The Year of Fear

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The Year of Fear Page 30

by Joe Urschel

  Blake, Frank

  Boettcher, Anna Lou. See also Boettcher kidnap and ransom

  Boettcher, Charles II. See also Boettcher kidnap and ransom

  Boettcher, Claude. See Boettcher kidnap and ransom

  Boettcher kidnap and ransom

  Alcorn in

  Alterie and Allegretti implicated in

  Boettcher, Claude, paid ransom in

  Clark, A., on

  Denver police in

  Kit taking notice of

  Sankey in

  as solved by Purvis

  vigilante groups on

  Bolton, Monty

  Bonnie and Clyde


  Boulder, CO

  Brady, Bob (“Big Bob”)

  Brennan, Mr.

  Brewer, Allie

  Bronson, Charles

  Brooks, J. E.

  Brooks, Ora. See Shannon, Ora

  Brown, John A.

  Brown, Tom

  Brown Palace Hotel

  Buchalter, Louis (“Lepke”)

  Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, U. S.

  the Bureau

  as American Gestapo

  as “Department of Easy Virtue”

  Federal Kidnapping Act support for

  Hoover roles at

  inept kidnap response of

  Nathan assistant director of

  as national police force

  offices of

  powerlessness of

  Scotland Yard model for remake of

  Urschel case kudos for

  witness protection from

  Caffrey, Ray

  Cagney, James

  Campbell, Harry

  Caplan, Abe

  Caplan, Morris

  Capone, Al

  as Alcatraz inmate

  Bureau rejects, solution to Lindbergh case

  in Chicago, IL

  Gilbert inside man of

  in Hot Spring, AR

  as Touhy rival

  Capone, Ralph (“Bottles”)

  cars. See getaway car

  Casey, Will

  Cassidy, Butch

  Catholic Church

  Catlett, John

  as implicated by Kelly

  Urschel ransom through

  Cermak, Anton

  Chicago, IL

  Capone of

  citizens band against kidnap in

  criminal empire of

  Kelly too hot for

  Nash, Frank, intended hideout in

  “Secret Six” in

  Worlds Fair in

  Chickasha, OK

  Clark, Albert

  Clark, Father Joe

  Clark, Jim

  Cody, Buffalo Bill

  Coleman, Cass

  Coleman, Gay

  Coleman, Mary

  Coleman, TX

  Colfax, WA

  Collier, Rex


  Colvin, Ralph

  Congress on Racial Equality

  Cooper, Courtney Ryley

  Ten Thousand Public Enemies by

  Corman, Roger

  Cottondale Community Cemetery

  crime hotline. See national crime hotline

  Crime’s Paradise: The Authentic Inside Story of the Urschel Kidnapping (Kirkpatrick)

  criminal empire

  cities as

  kidnap syndicates of

  as larger than U. S. military

  local support for

  outlawed goods suppliers as

  Purple Gang as

  Spencer gang as

  as tamed by Hoover

  as villains

  western outlaws modernized in

  Cummings, Homer

  anti-kidnap plan of

  editorials positive for

  Hoover Urschel kidnap update to

  as inheritor of Lindbergh case

  Kelly letter to

  prison focus of

  “war on crime” of

  Cunningham, Miles

  Cushing, OK

  Daily Oklahoman

  Floyd and Bailey spat covered in

  Kelly letter to

  Kelly trial coverage of

  Kit interview in

  Urschel kidnap covered in

  Dall, Curtis B.

  Dallas, TX

  Dallas Morning News

  Dallas News

  Dallas police

  Daugherty, Harry

  Daughters of the American Revolution

  Davis, Ed

  Davis, George

  Davis, Volney

  Decatur, TX

  Dempsey, Jack

  Denton, TX

  Denver, CO

  Denver Mint

  Denver police

  Denver Post

  Department of Justice, U. S.. See also federal agent

  Alcatraz rules of

  Attorney General

  Hyde U. S. Attorney

  Keenan Special Agent of

  Nash, Frank, arrest of


  American nightmare of

  banking collapse in

  daredevil pilots upbeat story for

  FDR war against

  lawlessness pervasive in

  misery of

  Des Moines, IA

  Devil’s Island

  Dillinger, John

  Director, Bureau of Investigation

  Doll, Eddie

  Dowd, Edward

  Drewer, Cleo

  Dunhill, Thomas

  Durham, Clarence

  Dutch. See Sawyer, Harry (“Dutch”)

  Eads, Bill

  Early, Robert

  Earp, Wyatt

  Edwards, Mr.

  El Paso


  Factor, John. See Factor kidnap and ransom

  Factor, Max

  Factor kidnap and ransom

  Faith, J. T.

  Farmer, Herbert

  FBI. See the Bureau

  FDR (Roosevelt, Franklin Delano)

  assassination escape of

  banks target of

  election of

  as inheritor of Lindbergh case

  kidnap focus of

  national police force of

  New Deal legislation of

  prohibition ended by

  Salter made Urschel prosecutor by

  Shannon, R., clemency by

  war against Depression of

  federal agent

  arrest authority lack for

  chase across state lines by

  fighting skills focus for

  as G-man

  as hero

  as incorruptible

  Kansas City police unhelpful to

  Kelly loot recovered by

  movie treatment of

  Nash, Frank, arrest of

  unarmed travel of

  weaponry unfamiliar to

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). See the Bureau

  Federal Kidnapping Act

  Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago

  Feldman, Clara

  First National Bank of Oklahoma City

  Fitzgerald, Chuck

  Floyd, Charles Arthur (“Pretty Boy”)

  death of

  Kelly often misidentified as

  as object of contempt

  Oklahoma flight of

  as suspect

  Ford, Harry

  Fort Smith, AR

  Fort Worth, TX

  Frates, Joseph

  Fred Harvey restaurant

  Frye, Lonnie

  Frye, Pauline

  Galatas, Richard

  gangs. See criminal empire

  getaway car

  crimes with


  Kit driving of

  law enforcement outrun by

  for Urschel kidnap

  Gibson, Dr.

  Gilbert, Dan

  Gillars, Mildred Sisk (“Axis Sally”)


  Goetz, M. K.

  Gordon, Earl
  Goring, Hermann

  Great Depression. See Depression

  Green Lantern tavern

  Grooms, W. J. (“Red”)

  Guinane, Ed

  Hall, J. C.

  Hamm, William, Jr.

  Barker, F., and Karpis in

  Brown, T., as police cover for

  as Dutch plan

  Peifer organizer of

  ransom paid in

  Hammack, William

  Hammett, Dashiell

  Harding, Warren G.

  Hermanson, Frank

  Hills, Lee

  Hitler, Adolph

  Holden, Tommy

  as Alcatraz inmate

  Kelly mentored by

  Leavenworth escape of

  in Ottumwa robbery

  Hollyhocks Inn

  Hoover. See Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hoover, Herbert

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  as crime hotline creator

  death of

  as Director Bureau of Investigation

  master suspect list of

  Nash, Frank, escape outrage for

  negative opinions towards

  at odds with Walsh and Wheeler

  prison focus of

  publicity for

  as “Red Scare” architect

  reputation damage for

  reward offered for Nash, Frank

  as unwilling to share spotlight

  as winning public opinion

  Hoover, J. Edgar, as head of Urschel case

  as angered by Associated Press

  Bureau firearm ban set aside by

  Colvin tapped by

  Cummings kidnap update by

  editorials positive for

  Jones put in charge by

  kidnap call to

  Kit kidnap mastermind to

  as “Public Hero Number 1”

  Rorer spurred on by

  Shannon deal refused by

  Urschel, C., thank you letter from

  Hot Springs, AR

  Akers as Chief of Detectives

  Capone in

  Galatas as crime lord in

  McLaughlin strongman of

  Nash, Frank, in

  White Front Tavern in

  Houston, Noel

  Hudspeth, Robert H.

  Hyde, Henry K.

  as appreciative of Urschel, C., role

  Bailey, Bates, Shannon trial by

  closing arguments of

  immediate trial sought by

  Kelly threats for

  Kelly trial by

  Shannon deal dismissed by

  Ickes, Harold


  Indianapolis police

  Indianapolis Star

  Interior Department, U. S.

  International News Service

  Jamie, Alexander

  Jarrett, Mrs. Walter

  Jarrett, Walter

  as accused by Kelly

  Kelly identified by

  Urschel kidnapped with

  Jester, Elman

  Johnson, Frank P.

  Johnson, Gene

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Johnson, Mrs. Emil

  Johnston, James

  Jones, Gus T. (“Buster”)

  as Agent in Charge

  Bailey capture by

  Bailey pursued by

  early career of

  as head of Alcatraz transfers

  Kelly becomes focus of

  Kelly loot recovered by

  as massacre task force head

  Paradise raid of

  as unlike East Coast agents

  as Urschel kidnap lead agent

  Justice Department, U. S. See Department of Justice, U. S.

  Kansas City, MO

  Kansas City massacre

  Bailey doubted involved in

  events leading to

  events of

  Floyd suspect in

  illegality of federal actions in

  Richetti convicted of

  task force dealt with

  Kansas City police

  armored “war wagon” of

  federal agents not helped by

  Kansas State Penitentiary Memorial Day escape

  Karpis, Alvin

  as Alcatraz inmate

  as Federal Reserve robber

  Katy Limited

  Keating, Francis (“Jimmy”)

  as Alcatraz inmate

  Kelly mentored by

  Leavenworth escape of

  in Ottumwa robbery

  Keenan, Joseph B.

  closing arguments of

  Kelly threats to

  as liking Shannon deal

  publicity on

  Urschel indictments of

  victory of

  Kelly. See Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”)

  Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”)

  as Alcatraz inmate

  as bootlegger

  as born Barnes, George Francis, Jr.

  death in Leavenworth of

  early arrests of

  early start of

  as Federal Reserve suspect

  Fort Worth home of

  Kit marriage to

  Kit meets, at Leavenworth Penitentiary

  Kit talk focuses attention on

  as Leavenworth inmate

  letter to Cummings of

  life sentence of

  Machine Gun Kelly movie on

  as massacre suspect

  as mistaken for Floyd

  name change to

  prison letters to Kit from

  Ramsey, Geneva, first wife of

  Ramsey, George, father-in-law of

  road to fame of

  sons of

  Thompson submachine gun for

  tough-guy image not warranted for

  trial of

  Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”), as bank robber

  bank guard shot by

  mentors of

  in Ottumwa robbery

  in Willmar robbery

  Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”), as kidnapper

  abduction of Urschel by

  as agreed to deal for Shannon

  Arnold, G., hostage of

  during Bates, Bailey, Shannon trial

  Daily Oklahoman letter of

  as elusive in Urschel manhunt

  Jarrett identification of

  Jarrett implicated by

  Kit claims innocence

  letter to Keenan of

  Memphis capture of

  Michigan Tavern visit by

  Moore, E. W. alias of

  as moved to Oklahoma City

  not guilty plea of

  as persuaded to surrender

  as Public Enemy Number One

  Rorer captor of

  Urschel and Jones hunt for

  Urschel death threat of

  Urschel kidnapper named by Shannon, A., in

  Urschel ransom letter sent by

  Waggoner kidnap plans of

  Woolverton kidnap of

  Kelly, Kathryn (“Kit”)

  alias of

  as bootlegger

  born as Brooks, Cleo

  Brooks, J. E., father of

  Brooks, O., mother of

  as buyer of Kelly machine gun

  death of

  Fort Worth home of

  Frye, P., daughter of

  getaway car driving of

  husbands of

  Kelly bragged about by

  Kelly marriage to

  Kelly met, at Leavenworth Penitentiary

  as Kelly second wife

  as killer of Thorne, C.

  prison letters to Kelly by

  release from prison of

  West Virginia prison of

  Kelly, Kathryn (“Kit”), as kidnapper

  as agreed to deal for Shannon

  Arnold, G., hostage of

  Arnold, L., messenger of

  during Bates, Bailey, Shannon trial

  as disguised in Urschel manhunt
r />   as elusive in Urschel manhunt

  innocence self-declared in

  Kelly persuaded to surrender by

  lawyers for

  life sentence of

  Memphis capture of

  Michigan Tavern visit by

  as moved to Oklahoma City

  not guilty plea of

  prison letter to Kelly

  Rorer captor of

  testimony of

  trial of

  Urschel fortune noted by

  as Urschel mastermind

  Waggoner kidnap plans of

  Kerr, George

  Ketchum, Black Jack

  kidnap insurance

  kidnapping. See also Kelly, George (“Machine Gun”), as kidnapper; Urschel, Charles, kidnapping

  Beck case of

  Boettcher case of

  Bremer case of

  Brown, J., focus of

  citizens band against

  Dall threat of

  Dempsey job planned in

  Dutch involved in

  Factor case of

  Goetz focus of

  Hamm case of

  Hoover against

  in Illinois

  insurance against

  Johnson, F., focus of

  Lindbergh case of

  Luer incident of

  O’Connell incident of

  opportunity of

  Ruth job planned in

  as sweeping nation

  syndicates of

  Wood case of

  Kilgallen, James

  King, Edward

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kirkpatrick, E. E.

  Bailey parole support from

  FDR letter from

  Jones strategizes with

  ransom delivered by

  ransom letter to

  ransom recovery by

  as terrified ransom delivery man

  Kit. See Kelly, Kathryn (“Kit”)

  Klar, J.

  Lackey, Joe

  LaSalle Hotel

  Laughlin, James J.

  law enforcement

  Bureau elite force in

  criminals protected by

  getaway car outrunning of

  as heroes

  local nature of

  national force needed for

  O’Connor System of

  vehicles pathetic in

  war on bandits

  lawlessness pervasive

  cities with

  Depression with

  Europe fascinated by

  as kidnap syndicates

  Lazia, Johnny

  Leavenworth Penitentiary

  Bailey in

  Bates in

  Holden escape from

  Keating escape from

  Kelly in

  Nash, Frank, escape from

  prisoner transfer to

  Let ‘Em Have It

  Library of Congress (LOC)

  Lincoln National Bank

  Lindbergh, Charles. See also Lindbergh kidnap

  Lindbergh kidnap

  Bureau failure in

  Capone offers solution to

  Cummings inherits case

  FDR inherits case of

  Federal Kidnapping Act from

  kidnapping and death of Charles Jr.

  Lindbergh, Charles Jr.

  New Jersey State Police stymie Bureau in

  New York Times on

  “Lindbergh Law”

  Little Rock, AR

  LOC. See Library of Congress

  Longabaugh, Harry Alonzo

  Louisville Courier Journal

  Luer, August

  Machine Gun Kelly

  Madala, Johnny

  Manson, Charles


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