Shattered Silence: Men of the Texas Rangers Series #2

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Shattered Silence: Men of the Texas Rangers Series #2 Page 1

by Margaret Daley


  “Excellent suspense, an un-put-downable novel by an experienced author who is not afraid to write about issues that we all think about but that so many of us won’t talk about. She certainly kept me reading until the end.”

  —Linda Hall, author of Dark Water and Black Ice

  “Grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable chair, and settle in, because once you start reading Margaret Daley’s Shattered Silence, you won’t stop until you’ve turned the very last page! Exciting plot twists, gripping characters, and nonstop action will keep you up long into the night. As far as romantic suspense goes, it doesn’t get better than this!”

  —Shirlee McCoy, author of Lawmen Legacy (Love Inspired Suspense)



  Book 2 of Men of the Texas

  Rangers Series

  Margaret Daley

  Nashville, Tennessee

  Shattered Silence

  Copyright © 2012 by Margaret Daley

  ISBN: 978-1-4267-1429-0

  Published by Abingdon Press, P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,

  stored in any retrieval system, posted on any website,

  or transmitted in any form or by any means—digital,

  electronic, scanning, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without

  written permission from the publisher, except for brief

  quotations in printed reviews and articles.

  The persons and events portrayed in this work of fiction are the creations of the author, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Published in association with the Steve Laube Agency.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Daley, Margaret.

  Shattered silence / Margaret Daley.

  p. cm. — (Men of the Texas Rangers ; 2)

  ISBN 978-1-4267-1429-0 (book - pbk. / trade pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Texas Rangers— Fiction. 2. Serial murder investigation—Texas—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3604.A36S53 2012



  Printed in the United States of America

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / 17 16 15 14 13 12



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Discussion Questions


  I want to thank my family (Mike, Shaun, Kim, Ashley, Alexa, Abbey, Aubrey, and Marcella) for their support. I also want to thank Steven Hunt, Jan Warren, and Texas Ranger Ron Pettigrew for their help in research and brainstorming ideas for this book. Finally, I want to thank Ramona Richards, my editor, and Steve Laube, my agent, for believing in me.


  No one sees me. They walk right by me and don’t even know I am here. I’m invisible.

  But that’s all going to change today. The woman who has agreed to marry me will be here soon. The world will finally know someone cares about me. It was worth all my savings to bring her across the border. I’m tired of being alone. Being nobody.

  I’m getting married. I won’t be invisible anymore—at least she’ll see me.

  Maria Martinez lay flat on the dust-covered wooden planks, her right eye pressed against the hole in the floor of the abandoned house. Pedro won’t find me here. I’ll win this time.

  A sneeze welled up in Maria, and she fought to stop it. She couldn’t. Quickly she looked through the small opening to make sure Pedro hadn’t come and heard her. Her older brother always thought he could do everything better than her. Not this time. He’d never think to look here. He’d think she was too afraid to hide here. A rattling behind her sent a shot of fear through her. She went still. Her lungs held her breath and wouldn’t let go.

  There’s no such thing as ghosts. He just told me that to scare me. I’m not a baby. I’m eight.

  Her words fueled her courage, and she popped up to look over her shoulder. Nothing. Just the wind blowing through the broken window. Maria sank to the floor in relief and took up her post again. Watching through the hole. If Pedro came into the house, she’d be ready to hide. He was not going to find her. For once, she would have the last laugh. He was just two years older, but the way he acted, you’d think he was Papa.

  Another sound caught her attention. Down below. Footsteps. She started to hop up and scramble to her hiding place nearby, but a gruff, deep male voice stopped her. Not Pedro. Who?

  With her eye glued to the hole again, she waited to see who it was. Another voice—a woman’s—answered the man, then she laughed. A funny laugh—like Pedro when he made fun of her.

  “Dumb. Evil eye,” the woman taunted in Spanish.

  The man raised his voice, speaking in the same language so fast Maria had a hard time keeping up. Mama insisted on only speaking English at home. Now she wished she was better at Spanish. But she heard some words—the ones he slowed and emphasized, repeating several times in a louder voice a few cuss words that got Papa in trouble if he said them at home. The deep gruff voice ended with, “You will pay.”

  The woman laughed again, but the sound died suddenly. “What are you doing?” she said in Spanish.

  Maria strained to see the two people. The lady moved into her line of sight as she stepped back, shaking her head, her long brown hair swirling in the air. Maria glimpsed the top of a tan cowboy hat that hid the man’s face from her.

  The beautiful lady held up her hands. “No!”

  The fear in that one word chilled Maria.

  Before she could think of what to do, a gunshot, like she’d heard on TV, blasted the quiet. The lady jerked back. She glanced down at her chest, then up, remaining upright for a few heartbeats before crumbling to the floor.

  Maria froze. Her mind blanked.

  The man came closer to the still lady on the floor, her unseeing dark eyes staring right at Maria, pinning her against the wooden planks. She saw the gun as he lifted his arm and aimed it at the woman. He shot her in the stomach then the forehead.

  Maria gasped.

  The man must have whirled away. Suddenly he wasn’t in her line of vision. She bolted to her feet as the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs echoed down the hallway.

  Terror locked a vise about Maria and held her in place.

  Then her gaze latched onto her hiding place—one she’d found when she’d first come to the house. She’d laughed out loud that her brother would never find her there. Now she wasn’t so sure it was perfect.

  But the approaching footfalls prodded her into action. She had no other choice. She clambered toward the couch as quietly as she could. She ripped the seat cushion off and squeezed herself into the small place someone must have used before. The pounding of her heartbeat in her ears drowned out the sound of his footsteps.

  The man threw open a door at the end of the hall. The slam of it against the wall startled Maria as she set the cushion over her like a shield a knight used in a movie she’d seen. When he’d stormed a castle, hundreds of arrows rained down on him. He had survived. Could she?

  The scent of mold and dust threatened to set off her sneezin
g. She held her hand over her mouth and nose praying that would stop her from making any sound.

  As the man’s footsteps came nearer, her heartbeat reverberated against her skull, again overriding all other sounds. Surely he could hear it. Find her.

  Please, Lord, help me. Mama said You protect children.

  But not her prayers or her fear calmed her thundering heartbeats. The racket grew louder inside her chest and clamored in her ears. Her head spun. She uncovered her mouth to try and breathe deeply. She couldn’t get enough air.

  The door opened, crashing against the wall.

  She flinched, hoping the seat cushion hadn’t moved.

  Please. Please, Lord. I’ll be good.

  The footsteps approached the center of the room.

  Lightheaded, Maria closed her eyes as if that would hide her from the bad man. Something scurried over her leg. Something big. A rat? The urge to flee her hiding place robbed her of any thoughts. She curled herself into the tightest ball she could and prayed, her chest rising and falling so rapidly. The darkness continued to swirl behind her closed eyelids.

  An eternity passed. A brush of whiskers reinforced her fright. She tensed, expecting any second the cushion being plucked off her hiding place or sharp teeth sinking into her. A warm gush between her legs and the odor of pee heightened her terror. He would smell it and . . .

  I’m going to die. Mama . . .

  Liliana Rodriguez sat across from her older sister at the Bluebonnet Cafe in Durango, Texas, waiting for the waitress to bring their sandwiches. She leaned across the table and lowered her voice to a fierce whisper. “I don’t want to hear those bruises are from an accident, Elena. We both know who did that to you. Samuel, your low-down excuse for a husband.”

  Her sister’s dark eyes clouded, her brow knitted. “Oh, no, I really did get up in the middle of the night and run into the wall.”

  “Yeah, after he tripped you.” Liliana lifted her iced tea, hoping the cold drink would cool the fire in her belly.

  “No. No, don’t say that. He’s a good husband and father. Like Papa.”

  Liliana choked on the swallow of liquid sliding down her throat. Coughing, she nearly dropped her glass as her eyes watered.

  “Are you okay?” Elena started to stand.

  Liliana waved her down. “Fine,” she managed to get out while sucking in deep breaths of air that didn’t fill her lungs. When she could talk, she caught her sister’s attention and added, “But you aren’t. Your husband is an abuser just like—”

  “Don’t. Papa disciplined us when we needed it.”

  When it rained, Liliana’s left arm still ached from her father’s form of discipline that ended in a broken bone.

  The middle-aged waitress set their lunch plates in front of them and asked, “Anything else?”

  Liliana shook her head.

  After the waitress left, Liliana fastened her gaze on Elena. “If you don’t do something about him, I will.”

  Her sister’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Liliana brushed the top of her gun in her side holster, running her finger over the handle. The action held her immobile for a second. The realization of what she was automatically doing shook her. She immediately brought her hand up to clasp her iced tea. No matter what she thought of her brother-in-law, she would not overstep that line. “Have a little talk with Samuel.”

  “No!” Her tone raised, Elena gripped the edge of the table and half rose. “Don’t you dare. This is none of your business.” She glanced from side to side, noticed people around them staring at her and sank back into her chair, lowering her voice. “I’ll never forgive you if you interfere. Samuel is a good husband. He gets angry sometimes, but so do I.”

  “As a police officer, I can’t ignore his behavior, but even more so as your sister. I love you. I can’t sit by and let him hurt you.”

  Tears shone in Elena’s eyes. “Don’t do this. I love Samuel. You’ll ruin my life. My children’s.”

  Liliana reached out and covered her sister’s hand on the table. “You’re family. You mean everything to me. I don’t want to see your children go through what we did.”

  “Oh, Samuel never disciplines them. He loves them. He . . .” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  “He takes his frustration out on you instead?”

  “No, it’s not like that. I mess up sometimes and make him angry, but . . .” Elena snapped her mouth closed, wiped her napkin across her face, then stood. “I need to go. I have errands. Remember, this is none of your business. I meant what I said, Liliana. I won’t forgive you if you interfere.”

  Her sister started for the exit. Liliana clasped her arm to stop her escape. Elena winced.

  Liliana dropped her hand into her lap but pinned her full attention on her sister. “I love you. I am always here for you. If you need anything at any time day or night, call. I’ll be there immediately.”

  Elena’s eyes filled with moisture again. “I know you would be.” She bent down and hugged her. “But I can take care of myself. The bank has had some problems, and he’s upset right

  now. That’s all.”

  “That’s an excuse. We all have to deal with problems.”

  “He told me there were signs of an improving economy in the area. He feels directly responsible when the bank doesn’t do as well as he thinks it should. You know men and their egos. He’s not responsible for what’s been going on with the financial market, but he thinks he is. Things will be like they used to be when the economy in Durango picks up.” Elena continued her trek toward the front door.

  I bet they will. Liliana wasn’t convinced Samuel would change. She’d seen too many abusers in her line of work to believe that. Even bank presidents weren’t protected by the façade of their jobs when the truth about abuse came out. It would take all her discipline and willpower not to say anything to her brother-in-law, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t keep watch over the situation and continue to talk to Elena about getting help. While they had been growing up, Elena had stepped in and protected Liliana from their father. The least she could do was return the favor. Her big sister needed her whether she would admit it or not.

  She’d never liked how Samuel Thomas had treated Elena in front of others—belittling her and blaming her for anything that went wrong. Now it appeared as though he had turned physical. Liliana sighed and stared at her untouched turkey and Swiss sandwich. Her stomach knotted. The thought of food didn’t appeal to her, but she was on duty this afternoon and evening, so she needed to eat.

  "Don't ya think you should go look for your sister now?" Brady asked Pedro.

  He looked up from playing war with his best friend. “Nah, I’ll let her think a little while longer that she’s fooled me. I know where she’s hiding.”

  Brady moved one of his soldiers. “The abandoned house in the field?”

  “Yep. I’ve been talking about it and telling her it’s haunted. Not a safe place to go. She acted all scared.” Pedro laughed. “But for the past hour she hasn’t been bothering us. She thinks if she wins I’ll do her chores for the next week.”

  “When is your time up?”

  “Soon. I wish she’d stop pestering me all the time.” Pedro studied the layout of his soldiers on the battlefield, facing Brady’s.

  “Pedro,” his mama called as she stepped out onto the porch of their house.

  He swung around toward her. “Yes?”

  “Lunch is ready. Go get your sister, and come in and wash up. Brady, can you stay for lunch?”

  His best friend grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Then I’ll set a place for you.” Pedro’s mother turned back into the one-story adobe house, the screen door banging close.

  “Guess we gotta get Maria now.” Brady hopped to his feet.

  “Yeah, we’ll leave this set up and finish later. Maybe I can think of another way to get rid of her for the afternoon.” Pedro stood and looked toward the field at the end of the street. “I’m gonna hate it when th
ey start building houses in that field.”

  “Mom said it’s gonna be a big subdivision with a pond and everything. I hope there’s fish in the pond. Then we can at least go fishin’.”

  Brady traipsed next to Pedro across the mounds of dirt in the field where they rode their bikes. They jumped over the small stream and plowed through the tall weeds until they came to the two-story wooden house nestled among a grove of trees. He and Brady had played numerous times in the place since the owners left last year. Pedro chuckled to himself. Maria didn’t know that.

  “It does look spooky. I never saw the door open like that.” Brady approached the steps that led up to the front door.

  Pedro leaned close to him, put his finger to his mouth, then whispered, “I told you she would be here. She didn’t even close the door. Let’s scare her.”

  A giggle came from Brady before he clasped his hand over his mouth and tiptoed forward. He squeezed through the foot-wide opening because the door creaked. Halfway inside he stopped.

  Pedro frowned and shoved him so he could come into the place. What’s wrong with him? Brady wouldn’t budge. Then his best friend swiveled toward him with terror in his eyes and lifted his hand to point into the room. His fingers shook, and his face went so white that Pedro feared something had happened to his sister. He thrust the door open and stared at the bloody scene. His stomach roiled. He pivoted away and threw up all over the porch.

  Hauling in their last load of possessions from the SUV, Cody Jackson followed his son, Kyle, into their new apartment, bumping the front door closed with his hip. Kyle trudged toward the hallway that led to the two bedrooms.

  “What am I supposed to do while you’re gone?” Kyle asked as he dropped the box he’d carried onto the floor next to the bed—fortunately a box full of linens.


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