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Valerie Page 8

by Richa Resa

  The man had no shame, nothing scared him, all that could be done was to just piss him off, which I had regrettably done. I had seen his temper, fell through his lies, given him the innocence of mine that he didn't deserve, and the worse part his manipulation had the naive me falling under his spell. Not anymore though. I had tasted the bitter taste of betrayal and had no desire to have it once again. I was not going and the decision was final. I wanted to tell Aiden about it but what was the use, I wasn't going and Drew can go to hell.

  Aiden, the very guy I had fallen in love with, was an interesting man, and yesterday has been a hell of a day with him. He made me familiar with another part of him, a part that contained the gene of possessiveness. He was controlling that I had known but his possessiveness had me made feel special, more like a queen. I wish I had met him earlier and he could have been my first rather than Drew. Aiden was the perfect man for me, the best.

  The loud ring of my phone put a halt to my thoughts. It was early in the morning and the only person who would have called me at this time would be none other than Aiden. I hastily picked up my phone feeling a little down that it wasn't him, but someone else. However, that someone else wasn’t going to keep me up all night. I contemplated whether I should pick up the phone or not. The ringing stopped for only a second, I had to pick it up at all cost.

  "Hello, Shay, Good morning." I answered while whispering. She was going to bite my head off as soon as she came to know about me and Drew.

  "Hell, with the morning, Val. When were you going to tell me that Drew came to your office? It was a shock when Aiden called me last evening asking about your past with Drew. He had me drilled for every last detail about you and him. Where you met him, how long you shared each other's company, who he was and when did he leave you. It felt like he was a man on a mission. He had so many questions that I didn't even have answers to, and the worst part was that you didn't tell me, I waited all night thinking you would tell me now. What the hell happened to bitches before hubbies? I freaking hate you, Val!" She exclaimed.

  Damn, Aiden for asking her about it all, now he had pushed me into the mouth of a shark called Shay. I loved Shay a lot, she had been my anchor for so long, but she hated to be left out and I usually left a thing to slip off my mind easily. I am used to forgetting things that are needed to be told to be her; she had made her habit of asking me about my day usually. However, her photography job has led to a bigger social circle giving her less time for me. It had never affected our friendship, it was understandable I had neglected her at times but when the trouble ever came knocking our doors we faced them together.

  "Aiden had me exhausted by being a hell of a possessive and controlling man in the bed. So, calling you later can be marked off from the list, whereas not telling you when Drew left was because he made a pass on me, he made me touch his hard on, going to the depths telling me I made him like this. His fiancée, a very sweet woman named Laura, who was just outside the door and he still had guts to do shit like that had me pretty pissed off and upset. Safety with Aiden was all on my mind later on. Forgive me for not telling you, I can't say anymore, but I promise to cook for you for a week of whatever you want. How does that sound?" I hoped this would pacify her.

  "I’m taking my baseball bat out, I’m so going to beat the shit out of him!!" She shouted through the phone making me cringe.

  "And you start cooking from tomorrow, not today. I need to clean kitchen, Alex, my hot neighbour and I christened it." I cringed at the thought of making the food there.

  "You know I would cook at my home and you can come here and eat all you want. You could also meet my dad and tell him my embarrassing moments that he had missed. Before you go all shit on me I’m telling you something that I haven't told Aiden that sleazebag called me at late night telling me to meet him today. I told him that if he wouldn't leave Laura or tell her the truth I would, now that manipulative asshole is telling me the future of sweet innocent Laura lies in my hand. If I come he would tell her the truth and if didn't show up at his office he would keep the charade of a loving fiancé on. I just want to freaking strangle him and get rid of his existence from this world." I let out all the pent-up frustration that had me all restless the past night. The other side of the line was quiet, I had to look at my phone to check that the call was still on.

  "Shay? Are you there?" I questioned.

  "Yeah! I’m here, just thinking about all this. What has the bastard said to you? He is surely a manipulative person for security, but what angel is he trying to be by trying to seduce you in your office? This man frustrates me; I assure you if I ever see him I will kill him!! He surely does have something planned. I’m quite sure of that but what? Is the big fat question here?" She surely had a point. I myself doubted that he would just leave Laura alone.

  She came from a wealthy family but Drew also did. I was quite sure he wouldn't leave Laura, but what was the very reason for calling me to his office and giving the illusion he might tell her if I showed up? Laura was purely in love with him, I had seen it. Scratch that I have felt it through her happiness. I had heard how fondly and highly she spoke of him. However, there was no use of these thoughts to consume me.

  "Hell, with it, Shay, he can plan whatever his cunning mind lets him. I’m not going to meet him and it's for the very best. I really can't waste my time thinking about such things. I would love to think about my new life where I have fallen love with Aiden, got my dad back and have a nice mother figure like Carmen. Before you go on shouting I have you in my life forever the very friend who is my sister, partner in crime, and fill in all other words you feel like because you know you are important to me. Now go to back to bed I can hear your neighbour calling for you." The last part was a lie, I surely couldn't hear Alex calling her, but I knew them better.

  "Ha-ha, he isn't calling but I knew he would be up soon, and he is going out for a week for business. I will surely see you in the evening and fill in your dad with all what he has missed. I love you, Val, and you deserve this happiness and stability you have with, Aiden, your dad, Carmen, and me as always." I could hear the happiness in her voice. There exists a rarity of people who would have been happy in other's happiness, but I was glad that I had Shay who was a rare gem.

  "See you later." She added before ending the call and not giving me the time to reply back.

  I felt more comfortable and calm after talking to Shay. She put all my worries to ease naturally. Maybe it was her friendship that did it. The rest of the morning passed in a blur. Dad, Carmen and I had breakfast together. Seeing Carmen at my house in the morning was surely not a shock, I knew how lonely she felt in her house and she was not a cat person. Dad being of her age might have resulted in forming a friendship that she wanted.

  Even my dad needed company and I couldn't always be here. I was glad they found each other and I was aiming for them to grow into a couple too. The better half of the day was spent in my office drowned in files and meetings with my bosses. My boss was quite happy with my work had asked me to do one more business event to work on which was to be held just a week later. My mind was in havoc by the time the clock stroked two in the afternoon. I had missed my lunch and was pretty much tired. Melanie, being the best secretary, was able to give me some time to relax by pushing the last meeting with the caterers for the next day. My lunch got interrupted by the ringing of my phone making me want to throw it out, but I knew any logical person wouldn't do that. Without seeing who it was I answered the call hurriedly. The sooner I answered them the sooner they would leave me and I could enjoy my late lunch.

  "Hello, Valerie here." I answered tiredly.

  "My sweet, sweet, Val," the sickly-sweet voice of Drew hurt my ears.

  "I never knew you to be such a defiant person. I’m surely amused by this behaviour of yours. I had suspected that you wouldn't come here easily thus I knew I would have to force you to come here." I could hear his manipulative mind working.

  "So here is the new deal, if you don't come
and see me within an hour I will call Laura and tell her that you made a pass on me when she was out to attend the call, thus, I was angry and furious when we left your office yesterday. I’m quite sure Laura would believe me because she always believes my every word. She would still be marrying me and I would be in no loss, but for you I see a great deal of loss, your employer would lose this contract because of you, the shame and accusations you would have brought on yourself would ruin you. Ah and one last fact for everything you have worked so hard for will do down the drain and you would be left alone with nothing, lonely, unable to meet your expenses and a stain of being characterless too will be put on you. You have one hour to show up in my office, be late and I will be your worst nightmare. See you soon, my dearest, Valerie," He blackmailed me. His every word made my anger rise to a new level; the asshole of a bastard was once again playing games and stooping lower than anyone.

  If I would have a gun I surely would have shot the fucking bastard by now. Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself which was really not an easy task when all I wanted to do was stab the bastard. I thought about what to do and my mind didn't work very well under anger and stress, and Drew was giving me both. I dialled Aiden's number, I didn't know why but I wanted to hear his voice.

  "Hey Val," The greeting was made hastily.

  "Hi Aiden, are you busy somewhere?" I asked trying to calm myself.

  "Umm, kind of. Actually, I’m with a friend and I’m working out something important with her." I could feel a sting of jealousy trying to surface but I had to trust him. If he really had something to hide he wouldn't have told me that he was with her. Suppressing my jealousy, I concentrated on the problem in my hand.

  "Would you be able to be free within an hour?" It would have been better if he could have come with me. I knew I had to go and visit the sleazebag and Aiden being there could have given me moral support.

  "No, I don't think so. I’m quite sure it's going to take me long hours to sort some things for her. I think she is being cheated by her going to be husband and hence, I’m trying to get the facts right, so I could prove that to her. Was it there was something important you needed me for?" I could hear the concern in his voice. I pitied his friend; she was going to be so hurt when Aiden tells her the truth. Aiden was much needed there and I was quite sure I could handle a bit of Drew for sure myself. If he tries anything I surely know where to kick and make use of my powerful lungs to scream out loud.

  "No, nothing of much importance. Take care of your friend and try to find more about the cheater. I will talk to you later."

  "Okay, bye Val." Giving a quick answer he ended the call. I tried not to be hurt by his rush and quick answer. He surely must have been busy to sort out his friend's life. Not putting more thought in it. I ate as much as I could of my food. Picking up my bag I walked out of the office informing Melanie that I was going out. Hailing a cab, I made my way to his office. I kept on looking at my watch, noting the time, I really didn't want to be late.

  Drew was set bound in getting what he wants and if he wanted to destroy my life he wouldn't hesitate for it to be done. He was a vicious man for sure. Only fifteen minutes left with me to reach his office, I asked the receptionist for the directions of his office. He has already informed at the reception to expect me. For surely, anyone wouldn't have anyone would see it as awkward with me meeting him because I was organizing his wedding. Entering in his office I saw a smirk on his face that I willed to wipe off soon with my sharp tongue.

  "I knew you would come, Val." I could hear the satisfaction in his voice.

  "You forced me to. Scratch that you had me blackmailed for it." I could sense a hint of anger in his posture after hearing me. Standing up he walked past me to close the door while I stood glued to the floor. He tried to touch me but I moved away from him.

  "Why did you call me here for?" I got straight to the point. I was not in a mood to make a scene, and I really wanted to get out of there asap.

  "Aww, you look like you are in a hurry. Don't you have any time to spend with this old boyfriend of yours? Huh?" He was really starting to piss me off. I felt like I was ticking bomb and I would just blast if he didn't stop with his acts.

  "Cut out the act Drew, and just tell me what you called me in for. I really don't have time to hear any of your lovely shit." I knew I was pressing his button, he hated disrespect and I giving him that.

  "Okay, I will get straight to the point. Laura, surely loves me and her world revolves around me. There is no way I am going to give her up. So, I’m asking you politely that, what is your price to keep your mouth shut." His words didn't take me by surprise I was quite sure that something like this would be on his mind.

  "I have got no price, Drew. I just want you to not destroy Laura's life. I don't know the fucking details about you, but I know that she has been in a coma and gone through a lot. Walk away before breaking her heart because I know you can't stay faithful to her always. You would end up hurting her for sure. You don't fucking love her and I think you can never love anyone. I fucking know that. You left me without a word then so why wouldn't you do that to her!! You are a fucking player and I know that. So, stop playing with other's life, you bastard!!!" I seethed out in anger at him. His expression changed to an angry one. If looks could kill I would have been dead by now.

  "Stop right there, you bitch. How dare you say I don't love her? I fucking love her so much!" He screamed.

  "Yes, and that is why you made a pass at me yesterday!!" I responded back.

  "I did that so that I could somehow make you look the culprit and have you away from this wedding. I always loved her even while I was with you. I just pretended that it was her I was with and not you. I never fucking loved you!" His words left me stunned but I didn't let it show up on my face.

  "Shocking isn't it? The only reason I was with you because she was in a coma and you were a spitting image of her. It had me fucking stunned too for once. I checked your background and there was no way you were related to her. You had so many similarities that I pretended it was her when I was with you. Seventy percent of your facial structure matched her and that is why I was attracted to you. I loved her so much that I was devastated when she had an accident and went into deep sleep. If she would have been there I don't think I would have ever chased you. The day she woke up I left you behind. I never thought I would ever face you again. You were nothing more than a replicate of her in my life. Do you understand that? That is why I won't let you destroy my relationship with Laura. I would stoop as low as I could to have you keep your mouth shut." I stood there aghast. I was appalled by the truth, all these years I have lived with the fact that he was a player who wanted to toy with every girl's feeling, but he had toyed with me only and no other girl beside me. It was the fact that we looked the same that he had chosen me. I wanted to laugh at it. When Laura had pointed our similarities out it wasn’t anything big but it felt like now everything revolved around it.

  "Shocking isn't it, let me give you a one smaller devastating shock then. No one could ever love you for who you are, Valerie.” He said stepping into my personal space.

  “That boyfriend of yours, Aiden, also chose you because you just look like, Laura. We both loved Laura but she chose me and he was left all alone. He decided to settle for the second best or the scraps left by me. He loves, Laura and if he gets a chance with her he would leave you without a word. You can't compare to her at all, you are just going to be loved by her lovers like me and Aiden only because you look like her. Nothing could make anyone love you for you. You are nothing to, Aiden, without the same looks like hers. You aren't meant to be loved." He sneered at me making the world shift from under my feet. My mind screamed at me not to believe, but I was confounded.

  Friend who's going to be husband is cheating on her. She could make me forget you. The shock in his eyes when I told him Drew's name.

  Everything started to click and that was when first tear trailed down my cheek. Drew, wasn’t lying, right?

  I was never loved for who I was, the truth hit me hard. I was just a doppelganger, loved for being Laura’s doppelganger. The bang opening of the office door drew me out of my shocked state.

  "I’m going to fucking killing you, Drew, for playing with, Laura. I fucking love her and I’m going to take her away from you." Aiden screamed out before registering me. His wide shocked eyes met with the teary eyes of mine.

  I fucking love her.......................

  Those words shattered my heart like never before.

  Chapter 12


  Through blurred vision, I took in the shocked faces of both the man. The pain I felt right now was million times more than when Drew left me. I felt vulnerable, with my broken heart. I wanted to rip my heart and mind for believing that I could be loved again, that someone was meant for me. Being loved under the illusion of some other person took my own self away from me. It took my identity away, swarmed my mind with doubts.

  Was I ever loved? Or both of the bastards imagined Laura under them whenever I was under them. Who they were with, within their mind, me or the illusion of me being Laura? My brain wanted to explode with this discovery, I wanted to break things, have things shattered like my heart was. Tears rolled down my cheeks while the memories of Aiden and me yesterday swarm in my mind. Was that a lie too? Was I ever loved for who I’m? Awareness of never being loved was a woodpecker knocking tiny holes into my soul.

  "Val." Aiden's voice made me angry at my own self. I shook my head as tears streamed down my cheeks. The awareness of never being loved for my own self smashed me into smithereens. Whatever I thought I felt or knew disappeared in a flash. The tremor of the truth left, dissolving in the ground leaving me empty and more alone than ever before.


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