Beautiful Nightmare

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Beautiful Nightmare Page 24

by Johnna B

  “She’s taking it day by day. She quit working here and is really staying to herself. Vee doesn’t really go anywhere for fear that Raven may come back. As of yet, we haven’t heard from her.” She hunched her shoulders.

  “Why isn’t she on any medicine for that?”

  “She said she doesn’t want to become addicted to anything.”

  “So she’s just gon’ live her life like that?” He was trying to get some understanding about the situation.

  “To tell you the truth, she has really given up. She’s just waiting for Raven to come back, and she’s not going to fight it.” Sena felt sad all over again.

  “Why would she just give up like that?”

  “She said if she can’t live the life she dreamed of with you, she doesn’t want it at all. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without my best friend. But I know she doesn’t want to live like this. When you left, you took the best of my friend with you. Now, I’m not blaming you for nothing. I’m just letting you know.”

  “What was I supposed to do, Sena? I had never in my life seen no shit like that.” He tried to explain.

  “You were supposed to love her through it. Let her know she wasn’t alone!” Sena raise her voice.

  “You not gonna blame all this on me, Sena.”

  “I’m not blaming you, but you just left and never looked back.”

  “You think I never looked back? I think of her every day. I dial her number a hundred times a day but am too afraid to press ‘call.’ I’ll always love her, and she will always have my heart. But I don’t know if I’m the guy for this kind of job.”

  “Bruh . . .” She reached out and grabbed his hands. “You are the only guy.” There was long pause.

  “Well, we’ll be at Happy Hour Bar and Grill this Friday playing a little pool if you want to come and talk to my brother.” He had a lot of thinking to do. He wanted to go see about Valencia, see her smile and hear her laugh. But he knew it wouldn’t be the same. No matter how much he loved her, he couldn’t deal with the craziness. He felt his phone vibrating as he walked out of the office. He gave Sena a nod and answered his phone.

  “What’s the business?”

  “Not shit. At Goody Goody, ’bout to attack these cheese grits and chicken,” Moochie said while chewing in his ear.

  “Order me two waffles and two chicken breasts. I’ll be there in ten.”

  “Shit. I’ll be done by the time you get here. I guess I could get a couple of waffles for myself.”

  “Get off my phone, fat ass.” He hung up, laughing at his brother. The boy could eat a whole horse if you let him.

  Kidd walked into the restaurant and bent the corner. He knew they always ate in the back. It was just a habit to always be able to see the door. He looked at the table and shook his head at all the food on it.

  “What’s good, my dude?” Moochie reached out for dap.

  “I saw Sena today,” Kidd said as he sat down. Moochie looked up, and Kidd could see the concern that stretched across his face.

  “Where at? How’s she doing?” Moochie still wanted to be with her even after everything. They were good together. After she left, he went back to his old ways and put a deadbolt lock on his heart.

  “You’ll see Friday. I told her to come hang out with us at Happy Hour.”

  “You do know them chicks coming, right?”

  “So what that mean? Like you care? I sure as hell don’t.” He stuffed some chicken in his mouth.

  “So because you don’t care about ruining your chances for some ass, you wanna cock block mines.”

  “Li’l thot gon’ fuck regardless.”

  “That’s why you don’t care, nigga,” Moochie laughed.

  “That could be the case, but you and I both know you couldn’t give two shits about them chicks. Besides, when you see her, I bet you’ll put ole girl in a cab.” He looked at his brother with a knowing look.

  “How’s she lookin’? Is she fat and bald headed?” He wanted her to be suffering for what she had done to him.

  “No and no. No, she is actually more beautiful than I remember.” Kidd was referring to the expecting glow she had.

  “Anyway, so how she say Vee doing?” He missed her and thought his brother should have handled the situation a lot differently.

  “She said she doing all right. I just don’t understand why she won’t get on any medicine or get help.” He hunched his shoulders.

  “You don’t understand why she won’t take any medicine? You of all people should understand that, if you don’t understand anything else. You should be able to see why she won’t take no medicine.” He looked up from his plate and stared Kidd in the eyes.

  “I know you don’t start getting sick until they start healing you, but this is different.” He tried to justify his actions.

  “A sickness is a sickness. Don’t matter what kind.” Before Kidd could respond, his phone started to vibrate.

  “Hello?” Moochie could tell it was something serious by the way his brother’s facial expression changed. Kidd flipped his phone shut.

  “Yo! Who was that?”

  “Mr. Jackson. Says he needs to see me. He needs a favor.”

  Chapter 26

  Mending Hearts

  Kidd could have fallen the fuck out when Mr. Jackson threw some pictures of who was supposed to be his next victim. They were pictures of Valencia and a white girl who looked to be in her late teens. His heart felt like it was gonna beat through his chest cavity. His poker face was slowly fading the more Mr. Jackson talked.

  “Are you listening to me?” Mr. Jackson asked.

  “Yeah,” Kidd answered with a faraway look in his eyes. The thought of Vee being dead was a thought unthinkable. There was no way in the world he could do it. What had she done to get on his shit list?

  “Now, I want her tortured and killed. This is very important. She is the last person to see my precious daughter Kennedy alive.” He paused to look at the picture of his twin daughters on their fifth birthday.

  “Did she kill your daughter?” Kidd couldn’t believe what he was hearing. No, not his precious Vee.

  “I’m not certain of what happened, but I do know that my daughter left with her alive and returned dead. That is not acceptable.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss, but you know I don’t kill women.” Kidd couldn’t take his eyes off the pictures in front of him. His heart felt like it was going into cardiac arrest.

  “Well, I need you to overlook that little rule of yours. If this wasn’t important, I wouldn’t ask because I understand that you are out. But I want this done efficiently, and I know you can do it.” Kidd sat there, just staring at the picture. “You will be greatly rewarded,” Mr. Jackson stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Kidd knew he couldn’t say no. Mr. Jackson wasn’t asking him to do this. It was an order.

  Kidd left Mr. Jackson’s house in a daze. He drove around aimlessly. He couldn’t imagine killing Vee. No matter what they went through, she didn’t deserve to die. Did she really have something to with his daughter’s death? What kind of person was Raven? It had to have been her because it was a club party picture, and Vee didn’t go to clubs. Vee was so kindhearted and tender. The thought alone of her killing someone was ridiculous, but Raven . . . she was a whole different story. Kidd knew in the end he had just signed his own death certificate because, if he couldn’t commit to killing Vee, both he and Vee would die. He had to figure out something quick because he knew the timeline was short.

  * * *

  “So I saw Kidd today.” Sena finally found the right time to tell Valencia. They were at Sena’s house putting the baby crib together. Tears instantly came to Valencia’s eyes. She missed him so much she didn’t know what to do with herself. He was somewhere in the world living his life with her heart in his hands. He had taken any happiness she ever felt with him and didn’t look back. She put her hands to her face and started crying tears she thought were long gone. Sena pulled her into her arms.

�I’m sorry. I just thought you should know,” Sena said while trying to wipe away her own tears.

  “I miss him so much, Sena. Why did this have to happen? I feel like I’m in quicksand. Every step I take to get over him, I fall deeper, and now, I feel like I’m drowning. It hurts. I feel like I can’t breathe.”

  “I know, honey. Get it out.” Sena knew exactly how she felt because she felt the same way when she walked away from Moochie. Valencia sat up and looked at Sena.

  “You know I never told you how stupid you were for walking away from Moochie.” Sena frowned, but she let her finish. “I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. You told me to hold on to my love with a death grip, and you just let yours go without a fight. If I could go back in time, I would change so much in my life. I’m only telling you this because I love you.” Sena looked surprised. She had never said that before. Vee could read her mind. “I know, right? Anyway, I now know what love is, but I have no choice in the matter. I will never feel love like that again. And to tell you the truth, I have come to grips with that. But I don’t want that life for you. You have a lot of love to give, and I know Moochie would gladly accept and return it,” Vee said sincerely.

  Now, Sena was in a fit of tears, and her friend was right. How could she have let something beautiful go for no reason at all? At first, she thought she had her reasons, but now those reasons seemed so asinine.

  “What did I do, Vee? He’s never gonna forgive me for this.” She looked down.

  “Yes, he will. What happened to the Sena who thought everything was possible?” They shared a laugh.

  “She died that night.” Sena looked up into her friend’s eyes and could see the pain behind them. She didn’t want to live with that kind of pain anymore.

  “No, she didn’t. I still see that sparkle in your eyes. Don’t let it go ’cause it’s not time. Your baby is gonna need to see that when she looks into your eyes.”

  “I’m supposed to meet them at Happy Hour Bar and Grill this Friday, and I don’t know what to do.”

  “You gonna get your man back. What the hell you talking about?”

  “What you gon’ do about Kidd?”

  “What can I do? I wouldn’t even want to be with me.” She looked to the ceiling to keep the tears from falling again.

  “He still loves you. When he asked about you, I could see it all in his eyes.”

  “I wouldn’t want to put him through that again,” she said, shaking her head. “Let’s work on getting your man back. These damn sweat suits ain’t gonna get it.”

  “I am not about to go shopping with this big-ass watermelon sticking out the front of me.”

  “You act like you gained a hundred pounds, girl. Come on.” Actually, she had only gained about fifteen pounds. “Your cheeks gained all the weight, and we ain’t dressing your face.” She pinched Sena’s cheeks since they had gotten so full. “We going to get fried, dyed, and laid to the side. Then, it’s off to do some serious shopping, and my wardrobe needs some serious updating.”

  The girls were having a good time. It felt good for them to get out and hang out again. They got facials, massages, manis, and pedis.

  “All right. I’ll see you in a little bit.” Vee waved to Sena as she went to the other side of the beauty shop.

  “Why you being so secretive about your hairdo?” Sena knew Vee wasn’t going to do nothing different. She loved her hair like she loved herself.

  “You’ll see, honey.” She walked away.

  When Vee walked from around the back, Sena just knew she wasn’t seeing what she thought she was seeing.

  “Ahhhh, what the hell did you do?”

  “You like?” Vee had cut her hair all the way down. She took it back to Halle Berry in the James Bond movie 007.

  “Yes, I love it. Oh my God! I would have never guessed. I thought you were going to come out with some blond highlights or something to that effect, but never this.” Sena looked at her friend in awe because she would never have the courage to cut her hair off.

  “Well, I’m starting anew. I felt the need for a change.” She rubbed her hands through her hair. “I donated it all to Locks of Love.”

  “Damn, girl. I wish I was that brave.” Sena admired her haircut. She really loved it.

  “Okay, now. Let’s go wreak havoc on the mall.”

  They were in Motherhood maternity store, having a fashion show. Sena really didn’t have to shop there since she really didn’t gain too much weight. She was all stomach.

  “Hello, ladies. My name is Reagan, and I’ll be right over there if you need anything. So, do we know what we are going with over here?” The young saleslady had been trying to get closer to the pair for about thirty minutes. She knew Valencia from somewhere but didn’t know from where. There was something about the woman standing in front of her that sent chills up her spine.

  “Everything! I have a few more months to be pregnant, so I may as well look good,” Sena said, rubbing her stomach.

  “How far along are you?” She asked Sena the question but couldn’t keep her eyes of Valencia.

  “Six and a half months.”

  “Excuse me. I’m sorry, but do I know you from somewhere?” she asked Vee. She was really trying to figure it out.

  “I don’t think so.” She knew it was a mix-up with her and Raven again. Sena could see the fear in her eyes.

  “They say we all have a twin somewhere in the world,” Sena said, trying to help Vee out.

  “I had a twin. Her name was Kennedy, but she was murdered a few years ago.” They could see the pain in her eyes, but that had nothing to do with them. “We were named after our parents’ favorite presidents.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Vee told her; then she carried the clothing to the counter.

  “Why is this girl telling us her life story?” Sena asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe mentioning twins brought something out. Stop being mean.”

  Reagan stared at Valencia the whole time she checked them out. Valencia wondered where Raven knew this girl from. Obviously, it wasn’t a good encounter. Sena went into her purse.

  “I got it, girl. Don’t say I never did anything for you.” Valencia handed the girl her credit card. She read the name but nothing popped into her head. The name wasn’t familiar, but her face was etched in her mind for some reason.

  “Oh, well, thank you, girl. Shoot, I should have gotten more if knew I was on a free shopping spree,” she laughed.

  “Whatever. Let’s go.”

  When Sena and Valencia finally left the store, Reagan ran to the back of the store to look at the surveillance tape. She knew it was something big because it kept eating at her like somebody was trying to tell her something. She watched as they laughed and joked. That smile gave her goose bumps as she fast-forwarded a little, then stopped when she saw Vee doing a little two step before she helped Sena put her shoes back on. She remembered it like it was yesterday. Raven was the last person to see her sister alive.

  But this girl on tape said her name was Valencia Ball. Could it be a coincidence? she asked herself.

  “She acted like she didn’t know who I was, but my sister and I were identical. No, that’s her. It’s got to be her. That’s the bitch that killed my sister.” The tears started falling down her face. “She was right here in front of me, living and laughing like nothing ever happened. But I’ll change all of that . . .” She continued to watch the tape and imagined shooting Valencia in the head. Soon, she picked up the phone to make a call.

  Chapter 27

  One More Try

  Valencia sat in the living room playing Madden, thinking of her time with Kidd. She could still see him sitting next to her, pouting because she was beating him. She missed the energy he brought around. The love could be felt throughout the room. His scent was intoxicating. She needed his touch so badly that her imagination would play tricks on her, because, at times, she thought she could actually feel him touching her.

  “So what you gonna do?�
�� Raven asked her.

  “About what?” She really didn’t want to have any kind of conversation with Raven. She missed the times when they had their own times of the day and they never had to interact with each other. Now, it seemed like Raven came and went as she pleased with no warning, and the headaches had gone away too.

  “Kidd. You know what I’m talking about.” For some reason, Raven felt bad about the way Vee was feeling.

  “There ain’t too much I can do about it. He never wants to see me again. And I don’t blame him. Why do you even care? Isn’t this what you wanted?”

  “Yes, well, not all of this. We used to be happy and out in the world, laughing and having fun. What happened?”

  “First of all, you were the one having all the fun. I was just existing, and, second, I’m not stopping you from having fun. I’ve never stopped you before.” She could feel the tears starting to fall.

  “Whether or not you believe it, I am sorry. I never wanted it to come to this. I won’t interfere with your life anymore. I was here because you needed me, and now you don’t need me anymore. I get it. I never thought it was that serious until you tried to kill both of us. Well, like you told Miss Sena, go get your man.” Raven had finally come to grips that this wasn’t her life to live anymore. Vee no longer needed her. No matter what, she did love Vee. They had been together for over fifteen years. Now, it was time for her to move on.

  “Yeah, right. You expect me to believe that?”

  “Like I said, I’m sorry.”

  “Are you serious?” She got no answer. “Raven, answer me! Are you serious?” Still no answer. Was she really gone? She started yelling. “Why would you do this? I don’t want this life. Now that you’ve fucked it up, you want to leave? Don’t do this. Take it! I don’t want this, please. My life is already over. You can have it.”

  She fell to her knees, not understanding what was going on. She should be happy, but she was not happy at all. There was no way she could just go on like nothing ever happened. The damage was already done. What was making her leave now—after she had caused so much pain and heartache? Vee had kind of gotten used to her life and the life she began to put back together after Kidd left. Raven’s words ran rampant through her mind, but the one thing that stood out the most was, “Go get your man.”


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