SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Page 7

by Joseph P. Farrell

  Artist’s Sketch of Freya

  Consequently, the Germans, in spite of some technical shortcomings of their radar operations during the war, were experimenting in areas that were quite advanced for the day:

  (a) Broadband radar systems based on

  (b) Phased array “signal shaping” for

  (c) Over-the-horizon, or “action at a distance” operation.

  As will be subsequently argued in chapter five, they were combining all these ideas with that of sending pulses of bursts of energy. All of this was, of course, for the long-range guidance of their projected intercontinental rockets.

  In any case, the accuracy of these types of systems had been brought to a high state by the Germans by October of 1943. By that time, the accuracy was such that it was able to guide aircraft at a distance of 105 kilometers, during a bombing run, to release their bombs within 600 meters of their target, even though it was not visible to them.37

  However, as will be seen in a later chapter, the Germans may have discovered something while operating these sophisticated radar units that indicated they were a door beckoning to a whole new type of physics, one with a far greater promise than mere long-range rockets carrying atomic bombs.

  The real question, the one that will now preoccupy us for the remainder of this book, remains: why would the military-industrial-national security complex be so concerned to deflect attention away from Nazi scientific achievements – an effort represented by Colonel Corso’s The Day After Roswell -even at this late date, unless there is something it still wishes to hide? The answer is twofold. The most important part of the answer lies in what the Germans may have discovered with these radar sets, a part with which we shall have much to do when we finally turn to examine the exotic type of physics the Nazis may have been developing in part two.

  For now we will turn to a less important reason, the reason that, if one pulled on the thread long enough and hard enough, would inevitably lead one to ask questions about the “public consumption” history of the race to the moon, the most visible aspect of the survival of Nazi research projects and their “creative financing” in the postwar world.

  1 Friedrich Georg, Hitlers Siegeswaffen: Band 2: Star Wars 1947: Teilband B: Von der Amerikarakete zur Orbitalstation – Deutschlands Streben nach Intercontinentalwaffen und das erste Weltraumprogram (Schleusingen, Germany: Amun Verlag, 2004), p. 11, my translation.

  2 Ibid., p. 223.

  3 Joseph P. Farrell, The Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004, pp. 1-158.

  4 Friedrich Georg, Star Wars 1947, p. 223.

  5 Friedrich Georg, Star Wars 1947, pp. 15-16.

  6 Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 1-158.

  7 David Percy and Mary Bennett note in Dark Moon, p. 192, that the names chosen for America’s rockets might reflect a hidden occult agenda: “ It is our contention that the codenames given to projects by the Americans reveal through word association (either intentionally or unintentionally) much about their function. The names of the rockets designed by (Werner Von Braun) at this times were the Redstone and Jupiter. Although the old arsenal in which he worked at Huntsville was called Redstone, it is an interesting coincidence that Mars is also the red plant. Jupiter, associated with war and victory, is the Roman name for the god that the Greeks called Zeus, who was the father of Apollo.”

  8 Georg, Star Wars, p. 29.

  9 Ibid.

  10 Ibid., pp. 30-31.

  11 Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 70-80.

  12 Georg, Star Wars 1947, p. 36, my translation. This illustrates another facet of the German secret programs, one overlooked by most authors, namely, that unlike other countries, it appears that the Nazis gave the formal order for the development of these weapons after a test had been successfully completed. Thus, the order to “develop” such weapons should not be taken as an order to establish the research necessary to bring them to realization, but rather as the order to bring them to production. It is thus noteworthy that Hitler signs the order to “develop” the atomic bomb after the alleged test in Rügen occurs. The same, in fact, could be said of the V-2, for it is only after Hitler sees films of the rocket being successfully launched that he gives the order to develop it.

  13 See Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 191-193.

  14 Georg, Star Wars 1947, p. 75.

  15 Ibid., p. 76.

  16 Georg, Star Wars 1947, pp. 76-77.

  17 Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 80-88.

  18 Georg, Star Wars 1947, p. 79. Geoffrey Brooks corroborates the test launch of some longer-ranged version of the V-2 from the Ohrdruf region in the Harz: The A-9 ‘winged V-2’ project was resurrected in 1944/45. German testimonies allege that at least one successful test launch was made from the Harz in March 1945 and in mass production this rocket could have hit London from central Germany.” (Brook, Hitler’s Terror Weapons, p. 19).

  19 Ibid., p. 80.

  20 Most of the Luftwaffe’s bombers capable of making the trip were being husbanded in Norway for an eminent operation against New York City. See Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 97-98.

  21 Georg, Star Wars 1947, pp. 28-32, especially p. 31.

  22 Ibid.

  23 Q.v. my Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 190-193.

  24 Friedrich Georg, Star Wars, p. 175.

  25 Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 83-85.

  26 Q.v., Reich of the Black Sun, p. 184.

  27 Georg, Star Wars, p. 91.

  28 Philip J. Corso, (Lt. Col, US Army, Ret), The Day After Roswell, pp. 167-168.

  29 Corso, The Day After Roswell, pp. 167-168. See also chapter seven for more details.

  30 Reich of the Black Sun, Chapter 16, “Roswell: The ET Myth vs. The Nazi Legend,” pp. 274-330.

  31 Witkowski, The Truth About the Wunderwaffe, p. 158.

  32 Friedrich Georg, Star Wars, p. 175.

  33 Ibid., p. 95.

  34 Friedrich Georg, Star Wars, pp. 95, 97.

  35 Ibid., p. 98.

  36 Georg, Star Wars, p. 97. See also chapter five of the current work for the diagram and its importance for the type of physics the Nazis may have been developing.

  37 Ibid., p. 99.


  “From Russia with Love:”

  The Two Space Programs Hypothesis

  “The Second World War was an air war; the Third World War will be a space war.”

  Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, shortly before his suicide, from a letter of October 1946 to Sir Winston Churchill1

  “Control of space means control of the world…. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. That is the ultimate position – the position of total control over Earth that lies somewhere in outer space…”

  President (then U.S. Senate Majority Leader) Lyndon Baines Johnson, Speech before the Senate Democratic Caucus, January 7, 1958.2

  What do celebrated Face-on-Mars expert Richard C. Hoagland, conspiriologist Jim Keith, Apollo program “whistleblowers” David Percy and Mary Bennett, an anonymous Texas lawyer, famous New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, “occult” author “Jan Van Helsing,” and even Werner Von Braun himself all have in common? All of them believe, in some fashion, that there have been, for quite some time, two space programs, one for public consumption, and another deeply covert one with its own agenda.

  And the idea is not confined to books or non-fiction. In the classic James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever, a young Sean Connery tracks down a plot for world domination by the sinister “independent villain” Ernst Stavro Blohfeld to a kidnapped eccentric multi-billionaire – played by country singer Jimmy Dean who lives in a Las Vegas penthouse, and to his secret corporate headquarters somewhere in the Nevada desert. If all this sounds vaguely familiar, hang on.

  Once having infiltrated the secret Nevada installation, Connery-Bond then exchanges brief remarks with a German scientist – Pr. Dr. Metz is the name of the character in the film – who is workin
g with diamonds for use in a super-laser to be orbited in a satellite in space as the ultimate missile-destroying weapon, thus rendering America’s nuclear arsenal useless. While on this world-saving mission, Bond manages to escape the compound through a television sound stage, a set which depicts a lunar landscape, complete with suited “astronauts” going through the slow-motions of a well-scripted lunar landing. These film facts have long led those who believe that the Apollo lunar landings were hoaxed to maintain that Ian Fleming, creator of the famous British spy character and himself an intelligence agent during the war, was leaking “inside information.”

  Apparently Ian Fleming was not the only one involved in such “leaks,” for another famous movie, Seven Days in May, this time by Rod Serling, celebrated creator of the famous Twilight Zone television series, told the story of an attempted right-wing military coup against a weak and apparently “liberal” President. The coup was centered on a secret military base somewhere in the desert of the American southwest. So real was Serling’s screenplay that the release of the movie was actually delayed after the assassination of President Kennedy for fears that it might raise too many questions. And that may not have been entirely coincidental, for President Kennedy had indeed given actual assistance to Serling when he was writing his screenplay. Did Kennedy let Serling know, in so many terms, about Area 51?

  And, to round out the picture, another famous movie contributed significantly in conspiracy circles to the view of “movies-as-deliberate-leaks”. The movie was Capricorn One. In the movie, three astronauts are placed into a space capsule bound for Mars on mankind’s first manned flight to the Red Planet. But, at the last minute, they are secretly taken off the rocket and flown to – you guessed it – a secret desert base in the American southwest where, before television cameras and a full sound lot movie mock-up set of the Martian surface, the three astronauts then act out their carefully scripted parts of the voyage to and landing on Mars. To round out the picture of conspiracy, the three astronauts, having pangs of conscience, decide to expose the whole farce, and orders are given to hunt them down and ensure the project’s secrecy. Meanwhile, a curious ground member of the mission control crew, who has spotted anomalies in the data that do not square with a mission to Mars, is eliminated.

  A. The Two Space Program Hypothesis

  If anything emerges from these three famous “cult film” classics, it is a theme one encounters quite frequently in some “conspiracy” literature, aspects of which are as follows:

  (1) The Apollo Moon missions, or at least some aspects of them, were a hoax, and the Apollo missions did not happen in exactly the way we were told they happened;

  (2) As a corollary to this idea, there is the notion that there are two space programs, one for public consumption, and another hidden one, being controlled or coordinated by the military-industrial complex;

  (3) People have been murdered, or at least died under mysterious circumstances, who have attempted to expose this secret program and public hoax; and finally, if one adds Serling’s plot into this mix,

  (4) There is some element or aspect of a coup d’etat hovering in the background.

  We shall call these four elements the “Two Space Programs” Hypothesis. And as will be seen below as the main non-fictional versions of it are examined, there are indeed unusually cogent arguments that at least some version of the hypothesis may in fact be true.

  1.The Torbitt Document Version

  Perhaps the most famous and yet paradoxically least known version of the Two Space Programs Hypothesis is that of the so-called “Torbitt” document on the assassination of President Kennedy. Well-known to JFK assassination researchers since its first appearance in photocopied “samizdat” form in the 1970s, the document is hardly known at all to the general public, even amongst those inclined to believe that some sort of conspiracy was involved in the assassination.

  Such a response, however, hardly captures the document’s singular importance. Indeed, as well-known “conspiriologist” Kenn Thomas notes, it is arguably “the pivotal document of JFK assassination research,”3 if for no other reason than the sensational contents it contains, for its contents were in turn summarized from New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s famous (or infamous) investigation of the case. Its truly remarkable contents are even more explosive considering the fact that in almost no version of the JFK assassination conspiracy that make their rounds every few years when a new book is published on the subject, are the Torbitt Document’s main characters ever mentioned. Indeed, not even Garrison dwelt too long on this particular aspect that his own investigators discovered, and Oliver Stone ignored this aspect of the story completely in his celebrated movie on the Garrison investigation, JFK. Nonetheless, the Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s took it seriously enough to entirely prohibit discussion or even mention of any possible Nazi connection with the assassination.

  But what could have been so sensational about a single pseudonymously authored “samizdat” manuscript privately circulated in assassination conspiracy circles? Kenn Thomas once again summarizes some of its highly unusual contents:

  It makes connections to such then-unknown governmental spy agencies as Defense Industrial Security Command and Division Five of the FBI; it suggests that a former prime minister of Hungary was the infamous “umbrella man” seen in the Zapruder film; it introduces to the assassination lore such personalities as Fred Crisman (spelled Chrismon” by Torbitt) as one of the railroad tramps behind the grassy knoll.4

  Just in case the reader does not know who these individuals are, nor why they should be significant, a brief word is necessary. The former Prime Minister of Hungary referred to is Ferenc Nagy, a man who was nothing less than a puppet of the Nazis during World War Two. What he should be doing on the grassy knoll clearly signaling someone by closing his umbrella just as President Kennedy’s limousine is driving by, no one knows. And as if that were not strange enough, the Crisman referred to is none other than Fred Chrisman, well known for his involvement in the infamous Maury Island UFO affair in 1947 in Seattle-Tacoma, Washington.5

  Just what this oddball cast of characters should have to do with the Kennedy assassination not even the Torbitt document pretends to know, as no explanations or possible motivations are offered. But one can imagine the perplexity of District Attorney Garrison when he learned of Chrisman’s odd background prior to serving a subpoena on him!

  In any case, a clue to it all is perhaps afforded by the reference to the “Defense Industrial Security Command”. What was this entity? Here, it is best to cite the Torbitt document itself, rather than Thomas’ introduction:

  The killing of President Kennedy was planned and supervised by Division Five of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively small department within the FBI whose usual duties are espionage and counter-espionage activities.

  Actually, Division Five acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting on behalf of the Joints Chiefs of Staff (sic) in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of Division Five and the DIA was the Control Group, their highly secret police agency – the Defense Industrial Security Command. The Defense Industrial Security Command has always been kept secret because it acts, in addition to its two official control organizations, on behalf of NASA, the Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. Information Agency, and the arms, equipment, ammunition, munitions and related miscellaneous supply manufacturing corporations contracting with NASA, the AEC, USIA, and the Pentagon….

  The Defense Industrial Security Command had its beginnings when J. Edgar Hoover in the early 1930’s organized the police force of the Tennessee Valley Authority at the request of David Lilienthal. The police force covered the entire TVA from Knoxville, Tennessee through Huntsville and Florence, Alabama and into Kentucky and back through the eastern portion of Tennessee into southern Kentucky. This was one of the first federal agencies with a separate police force. This force grew and Lilienthal took it forward to cover the Atomic E
nergy Commission, thus tying it into the army intelligence service.

  ….A Swiss corporation, Permindex, was used to head five front organizations responsible for furnishing personnel and supervisors to carry out assigned duties (in the assassination).

  The five groups under Permindex and their supervisors were:

  1. The Czarist Russian, eastern European and Middle East exile organization called SOLIDARISTS, (sic) headed by Ferenc Nagy, ex-Hungarian premier, and John DeMenil, Russian exile from Houston, Texas, a close friend and supporter of Lyndon Johnson for over thirty years.

  2. A section of the AMERICAN COUNCIL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES headed by H.L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas.

  3. A Cuban exile group called FREE CUBA COMMITTEE headed by Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban president.

  4. An organization of United States, Caribbean, and Havana, Cuba gamblers called the Syndicate…. This group worked closely with a Mafia family headed by Joe Bonanno.

  5. The SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headed by Werner Von Braun, head of the German Nazi rocket program from 1932 through 1945.6Headquarters for this group was the DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY COMMAND at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio.7

  These are sensational allegations, indeed, so much so that one might be tempted to dismiss the document entirely, were it not for the fact that it is but a summary of the more unusual aspects of the Garrison investigation.


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