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Diesel Page 13

by Tia Lewis

  It went on forever, and I waited with my heart in my throat to see who would win. Oh, please, let it be us. Let us be the ones who win. Let me go home, please. I prayed over and over for somebody to come and help me. If only we had won, if only.

  It all went silent except for a few muffled cries and groans. The doorknob turned. I could hear the lock release. I held my breath. Who would it be?

  “Violet.” His voice was like music to my ears.

  “Diesel? You’re here?” His hands worked at my blindfold, and at first, I had to blink hard to let my eyes adjust to the light. There he was, right there in front of me, crouched down at eye level.

  “Oh, God. You came.” I let out a soft sob. Once my eyes adjusted, I drank in the sight of him. His dark eyes, soft hair, the stubble on his cheeks. His mouth, smiling.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t?” He ran his hands over my face, my hair. “Did they hurt you?”

  I shook my head. “No. They didn’t touch me. But please, get me out of here.”

  He untied my ankles first. “We got all of them. We never have to worry about them again.”

  “All of them?”

  “Everyone. We didn’t come empty-handed.” He was almost laughing as he unwound the rope from around my ankles. He got up then to work on my wrists.

  “Are we okay? Our guys?”

  “We’re fine. We took them by surprise, so they didn’t have the chance to really put up a fight. They deserved it.” My arms fell to my sides, totally useless. I bit down on my lip to stifle a scream—the pain was that intense.

  “Poor baby.” He lifted me in his arms. “Come on. I’m taking you home.” I let my head fall onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to see any of it—the inside of the clubhouse, the men who had guarded my door, the blood or the bodies. I wanted it all in the past, as soon as possible.

  “I couldn’t leave you there another minute,” he whispered as he carried me out and helped me onto the back of his bike. “The others will take care of the mess.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t care what happened, really, as long as I got home. He came for me. He wanted me. He didn’t leave me there all alone, at their mercy. I should’ve known better than to doubt him. I made the ride home practically half-asleep, just happy to know I was his and he had taken the chance of coming for me. I would never doubt him again.

  When we reached the clubhouse, Diesel picked me up off the bike and carried me inside, then upstairs. He sat me on the edge of the tub while he turned on the shower. “We have to get you cleaned,” he said. I nodded, happy to let him take over for a while. It had all been so surreal. He would do the thinking for me until my head cleared up.

  I stepped under the hot spray, loving the thought that it was washing away all the dirt and grime and stench. My entire body was one tight, aching muscle. The hot water started easing the tightness, thank God, and I closed my eyes before tilting my head back to let it run over my hair, then down my back.

  Diesel got in behind me. I let him wash me slowly, gently. There wasn’t anything sexual about it—he only wanted to make sure I was taken care of. I leaned against him and let him clean me up. I wanted all traces of that terrible day washed away, and he was just the person to do it for me. He had saved me, after all. He would never know how much it meant to me. I held onto his shoulders as he worked his way down, over breasts, stomach, hips.

  After washing my feet, he stood. I leaned against him. I wanted to reach up and wrap my arms around his shoulders, but I still wasn’t able to lift my arms quite that high yet. I put my hands on his chest, instead. His heartbeat was strong and sure under my palm. I closed my eyes and leaned against him. He would support me. I was sure of it. I’d never felt more sure of anything.

  We didn’t say a word. The silence was enough. Silence and touching each other. He stroked my back for a long time until his touch slowly changed, became more sensual. I was sure until just then that nothing could possibly get me excited after what I had been through, but I was wrong. I should’ve known better. He always knew just how to touch me to get me worked up. Pretty soon I was sighing every time his hand swept lower and lower over me until he was stroking my lower back…then my butt. I shivered in spite of the hot water.

  He stepped out of the shower and held out a hand for me to follow him. He wrapped me in a thick towel, then led the way to his room. He sat on the bed and pulled me between his open legs before he started running the towel over me, drying every inch. He was very serious, very solemn, and the tenderness was enough to break my heart. I had never seen him look at me that way before, with so much meaning in his eyes.

  Then his mouth grazed the sensitive skin of my stomach. I came alive thanks to his slow, sensual kisses. His fingers skimmed my body from shoulder to hip, and I erupted in goosebumps.

  He stood up and switched places with me, and I sat on the bed. He lowered me back, leaning over me as he kissed me slowly, deeply. Every kiss pushed the pain and fear a little further away until the only thing left was pleasure.

  His mouth traveled down my neck, to my chest, then over my breasts. I held his head in my hands, pulling him closer, moaning and sighing, driving him on. Wet heat spread between my legs. I writhed, arching my back as his kisses drove me crazy.

  I spread my legs, inviting him inside. “Please…” I whispered, pulling him up by his shoulders. “I need you, Diesel.”

  I felt him pressing against my entrance, and I reached down to guide him. He thrust forward slowly, taking his time, making sure I felt every last inch as he buried himself in me.

  Every sound, every thrust, set me on fire. I couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him, the way he filled me, the look in his eyes. I stared into them as he rocked us, brushing my mouth against his. It was electric. He smiled down at me, and I smiled back. We were making love, I realized. It was the most perfect moment of my life.

  His thrusts deepened, picked up speed, and my body took over. I threw my head back and moaned, eyes closed. Every time he slid home, I cried out a little louder until I moaned nonstop, my head rolling from side to side as I tried to hold onto to every last bit of pleasure he was giving me. It was almost too much to handle.

  I ran my hands over his shoulders, his arms, gripping him tight as he pushed me higher and higher. Diesel took one of my hands in his and held it between our chests as he lost control.

  He buried his face in my neck with a groan. The tightness in my core built and built as I pulled him closer with my legs. I wished I could keep him inside me forever, so we would always be one. I moved closer to the edge as he drove himself harder and harder until…

  “Wake up.”

  I jumped, startled. Everything was dark. I was still blindfolded. Oh, no, I thought with a sob. No, no, no. It was real. It wasn’t a dream.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead.” I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me.

  “I’m up! I’m up.” I shook my head to clear it a little, even though I didn’t want to. I wanted to sink back into that dream and never wake up from it. Not if waking up meant being there, in that stinking room.

  “So say something when you’re up.” That chair got dragged up to me again, and Eagle sat down in it. I would never forget his voice—nasal, whiny.

  “Why are you here?” I whispered. “What is it now?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that your friends have one hour to get the deal made.” He snickered. “You know, I thought for sure I would find out who really cares about you there during that phone call. I thought somebody would speak up and shout your name, tell me to go to hell. Something. But nobody did. I know you’re not Drake’s old lady, and I don’t think he’s been married long enough to get bored and have a side piece. Not with an old lady as hot as the one he’s got.”

  I bit my tongue. I wouldn’t let him find out what he wanted. If he knew about Diesel and me, he’d have more ammunition against the club. The best thing I could do for everybody would be to shut up. Inside, I was dying. That was the
most vivid dream I had ever had. Diesel coming from me, rescuing me, wanting me. I wished it was true.

  They had one hour. What would happen if the hour ran out and I was still there?



  I paced the length of the office, back and forth. Good thing there wasn’t any carpet in there or I would’ve worn it down to the bare floor. The clock was ticking. Everything was out of my control. It was the worst I had ever felt in my life, worse than when I was on the street with those four lousy fucking skinheads surrounding me. Because I wasn’t the one in danger. It was her. I couldn’t do anything to help her or risk hurting the club even more.

  “I understand that.” Drake rubbed the bridge of his nose. He had been on the phone for over a half-hour by then, trying to talk his guys in Mexico into helping us out for just a few minutes. “Listen, I get it. But I would do you this favor if you needed it from me—and I already told you how much I’m willing to offer if you convince him you mean it.”

  Twenty-five grand just for them to tell Eagle they agreed to the deal. That was what Drake was willing to give them. I wished my brother were downstairs right then so he could hear all the trouble he had caused everybody. Twenty-five thousand dollars. Not to mention whatever Violet was going through. The stitches to my head. And whatever else we had to do to get her out of there.

  “I understand. As I said, this is not a real deal. I won’t hold you to it, and by the time we’re finished with them, they won’t be able to hold you to it, either.” His voice was vicious, and something about it had my blood pumping even harder. He wanted them to suffer just as much as I did. I couldn’t wait to watch it happen. Still, we had to get the cartel to agree. Creed, Ace and a few of the others waited around outside the open door. Nicole had wrangled the women and kids into the dining room to eat dinner.

  “Okay. Sure. I understand that. It makes perfect sense. Absolutely. Whenever you want.” He looked at me, and I thought I saw hope in his eyes. I didn’t dare believe it. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. But when he gave me the thumbs up, my knees almost gave out. They were in. Creed clapped his hands together, then went down to where Harris and Buzz had stored our firearms.

  “All right. Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’ll ride out with my guys to the Devil’s Den clubhouse and call you when we get there.” He explained the plan step-by-step while I armed myself. I could hardly wait to get moving.

  Nicole came out from the dining room. “You’re going for her?” she whispered.

  “Yeah. We’ll bring her back. Don’t worry.”

  She nodded with tears in her eyes. Tamara came out, too, and she was holding Christopher on her hip. I heard Creed murmuring to her and the baby, and Tamara made him promise he would come home.

  “All right. Let’s move. We only have twenty minutes or so to get set up.” Drake checked to be sure he was loaded before kissing Nicole goodbye. She wiped away the tears on her cheeks, and Tamara wrapped her free arm around her shoulder. Drake looked at Harris. “Take care of them.”

  Meanwhile, I ran upstairs. “You ready?” I asked Gunner when I walked into his room. He nodded without a word and followed me downstairs.

  I looked back at the girls. “I promise,” I said before walking out the door. There were ten of us going, plus Gunner. If all went according to plan, we wouldn’t even need that many. But it was never a bad idea to over-prepare. Something Jack taught us all a long time ago.

  “Okay. We’re taking a chance, all of us going out like this at one time. If somebody sees us and calls it into Eagle, we won’t have much time once we get there.” Drake looked us over as we climbed onto our bikes. “So let’s follow the plan.”

  I nodded. So did everybody else. A minute later, we were on our way.

  I forgot how good it felt to ride with my brothers, even when the reason we were riding together wasn’t a good one. Nobody wanted to do the kind of thing we were going to do—not when there was a girl involved. Without Violet, we’d be revving our engines and maybe half-tanked the way we used to ride in the old days. Gunner wasn’t wrong when he said they were fun. They were. But the cost wasn’t always worth it.

  She was probably scared to death, waiting for the time to tick down. What had they done to her? I would kill them all with my bare hands if I found out they touched her. Every single one of them. I didn’t care if I went inside for the rest of my life for it. It would be worth it if it meant getting revenge.

  What the hell was my problem? I loved her. She was everything to me. Why couldn’t I figure that out before it all went wrong? I was stubborn and stupid. Self-centered. Too busy worrying about myself and my brother. I never thought about what it must’ve done to her, always being there for me when I wasn’t there when she needed me. I remembered the way she was so gentle at washing the blood from my face. The way she had smiled down at me as she washed my hair. I should’ve seen it then. No, I was busy plotting how I was gonna get even for what they did to me. I couldn’t focus on her because I couldn’t see anything but my rage.

  Please, let me have the chance to make it up to her, I thought. I wasn’t a praying guy. We didn’t pray. I had given up on God a long time before that, probably around the time Dad took a hike. I trusted myself and my club. That was it. But if there was any way a quick prayer could help, I was willing to try. If only for her.

  We crossed Throgs Neck Bridge, which put us close to the clubhouse. Only another couple of miles. Once we reached the landfill, half of us cut off to circle around behind the building while the rest held off a few blocks. I was with Drake and Gunner.

  Drake pulled out his phone to call the cartel. “Okay. We’re here. Make the call.” He hung up and nodded. The three of us continued the ride to the clubhouse and idled at the end of the block.

  “You know what to do,” I said to Gunner.

  He nodded. “I do.”

  “You think you can handle it?”

  “I know I can.” He rode off without saying another word. I watched and hoped he would be okay—even though he had betrayed us, he didn’t mean to hurt anybody. I was still conflicted and didn’t know if I would ever not be. But I could worry about that when it was all over.

  “Come on.” Drake and I cut the engines and climbed off our bikes. They were in a secluded little spot with plenty of trees—we had staked it out online using Google Earth. We crossed an empty lot on foot, right across from the clubhouse. It was just the way Gunner had described it, right down to the scratching and squeaking all throughout the lot.

  “I don’t even wanna know what’s in here with us.” Drake sounded like he was barely holding back a gag at the smell. I knew how he felt. I was never one for rodents, either, and it sounded like they were everywhere. I told myself to focus on Violet. She was in there, and she needed us.

  “You think he’s gonna manage this?” Drake asked.

  “Yeah. I do. Or he’s gonna at least try his damnedest.” He pulled up in front of the clubhouse, and we watched as he parked his bike. Come on, brother. This is all riding on you now. Make up for what you did. The guard standing by the front door patted him down. We had counted on that, too. Finally, he went inside.

  “There he goes.” That was our cue. We sprinted across the street, guns drawn, bent at the waist. The guard was busy walking Gunner into the clubhouse—by the time he got back to his post, we were already standing with our backs to the wall, not twenty feet away from him.

  Drake looked at me and gave me a quick nod. I pulled the smoke bomb from the inside pocket of my leather vest and got ready to toss it. I only had to wait for Gunner and Violet.

  “What’s taking so long?” Drake breathed. “It’s taking too long.”

  “Give him time,” I mouthed. I had to trust him. He had to come through for us.

  Then, I heard laughter coming from the open door. Eagle. So he got the call. It all happened fast after that. He wasn’t kidding when he said he would release her. A minute later, Gunner carried Violet outside.
br />   “Now!” I threw the smoke bomb just behind Gunner, and when it hit the ground, the smoke billowed up in all directions. I watched Gunner put Violet on the back of his bike and ride off with her while the rest of us pulled up to the front of the clubhouse. There was already chaos as smoke poured into the clubhouse.

  Creed, Ace, and the rest of the club took aim and fired at any Devil’s Den member who ran outside to escape the smoke. Meanwhile, Drake planted a few devices around the line of motorcycles along one side of the building, while I threw a few more up through the open windows on the third floor. We took off at a full run.

  “Go! Go!” Drake called out as we ran. The guys pulled away after firing a few more shots. I had no idea how many they hit or if any of them was Eagle, but I hoped so.

  We had just crossed the road and made it halfway through the abandoned lot when the bombs started going off. One, two, three, they sent shrapnel flying everywhere. I turned as I got onto my bike, just in time to see the upper floor of the clubhouse explode in all directions. The building was nothing but rubble in no time flat.

  “Let’s go!” Drake pulled away and I followed. We managed to get over the bridge before seeing flashing lights racing in the other direction, toward the site of the explosion. We did it. We got away.

  When we reached the clubhouse, there was already a line of bikes out front. Everybody had gotten back already—including Gunner. I was barely parked before I jumped off the back and ran inside. The room was jammed. I elbowed my way through.

  There she was, on the couch. Nicole and Tamara were taking care of her—washing her wrists and ankles, bandaging them up. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Come on.” Tamara went to the bar to pour drinks so we could be at least a little bit alone. Nicole jumped up as soon as she saw Drake come through the door. I sat down with Violet.

  “I’m sorry you had to do that for me,” she whispered. “You did it all for me.”


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