Her Italian Soldier

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Her Italian Soldier Page 15

by Rebecca Winters

  Lucca’s heart thudded. “I want Annabelle back.”

  “Grazie a Dio!”

  They stared at each other with a perfect understanding.

  “Would you lean on Mel Jardine before I phone her?”

  “You know I’d do anything for you.”

  “Right now?”

  His father broke down in laughter. “I’ve been waiting for the day when my bachelor son finally went running the right way.”

  Annabelle waved to the salesman who’d been popping in and out the last few days to tell her they were glad to see her. But it was surreal to be back at the dealership. The receptionist out in front was doing her job. It was business as usual around the dealership.

  “Line three for Colin.

  “Line seven for Rick. Your party’s been holding for five minutes.”

  “Line two for Annabellissima.”

  The receptionist pronounced Lucca’s name for her like Annabellisthmus. She almost fell out of her chair from shock.

  Trembling in every atom of her body, she picked up the phone. “H-hello, Lucca?” she stammered.

  “I’ve needed to hear your voice. It’s felt like months.”

  Years. She’d been praying for this. Her eyelids squeezed shut. “How are you?” She could hardly talk.


  Her hand tightened on the receiver. “Why?”

  “I saw the doctor today. He’s going to perform surgery on my leg Friday morning. He says I’m going to need help for two weeks. I don’t want anyone else but you around because you’re the only one who understands about all my problems. Do you think your boss would let you come for a medical emergency? I’ll prepay your airline ticket.”

  Annabelle didn’t have to think. After talking to her mom the last few days, she wondered if she hadn’t made a mistake leaving Ravello so fast. What if Lucca had been waiting to have a serious talk with her? If so, Annabelle hadn’t given him a chance.

  “Hold the line for a minute and I’ll ask him.” She lay the receiver down and raced into the adjoining office. Mel was on the phone. He gestured her to come all the way in and sit down until he was through.

  She was too emotional to sit. He finally hung up from his call. “What’s going on? I’ve never seen you pace before.”

  “Mel? Lucca just phoned me. He’s still on the line.” In the next breath it all came out in a gush.

  He smiled. “I can hardly deprive him of a good nurse when I once had the best. Will you at least wait to fly back until Wednesday? I need your help with some matters backed up around here. You’re the only one who can sort them out.”

  “Thank you!” She hugged him around the neck and hurried back to her office. “Lucca?” “Sì? You sound out of breath.” “I had to run to his office.” But that wasn’t why she was close to hyperventilating. “He says I can come. I probably won’t be there until Thursday. It all depends on my flight schedule.”

  “Let me know the time and I’ll send a limo for you.” “Thank you.” After a pause she continued, “Lucca…?” “I can’t wait to see you. All that’s important now is that you’re coming back to me. Ciao.”

  The doctor told Lucca the third day after surgery would be the worst. Maybe it was, but with Annabelle waiting on him, he didn’t notice it as much. It certainly couldn’t compare to the pain he’d suffered the night he’d come home and had fallen in the hallway.

  “Uncle Lucca? Annabelle wants to know if you’re hungry for dinner.”

  Fortunato had been a constant visitor in the evenings after he’d got off of work. He’d let him lean on him in and out of the shower. Lucca welcomed his nephew’s help.

  When the two-week recuperation period was over, Lucca would be helping Annabelle into the shower, only one of the many things he planned to do with her. Tonight he planned to open up to her, but he was nervous. That, more than anything, had put him off his food.

  “Maybe some grapes and a roll.”

  “I’ll tell Annabelle, then I’ve got to go. Carlo and I are going to a soccer match.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  “Not really. Our team’s going to lose.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet a cute girl there.”

  “You mean one who looks like Annabelle?”

  Since there was no chance of that, Lucca didn’t say anything “Did I hear my name taken in vain?” She breezed into the bedroom carrying another vase of freshly picked daisies and put them on his dresser.

  Fortunato grinned. He wasn’t the only one who enjoyed looking at her dressed this evening in jeans and a jade-green blouse with cropped sleeves. Lucca could feast his eyes on her indefinitely.

  “Uncle Lucca wants some grapes and a roll. Now I’d better leave or Carlo will have a fit. See you tomorrow. Thanks for dinner, Annabelle. You’re not a bad cook.”

  “You mean for an American.”

  “I was just teasing. Those fajitas were awesome! You’ll have to teach Mama how to make them.”

  “Fajitas?” Lucca questioned.

  “Mexican food,” she explained. “You take strips of steak, peppers and onions stir-fried in a special sauce. Then you roll it all up in a flour tortilla. I brought a couple of cans of them in my suitcase to fix a different kind of meal for you.”

  “Yeah, Uncle Lucca. Too bad you don’t feel good enough to try one.”

  “Maybe tomorrow,” Annabelle said. “For such a lovely compliment, you can come over anytime, Fortunato.”

  “Thanks for helping me,” Lucca called after his nephew.

  Soon they were alone. Annabelle’s smile faded as she stared at him. “You’re not hungry, are you.”

  “Not particularly. Why the concern?”

  “Maybe it’s the new painkiller you’re on. I’ll call the doctor in the morning and see if he’ll prescribe your other one. You need to eat.”

  “It’s not the medicine.”

  “So you admit there’s something wrong.”

  He heard the alarm in her voice. “Yes. There’s been something wrong for a long time, but I couldn’t speak about it until now.”

  She stood by the bed looking nervous. “What is it?”

  “I’ve never asked a woman to marry me before. If I can’t have you, I plan to remain a bachelor for the rest of my life because you’ve spoiled me for anyone else. I’m not going to give you any time to think about your answer. Do you love me?”

  A cry escaped her lips. “How can you even ask me that? I’m desperately in love with you. It’s why I came back.” The love-light in her eyes almost blinded him.

  “Don’t come any closer. My heart can’t take it when I’m lying here incapacitated right now. I love you, Annabelle Marsh,” he said, his voice throbbing. “I want to put my roots down with you so thick and deep, you’ll know this is for real and forever.”

  She nodded.

  “First we have to get married. Just as soon as the doctor gives me a clean bill of health. How about at the church we pass between my farmhouse and the villa?”

  Her beautiful blond head nodded again. “Is that the one you went to with your parents?”

  “Yes. I’ll fly your parents and family over. You don’t know how eager I am to the meet the people who raised such an angelic daughter.”

  She crept over to him and sat down, burying her face against his shoulder. “My parents will adore you. They won’t believe the beauty of this place.”

  “Have you told them much about me?”

  “I guess I’d better admit to the truth now, because you’ll hear it from Mom when you meet her.” She leaned over to kiss him.

  After kissing her back he said, “What truth?”

  “She’s been worried about me for a long time. But after you and I clashed in your hallway, I phoned her and told her I’d met a man who’d already changed my life. And if I was lucky enough, maybe I would change his. I kind of told her you looked like a god with black hair and gray-green eyes. I also said Dad would be jealous because when my mom first met you, sh
e would go weak in the knees and might faint, just like me.”

  Lucca laughed quietly before rewarding her with more kisses.

  “You’re my beloved, Lucca. I’m so madly in love with you, if I lost you now, I’d want to die!”

  Lucca couldn’t take it in. “You’re my life, adorata. After your confession, I guess I can tell you mine. The night you came at me with the cane, I knew somewhere deep inside you were the woman I’d been waiting for all my life. But I was terrified because I wanted to be ready to give you all the things you deserve. I feared that after what you’d been through with your first husband, you wouldn’t be able to trust me.”

  “Darling …” She traced his profile with her finger.

  “You have a lot to learn about a woman in love the way I am with you.”

  “I’m finding that out,” he said in husky voice. “Now I’ve got another question.”

  She read the anxiety in his eyes. “You mean about being a farmer’s wife? I can’t wait! Do you know something? I guessed that about you right from the beginning.”

  He looked surprised. “How?”

  “I actually pictured it in my mind that first morning sitting on the terrace. You’d just crept back to this farmhouse in the dead of it because you’re a home boy at heart. Your mother and her family had a love for the earth and all the beautiful things that grow here. Though you have a lot of Guilio in you, you’re an extension of her and your grandfather.”

  She nestled closer. “When I got into bed that first night, before you fell in the hall, I felt that the family who’d once lived here had been supremely happy. Through all your pain and suffering, I saw how much peace the farm gave you. Your eyes would go soft when you looked around. The sight of the daisies I picked seemed to speak to you.”

  He nodded. “My mother used to pick them in the morning and bring them in house, just like you did.”

  “What a wonderful memory you have of her. When you made tea from the lemons growing outside, I learned something profound about you and could imagine you out pruning the trees. I could see myself watching you, coveting your body from a distance while I thought up ways to lure you back in the house.”

  “Annabelle,” he whispered, his voice raw with emotion. “Keep saying things like that and never let me go.”

  “As if I could,” she cried, covering his mouth with her own.

  “This is Canale Eight, with the six o’clock news, broadcasting live from Milan. Tonight ladies and gentlemen, we’re at the Amalfi main showroom in Milan where Guilio Cavezzali, CEO of the one of the most prestigious lines of cars in Italy, is about to unveil their latest creation.”

  Annabelle sat in the driver’s seat of the black-on-black sports car, knowing the television camera would be on her the second the curtain was drawn. All she had to do was drive the car into the center of the showroom and follow Guilio’s lead.

  Her hair had been swept to one side and cascaded over one shoulder to reveal diamond earrings and a diamond choker. Marcella had decked her out in a stunning flame-orange cocktail dress in a chiffonlike fabric. The straps went from the center of the bodice and fastened at the back of her neck. Her high-heeled sandals were covered in diamondlike brilliance.

  Lucca was out on the floor with Maria and Basilio, watching Annabelle from a distance. He’d dressed in a silky black shirt and tan trousers. Her gorgeous husband ought to be the one in the spotlight. She happened to know the black model sports car with the milliondollar price tag was his favorite.

  As soon as she got the cue from one of the guys, she started the car and drove to the spot where she’d practiced several times to get it right. Guilio stood front and center with a microphone.

  “Here comes the Amalfi Girl now. You’ll see her picture in all our showrooms around the world. Tonight we are happy to announce the launch of the first convertible sports car our company has ever designed. I’ve named it the Amalfi MB-Viper in honor of my son, who served our country flying one of the Viper fighter jets.

  “She’ll get out and open the hood so you can zoom in for a closer look.”

  Guilio gave a rundown of the impressive stats as Annabelle stepped from the car with as much as grace as she could and did the honors. So far so good as she moved from spot to spot, demonstrating the car’s features.

  Even from a distance she noticed Lucca’s eyes smolder as he watched her walk around and open the passenger door to point out the luxurious upholstery and dashboard.

  Finally her father-in-law smiled into the camera. “From zero to sixty miles per hour in three seconds. Take a drive in the MB-Viper and slide silently into the future.”

  With those words spoken as the new slogan, the filming came to an end. After a year or more of planning, the night Guilio had dreamed about was over. Much as Annabelle had been willing to do this favor for him, she was glad she wouldn’t have to do it again. But thank heaven he’d approached her that day in California. Otherwise she would never have met the love of her life.

  After the film crew cleared up their equipment and left, Lucca walked over and put his arm around her. “You were a vision up there,” he whispered against the side of her neck.

  “Thank you, darling.”

  “You were superb, Annabelle.” Guilio had never looked happier. “To show my appreciation, I’m giving Lucca the car and you the diamonds for your wedding presents. Marcella wants you to keep the dress you’re wearing as a memento of this night.”

  “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for having faith in me. But most of all—” her voice caught “—I thank you for bringing your wonderful son into the world.”

  Lucca’s eyes gleamed as she kissed his father and Maria on either cheek. Later she would thank the designer. “Basilio? No one could have been easier to work with. Thank you for your patience.”

  “It was a pleasure, my dear. The whole staff, Giovanni especially, sing your praises.”

  “Thank you.”

  Lucca was right behind her to embrace his father and stepmother. Then he stunned her when she heard him say, “Would you two mind making sure our bags go back on the plane with you? I’ve got plans for my bride and me.”

  Before she knew what was happening, he’d ushered her back to the car and helped her in the passenger side. “Enzo?” he called from behind the wheel to one of the staff. “Would you be good enough to open the bay door for us? I’ve a need to show off my unique driving skills to my gorgeous wife.”

  Everyone laughed before he backed them out of the showroom onto the outside lot. He shot Annabelle a mysterious smile before revving the smooth quiet engine. Suddenly they wound around to the main arterial and were whizzing through the streets of Milan.

  Annabelle’s heart steamed into her chest. Her gaze fixed on Lucca, who drove with an expertise befitting a fighter pilot. “Where are we going?”


  “You mean all the way to Ravello? In this car?”

  His smile melted her bones. “That’s what it’s for.”

  “I know, but we didn’t bring anything with us. I’m still dressed like the Amalfi Girl!” Her silvery-gold hair radiated out in the warm August night air.

  “Since she’ll never be seen in public after tonight, I like the idea of driving around with every man’s fantasy. Don’t look now but you’ve already stopped traffic.”

  She blushed. “Lucca …”

  “It’s true. The guy in the other lane was staring at you so hard, he just rammed into the back of a truck.”

  “You made that up.”

  “If you don’t believe me, turn around.” His hand reached out and clasped her thigh. He liked to do that a lot. Every time he did it, the contact made her gasp in pleasure.

  “I think you’d better keep both hands on the wheel, darling.”

  “Don’t ruin things now and tell me you’re going to be a backseat driver.”

  Her eyes filled as she looked at him. “I’m so happy, I’m in pain.”

  “So am I, but it’s t
he best kind.”


  “There’s a charming palazzo not far from the city. We’ll stop there for the night where I plan to ravish you and hopefully get you pregnant.”

  Her heart thudded. “Promise?”

  A half hour later they pulled into the grounds and parked the car in a private garage that led to their own luxurious apartment. She hurried inside, sick with excitement. They’d been married several weeks, but every day with him was like the first day. Making love with him had become necessary to her existence.

  After he closed the door, he pulled her back against him and slowly removed her earrings and choker, kissing every spot his lips could find. She moaned deliriously as he undid the back of her dress and turned in his arms, sensing his urgency. He crushed her against him until their bodies pulsated as one entity.

  Annabelle didn’t remember being carried to the bed. They no longer had to worry about his leg. This was her husband loving her with the kind of hunger she couldn’t have imagined before meeting him.

  “I love you,” he cried. “I can’t get enough of you, bellissima.”

  “Now you know how I feel.” Her heart surged as their mouths and bodies began giving and taking, whipping up their passion until they spiraled out of control. He brought her joy beyond comprehension.

  Later, when they were sated for the time being, Lucca reached for the remote and turned on the television. “The ten o’clock news will be on in five minutes. I want you to see what you look like from the audience’s viewpoint.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “You’ll have to translate most of what the TV announcer says.” She’d been working on her Italian, but it was going to take a lot longer to master his beautiful language. When the film segment came on, Annabelle couldn’t relate to the woman in the black sports car.

  “It was terrifying to be live on camera. I was praying I wouldn’t make a mistake, or fall on my face.”

  He pulled her closer. “You were sensational. My father looks good there, too.”

  “You both have intrinsic class. Not every man is so blessed. It’s a quality you have to be born with. My mom remarked on it the day of the wedding.” She hugged him tighter. “Didn’t you love our wedding?”


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