SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Page 27

by Joseph P. Farrell

  While columnist Jack Anderson knew that there was a hidden “third partner” in the Israel-South Africa project, he was never able to pin down who it was with any certainty. But with the research of Zdenek Cervenka’s and Barbara Rogers’ book The Nuclear Axis: the Secret Collaboration Between West Germany and South Africa, we now know that this hidden partner was West Germany.

  Thus, if Bearden is correct, that the Vela satellite detected not an atomic explosion, but an explosion brought about as the result of a scalar weapons test, then the conclusion follows that Germany was, from that point on, a “scalar weapons power.”

  If this is the case, then one is confronted with a disturbing pattern, for it would appear that scalar weapons research was begun by Nazi Germany at some point prior to or during the World War, and essentially continued by the same personnel – in various countries and at their expense, including Germany itself – after the war. This in turn permits one to speculate that perhaps all these disparate “scalar weapons” projects and its “not for public dissemination” physics were coordinated from some hidden center.

  In any case, we are now in a position to summarize why Bearden’s historical reconstruction of the development of scalar weapons must be amended to show their origin, not in postwar Soviet programs, but in wartime Nazi Germany’s secret weapons black projects.

  (a) First, there are the references to Nazi Germany’s interest in building a “cold bomb,” and Hellmann’s assertions that the Soviets were constructing a weapon to freeze portions of the ocean. Such “endothermic” weapons are clear signatures of a scalar weapon being used in its mode of extracting energy from a distant point.

  (b) Secondly, there is the report of the annihilation of a German regiment by an “energy bubble” on the Eastern Front during World War Two. As was indicated, this too is the signature of a scalar weapon in yet a different mode of deployment.

  (c) Thirdly, there is the peculiar nature of the late war German experiments in multi-wave interference of radar waves on nonlinear material, an experiment that strongly indicates that they have understood the significance of resonance effects on nonlinear material for scalar physics.

  (d) Fourthly, there is the presence of one of the chief scientists involved in these radar and scalar weapons projects, Dr. Hellmann, both in the German, Soviet, and subsequent Brazilian programs.

  Taken together these things outline a strong circumstantial case that Nazi Germany was the true origin of scalar weapons, and that during the war the Germans were indeed “working in areas of physics that were monstrous on a daily basis,” pursuing the ultimate planet busting doomsday weapon. And significantly, it appears that West Germany, at least, vigorously pursued such weapons after the war.76

  This is a strong though still circumstantial case. Is there any other indicator that “scalar physics” was the destructive beast hidden deep within the belly of SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler’s black projects empire? Indeed there is.

  The Bell itself.

  1 Tom Bearden (Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Ret), Fer De Lance: Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons(Santa Barbara, California: Cheniere Press, 2002), p. 84.

  2 Bernstein, Hitler’s Uranium Club, p. 99, emphasis added.

  3 Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 142-143.

  4 Agoston, Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi Supersecrets to Russia (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1985), p. 65, emphasis added.

  5 Bernstein, Hitler’s Uranium Club, p. 144, cited in Reich of the Black Sun, p. 144.

  6 Bernstein, Hitler’s Uranium Club, p, 118, emphasis added, cited in Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 144-145.

  7 Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 145.

  8 Bernstein, Hitler’s Uranium Club, p. 148, cited in Reich of the Black Sun, p. 148.

  9 Jeremy Bernstein, the editor and annotator of the transcripts.

  10 Referring to Bernstein’s comment on p. 120, n. 38, of Hitler’s Uranium Club.

  11 Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, p. 148.

  12 Q.v. the crucial paper on permeation methods for transmutation by Yasuhiro Iwamura, Mitsuru Sakano, Takehiko Itoh, “Elemental Analysis of Pd Complexes: Effects of D2 Gas Permeation,” Japan Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 41 (2002) pp. 4642-4650, Part I, No 7A, July 2002. As for the SS and fusion research, German researcher Karl-Heinz Zunneck states that fusion energy was one area of the SS’s investigations, though he does not indicate how far it had pressed this research (see Karl Heinz Zunneck, Geheimtechnologien, Wunderwaffe und die irdischen Facetten des UFO-Phänomens, Schleusingen, Germany: Amun Verlag, 2002), p. 151.)

  13 I realize that at this juncture the term “quantum coherence” seems to have little to do with cold fusion, but will expand the term to a more accurate description later. Suffice it to say that the only viable explanations for the anomalous excess energy present in cold fusion experiments is that some aspect of the vacuum energy has been cohered and entered the experiments via mechanisms not yet fully understood.

  14 Bernstein would certainly know of cold fusion, so his mystification may reflect rather his own adherence to that school of “public consumption physics” that rejects a priori any validity to cold fusion claims, since they represent an “open systems” paradigm and approach to COP > 1 systems.

  15 Q.v., Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 287-309.

  16 Ibid., p. 306.

  17 Ibid., pp. 306-307.

  18 Mayer and Mehner, Das Geheimnis der deutschen Atombombe, p. 89., emphasis added. Cited in The Reich of the Black Sun, p. 96. Again, Karl-Heinz Zunneck also corroborates the German interest in development of a new physics. (See Karl-Heinz Zunneck, Geheimtechnologien, Wunderwaffe, und die irdischen Facetten des UFO-Phänomens,,p. 59).

  19 In my previous books I mistakenly indicated that Lt. Col. Bearden was retired for the U.S. Air Force. He is, instead, retired from the U.S. Army.

  20 More recently, Col. Bearden has also used the term “energetics” – coined by the Soviets themselves – and “quantum potential weapons” to refer to this type of physics. Q.v. his last two comprehensive books on the subject, Fer De Lance: Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons(Santa Barbada, California: Cheniere Press, 2002), and the highly technical tome Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles(Santa Barbada, California: Cheniere Press, 2002). The latter work is a superb introduction, by a credentialed scientist of great intellectual caliber, to the physics of cohering the Zero Point Energy.

  21 Q.v. Joseph P. Farrell, The Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 104 – 112.

  22 More recently, even this figure must be called into question, because the Russian government, in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Communist state,

  23 Bearden, “Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons,” Analysis of Scalar/Electromagnetic Technology (Tesla Book Company), p. 12.

  24 Bearden, Fer de Lance: Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons(Cheniere, 2002), p. 6. Bearden offers no source for the quotation.

  25 Bearden, “Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons,” Analysis of Scalar/Electromagnetic Technology (Tesla Book Company), p. 12.

  26 Bearden, Fer De Lance: Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons(Santa Barbada, California: Cheniere Press, 2002), p. 7.

  27 Ibid.

  28 Strictly speaking, “zero point energy” and “quantum potential” are not the same thing, even though the terms tend to be used indiscriminately even by physicists to indicate the energy of the medium or vacuum.

  29 Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles(Cheniere, 2002), p. xx, italicized emphasis mine, bold and italicized emphasis Bearden’s.

  30 Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 6-7, n. 5.

  31 Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum, p. xxii, emphasis added.

  32 Ibid., p. 584. Bearden calls this statement “the central message” of his long and quite technical tome.

  33 Q.v. Energy from the Vacuum., pp. 22-23, for some disturbing questions and implications of this insigh

  34 Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 226-228.

  35 Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum, p. xix. Note that Bearden is implying something quite different from Special or General Relativity: a local curvature or dynamic of space that is engineerable.

  36 For a rigorous discussion of the standard versus “scalar” definitions of closed and open systems in thermodynamics, see Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum, p. 6, n. 9. See also Fer De Lance, pp. 110-111.

  37 Bearden notes that “the fact that general relativity falsified much of the present foundations of classical thermodynamics seems to have been either ignored or missed by most of the scientific community, although we still (are able to) quote leading Russian scientists who have noticed it and are aware of it.” (Energy from the Vacuum, p. 7.)

  38 E.T. Whittaker, “On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics,” Mathematische Annalen, Vol 57, 1903 (333-355), p. 355, italicized emphasis mine, bold and italicized emphasis Whittaker’s.

  39 Bearden, “Maxwell’s Original Quaternion Theory was a Unified Field Theory of Electromagnetics and Gravitation,” Proceedings of the international Tesla Society, 6/24-6/68, p. 6/24.

  40 Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum, p. 145, bold and italicized emphasis Bearden’s, italicized emphasis mine.

  41 Bearden, Fer De Lance, p. 27. For more on CSRs, see pp. 15-16.

  42 Ibid., p. 112, bold and italicized emphasis Bearden’s, italicized emphasis mine.

  43 Ibid., p. 173.

  44 I am acutely aware of over-simplifying so much of Bearden’s (and others’) thinking here.

  45 Bearden, Energy from the Vacuum, p. 244.

  46 Bearden, Fer De Lance., p. 209.

  47 Ibid., pp. 209-210, emphasis added. Readers of my Giza Death Star trilogy will recall that I indicated that one characteristic of a scalar weapon of “mass destruction” planet-busting potential was precisely that it be coupled to the base solar system that it is in. Q.v. my Giza Death Star, pp. 251-252. The reason for this requirement, once again, is that large masses are natural resonators to scalar waves.

  48 See my Giza Death StarDeployed, Giza Death Star Destroyed.

  49 Bearden, Fer De Lance, p. 408, emphasis is Bearden’s.

  50 Mayer and Mehner, Das Geheimnis der deutschen Atombombe, p. 91, q.v. also my Reich of the Black Sun, p. 96.

  51 Ibid., see also Reich of the Black Sun, p. 96

  52 Bearden is quite clear and consistent throughout his writings that scalar physics can be used in any number of beneficial or malign ways, including the biological and psychological uses indicated above.

  53 Tom Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 40-41. Bearden sometimes refers to scalar weapons by the alternate term “quantum potential weapons.”

  54 Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 52-53, italicized emphasis Bearden’s, boldface emphasis added.

  55 To the best of my knowledge, the first comprehensive survey of German research into the “cold” or “endothermic” bomb in English was the German Research Project of Henry Stevens.

  56 Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend, p. 190.

  57 Joseph P. Farrell, The Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 109-111. The reason that the test had to have been German and not Soviet is due to the fact that the regiment in question had prepared a secret ambush for a Soviet unit. Its location therefore was known only to the German High Command.

  58 Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 266-267.

  59 Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 68-69, italicized emphasis original, boldface emphasis added.

  60 Q.v., Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 184-187.

  61 Georg, Star Wars, p. 116. Compare this document with the original Russian story of the German regiment in my The Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 109-111.

  62 PW: the prisoner of war originating the story being recounted.

  63 “Hptm,” probably “Hauptman” or “captain,” indicating that the PW in question was probably regular German Army.

  64 “Arty”: artillery.

  65 George, Star Wars, p. 116, emphasis added.

  66 See my Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 109-111. The appearance of such globes of light is one piece of evidence that Bearden often cites as a signature of scalar weapons in their various defensive modes of operation.

  67 Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 15-16

  68 Q.v. Joseph P. Farrell, The Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 99-104.

  69 In the previous book on Nazi Secret weapons, however, I mentioned that it is my strong belief, based on the evidence presented in Zdenek Cervenka’s and Barbara Rogers’ book The Nuclear Axis: the Secret Collaboration Between West Germany and South Africa, documenting that it was in fact West Germany that was the technological source behind South Africa’s and Israel’s development of the atom bomb.

  70 Of course, this is not the official German government explanation for its decision. The official explanation is couched in the politically acceptable currency that the decision was taken for “environmental reasons.” This is not to say that this was not a genuine factor in the German government’s decision, but only to say that it was probably not the ultimate motivation.

  71 Earthquakes, it will be recalled, are a signature of the use of a scalar weapon in its lowest thresholds of destructive potential.

  72 That Germany seems the obvious choice only requires a moment’s reflection. Other than Russia, one cannot honestly maintain that France or Great Britain would have been in a terrible hurry to see Germany reunified. Japan, China, and the U.S. would have been most likely indifferent to it. Israel would have been implacably hostile but probably ultimately acquiescent, and South Africa apathetic or perhaps mildly hostile. Only Brazil may have had some sympathy for the reunification, given its own reliance on German scientists in its own scalar program. But in the final analysis, if those unusually destructive earthquakes were induced, then the finger points to scalar weapons, and to Germany, as to no other.

  73 Bearden, Fer De Lance, p. 35.

  74 Namely, Israel and South Africa.

  75 Bearden, Fer De Lance, pp. 353-354, emphasis added.

  76 This permits another speculative reconstruction of history. It is known that Chancellor Adenauer agreed to re-arm West Germany and undertook by treaty with the United States, France, and Great Britain, not to build atomic, biological, or chemical weapons on German soil as a condition of rearmament. What is little known, of course, is that Adenauer made it very clear to the other Western Allies that Germany, as a sovereign nation, would not hesitate to develop such weapons if the international situation required it. Might the motivations for Adenauer’s acquiescence, then, have been that the West German government already knew of the possibility of weapons far more destructive and far cheaper than atomic and thermonuclear weapons? Clearly it did, for it strains credibility to think that with so many former Nazis in his government, not to mention General Reinhard Gehlen’s extensive leftover-from-the war spy network, that they were totally oblivious to the possibilities, nor oblivious to the accomplishments of SS General Kammler’s black projects “think tank.”

  It likewise strains credibility that any self-respecting German government would rely on the good graces of Britain, France, or the United States to ensure its security. As Cervenka’s and Rogers’ book on the West German bomb makes abundantly clear, the West German government very early on undertook the quiet and very secret development of its own independent nuclear deterrent under the very nose of the NATO Alliance while at the same time presenting a posture of perfectly correct “nuclear weapons abjuration” and, when the German media came too close to these projects, outright denials in the teeth of clear evidence to the contrary. Similarly, the Schmidt government heavily financed the private German firm OTRAG’s “corporate Area 51” preserve in Zaire to the tune of several millions of Deutschmarks (q.v. Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 268-269). The purpose of this preserve? What has been admitted is that it was to research biological weapons and cruise missiles. One ca
n only assume that this is the tip of the iceberg.

  So, in the end, Bearden may be right that the Vela satellites detected not an atom bomb test, but a scalar weapons test. He merely missed the ultimate political significance of the test, namely, that behind Israel and South Africa, there was a much more powerful hidden player: Germany.


  “For Whom the Bell Tolls”:Scalar Physics, Zero Point Energy, and the Vorticular Aether: A Speculative Reconstruction of the Physics of the Bell

  “The mythology and true history of beamray technology properly begins with the Egyptians, whose awareness of vitalistic solar energies prompted a pagan devotion to “Ra” the sun-god.”

  Gerry Vassilatos, Declassified Patents of the Cold War and SDI1

  A. US Declassified Patents from the Cold War and SDI

  In an obscure but nonetheless remarkable book, Declassified Patents of the Cold War and SDI, science and patent researcher Gerry Vassilatos outlines an incredible array of exotic weaponry that exists in recently declassified United States patents. Vassilatos’ own introduction to this highly technical material is itself worth the price of the book, for in it, he details a number of little known advances in experimental physics well worth study, and moreover, that bear directly on some aspects of the Bell and its operation.

  Obviously, the subject of Vassilatos’ investigation is the field of SDI, President Ronald Reagan’s well-known Strategic Defense Initiative,2 and more particularly, the exotic directed energy weapons that were envisioned as being capable not only of defensive action against enemy ICBMs, but ultimately, of replacing them as the new generation of post-thermonuclear strategic offensive weapons.

  Work had already begun during World War Two on the use of X-rays and gamma rays in “burst” devices that would fire a sudden extreme pulse of the deadly high frequency radiation at a target. But in the aftermath of the war and the advent of the nuclear age, particularly after the Soviet Union acquiring its own atomic and hydrogen bombs, the need for some sort of defense against them became immediately felt.


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