling yet again. I scroll through the flood of text messages she's left for me. All either saying she's sorry or expressing her need to talk to me. I turn off my phone, throwing it back into my bag.


  I turn to see Jax standing behind me.

  "I was turning it off, just as you ordered, Sir." I try to smile.

  "That's not important now."

  "It's not?" My eyes follow him as he walks towards the envelope I brought with me. He picks it up before turning to face me again.

  "I have to leave."

  "Leave?" I stare at his face as he motions for me to sit next to him on the couch.

  "Tonight. Now." He adjusts the envelope in his hands, moving it back and forth, his gaze never leaving it.

  "I don't understand."

  "That call, Ivy." He finally looks directly at me. "There's a situation in Los Angeles I need to tend to now. It can't wait."

  "But it's Friday night," I whisper.

  "I'll be back Sunday evening." He reaches to place the envelope in my lap, his hand lingering on it. "I wouldn't go unless it was an emergency."

  I stare at my lap, trying to stifle my disappointment.

  "Open it." His voice is curt.

  "Now? I question.


  I pick it up hesitantly and run my nail along the flap, pulling it open easily. I peer into it and struggle to make out its contents in the low light of the room. I look at Jax whose face has suddenly turned very serious.

  "Take it out."

  I do and my breath catches as I realize it's a check with my name on it signed by Jax. A blank check.

  "What's this?" I'm lightheaded. After our intimate encounter this afternoon he's now trying to write me a check? My guard rises as I question what's really going on.

  "It's a check, Ivy." He takes the envelope from my lap and places it on the table before he rests his hand on my knee. "A gift so you can start that life away from Mark that you want."

  "I don't understand." I place the check on the arm of the couch suddenly feeling dirty. I don't want his money. Who does he think I am? "Why are you giving me a blank check?"

  "I'm sorry?" He moves his hand to clutch mine, squeezing it gently. "I just wanted to help."

  "By giving me a blank check?" I pull my hand from his. "What is it? A loan? Payment for services rendered? Please, Jax, explain."

  He says nothing but I can see the pained look in his eyes.

  "I don't really know you." I reach to put the check on the table, wanting it farther away from me. "I know we slept together today but we just met and now you're giving me carte blanche with your checking account. That makes no sense. You get that it makes no sense, right?"

  "I've clearly offended you."

  "I can find a way to get out from under Mark's thumb myself." I stand to leave. "I don't need your pity money."

  "How?" he barks.

  "How what?"

  "Christ, Ivy, don't play dumb." He stands
next to me. "You're horrible at it."

  "How the hell are you going to get away from Mark when you live in his apartment and he pays all of your expenses?"

  The words slice through me. I don't need this man reminding me of how the last man I slept with is financially providing for me months after he humiliated me. "He doesn't pay all of my expenses." I spit the words at him.

  "Ivy, I own Veray now." He reaches to touch my arm but I pull back harshly before he can make contact. "I've seen your commission checks. You can't survive on that."

  "I'm thinking of selling some pieces online," I say simply.

  "You can't," he counters.

  "I can't?" I place my hands on my hips determined to show this man that I can stand on my own two feet even if they feel incredibly shaky and unreliable at this moment. "You can't tell me what to do."

  "Actually I can." He leisurely reaches for his wine glass downing the last of its contents. "You have an exclusive contract with Veray to sell your work. You can't sell it anywhere else."

  I feel defeated and weak. I collapse back onto the couch taking a deep breath to try and fuel myself. "I'll figure it out somehow."

  "This is how." He reaches for the check again, holding it in front of me.

  "No." I shake my head from side-to-side. "I can't."

  "Why not?" he asks sharply.

  "I can't be indebted to a man again." I steel myself as I continue, "don't you see? I'd be going from being under Mark's thumb and control to being under yours."

  "And that's a bad thing because…" his tone suggests he's trying to make light of the situation.

  "I don't even know you." I hold my head in my hands feeling a rush of pain at my temple. I'm no stranger to stress headaches and I can feel an intense one barrelling down on me. "How could I just take your money?"

  "I'm offering it to you." He kneels in front of me. I feel his finger trace a line across my forehead. "You're not taking it. It's a chance for you to start over. You can get your own place."

  "I can't." I pull back harshly from his touch. "Besides, you must want something in return."

  "I don't."

  "That can't possibly be true." I stand readying myself to make my exit. I need to get home to my own bed so I can nurse my headache and sort through this evening.

  "Where are you going?" He stands too so his body is blocking my path to the door.


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