Quarterback's Secret Baby

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Quarterback's Secret Baby Page 27

by Ivy Jordan

  I left the shower and dried off. I quickly dressed in club attire and gelled my hair. I couldn’t help but be nervous about the evening. I needed it to go well; my career depended on it. When I returned downstairs, Matt was ready, having used the guest quarters.

  “Let’s do this, man,” he said as he clapped me on the back.

  We were at the same club that we hit the night the video was taken. Not only was it an awesome place, but I wanted to come back with a cleaner reputation so that people would stop talking about me. We got our regular booth and were hit on by girls immediately. It was like the video had increased my appeal with the ladies; not that I needed it. They would come into the booth and ask me about it, joking around.

  “Personally, I thought you looked amazing in that video. Under Armour should be hiring you to be an underwear model,” a pretty blonde said.

  I laughed, “Right? That’s what I thought. What were they thinking giving a handsome guy like me a hard time?”

  The girl laughed. “They are just being bullies. What took you so long to come back to the club? We have all missed you.”

  “Well, I needed to lay low for awhile. Make everyone happy.”

  She was eating it right up. It wasn’t hard when she was making it so easy. I could have told her just about anything. She wasn’t really interested in me, but my status, my fame. I glanced around the room to see if I could spot Hailey, but it didn’t look like she arrived yet.

  A few of my friends came up to the booth. “That was an epic video, Caleb; we’ve been talking about it all week.”

  I laughed, “Yeah, well, I’m glad that I could entertain you guys. How are you doing tonight?”

  “Great, just blowing off some steam, you know how it is. Are you ready for the majors?”

  “As ready as I’m going to be. I’m looking forward to getting into it all; should be awesome.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Excuse me?”

  We both turned around to find Hailey standing there. She was breathtaking in a red, skin-tight dress. Her brown hair was curled, and her eyes just lit up the entire room. She was the most beautiful woman in the place, hands down, and the way she was smiling at me had a hint of sensuality to it. She was ultra-confident and probably could have had any man in the room. I glanced at my friend, and judging by the look on his face, he was sizing her up for himself.

  “Yes?” I said before he could.

  “I was wondering if you would mind if I joined you. I could use a drink, if you’re pouring them.”

  I grinned. “Absolutely, the more, the merrier,” I said, forgetting the fact that I had a girl beside me already. I heard a gasp beside me and glanced at the blonde. “Let’s make room for the lady to sit down, please.” We both shifted down to allow Hailey to sit beside me. The blonde was immediately pissed and got up to leave without another word.

  Hailey sat down beside me, and there wasn’t even a look of recognition on her face when she looked back at me.

  “I’m Hailey; my friend ditched me for a guy,” she said laughing. “So I need a new friend. Can you help me with that?”

  She was being very charming, and I almost wished that it was real. “I think I could.” I glanced at my friend. “I’ll catch you later, man.”

  “Sure.” He walked away, looking disappointed.

  I turned back to Hailey, and said, “Let me grab you a drink.” I quickly mixed her up a cocktail and handed it to her. She took a few tentative sips, her eyes never leaving mine.

  “Thanks. So, do you have a name or should I just call you the Stripteaser?”

  I laughed. “No, let’s not do that. I would rather not be remembered by that video. How about you call me Caleb? I’m Caleb Harris.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “What do you say we do a little dancing?”

  She turned that stunning smile on me. “I would love that.”

  We got up and made our way to the dance floor, which was packed with the music pumping away. We started dancing together very closely, our bodies moving well together. She was acting the part of a flirty girl who wanted to take a man home.

  I couldn’t help but respond well to her; in fact, she was turning me on in ways that I didn’t expect. She turned around, her bottom against me, and started to dance even closer. She was incredibly sexy, and I could have easily put my hands on her bottom in the same way I had done with a hundred women before her.

  I had to snap myself out of the spell, though; I was acting a little too much, getting too close to her. It was easy to get drawn in and lose yourself in this girl. She was incredible and could turn me on as quickly as flipping a switch.

  The way she was moving, I couldn’t help but wonder if things would progress past this into the evening. I shook the thoughts off immediately and tried to remember that she was playing a part. She was no more interested in me than she was in anyone else in that room. If she was coming on to me, it was just an act.

  But she was a damn good actress. I could tell her that much because I was completely captivated by her. I was being stupid and getting drawn in too much with her. I needed to keep my cool and remember that we were both acting until the majors were over, and then she would return home.

  It was no big deal; I could totally handle the situation. But when she turned around and smiled up at me, I wasn’t even sure I believed what I was telling myself.

  Chapter Twelve


  I felt completely stupid at first coming into the club and approaching Caleb at his booth. The blonde with him had given me a looked that should have stopped my heart. Had I not been on the job, I probably would have just walked away, but since I knew I could claim him as mine, I stood my ground and won my prize. It was a great feeling knowing that you could just go up and get the best-looking man in the room. Of course, it was all just fake, but I would enjoy it while I could.

  I felt foolish, fairly confident I would never have approached a guy in my life. I preferred someone come to me; rejection was something I hated. I always believed that a man should approach a woman if he was interested in her.

  But since I knew I was there for Caleb, being the one to make a move was an empowering feeling. I already knew that he wanted me to approach him, so it made all the normal insecurities in those situations completely disappear. Caleb was easy to play with because he obviously knew I was there for him.

  I danced close to him on the dance floor, and if I didn’t know better, I would think that he had a thing for me. There was a point that I thought he was going to grab my ass, but he kept his hands to himself. He seemed very attracted to me, and even a little turned on, but that could have all been an act, for all I knew.

  I was not particularly happy with the fact that my role was to play someone’s girlfriend, but the money was too much to pass up. Besides, I didn’t exactly have any new gigs cropping up. While I was at the hotel, I had started to think that maybe there would be more to the gig that I could take advantage of besides getting paid.

  Caleb was an influential man and was always in the media. There was a chance that he could help me with my career; he may know some important people. He was wealthy and famous, after all; there was a good chance that I could end up with my big break just by being involved in this gig. The more I thought about it, the better I felt about the whole situation. I could take every opportunity that came my way and see if there were other doors that could be opened.

  I would take advantage of whatever I could, and this girlfriend gig could turn into something so much bigger. It was a gig that would be a lot of fun if I just got into character more. Many girls would kill to be in my position, being wined and dined by a handsome man. Just the thought of it put a huge smile on my face.

  “What are you smiling at, gorgeous?”

  I turned to Caleb, whom I was sitting beside in the booth. We had tired of dancing and had gone back for a drink. I was sipping a vodka tonic and didn’t realize that I had got lost in my own t
houghts. We had been having a good talk while socializing and I had to admit I wasn’t having a terrible time. The club was one of the most exclusive ones in the area, and I couldn’t help but feel important just being there with him. I had never been in a club like this before; if I would have tried, I probably would have spent the night outside in a line.

  “I was just thinking about what a good time I was having. It’s been fun.”

  “I agree, and I’m glad you are having a good time. So, Hailey, tell me a little more about yourself? Tell me about your acting career, how has that been going.”

  Oh, God, that was the last thing that I wanted to talk about with him. He was a successful, important person. I didn’t want to have to tell him that I couldn’t even get a job on a reality TV show. I wouldn’t want him to regret hiring me. But what could I say? I couldn’t lie to him. It’s not like I had been in anything big that I could brag about. If I sat there and told him what my acting career was really like he probably wouldn’t be able to stop laughing. I didn’t want to look like a complete loser in front of him.

  “Oh gosh, you don’t want to hear about that. It’s boring, and I’ve just kind of started, you know. Getting my feet wet.”

  “Well, I’d love to hear about some of the gigs you’ve done. It sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “Wow, do you find it hot in here? Do you mind if I excuse myself to go to the bathroom?”

  He looked alarmed, “No, of course not. Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I smiled, “I’ll be right back.” I winked at him as I left the booth. It was nice to be out of the booth where I could breathe. I made my way through the crowd and found the ladies room. I was impressed by the fact that even the bathroom was upscale and luxurious. There was a couch in the room, and I went to sit down on the supple leather. I didn’t need to go to the bathroom; I just needed a bit of a break from my role.

  I was getting tired and thought about heading home shortly. It was getting late, and I didn’t need to be there all night. After all, I was playing the part of a girl; that meant that I could be as mysterious as I wanted to be.

  I pulled out my phone and texted my sister. I hadn’t talked to her since I got to Miami and I wanted to let her know that everything was okay.

  Hailey- How are you?

  Mandy got back to me in the fraction of a second, which made me smile. She always had her phone with her, so it was rare that she didn’t get back to me right away.

  Mandy- What took u so long? I’ve been dying to hear all about it.

  Hailey- Sorry, it’s been crazy. I got the job. It’s decent so far, but a little weird, if u know what I mean.

  Mandy- That’s awesome.

  Hailey- Yeah, I just can’t believe I’m moving here – it’s such a big step. Am I crazy?

  Mandy- No, of course not. It’s a great opportunity. It’s only for 3 months then u move back if u want.

  Hailey- True. Caleb is so hot! It’s distracting lol Ugh!

  Mandy- I bet lol That’s hilarious, but doesn’t sound like a bad gig. Lots of $$$ and a hot guy? Sounds like an easy decision to me.

  Hailey- Ok, ok. Lol, I will stop complaining. I wish u were here.

  Mandy- So do i. I miss u already.

  Hailey- It’s too bad that u weren’t here. But I will be back there tomorrow.

  Mandy- Yes I can’t wait. How long before you have to be back?

  Hailey- I have 3 days to get my life settled there and move.

  Mandy- Oh wow! Lol, The bistro should be really impressed.

  Hailey- Well, unless they are willing to pay me 50k, they can’t really blame me for going.

  Mandy- U deserve this, so don’t feel guilty

  Hailey- What am I going to do without u here? I’ll lose my mind.

  Mandy- I can be there, just bring me with u. I can’t stay here alone; I will be so lonely. Plus, I can help you in any way that u need.

  I hadn’t thought about having Mandy with me, but why not? She could work from anywhere because she was a writer, and it would be a relief to have someone I knew around. We could have a blast. I wasn’t sure where she would stay, but since I had planned on getting an apartment originally, we could still split one, and that would give me the chance to escape the property at times if I needed some freedom.

  I would let Caleb know, of course, that she would be coming as a support system for me. I couldn’t imagine that he would care. It would be easy; all it would take is for Mandy to pick up her laptop and come with me. It would make the gig easier because I would have some support on my side. We could go to the beach together, and she wouldn’t have to worry about money because she would still be able to work whenever she wanted to. She might even network some new clients while she was in the area.

  When I left the bathroom, I felt a lot better about the situation. I headed back to the booth and sat beside Caleb. I was done with the night, however, and wanted to head back to my hotel. I had played the part, and I had no intention of being the kind of girl that went home with a guy on the first night, so there was no reason for people to see us leaving together.

  I leaned in to him and kissed him on the cheek, which brought a huge smile to his face. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Are you leaving?” he said with surprise.

  “Yes, I’m tired. Maybe I’ll see you again soon.” He knew I was just playing with him, but it was fun to be coy.

  “I would like that.”

  I got up to leave, casting a look over my shoulder, and was surprised to see a disappointed look on his face. It was obvious that he thought I was at least going to spend the night with him at the club. He probably even wondered if I would go home with him and sleep with him. Well, this was a job for me, and I wasn’t about to do anything to risk it. We both understood that. I felt like I had all the power in the situation, and, why shouldn’t I? This was my first real gig.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It was good to be back in the tournament. I was stretching my legs and getting back into the groove of things. Despite the fact that I was doing well so far, I was feeling distracted. I could barely concentrate on the game because all I could think about was Hailey. She had haunted my thoughts for days, and I wasn’t really used to that.

  Hailey was arriving that day. I had spoken with her the night before, and she had told me she would arrive sometime on Wednesday. Knowing that she would be arriving soon kept me on edge. It made me feel good about my life. Things were going to start getting back to normal, and I would be able to enjoy my life again.

  I had not seen her after the night at the club. She had stayed in the hotel and disappeared back home the next morning before I could even call her. She was one mysterious girl. I had called her and gave her all the information she needed to make arrangements to move out here.

  She mentioned that her sister would be accompanying her later after she secured some accommodations for her, and it was something that I could totally understand. It would be nice for her to have someone in the city that she knew because he wouldn’t always be available to entertain her. This way she would have her sister to keep her company, and they could tour the city together. It actually made the whole situation a lot better for both of them, and if I could help in any way, I would.

  I had suggested that Mandy stay at the house, but and Hailey was quick to dismiss that, stating that her sister would not feel comfortable with that arrangement. I guessed I could understand that. She didn’t know me from a hole in the ground, and it wasn’t my goal to make anyone uncomfortable. It wasn’t like she was working for me; it was Hailey who I expected a little more of, and that’s because she was being paid.

  I was standing on the green surveying the situation, and everything looked good so far. I looked back at Matthew, who handed me a driver. He knew exactly what I needed every single time, and I trusted him with everything.

  “It’s a long hole and the wind is pulling to the east so watch out for that. You have a sand trap also tha
t you may want to avoid,” he said with a smirk. There was nothing better than having your best friend always looking out for you, making sure that you never made a mistake.

  I nodded as I took the driver and steadied myself on the green. I glanced out a few times before taking a breath and swinging. The ball shot out, and I smiled as I watched it drop and bounce along. I handed Matthew the driver and watched him put it away. We watched as the other players took their turns and then we moved towards the 9th hole.

  It was a warm day, and the weather was holding up for the tournament. We couldn’t have asked for a better day with the sun shining. I was looking forward to having beers with Matt after the game was over. I had a good sweat on already; a cold beer would be amazing.

  “So, Hailey is coming in today.”

  “Yes, I know you mentioned it about eight times. Remember, I will be picking her up at the airport.”

  I laughed, “Don’t be a dick. I’m just saying I’m anxious for her to get here. Her things are being shipped down, and I told you she was bringing her sister, right? I think she’s thinking about getting her own place, but I wouldn’t even care if she stayed in the guest quarters.”

  “Do you know anything about the sister?”

  “She’s a freelance writer, so she works from home. Definitely convenient if she just follows her sister around all the time. I guess they are really close.”


  We got to the next hole, and I stared off into the distance. “I think this is pretty good, right? It’s going to work out.”

  Matthew rolled his eyes. He was becoming frustrated with me; I could see it all over his face. “Caleb, we can talk about Hailey over beers later. You need to focus on your score, because clearly you’re not.”

  I scoffed and waved him off. “I’m doing incredibly well today; it’s my best day yet. Don’t worry about the scores.”

  Matthew stayed firm, though. “Yeah, you may be doing well, but you stay focused. We’ll worry about Hailey and her sister later. Let’s just focus on the tournament right now. Got it?”


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