Megans Alpha Male1-- pdf

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by Becky Wilde


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Publishers Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental.

  Becky Wilde2011

  Chapter One

  Megan Harvey slid from the front seat of her best friend, Stefan Romanov's expensive car; and stared in awe at the old style, plantation mansion on the outskirts of Oak-vale, Idaho. She felt a nervous tremor shiver up her spine in trepidation, trouble was brewing, but she had no idea why she felt the way she did.

  Stefan walked around the hood of his car and took Meg's hand into his own, and led her up the white stairs leading to the large double, front doors. The door opened and an elderly man in a suit, bowed his head slightly.

  “Welcome home Master Stefan, Miss, I will have Joe get your luggage. Master Nik has asked that you meet him in his study, as soon as you arrive.”

  “Thanks Harry, I would like you to meet Megan Harvey, Meg this is our butler Harry,” Stefan introduced.

  “Pleased to meet you, Harry,” Meg greeted and held her hand out to shake Harry's.

  “Likewise, Miss Megan,” Harry replied with a smile as he shook her hand.

  “Come on Meg, we'd better go greet big brother,” Stefan said as he pulled her along the large wide entry.

  Meg hardly had time to take in any of the house.

  Stefan pulled her along as he walked quickly to a room towards the back of the house. She had to practically run to keep up with his six foot five frame, she was taking three to four steps for his every one.

  Stefan didn't knock on the half closed door to the study, but pushed the door open and strolled in, tugging Meg behind him. Meg was a little breathless by the time they came to a stop in the study, and tried to calm her breathing quietly.

  He let go of Meg and walked up to his older, slightly shorter, brother, and pounded him on the back as he hugged him. “Hey Nik, how's business?”

  “Busy as usual,” Nik replied in a deep gravely, accented voice.

  Meg felt shivers up and down her spine as Stefan's brother spoke. She moved her eyes towards the large man standing beside the desk and had to bite her tongue to stop the gasp forming in her throat. He was such a handsome, rugged looking man, with light blue, piercing eyes, shoulder length, black hair and full of masculine muscle. He took her breath away.

  Meg slid her eyes away from him and looked back to Stefan, as he moved around the side of the desk to her side and took her hand in his.

  “Nik, I would like you to meet Megan Harvey, Meg this is my big brother, Nikolai Romanov,” Stefan stated with a grin, as he placed an arm around Meg's small curvy waist.

  “Pleased to meet you, Nik,” Meg murmured, as she held her out hand towards Stefan's brother.

  “You too, Meg,” Nik stated, as he moved around the desk with a predatory grace and took Meg's hand in his. He inhaled her scent and let out a growl so low, only one of his own kind would be able to hear it. Her scent was absolutely delicious and he knew in an instant the woman standing in front of him was his mate. His cock filled with blood until it was hard enough to pound nails. He wanted to strip this woman and plunge himself into the warm, wet heat of her body. Hell, what a dilemma. She was his brother's girlfriend. What was he supposed to do now?

  Meg felt a warm tingle up the palm of her hand as Nik's large hand engulfed hers. She shivered as she pulled her hand away quickly. Her pussy clenched and released, cream gathered in her pussy and dampened her panties. She had never felt desire for any man before. Why she had to react to this one, she had no clue.

  Nik studied the petite woman next to his brother through narrowed eyes. She was dressed casually in denim jeans and a silk shirt, her long brown hair hung in a silk sheet down her back to her waist. She couldn't be any more than five foot four inches. Her emerald, green eyes slid away from his nervously, as she licked her full lower lip.

  “I hope we will be able to get to know each other over the next couple of weeks, Meg, and become friends, for Stefan's sake,” Nik stated with a blank expression.

  “Yes, I would like that too. “Thanks for inviting me,” Meg stated politely.

  “You're welcome.” Turning to his brother he said.

  “Why don't you show Meg to her room, so she can freshen up if she wishes? I've had the blue room made ready for her. Dinner will be served in the informal dining room, in around two hours. I'd like to talk to you before dinner, Stefan.”

  “Sure Nik. Come on sweetheart and I'll show you to your room,” Stefan stated with a smile, as her took Meg's hand in his and led her from the room.

  Nikolai didn't take his eyes off of Megan as Stefan led her from the room. When she was no longer in sight, he walked around to his chair and collapsed in an inelegant slump. He wanted to pull his engorged cock from his pants and relieve the aching throb. He had been waiting for his mate for so long. He was ecstatic he had finally found her, but now he would have to see how much of a relationship his brother had with her. God, what a mess. Her scent still lingered in the room and he couldn't stop himself from breathing it into his nose and lungs again.

  Nik had become Alpha of his pack when his father had died. As much as he loved being the head of the family business and the pack; he knew it was going to cause problems when he finally revealed to Megan, what they really were. He loved that he had found his mate, but knew he was in for a rocky ride, as she was human. Most humans were totally unaware of the existence of other kinds, amongst them. Nik knew a couple of vampires and witches as well as the existence of ghosts, but had never met any of the spectral kind. He just hoped Megan Harvey wouldn't run from his house screaming when he eventually told her what he was.


  Meg followed Stefan through the sumptuous house, feeling very inadequate by the opulence surrounding her. She was such a clumsy woman. She knew she would die of embarrassment if she accidentally knocked or broke something.

  “Here we are, sweetheart,” Stefan stated, he opened a door leading off from the hall on the second level of the house.

  “Oh my. This room is absolutely stunning.”

  “I'm glad you like it, Meg. I'd better get back to Nik and see what he wanted. Your luggage should be brought up very soon. Make yourself at home,” Stefan stated as he turned to leave the room.

  “Thanks Stefan. I could really do with a shower.

  I'll see you in a couple of hours.”

  Stefan gave Meg a smile and quietly closed the door behind him. He made his way back to Nik's study to see what he wanted to talk about.

  Stefan arrived back at the study in time to see Nik down a shot of whiskey. He had never seen his brother drink before dinner, so he knew there was definitely something wrong.

  “Take a seat Stefan,” Nik stated as he sat down in his chair.

  “What's up? I've never seen you drink so early before.”

  “How well do you know Megan Harvey?” Nik asked in a deadpan voice.

  “Uh, not that well. We are becoming good friends and I really like her. Why?” Stefan asked his brother.

  “Answer another question for me first. Are you in a relationship with Megan, as well as friends?”

  “No. I wanted to have a relationship with her because she is such a wonderful, loving woman. I have taken her out a couple of times and kissed her once, but there is no chemistry betwee
n us, no spark.

  So we both decided to leave it at friendship. Why are you asking me all these questions about Megan? And what was with that growl you let out before?”

  “Megan is my mate,” Nik stated quietly.

  “Oh my God,” Stefan stated, as he sank down into the chair across from the desk.

  “Does she know what we are, Stefan?”

  “No. No, she has no idea. Are you sure she's your mate?” Stefan asked.

  Nik didn't bother to reply, instead rose an eyebrow at his brother's question.

  “You're going to have to take things slow with her, Nik. She is such a sweet innocent. She's had a pretty sheltered life, from what I gather. Her parents were quite elderly when she came along; they didn't think they could have children. She has no siblings, in fact, she has no other living relatives. Her parents were the only children of their own parents. She is totally alone in the world. Promise me, you won't hurt or upset her?”

  “Stefan, she is my mate. The last thing I want to do, is hurt or upset Megan. But there is no way in hell, I'm letting her leave,” Nik stated emphatically.

  “You are going to have to try and curb your dominance a bit, brother. Otherwise I can see her leaving,” Stefan stated with a gleam in his eye.

  “You knew didn't you, Stefan. I can see you planned this out.”

  “I had an idea you and Meg may connect. I didn't know if she was your mate, but I couldn't let the opportunity pass up, in case she was. Looks like I was right,” Stefan stated with a grin.

  “I owe you one, brother.” Nik stated with an answering smile.

  Chapter Two

  Megan made her way downstairs after she had showered and changed. She felt a lot more comfortable in her knee length skirt and billowing off the shoulder top. She followed the voices she could hear coming from a room off to the side of the entry hall. She took a deep breath, pushed her shoulders back and pasted a smile on her face. There was no way in hell she was letting Stefan's brother, Nik, know how much he intimidated her.

  She walked into a large living room which had a leather sofa and armchairs and turned slightly to the left to see Nik standing at a bar pouring a drink and Harry just leaving through a door on the other side of the room.

  “Would you like a drink Megan?” Nik asked without turning to face her. Once he was done fixing his own drink he turned towards her, his piercing eyes locking onto her.

  Meg licked her lower lip nervously as she walked further into the room, “Do you have any chardonnay?”

  “Yes. Do you have a preferred label or will anything do?”

  “Whatever you have is fine, thanks.”

  “Take a seat, Meg. Stefan should be down any moment. What do you do for a living?” Nik asked as he walked towards her, drinks in hand.

  “I'm a librarian at the University. Thank you,” Meg stated as she took the glass of wine Nik proffered. Her fingers accidentally touched his as she took the full glass from his hand, and she had to concentrate really hard not to show the shiver she felt work up her spine. Her clit throbbed with desire, which made her squirm in her seat a little.

  Nik sat down next to her on the sofa, but made sure not to sit too close so he wouldn't scare Megan.

  He could smell the scent of her wet cunt, and knew he affected her as much as she affected him. He clenched his jaw as he controlled his wolf, wanting to take control, to claim and mate with his woman. He held his glass out to hers and tapped the rim of the glasses together, “Salute.”

  “Cheers,” Meg replied, then took a sip of her drink. Her eyes wandered the room rather than look back to Nik. Her gaze slid from painting to painting as she thought of something to say.

  “How old are you Megan?” asked Nik.

  “Twenty-two,” she replied.

  “I'm thirty-three,” Nik supplied.

  Megan had no idea what their ages had to do with anything, so she looked at Nik with a raised eyebrow.

  Meg felt fire spreading over her cheeks with embarrassment, so she dropped her eyes to the carpet beneath her feet. Just looking at him had her body humming with burning embers.

  “ I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.

  How long have you known Stefan?”

  “Um, a couple of months. We started going out a few weeks ago.”

  “Yes. Stefan told me. You're good friends, only, yes?”

  “Yes, we are good friends. Your brother is a wonderful man,” Meg opined, as she continued to trace a pattern in the carpet with her eyes.

  “You are not comfortable with me. Why do I scare you, Megan?” Nik asked.

  Meg raised her head to look him directly in the eyes, “You don't scare me.”

  “Ah, now there is no need to lie to me. I can see your fear of me. Your body language is very clear. I promise I will never hurt you, Meg.”

  “I never thought you would,” Meg replied.

  “Then why do I intimidate you? Is it because you are attracted to me, the way I am to you?” Meg lowered her eyes again as she thought how to answer. She was saved from answering as Stefan walked into the room.

  “Hi Meg, Nik. Sorry I kept you waiting, sweetheart,” Stefan stated as he walked over and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  Meg felt her face flame because she knew Nik was watching her like a hawk. She could feel goose bumps rising up along her skin, until her whole body gave a large shiver. Stefan must have noticed.

  “Are you cold Meg?” he asked.

  “No, I'm fine, thanks,” Meg replied, gulping down half of her wine.

  “Dinner is served, Master Nik,” Harry the butler announced.

  Nik rose to his feet and held out a hand to help Megan up. She didn't want to take his hand, but if she refused he would think she was rude. She placed her hand in his and got to her feet. She tried to pull her hand away, but Nik only tightened his grip.

  “Please, allow me the honor of escorting you to dinner.”

  “Thank you,” Meg stated in a cool voice. She was surprised it didn't shake with her anxiety. She hoped to God he could not feel how nervous she was. She could feel a slight tremor as her hand rested against his large, warm palm.

  “You feel it too, don't you, Meg? Please don't deny it. I think you are a very sexy lady.”

  “Nik, please. I am here with your brother,” Meg whispered through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, you are. But I know you are only friends, and he has given me leave to court you.”

  “What? You don't even know me. How can you want to court me, for goodness sakes?” Meg asked as she glared at him.

  “Ah, this is good. You are not such a little mouse after all. I will look forward to seeing your fire,” Nik stated with a grin, as he led her to a seat at the table.

  He pulled her chair out for her and pushed it back in as she sat down.

  “Thank you.”

  “You're welcome.”

  “I've never seen you so solicitous before, Nik.

  What's with the gentleman act?” Stefan asked his brother with a smirk.

  “Very funny, Stefan. You know damn well, I am very attracted to Megan. Stop baiting me and embarrassing your friend. Take no notice of Stefan, Meg. He delights in goading his big brother.” Meg just smiled at him, then turned her head to glare at Stefan.

  “If only that fire was really directed at me, sweetheart. Alas, it seems I must step aside and allow Nik to court you,” Stefan stated with pronounced dramatics, as he placed his hand over his heart.

  “You are such an idiot, Stefan,” Meg stated with a laugh. “You know, very well, I am not interested in a relationship with anyone and stop teasing your brother.”

  “Why?” Nik snapped out as he looked at Meg.

  “Why what?” Meg asked, her brows drawn together in a frown.

  “Why aren't you interested in a relationship?”

  “I have things I wish to do. Goals I plan to reach, before I even think of entering a relationship,” Meg replied.

  “What are your goals, возлюб
ленный (beloved)?” Nik asked.

  “What did you say?” Meg asked.

  “You are not ready to hear the translation yet, Meg. I will tell you when I think you are ready. Now, what are your goals in life?”

  “I want to pay off my student loan; and save a nest egg, so I can have the freedom to write when I have enough money.”

  “What do you wish to write about?”


  “Are you not going to elaborate the genre you wish to write?” Nik asked.

  “You are not ready to hear it yet. When I get to know you better, I may tell you,” Meg stated, as she stuck her stubborn chin into the air.


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