Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 3

by Angel Steel

  Nate stood there shocked; he couldn’t move as he watched Skylar look around and make a run for it to the toilets. He noticed she wasn’t okay. He started to move away from Dom and Chantal, but someone grabbed his arm to stop him. “Let her go, Nate. It will only make it worse if you go after her, she’s scared and I need to get her home,” Chantal told him, with a sad smile.

  He knew something was up. “What did those fuckers do to her?” he growled, noticing she was worried about her, too.

  “Those idiots just scared her a bit. Plus she doesn’t like big crowds of people especially if they are surrounding her. I’ll get her and take her home.” Before he could ask anything more she was on her way to Skylar.

  He looked at Dom, “What the hell happened?” Dom shrugged his shoulders at that. Well, he’d make Chantal talk. If not, he was going straight to the main source. Turning around and checking to see that the wankers had left, they made their way back to the bar for a well-needed drink.

  * * *

  Skylar ran into the ladies’ room and locked the main door so no one else would come in. Leaning against the sink, she turned on the tap and splashed water on her flushed face in an attempt to cool herself down.

  Why do men always manhandle females? She hated that she really couldn’t do anything to help herself. Skylar didn’t want to think about that. She thought about the kiss Nate gave her. God, he felt good, she hadn’t let anyone get that close in two years. She didn’t want to think of the reason why, she only wanted to think of Nate.

  He looked like a Greek god; a body to die for, a smile and voice that made her knees weak. She wanted to strip him then and there and tell him to take her on the pool table. What was she thinking? She had never had a one-night stand, nor had a guy like that before. She didn’t want to think about anything else right now, so she unlocked the main door and went into one of the bathroom stalls. She started to feel dizzy; she leaned down over the toilet and remembered she had a lot to drink and really nothing to eat beforehand. She wanted to go home, climb into bed and sleep for a week.

  Skylar threw up twice before Chantal came in looking for her, “Skylar, you all right, sweetie? Open the door, I’ll come in,” she said, lightly tapping on the door. She should have known she would throw up as she wasn’t a big drinker.

  Skylar reached over and unlocked the door so she could come in. Chantal sat down beside her and placed a wet napkin on her forehead, trying to cool her down. She held Skylar’s hair when she threw up again. “I want to go home, I don’t feel well.”

  “I know.” Chantal wrapped her arms around her from behind and gave her a hug. After a little bit, Skylar wasn’t moving and Chantal looked down and noticed that she had passed out. Chantal got her phone out and texted Joey to see if he could come in and help her with Skylar.

  * * *

  Joey was serving four people at once when his phone beeped. Grabbing it to see what it said, he frowned and looked up at Dom.

  “What’s wrong?” Dom said.

  “Chantal just sent me a text; she wants help with Skylar.”

  “What’s wrong, where is she?” Nate said as he stood up.

  “Calm down. Chantal just needs help with Skylar. She’s passed out in the ladies’ room and wants to get her home.”

  Pulling his anger in, “We’ll go and help. You’re busy here.”

  Both Dom and Nate got up and headed towards the bathroom. Dom grabbed an Out of Service sign, put it in front of the door and went in. “Chantal,” Dom said once they were in the bathroom.

  Chantal opened the cubicle door slowly. “Did Joey send you in here? Is he busy?” she asked.

  “Where is she, Chantal?” Nate came out from behind Dom.

  “Sky’s in here, she had too much to drink and passed out. I need to get her home. Can you help, Nate?” she answered with pleading eyes, but she didn’t have to, he would do anything for Skylar. Where the hell did that thought come from?

  He waited for Chantal to come out so he could get in the bathroom stall. There was no way all three of them could fit in there at the same time. Once she was out, he moved in, bent down and lifted Skylar up off the ground to his chest.

  “I’ll take her home in Dom’s truck, you can follow.” Nate moved out the door before Chantal could stop him.

  Skylar snuggled closer to his chest, leaning her head against his heart. He nearly lost his balance by the move. She felt good where she was and he tightened his grip on her. Walking out the back, he made a beeline for Dom’s truck. He opened the passenger side door, laid her down, and walked around to jump in the driver’s side. Once in, he moved her closer to him and laid her head on his thigh. Starting the truck, he reversed out and headed for home.

  Halfway there Skylar started to shake. He placed his hand on her shoulder and rubbed slowly. She moved in closer to him and placed her hand on his thigh, rubbing there for only a minute, then moved it under her head and calmed down. His left hand stilled on her shoulder. He noticed that her breathing went back to normal, and she had fallen back to sleep. When she rubbed his leg he wanted her to go higher; God, he was hard as steel, but even worse, her hand was now only inches away from where he wanted it most. He had to get himself under control; he wanted her fully alert and responsive to him in every way when he took her for the first time.

  He pulled up in his driveway, got out of the truck and lifted Skylar, tucking her to his chest. He walked up the stairs to her door, unlocked it with the key Chantal gave him, and went inside to the main bedroom. He placed her on the bed, and removed her boots. Thinking she wouldn’t sleep in what she was wearing, he carefully removed her jeans and top leaving her in her bra and thong. That was the wrong thing to do; he was standing there breathing hard at the sight of her lying on her bed in a black lacy bra and thong. The sight was killing him. All he wanted to do was make love to her with his mouth. He wanted those pink nipples in his mouth, rolling his tongue around them, making her squirm…moving slowly down her body and removing the small amount of lace that covered her pussy. God, he wanted to taste her.

  Shaking his head, he had to get away from her before he did something he would regret. He lifted her to place the sheet that she was lying on over her body and then watched her cuddle up to her pillow and fall into a deeper sleep.

  He stood there for a while just watching her sleep, when he heard Chantal’s car arrive. He exited from her room, quietly half closing the door. He went out to meet Chantal and Dom at the door. “I put her in the main bedroom, she’s sound asleep,” Nate said.

  “Thanks, Nate. I’ll stay here tonight so she’s not alone. Do you both want anything to drink before heading home?” she asked, looking at both of them.

  Nate was shaking his head, “No thanks, Chantal. I’m just going to head home, and crash, but if you need me, just yell, okay?” He walked up and gave her a hug and a kiss on the head then walked out the door, Dom following behind him.

  Chantal smiled at him. She blew him a kiss and walked inside. Once he got to his place, he threw his wallet and Dom’s keys on the coffee table.

  Trying not to think of her in nothing but her underwear, he rinsed his face and walked out of the bathroom. Stripping down to his boxers, he lay down on his bed. He thought he might go over in the morning and see how Skylar was, and find out more about her. He was intrigued and wanted to know everything there was to know about her. He closed his eyes; he needed sleep. He hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in over a week. He drifted off straight away, dreaming about Skylar.

  Chapter 3

  Skylar groaned, her head was pounding and she didn’t know where she was. Slowly rolling over she opened one eye to look around. There was light coming from somewhere. Checking her surroundings, she noticed she was in her own room. The light was coming from the window. She always closed her blinds when she went to bed. Frowning, she checked her clock which was flashing eleven o’clock. Holy shit, the last time she slept in that late was in high school. Chantal must have put her in bed, as she wo
uldn’t have let anyone else do it. Only she or Craig, but he wasn’t here; Jesus she missed him. He wasn’t due back from his trip until Tuesday. It would be his last trip for a while, but she didn’t want to think of that right now.

  Skylar had met Craig in primary school, the day after her mother died. The popular kids were teasing her, calling her names and saying that her mother didn’t love her, and that is why she had died. She knew better, it just upset her to hear them say that. Craig heard what they said and came to her rescue, ever since that day, they had stuck together.

  They called themselves the three Musketeers; Skylar, Craig, and Chantal.

  Shaking the thought away, she tried to remember anything from last night, only recalling that she and Chantal went to the pub, played pool and drank, that’s it. She was a light drunk. She couldn’t even remember coming home. Sitting up slowly, she noticed she was only wearing her bra and panties. She felt like she’d been hit by a Mac truck.

  Sliding to the side of the bed, she stood slowly and steadied herself. She was a little wobbly on her feet. Changing out of her underwear from last night, she pulled on a camisole and boy leg panties. She needed a coffee and some pain killers for her headache, and definitely something to eat. She knew Chantal would be here somewhere. She never drove home after a night out and was glad Chantal stayed, she hated staying by herself. She headed for the kitchen for breakfast and to find Chantal.

  * * *

  Nate woke the next morning with a raging hard-on. Great, he thought. He really had to stop thinking about Skylar in her bed, only in panties and a bra. Just that thought alone was killing him.

  He wanted to strip her bare last night when he placed her in bed and see her completely naked. Her firm breasts and tight nipples, and her pussy; he wondered if she was completely bare or if she had one of those designs. Fuck, that wasn’t helping. He got up out of bed, pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt, and walked over to see how Skylar was doing. He also wanted to have a chat with Chantal. It didn’t feel right to ask Skylar why she had been scared last night. Knocking softly on the door, he waited.

  “Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?” he asked Chantal once she opened the door. She moved aside for him to go in. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Not that bad this morning, but Skylar will feel like shit and she’s going to be crabby,” she said with a smile as they both walked into the kitchen. “Do you want coffee or breakfast, Nate?” she asked while filling up the kettle.

  “Just coffee, I’ll grab something to eat later with Dom. Where is he, by the way? I thought he would have been here with you,” he said teasingly to her. Watching her blush, he laughed. “So why isn’t he here? You two are inseparable.”

  “Funny, Nate. I’m not his keeper; you and I both know that.”

  “So, when are you two actually going to hook up with each other, instead of just thinking about it?”

  “When hell freezes over. There is nothing there, we are just friends, nothing else. Here’s your coffee, be careful it’s hot, you don’t want to burn yourself,” she said with a slight grin.

  Chantal had been in love with Dom for years now, but wasn’t going to admit to either one of them. Dom wasn’t going to settle down any time soon. She had always wanted him, but she wanted a future and babies and she knew that wasn’t what he wanted. “What are you up to today?”

  “Going to do more on my truck, catch up with Dom. So far that’s all I know, but I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Shoot Nate, ask me anything.”.” Chantal had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good.

  “Tell me everything you know about Skylar, especially why she gets scared around me and Dom.” He watched for her reaction to the question.

  “Ask me anything but that, Nate.”

  “Come on, Chantal. I saw it last night at Joey’s how she acted, and when I first met her last week. What’s the deal, and don’t tell me you can’t tell me.” Nate watched her breathe in slowly and knew she was contemplating what to tell him.

  “Nate, I can’t. I promised her. She has to tell you herself; plus if I did, she’d kill me.”

  “Chantal,” he groaned, he could see tears in her eyes. “I’m not stupid. I know something has scared her, and you know Dom and especially me; you know I wouldn’t do anything to harm anyone. Please Chan, tell me something,” he asked, rubbing his hand over his face.

  He knew it wasn’t going to be great news. He could see it on her face. He gave her a couple of minutes to get herself together.

  After what felt like forever, she started.

  “Nate, I’m only telling you what I know, okay. I trust you not to even let her know that I have gone behind her back and told you. I know Skylar hasn’t even told me the whole story on what happened, that I know of, so please promise me now that you won’t let on about this, okay?”

  “You know me, I won’t tell anyone.”


  “Okay, okay. I promise. Now will you tell me what you know?”

  Breathing slowly, she started, “Last year when she worked for some design company she met a group of guys. She started to hang out with two of them, Lucas and James, more and more. All three of them decided to get a place together closer to work. About six months after that she started to date Lucas. I’d never seen her so happy in her life, but there was something off about him that I couldn’t put my finger on.

  “Every time I’d go over and see her, she was never there. Only James, and he seemed to be an all right bloke. When she didn’t return any of my phone calls or visits, I really started to get worried, so I rang Craig, and he hadn’t heard from her either. He had gone to her house several times, too, but never saw her.”

  She took a sip of her drink and went on, “About a month later, I camped outside of her house to catch her. That night I had seen her run out of her house crying. She jumped into her car and drove off, so I followed her. I followed her over an hour before she finally arrived at some random motel in the area. I watched her get out and head into the motel office to get a room. I gave it about a half hour then I finally decided to head to the room I had seen her go into. It took her forever to answer it. But once she saw that it was me at the door, she let me in.” Signing to herself she was hesitant on continuing knowing the next part was going to be hard. She looked at Nate with a sad look on her face but she continued. “I have never seen her in the state she was in; she had lost a lot of weight, she had bruises all over her arms, a black eye, split lip, and blood on her shirt.”

  Nate jumped out of his chair. “What the fuck?”

  She held up her hand, “Let me finish.”

  He sat back down, breathing hard. “Fine.” he said in a growl like tone.

  “So I asked her what the hell happened. Now Nate, what I’m about to tell you, you can’t get any more ballistic on me or I will stop; I’m just telling you all she told me.”

  Nate nodded; he couldn’t say anything at that point.

  “I asked how she got all her injuries. She said she was in a fight at a bar she went to with a couple of her friends. We knew each other very well so I didn’t believe she was in a fight. where she went out with a couple of their mates. I didn’t believe her and we know each other too well. She told me that Lucas started to get really possessive of her; she couldn’t go out anywhere by herself, he had to go with her every time. He came home drunk one night and accused her of sleeping with one of his friends, which she didn’t – she’s not like that. So he beat the shit out of her. He gave her those injuries. I asked what else he did, but she didn’t tell me any more than that, that’s all I know.”

  Not looking at Nate, she got up walked over to the sink and just stared out the kitchen window. Holding back the tears, she couldn’t believe she just broken her promise she had made with Sky and told Nate all she knew about Sky’s past. After taking a deep breath she continued. “I asked her several times after that for her to tell me the rest, but she hasn’t. That is why she is scar
ed, Nate. Lucas really did a number on her. She gets claustrophobic if people are crowding her and she starts to panic. She was really in love with that guy, though I don’t know why.” She looked over at him sitting at the table. He was breathing really hard and she knew he wanted to kill something, his fists balled up on the table. God, he was sexy like that, but she couldn’t think of him like that, he was like a big brother to her.

  “Look at you and Dom, you’re giants. No wonder she is scared shitless.” She tried to make him laugh.

  “I wouldn’t hurt her, Chantal.”

  “I know, Nate, but both you and Dom are not pussy cats.” She smiled.

  He got up and went up to her near the sink and wrapped his arms around her. “Thanks for telling me. I promise I won’t let it out in front of her. I just can’t believe some fucker would do that to her. You know I would never do anything like that to her, don’t you?” He looked worried.


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