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Valerie Page 4

by Richa Resa

  I was just in time to help set up the table after my relaxing shower.

  Dad made a very good dinner for sure with salad, a chicken dish, as I preferred, served with well-cooked vegetables. It was a shock for me to see that he still remembered things about how I liked my food.

  We had our dinner with talks about my present life like what I do, which college I went too and other things. We remembered the happy moments of my childhood and I was happy about that. Dad apologized once again for missing out very important days in my life but I told him there was nothing to be sorry about. I was glad to have him in my life once again.

  I made him take his medications and shooed him away to go and rest. I cleaned the kitchen and dishes. He wanted to do it himself but I told him that he needed rest and freshen up too. It was hard to make him agree but anything can be done with puppy dog eyes.

  Cleaning up the kitchen and dishes I made my way to the living room seeing my father looking for something up. He had his brows lifted up like he was trying hard to get something done but he was unable to.

  "Dad, what are you looking for?" I asked with curiosity in my eyes.

  "Hmm, don’t laugh okay." He said looking confused. I nodded to him.

  "I’m trying to figure out how to turn on this television. I have found out three remotes but I’m unable to get it. I just wanted to see the news and see what had been going on television in sports. I had nothing to do so I thought it would be good but I just got more confused. I hope you don't mind it." He said looking at the three remotes in his hands perplexed. As promised, I did not to laugh but a smile had made its way to my lips on their own accord.

  "Of course not, Dad. As much this house is mine, it is yours from now on. Feel free to use anything, no worries. Now let me show you how to make use of these remotes," saying that I taught my father to learn to use the remotes for the television, the sound system, and the air conditioner.

  We stayed up till ten in the evening. Men and sports are one thing that are inseparable.

  Dad went to sleep and I did the same after locking the house up.

  I got inside the covers thinking that sleep would come in but it didn't. My mind was so busy with thinking about dad, that any thought of Aiden’s did not even cross my mind. But now they were bombarding with great intensity. All I could remember was the night of our anniversary, the sweet manner in which he cooked the breakfast for me, his sweet addicting kisses, and his skin against mine. I wanted to get rid of those thoughts but it was hard, very hard. I was lying on the same bed on that we had spent many nights on, all tangled up in the sheets.

  I tried freaking hard to sleep but his thoughts kept on popping up in my mind. For three freaking hours I kept on tossing and turning in the bed but the very stubborn sleep didn't come. Tired of trying to sleep I just thought ice cream could help me up. With that in my mind, I went into the kitchen only to find myself shout and jump in fear.

  "You still haven't changed that habit of yours, kiddo," Dad chuckled sitting on one of the chairs with a spoon in his hand, a Ben and Jerry’s in front of him. I jumped up hearing him.

  "You scared the shit out of me, Dad," I said with a hand over my fast beating heart.

  "Language, Val!" He scolded me.

  "Sorry," I said while taking a seat opposite him with a spoon in my hand.

  "What are you doing up so late dad?" I asked while filling my mouth with a spoonful of ice cream.

  "I could ask you the same." He said.

  "Hey, I asked first. So, you have to answer first." Dad shook his head and laughed.

  "Okay Val, as you know for years I have been surviving on alcohol and it had lulled me to sleep for long." I nodded.

  "I was trouble having sleep without any of it. I would have taken a small drink from the wine bottle in the house in that cupboard but I couldn't." He said pointing at one of the cupboards where I had stocked wine and other alcoholic beverages. I took in a note in mind to remove them. I couldn't have my dad to have even a sip of them.

  "I remembered doctor advice that even a small amount can be fatal for me. So, I dropped off the idea of having it. I have just got my daughter back and don't want to lose the second chance I have got. So, I decided to find something to eat,” he smiled at me. I felt proud of my father. Until yesterday evening he was an alcoholic but now he was a changed man. Maybe being with family and loved ones really change people.

  “Unfortunately, Dad. You aren’t allowed to eat ice cream. I will prepare something else for you, okay?”

  He was then reminded of his case of diabetes. “Ah, right. Maybe a glass of fruit juice would do.”


  "Now why are you up so late little missy?" He asked while raising one of his brows.

  However, I was at a loss for words. What should I tell him basically that I’m having problems in my love life or if it could be called that?

  "Let me guess. Boy problems?" He asked curiously. I nodded weakly, contemplating on whether I should tell him more.

  "Okay, who do I need to beat up for getting my daughter all worried up and sad?" He said cracking his knuckles like he was ready to break someone bones. I laughed at this.

  "Calm down, Dad. There is no need for you to beat someone. I just had a fight with my boyfriend and it was entirely my fault. I forgot our one-year anniversary. He forgave me for it and when I wanted to make up to him somehow it went downhill. I did tell him that I will have a surprise ready for him when I come back home but he never came. I cooked him his favourite, kept on calling him, only to have him not answering and when he picked up; he told me he was busy with a friend and had dinner too. I felt like an idiot because I had set up a romantic dinner but he wasn't there. I went out taking all the food and ate it with the orphan kids; when I came back at night he was sleeping outside my door. I was set ready to forgive but it all went out the door when he told me that he was with a long-time friend, who was a girl and she was able to make him forget me. I don't know why I felt so bad and jealous, it's not like I love him. I just see him as a guy who loves to stay with me, whom I have an attraction towards. I don't know why I felt so cheated. I can't love anyone and I know that from a long time back. I learned long ago that there is nothing like love." I said with my head in my hand. I really didn't want to see the disappointment on my dad's face.

  Silence passed on and we sat there.

  "I’m sorry, Val," Dad said and my face shot up. Why was he saying sorry? He hadn't done anything.

  "I ‘m sorry, I know you have lost your faith in love because of me. I am sorry for that—" Before he could apologize more I cut him off.

  "It isn't because of you, Dad," I spoke up hastily and saw my father looking at me, his face a mask of confusion. Okay, maybe dad was right maybe I had lost my faith in love because of him but he was not to be blamed for it wholly.

  "Alright, alright, it was partly because of you," I said and saw his face gaining a look of guiltiness.

  "You are not being blamed for all of it, someone else put the nail in the coffin," I added. I could see once again his brows raising in confusion.

  "When I was in college, I fell for someone hard. My whole world revolved around that one person and I loved him with my everything and gave up all of me to him only for him to have it crush it. He just left me like that saying that we were no more together and that to on a note. I never saw him again, I looked for him but never found him and that crushed me more. He changed his number and just disappeared from my life. It was hard for me to love after that again. But now, there is Aiden who loves me and I am afraid that I will break his heart but I’m more confused about why I feel so cheated and jealous. Why I have these emotions being involved?" I asked the last part to myself. I saw my father's eyes soften.

  "Val, I ‘m sorry once again for all my mistakes and that you had to go through this all alone without any support. Don’t give up on your faith in love, Val. If he walked away then maybe it wasn't true love. We all make mistakes. I did the same too.
I let something take away the love of my life and I feel empty without her. I don't know if I can love now or not but I can never give up on love. Never, Val, because I have once felt it. And answer to your question you already know that, you just don't want to accept it. I love you, and I know you are smart enough to take the right decision in life. If you want to explore yours and Aiden's relationship by believing in love then do it and if you don't want to, then let him go. Don't break the guy's heart just because you are not ready or you have been hurt once. Whatever your decision shall be this time, your father will be there for you." he said holding my hand. I nodded to him and let the silence consume us.

  "Okay, kiddo. It’s way too late now and I’m feeling sleepy too so I think we both should go to bed. I guess you also are feeling sleepy now?" He asked. I gave a small nod.

  "Go to bed, darling and think about the other things in the morning. A good sleep will clear up your mind more." He said standing up with the ice cream tub. He walked to the fridge and slid it in. Without another word, he walked towards his room while I sat there looking at the wall.

  "Valerie?" Dad called.


  "Go sleep now and call him in the morning. You already know what you want," he advised as just he was about to go in his room. I gave him a smile.

  "Good night, kiddo,”

  He was right I knew what I wanted knowing that I went to sleep. This time the sleep came easily as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  Chapter 6


  Do you know how it feels when that one person who you are looking for, trying to reach out to, has been ignoring your calls? That one person whom you want to pour your heart out to but he has been neglecting you in the worse possible manner. This is the first time this is happening to me and it sucked so badly. It freaking hurt like hell, even worse than vodka burning down your throat. It makes you feel rejected, unwanted and to the very last extent, unloved. Maybe that was how I made Aiden feel sometimes.

  He had been ignoring and neglecting my calls for the past two days. I have been calling him again and again, to try to make amends with him, let him know that I want to give us a chance and tell him that I want to fall in love with him, but that sexy, egoistic man just had to ignore me now.

  "The number you have called is not answering at this moment please try again later. The number you ..." This was the sixth time in the morning I had called him and he wasn't picking up!

  "Still not picking up, I see." Dad said from behind the kitchen counter cooking breakfast. I had extended my leave a bit as I had many of them to be taken. I wanted to make sure that dad was comfortable before I get back to work. We spent some time bonding and went touring the city, having talks and picnics. Somewhere, we started to mend the broken father-daughter relationship. It had been so long since I had a parent with me, someone to look after me and it felt good.

  "Yep, he isn't answering or texting me back. I mean, he is ignoring me completely and I don't know what to do." I sighed.

  "Why don't you go and see him? That way he won't be able to ignore you. You are putting up a lot effort I can say because what you have told me about yourself, I don't think that you have ever chased after anyone this much." He said placing a plate of mouth-watering omelettes in front of me. I know I should be the one cooking but my father was very much stubborn. He told me that he loved to cook and wanted to make up for all the lost time. To be honest, it was just hard to say no to this delicious food.

  "Thanks," I mumbled stuffing my mouth with breakfast.

  "I think that's a good idea. I guess I will go to his office and confront him." I let him know while putting another of his delicious omelette on my plate. I seriously wished Aiden would talk to me.

  "You need to slow down, Valerie, the food isn't running away." He chided me flipping the omelette with a small smile plastered over his face.

  "Sorry, but the food is too good." I said, downing another piece in my mouth. At this he shook his head and got back to making more of the breakfast. Soon, he joined me in and seeing the amount of food he had cooked and I had consumed; I think I need to buy new clothes. I was sure that I was going to gain a size or two with Dad’s cooking. It felt good to say ‘Dad’, like I was no longer alone in this world. I cleaned the dishes after breakfast, insisting Dad to go and rest for a while.

  He had accustomed himself in this house comfortably and I was glad. This meant that I will soon be able to go back to work. I took a shower and dressed myself in the best dress I could find accompanied by light makeup. I was trying my best to look beautiful than ever for him while being a nervous wreck. Never in my life had I been so nervous about meeting a guy besides Drew but right now I wanted to move forward in life rather than going back. I didn't want to think about Drew anymore. He was dead to me. I just hoped Aiden doesn’t ignore me it would make me feel embarrassed.

  Rushing out of the apartment, I bid Dad goodbye, who wished me luck. I quickly hopped into the Uber I had called and made my way to Aiden's office which was a thirty minutes’ drive from my house. Sitting right there in the cab, all I could think about how much my life has changed in the past three days. I had my father back, I had let go of my past and begin to live life once again. My life was no longer been dull and lifeless with Dad around. Getting Aiden back would brighten my life few shades more. I needed him more than ever. I wanted to return back all those feelings that he had shown towards me, that love, trust, forgiveness and everything else.

  Looking outside at the passing by city, I let my thoughts flow to the happy times of my life with Aiden. There were so many of them. As I think about it now, I realize that he had loved me for so long; I was just too blinded by the past to see it. As we stopped at a traffic light, I was drawn out of all my thoughts. I looked outside and was slapped with the harsh reality of my past. There in the car beside me, I saw that one person who had hurt me the most, that one person who had put the nail in the coffin of not believing in love.

  Drew sat there in sleek back car with a laptop. He still looked that very same man who I had fallen in love with besides the long brown hair brushing against the nape of his jacket. In a dark business suit, he looked as handsome as ever, someone who could make any girl fall to his feet but not me. Not anymore. I knew the true colours behind that devilishly handsome face. He was no one's lover, just a player who played me. I stared at his face while remembering that bitter taste of betrayal and heartbreak.

  I was so consumed in my bitter memories that I didn't hear my phone ringing. The red light turned green and I saw his car turning the other way. I was snapped out of my trance with the constant ringing of my phone. Without looking, who it was I accepted the call.

  "Hello?" I whispered.

  "Hey, girl. What took you so long to pick up my call?" I recognized the voice immediately. It was Shay, my one and only best friend.

  "Nothing," I said with uncertainty lacing my voice. I was debating whether I should tell her or not about Drew. She might have just come back from her trip and might have been tired.

  “You know I just got back from Europe and I want to tell you everything about my trip. I mean I did had a very hard time there. The models were fantastic but it was so hard to get the perfect shots for the magazine covers. I swear, one more day there and I would have gone mad. But I’m just glad I’m back. Now tell me how's it going for you?" She was just talking and talking and I was still reeling from the shock of seeing Drew.

  "I just saw Drew." The words slipped out my mouth too fast for me to realize what I said. I heard the line go silent for few minutes and I thought the call ended but it didn't. Soon a sound of shuffling and something falling down was heard from the other side of the line.

  "Shay are you alright?" I worriedly asked.

  "Yeah, Yeah I’m fine," She said being short of breaths.

  "What happened?" I questioned.

  "Nothing, I was looking for the baseball bat... found it!!" She shrieked. "Now tell me where that bastard is so I
could beat the shit out of him. I’m going to show him that what I’m made of and make sure to make him realize what a gem he left behind. He would regret meeting you when I’m done with him. I’m going make his sorry ass cry for his mother!!" The anger was evident in her voice. She hated him with a greater intensity than me, never liked him at all. She felt something was wrong with him and it was also the fact Drew always looked down at her like she was a trash which she wasn't at all. He didn't get along with her and had even asked me for ending my friendship with her, thanks to the lord which I never did. Thus, her hatred for him is justified. She was a woman to not to cross paths with. She loved me and cared for me a lot, had been there for me when I was heartbroken; had been someone whom I could rely upon. She was all I had when I was in university after Drew left me.

  "I just saw him in a car all suited up. I don't know where he was going. He just turned the other way, and you, my friend need to calm yourself. Though he is a bastard, I don't want you to go to jail for beating his ‘sorry ass’." I was happy to see my friend in her mama bear mode. Even though we were the same age she would always look out for me. Moreover, the image of Shay beating Drew was worth millions for me. No offense but he deserved it.

  "Don't worry. Thanks for the heads up, though I will look out for him. I’m going to make sure to give him a piece of mind if I ever see him. Now forget about that bastard and tell me how it is going on in your life." She asked changing the topic. That bastard doesn't deserve much of our time.

  "I got my dad back and we’re good," I said waiting for her response.

  "Mmhh. You found him and are in good terms with him?" She asked with uncertainty.

  "I know what you are thinking. I hated him, that is true but I just came to know that he wasn't to be blamed for everything happened. He told me that mom cheated on him. This info came to light to him later on when he got the news that I wasn’t his kid and that is when things went downhill. You should have seen how heartbroken and guilty he was for his behaviour. It broke my heart but now we both are trying to make amends and the best part of getting him back is that he also makes awesome food." I was happy about the way life was turning out for me now.


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