Daughter's Best Friend

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Daughter's Best Friend Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-271-4

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “She is in the worst mood I have ever seen,” Rebecca said, coming downstairs to the kitchen where Jackson Reed was currently chopping up lots of vegetables. He was doing it slowly but rather than take over from him seeing as she was a chef, she decided to let him cook. After all, she was a guest in his home. Her best friend in the whole world, Bella Reed, had just had her heart broken. She was staying over Christmas to help put her friend in a good mood. Jackson was of course Bella’s widowed father, and even in his late forties, he was still sexy as sin. Yeah, Rebecca was a sick person. She thought her best friend’s dad was fucking hot.

  “Love can do that to you, make you so sick that you can’t think straight.”

  “Is that what happened with you?” Rebecca asked, stealing a chopped carrot from his pile. She was starving. The restaurant that she had owned was now closed. She did it every Christmas. It made no financial sense at all, but for the past two years she had been doing it because she loved the festive season and refused to give up her love for her job, even though she loved cooking so much.

  Besides, the festive season was supposed to be about love and coming together, not being miserable inside a kitchen while everyone was enjoying themselves out in the main restaurant. Cooking with family, for family, it was different. Rebecca didn’t know why, it just was.

  “Yeah, it hurt. I hated every second that I got to wake up and she didn’t. I couldn’t dwell on it though. I had a daughter to take care of, a company with thousands of employees waiting for me. There was nothing else I could do. So I got up every single day, and slowly, the pain started to lessen.”

  “I’m so sorry you lost her.”

  “Yeah, well, it has been a long time now.” He nodded as she took another carrot. “You could help me with all of this.”

  “Nah, I’ll let you do all the hard work. I work my ass off every other day cooking. It’ll be nice to have someone wait on me for a change.” She gave him a wink, and went to the fridge. She grabbed the wine and a beer.

  Popping open the beer, she handed it to him, and took a seat once she had poured herself a generous glass of white wine.

  “I can’t guarantee this will taste nice.”

  “It’s the love that counts.” She took a piece of celery this time. “Don’t forget to add rosemary. Chicken soup tastes a lot better with rosemary, believe me.”

  He rolled his dark eyes, and she tensed up as her pussy grew slick.

  When she was sixteen, she had developed a crush on this man, so much so that she had been too embarrassed to sleep over. The thought of him seeing her as a kid had made her feel sick to her stomach. Finally, after a year and losing her virginity to an asshole, and then growing up, she had decided that there was no way she could have had a crush on him. They were worlds apart, nowhere near close to each other.

  He was a successful businessman, and so was her father. Besides, Jackson was her best friend’s dad. It was never going to happen.

  “You’re blushing, Rebecca. Why are you blushing?” he asked, taking a swallow of his beer. She admired his hands. Even though he was a wealthy man, she knew he was the kind that liked to get his hands dirty.

  “No reason.” She took a large gulp of wine, and tried to get her wayward thoughts under some kind of control. This could not be happening. She hadn’t been turned on in Jackson’s company for a while now.

  Okay, so she had stopped coming around after she had seen his first girlfriend. She had been so young, so stupid, and Rebecca had seen that she had only wanted Jackson for his money. What had he seen in the bumbling idiot?

  It didn’t matter because it wasn’t like he would ever look at Rebecca, and she didn’t mind, not at all.

  She released a pent-up breath, and smiled. “I’m not blushing. It’s warm in here.” She removed her cardigan, draping it along the back of her chair.

  Please stop looking at me.

  Rebecca frowned when she saw he was looking at her chest.

  No way, there was no way he would look at her chest. It just wasn’t possible, not at all.

  Biting her lip, she took another drink of her wine, not really tasting it. Clapping her hands, she stood up. “Let’s get this food done.” She rounded the counter, and even though it meant she was standing next to him, she at least didn’t have to look at him.

  Her imagination was driving her wild, and right now she couldn’t deal with that. It had been too long since she was last with a man, and pleasuring herself with her hand was not exactly doing the trick. The men she had dated had always been a little rough, a little older than she was.

  She had three previous sexual partners, six boyfriends in total. Of those six, three hadn’t even made it into her bed.

  It’s fine, Rebecca.

  You have picky tastes.

  “What are you doing?” Jackson asked, stepping close to her.

  He pressed against her side, and she closed her eyes for a split second.

  “Well I’m heating up some oil and a little butter ready for those onions. I find butter has a little more flavor, and I like it.”

  She reached toward the chopping board, and, gathering up the vegetables, she dropped them in the pan, listening to them sizzle.

  “Do you cook at home a lot?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but I do more home cooking stuff. There’s no way I’m going to be making a jus or any of that stuff. Restaurant cooking can sometimes suck. I do like home cooking, though. I miss it.” Her father had given in to her demands to be a chef, but he had to put his stamp on it, so she had no choice in the matter but to open a restaurant that served cuisine that real people wouldn’t eat.

  Her restaurant was just an extension of what her father wanted. He made sure all of his business dinners were at Rebecca’s, and of course he would make her come out, and speak with everyone. She hated it. She hated cooking stuff that she wouldn’t even eat herself.

  “Do you even like your restaurant?” he asked.

  She glanced over at him, and paused at how close he was.

  He’s Bella’s father.

  Don’t think about those lips, and how much you would love them to be between your thighs.

  Licking her dry lips, she smiled. “Of course I love it.”

  “And yet there’s no sparkle in your eye, and you’re closed. If I recall correctly, you once told Bella that you would never close your restaurant, and it would be open all the time, and people would come to eat your food, and to love it every single day.” He repeated the words that she had once spoken when she was eighteen, and had defied her father. It was the day of their graduation, and she had been so angry because her father had booked her a place in a fancy college, but all the time, she had made arrangements to go to a culinary school.

  “Your memory is fine.”

  “I’m right?”

  She nodded. “Of course you are, Jackson. When have you ever been wrong?” Turning to look a
t him, she placed a hand on her hip. She hoped she was raising her brow as she smiled at him.

  He was so close that she felt the heat of him.

  Rebecca couldn’t help it. She licked her suddenly dry lips, and even as she fought it, she couldn’t help herself from glancing down, and checking out his lips.

  Did he just growl?

  She frowned, and glanced up at him, to find Jackson had stepped closer. The tips of his toes touched hers, and the tension in the room seemed to build. The soup was long forgotten as she looked up at the man who had been the star in many of her sexual fantasies.

  His hand touched her hip, and she pressed against him, wanting his touch.

  “Rebecca,” he said, that same growl to his voice.

  Her pussy pulsed, and her clit seemed to throb. Pressing her thighs together, she tried to create some friction to help her deal with the sudden arousal that he had started. Biting her lip, she glanced up at him.

  That was the moment her life changed forever, and all of her dreams suddenly became a reality. Jackson sank his fingers into her hair and slammed his lips down on hers.

  Every woman probably believed the same thing when the man of their dreams kissed them.



  Jackson knew he shouldn’t be kissing her. She was younger than he was, young enough to be his daughter. Fuck, she was his daughter’s best friend, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t resist kissing her. The way she had looked at him, and then licked those lips, which she’d then bitten, and all the time she had gazed at his lips. He was a man of experience, and after the death of his wife, he had screwed his way through every single woman that would look at him. They had wanted him, and he had given it to them without judgement.

  Rebecca was too young.

  She was his daughter’s best friend, and he had to stop.

  Only, the moment his lips touched hers, he couldn’t. Her lips were nice and soft, and she didn’t fight him. She gripped his shoulders and held him tightly as ravished her mouth.

  Years ago, he had known she had a crush on him, and he had done everything to avoid her. Young girls’ crushes weren’t something he wanted. But Rebecca was no longer a young girl. She was a woman, a confident, beautiful woman who put his little girl first.

  He couldn’t resist her, nor did he want to.

  Biting her lip, he sucked it into his mouth, and then plundered hers with his tongue, deepening the kiss.

  Moving her back toward the fridge, he pressed her up against it, grabbing her hands, and locking them together. He really shouldn’t be doing this, but he couldn’t stop.

  In the distance, he heard the sound of someone moving, and the only person in their home was his daughter. Pulling away, he stared into Rebecca’s blushing face.

  “Hey, Bella, you decided to join us,” he asked, glancing over his shoulder, and making sure he hid Rebecca so she could compose herself.

  “Hey, Dad, Rebecca’s cooking. She’s so good at this.”

  Rebecca stepped from around him, and he saw that she was biting her lip. “Are you feeling better?”

  “My heart was broken. I’m fine.”

  “Don’t worry about anything. Alaric is an ass, and you can do better without him.”

  Jackson watched as Rebecca stepped back up to the stove. She began stirring the soup, and gave it a taste, before adding in the noodles. She looked calm, collected, which was everything he wasn’t.

  Fuck, he needed to get his shit together right now. His daughter needed him. She was hurting, and he couldn’t think about Rebecca’s curvy ass, or the need to take her to his room and fuck her senseless. She was twenty-five years old. Old enough to make her own decisions, and he didn’t have to worry about taking advantage.

  Ten minutes later while he was still standing back watching, as Rebecca served Bella a bowl of soup. She then served him a bowl before doing one for herself. They all sat at the kitchen, eating, and the silence wasn’t awkward, at least not for Bella. He saw that Rebecca kept glancing his way.

  That kiss had started something, and instead of wanting to class it as a mistake, he wanted to see where that went.

  When soup was finished, he sent both women away so he could clear his fucking head.

  With his little girl’s heart broken, the last thing he should be doing was spending time with Rebecca or kissing her.

  He cleaned away the dishes, and put the vegetables he hadn’t used back into the fridge. Once the kitchen was spotless, he made his way into his office, determined to get some work done. He was a big believer in making sure his staff took time off around the times that it mattered. Christmas was one of those times, and for a week he closed the office, and allowed his staff the time to be with their families.

  It was what his wife had asked him to consider when she was alive, and it was something he continued to do even after her death.

  Time passed as he got stuck into work. When he was busy with business, rarely anything could pull him out of it. He loved expanding his business, and he wished his daughter had the same love for the corporate world, but she was far happier working in the veterinary practice than in an office.

  There was a knock on his office door, and when he looked up, he saw it was darker outside, and according to the clock on his desk, after eleven at night.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Rebecca opened the door. She wore a pair of pajama bottoms and a shirt. Stepping inside his office, she folded her arms and stared at him. “Bella’s asleep. She cried herself to sleep tonight again.”

  “I’m going to need to talk to her at some point.”

  She nodded.

  Silence fell between them, and he didn’t like how uncomfortable he suddenly felt. “About tonight, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

  “You’re sorry?”

  “Yes, I am. Something like that shouldn’t have happened, and I cannot apologize enough.”

  “I’m not.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “I’m not sorry.” She glanced at the door, and then took a step into his office.

  His cock had a mind of its own. Instead of being flaccid, he decided to get hard. This was the last thing he wanted to deal with. He wanted to be strong with her, and not start something that there was no way in hell of him being able to finish. “This cannot happen again.”

  “It was a kiss, Jackson.” She bit her lip, and took a deep breath. “I’ve been wanting you to kiss me for years. I loved it, and I would have gone further.”

  He got up out of his seat, even as his mind was screaming for him to sit his ass back down. This wasn’t something he wanted to get into, not with Rebecca. She was too young, and he was too fucking old.

  Before he could even process what was happening, he was in front of his desk, arms folded, and staring at her. “You don’t even know what you’re talking about, Rebecca. You’re Bella’s best friend. It was inappropriate.”

  “Cut the crap, Jackson. I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m twenty-five years old, and I’m not some vanilla virgin either.” She took a step toward him. “I’m telling you I don’t regret it.”

  Her nipples were so damn tight as they pressed against her shirt. He wanted her naked, with him sucking on those juicy fat tits. His mouth was watering for a taste of her.


  She was Bella’s friend.

  The only problem was, he didn’t see Rebecca as a little girl anymore.

  No, he saw a beautiful woman, who was filled with confidence and need. He could help her with her need.

  The air seemed to grow thick around him as she took that final step toward him.

  “What are you afraid of, Jackson?”

  What was it about the sound of her name coming from his lips? His cock pressed against the front of his pants, similar to the way that her nipples were against her shirt. She wanted him, and damn it, he wanted her.

  They were no longer Rebecca and Jackson but a man and woman.

  Reaching out, he pulled her close, and slammed his lips down on hers. At the same time, he turned, and lifted her up onto his desk. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him as he spread her legs, pressing his cock against her fabric covered pussy. Her pajama bottoms were in the way. Jerking a hand down her pajama pants, he pressed a finger to her clit, feeling how swollen it was. She hissed, spreading her thighs even wider.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” he said, nipping at her bottom lip. Sucking it in his mouth, he bit down, creating a little pain and relishing her whimper as she gave in. “Take your shirt off.”

  “You’re bossy.”

  “You want my cock, you’ll do as I say.”

  She didn’t argue with him, and pulled her shirt over her head, showing him her tits, and they were a sight to see, big, thrust up against him, with nice large, red nipples.

  Leaning forward he took one of those nipples into his mouth, sucking onto a hardened tip.

  “Yes, oh, God, yes,” she said. Her fingers sank into his hair, and held him close as he loved her tits. Moving from one nipple to the other, he lathered them with his tongue. One of her hands moved from his chest, down to cup his pants right over his cock.

  He was rock hard, and it was painful to be trapped in those pants.

  She released a little moan as he pulled back. With his gaze on hers, he removed the belt that was holding them up.

  Never leaving her gaze, he lowered his pants, and watched as she just couldn’t resist. He wasn’t a small man. Jackson had been blessed with a nice big cock that he also knew how to use. She wouldn’t be able to think of anyone else for days, maybe even weeks when he was done with her.

  Chapter Two

  Jackson’s cock was huge. Rebecca had seen a lot of dicks, not many personally up close, but she got curious, and hey, who hasn’t watched porn? So she’d had a look, and of course a lot of porn stars are well hung, but Jackson was beautiful.


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