Dark Protector

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Dark Protector Page 5

by Katie Reus

  Once upon a time they’d been friends. The male had even saved her life. She’d thought she might have a chance at more than just friendship with Aldric but he’d cut her out of his life. He’d left on a bounty hunting job that was only supposed to take a couple weeks at most.

  That was over five months ago. Almost six now, if she wanted to get technical.

  Since then he hadn’t contacted her at all. And she knew he was alive and well thanks to his brother. Friends didn’t just stop talking to each other for no reason, end a relationship like that. She’d already lost so many people in her life to murder that when he’d discarded her so easily it had cut viciously deep.

  Niko snorted. “I know what was wrong with him. He wants to mate with you.”

  Once, that would have given her joy, thinking that he wanted to mate her. Now, not so much. Even if it was true, screw him. He’d lost his chance, betrayed their friendship.

  Betrayed her.

  She could never trust a male like that. “No, he doesn’t.” He’d made it clear he didn’t even want to be friends with her. “He was with another female anyway.” The sight of that beautiful female touching Aldric’s arm was burned into her brain. Even remembering the way she’d touched him, as if she was familiar with him, made Natalia want to punch Aldric in the throat.

  Niko’s head tilted to the side just a fraction before the confusion fled his expression. “Ursula? He wasn’t with her.” The male scoffed. “Her mate is the one missing from the Clifton coven. Aldric’s been hired by the Brethren to find him, just as we were hired by The Council.”

  She leaned back in the chair, tucking her legs under herself. “Did Jayce know he’d be there tonight?”

  He snorted again. “Yep. That’s why I’m waiting up. Fucker could’ve told me you two were involved,” he grumbled. “I wouldn’t have kissed your neck.”

  “We’re not involved.” After seeing him tonight she was more pissed than anything. She’d known he was okay because Kat would have told her otherwise, but seeing him in person, knowing he was fine and just living his life after cutting her out of his made her angry.

  Niko eyed her as if he doubted her.

  “I promise,” she continued when he didn’t respond. “We used to be friends. Now we’re not.” There was nothing more to say. Not to a stranger anyway.

  He nodded once. “Okay.”

  She was under the impression he still didn’t believe her but whatever. Before she could respond, the front door opened. Natalia scented Jayce as she turned. When she looked at the entryway and saw that it was only Jayce, she fought the stupid disappointment that Aldric wasn’t with him.

  She didn’t want to see him anyway, she told herself. Yeah, right. She couldn’t even swallow her own lie. “Is your brother okay?” she asked, even though she didn’t want to talk about him. She still wanted to know that he wasn’t in trouble or something. He’d tried to start a fight at a pretty big deal of a party.

  Jayce nodded. “Yes. And…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you two he would be there.”

  Niko made a grunting sound and stood. “That sounds like Kat forced you to apologize.”

  The enforcer lifted a shoulder, not denying it.

  Natalia pushed up from her chair, wrapped her arms around herself. She didn’t want to talk about Aldric more than necessary. “So what’s the plan from here?”

  “In a few hours we’ll start listening to all the recordings from tonight, see if we hear anything useful. Vampires or shifters talking about anything to do with a kidnapped vampire seems too easy, but sometimes people talk when they’ve had too much to drink. Or when they think no one is listening. I’ve also got a few leads to start pulling on. Get some sleep though. Be down here by eight. We’ll start fresh.”

  “I can be down earlier.” She only needed five hours of sleep anyway, but could function on less if necessary.

  He nodded once. “Then come down when you’re ready to go. But get some sleep. I need everyone rested. The next couple days we’re going to be hitting things hard. There’s another vampire missing.”

  Natalia opened her mouth to ask more questions but Jayce shook his head. “Sleep. There’s nothing you can do the next couple hours.” He turned to Niko, basically dismissing her. “I have a task for you, however.”

  Instead of heading upstairs she went to the kitchen—and ate three peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Thankfully the owner of the B&B left the kitchen open to her guests, since they tended to have odd hours and big appetites. The food didn’t do anything to quell her growing tension though.

  Just when she thought she’d be able to put Aldric out of her mind he showed up on the mission she was on. This was supposed to have been something that was just hers. She didn’t want him coming in and ruining it for her.

  Annoyed, she washed her dish, then headed to her room. She couldn’t avoid trying to sleep even if she wanted to. She needed rest if she was going to be sharp for whatever tomorrow—well, today—brought. But she had a feeling sleep would be elusive tonight.

  When she reached the door, she frowned. Aldric’s dark forest scent trickled out, oh so faintly.

  She couldn’t believe him, showing up like this after what he’d done. She didn’t care what Niko had said—there was no way Aldric wanted to mate with her. And even if he did, he’d proven what kind of male he was. She couldn’t trust him and didn’t want him in her life.

  Growling, she yanked her door open to find him sitting on the end of the bed—as if he had every right to be there.

  Chapter 6

  “What the hell are you doing in my room?” Natalia angrily whispered as she stepped into the bedroom, shutting the door quickly behind her.

  She had on a long-sleeved pajama set with colorful bicycles on it, the top buttoned up, and Aldric wanted nothing more than to release each button slowly to reveal her to him. Then the image of Niko raking his teeth against the soft column of her neck popped into his mind and his wolf went a little crazy.

  “You’re not going to sleep with that fucking vampire!” The words were out before he could stop himself. He’d come here to talk calmly to her. Not start attacking. He inwardly winced. “Natalia—”

  She blinked once, then that spitfire attitude he recognized well flared in her dark eyes as she cut him off. “I’ll sleep with an entire coven if I want!” She wasn’t whispering now. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

  He covered the distance between them in the blink of an eye so they were toe to toe. He hadn’t even realized he’d intended to move, but his wolf simply took over. For a moment, he inhaled, breathing her in as she looked up at him with a mix of emotions—hurt and anger being the two most prevalent. He hated that he was the cause of the hurt.

  She didn’t back down, something he adored about her. The first time they’d met on an elevator she’d told him to go fuck himself after he was rude to her—then she’d threatened to flay him alive when he pressed the emergency stop. Her temper always got him hot. Unlike any female he knew, she was…perfect. He should stay away from her. Rolling his shoulders once, he tried to ease back his growing tension. He couldn’t get that image of Niko kissing her out of his brain.

  “I’ll kill any male who touches you.” His voice was a low growl as he leaned down to get right in her face. Oh yeah, he was not making things better. But he couldn’t seem to rein in his mouth. The thought of her with anyone but him made him rabid. It didn’t seem to matter that he couldn’t have her, that he didn’t deserve her. His wolf wouldn’t listen to reason.

  Rolling her eyes, she shoved at his shoulder. “Get out of my room.” Without waiting for a response, she sidestepped him and headed for her bed, starting to unbutton her top.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he snarled. “We’re still talking.”

  “Uh, you can talk all you want but I have nothing to say to you.” She turned to face him, her expression defiant. Two buttons were undone, showing just a hint of creamy, smooth skin he’d been fantasizing ab
out for too long. “And unless you plan to watch me get undressed, I’m going to bed.” Her voice was a silky, challenging whisper.

  His gaze strayed to the queen-sized bed for a moment. The comforter was frilly, this whole room filled with antiques. “I’m serious, you and that vamp—”

  “Oh my God! Seriously, do you hear yourself? You cut yourself out of my life over five months ago. That was your choice.” Rage vibrated in her voice as she stalked toward him. “You and I aren’t even friends! And you think you can march back into my life and start giving me orders? Like what you think matters to me?” She shoved him in the middle of his chest. Hard.

  He wanted to grab her hand, hold her close to him. But if he tried he was more likely to get clawed in the face. Deservedly so. He’d fucked up with her. Continually. Probably damaged their relationship in a way he could never repair. Pain splintered through his chest at the knowledge.

  Her eyes were cold and bleak as she stared at him. “Get the hell out of my room or I will start shredding you.”

  “Damn it, Natalia, I’m sorry—”

  “No. No apologies. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear your stupid voice. Months ago I would have, but you… God, Aldric. We were friends.” For a brief moment her eyes glittered with unshed tears. She spun away from him, stalked to the open bathroom door. “Be gone when I come out.”

  His chest tightened at the waves of pain rolling off her. He wanted to go after her, to apologize but…words wouldn’t mean shit. He thought he’d been doing the right thing by leaving her alone.

  Bullshit, his wolf practically snarled.

  Okay, he hadn’t thought he’d been doing the right thing. She terrified him. What they could have together terrified him. The thought of losing her even more so. He couldn’t survive that a second time. But the thought of losing her without even trying to win her over was even worse. The incident at the party made that crystal clear. He wasn’t sure how he could win her over though. Not after the shit he’d pulled.

  He was a fucking coward. Scrubbing a hand over his face he headed out the door instead of the window, which was the way he’d come in. He headed down to his brother and Kat’s room, knocked once.

  Kat opened the door, eyed him with pure annoyance. “You’re an idiot.”

  He stepped inside as she let him pass. “Good to see you too,” he muttered.

  She snorted. “Dude, first that display at the party. Then you, what—break into her room and go all stupid alpha on her? I want to wring your neck right now.”

  Not bothering to respond, he went to the minibar in the corner of the room and made himself a drink. With his metabolism alcohol wouldn’t do anything to him but he wanted the burn going down his throat. He threw back a shot of whiskey. “How’d you know I broke in?” he asked, turning around to face her. This place had incredible insulation. It was the way most supernatural establishments were built.

  “Because I saw you scaling the tree outside earlier to get into her room. I’m just assuming that you went all alpha on her.” She paused, her pale blue eyes narrowing. “At least tell me you didn’t threaten to kill Niko.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I threatened to kill anyone who touched her.” While he felt shame at the way he’d left things between them months ago and the way he’d acted at the party, he wasn’t sorry about threatening anyone who touched Natalia. He didn’t know what that said about him. Maybe he really was still a savage.

  “You and Jayce are definitely cut from the same cloth.”

  Jayce opened the bedroom door and nodded once at Aldric. His brother didn’t seem surprised to see him.

  “He broke into Natalia’s room,” Kat supplied before she greeted Jayce with a kiss.

  “I know.” Jayce’s expression softened a fraction as he brushed his lips over Kat’s.

  Feeling as if he was intruding, Aldric looked away. He should just go to his room, but he’d wanted to talk to his brother first. Jayce had managed to get him a room here so he’d already brought his stuff over from the hotel he’d been staying at. Apparently The Council had paid for this place indefinitely so it was just them and the owner here. And unfortunately, Niko.

  Stupid fucking vampire.

  “Where’s the vamp?” he asked, turning back to his brother as Jayce pulled away from Kat. Aldric knew Niko, though not as well as his brother. He didn’t even want to say his name out loud right now. Even if he did like the guy. Or had liked the guy. After the way he’d touched Natalia at the party, he was close to hunting the male down and going wolf on him. Which yeah, was insane. His wolf wasn’t listening to reason right now.

  Kat snorted. “Could you sound any more disgusted? Niko’s awesome. Don’t get all mad because—” Abruptly stopping, she looked at Jayce.

  They must be communicating telepathically as bonded mates could. A moment later Kat snorted, kissed her mate then looked at Aldric.

  “I’ll see you later. Gonna sneak in some food downstairs since I didn’t get any at the party.” She gave him a pointed look before heading out of the room. “Be gone by the time I get back.”

  Despite his mood he laughed at the teasing note in her voice. He understood she wanted time alone with her mate. Even though he was so lonely he ached with it, the happiness he felt for his brother eclipsed any sadness. If there was a greater power in the universe, he was certain that Kat and Jayce had been created for each other.

  “She’s going to set the alarm too now that we’re all in. In case you were wondering.” Jayce unhooked his sheathed blades and laid them on a settee near the window.

  Aldric had planned to sit outside Natalia’s room, considering what he’d thought was a lack of security here.

  “I’ve set up extra security precautions as well. And the owner was aware of you entering Natalia’s room. She sent me a message, wanted to know if she should contain you.”

  He raised his eyebrows at that. Good to know they actually had security. He hadn’t seen cameras but they must be out there. He hadn’t met the owner yet, wasn’t sure who she was or how powerful she was. To run a supernatural establishment like this on her own, she’d have to be able to take care of herself though. That was certain. Some of the tension humming through him eased. “So, Niko—”

  “Is working with me. And you will be civil to him. He feels no animosity toward you after tonight. You know what he’s like.”

  Aldric just grunted. The truth was Niko was one of the most decent vamps he’d ever met. Good-natured, the male had more than retained his humanity. Aldric might not admit it out loud, but he felt like shit for the way he’d attacked him.

  Jayce gave him a pointed look. “You need to get your shit together where Natalia is concerned.”

  His instinct was to buck the command in his brother’s voice. His wolf didn’t like to take orders from anyone. It was why he worked so well alone or in charge of a group. “I am under control.”

  Jayce watched him with cool gray eyes. “Are you?”

  He paused. “I will be.”

  “You fucked up with her. Something you already know.”

  His chest tightened at his brother’s words. He didn’t need the truth rubbed in his face… Or maybe he did.

  “The only thing I need to know right now is can you work with her knowing that she might hate you, that she might never forgive you, only tolerate you?”

  He nodded once, his jaw tight. “I can. I will.” He’d hurt Natalia, knew he might not be able to undo the damage regardless of what he wanted at this point. The choice to be friends or more was solely up to her. Knowing he might not ever get even her friendship gutted him.

  But he had to try. Their relationship had been one of the bright spots in his miserable life. He wanted a hell of a lot more than friendship but he’d have to start there, to rebuild what he’d broken. He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I…don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me,” he rasped out, the admission hard. He never should have cut and run the way he had. He’d let his cowardice
take over.

  Jayce’s expression didn’t change, but his eyes went human again. “You’ve got to let go of the past.”

  He didn’t respond to that, couldn’t. It brought up too much shit he didn’t want to deal with. “What’s your strategy after tonight?” Changing the subject was the only thing he could do now. Getting into hunting mode, finding who’d taken Arthur and the other vamp male, would keep him focused.

  “I’m going to start listening to the feeds collected from tonight. I’ve sent Niko to scout a club we’ll be hitting in”—he glanced at his watch—“seventeen hours.”

  “A vamp club?”

  “Yeah. He’ll be able to get in a few hours this morning before sunrise, see if he can learn anything on his own. He’ll be able to blend in better since he’s a vamp.” Aldric nodded as Jayce continued. “We’ll be there close to the next opening.”

  Which would be right around sunset. “Is this Club Inferno?”

  His brother lifted an eyebrow. “Yes.”

  “I’d planned to go there too. Got a tip that Arthur was last seen there.”

  “What did his mate say about that?”

  “She doesn’t know.” And Aldric didn’t plan to tell her that her mate had gone to a sex club without her. Some vampires might have open relationships but Arthur and Ursula didn’t. He’d received a text from one of his contacts on his way to the B&B tonight who was certain that Arthur had been there the other night. It was a solid lead he couldn’t ignore. “How’d you find out he was there?”

  In typical Jayce form, he didn’t answer. “Want to help me sift through all these recordings tonight?”

  “Yeah.” Because he wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon. “Will Kat mind?”

  “Nah. Kat knows what it’s like on an investigation. We can take this downstairs so she can get a few hours’ rest.” Again, Jayce’s expression changed ever so slightly when he said Kat’s name.

  Aldric cleared his throat, tried to keep his voice casual. “Natalia going to the club tomorrow?”


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