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If Your Wife Only Knew

Page 4

by Cydney Rax

  Rashad burst out laughing. He was intrigued. She looked so sweet and vulnerable. She seemed like she needed protecting. He wanted to know her and not just have sex with her.

  “I’d be glad to help. My line of work has me driving all over the city. So I know how it feels to be somewhere and not know where the hell I am. But don’t worry, you’re in good hands, young lady.”

  Alexis’s cheeks flushed red.

  “Don’t be ashamed. We all need help sometimes.” He winked at her, which made her blush even more.

  Even though Alexis assumed Rashad thought she felt foolish, in reality she was attracted to his good looks. His eyes were mesmerizing and filled with excitement. He had the most amazing teeth. He was super friendly and made her feel at ease. And he looked sexy in his clothes. Deep inside she felt she was being rescued. To her, all the buildings on the huge campus looked the same and she’d already wasted twenty minutes. No one else reached out to assist her. So Alexis told Rashad where she needed to go and he personally walked her to MacGregor Hall, the location of the HR department.

  “You look like a college student. Smart and stylish.”

  She wore a belted coatdress and some black pumps. Rashad loved what he saw.

  “Thanks for the compliment. I’m not a student. But my mama sure stays on me so I’ll make something out of my life. If I didn’t go to college, the next best thing is to get a job at a college.” She gave him a reserved smile, which endeared her to him.

  They arrived at MacGregor Hall and he walked her inside the lobby.

  “Hey, I hope you get the job.” He winked and reached out to shake her hand. Her skin felt smooth and warm. He wished he could hold her fingers a little longer; he resisted the crazy temptation to kiss them. But she eventually let go. He watched her board the elevator. Though he could have left right then, he decided to linger around on the first floor. He had to see her again. He stood and waited. And he was so happy when he watched Alexis get off the elevator after she was done with her appointment.

  “Hey there,” she said. Alexis was glad to see him, too. She thought about him all the while she was upstairs filling out paperwork. She wondered who he was.

  “It’s you again. I wanted to tell you thanks for helping me.”

  “My name is Rashad. What’s yours?”

  “I’m Alexis.”

  “I stuck around to make sure you’re okay. And I just had to see if you can find the right parking lot.”

  They laughed together.

  “Plus you’re fine as hell and you also seem like a cool chick. Can we stay in touch?”

  “You seem like a cool dude, and I don’t mind staying in touch, but aren’t you too old for me?”

  “I’m thirty-one. That ain’t old,” he told her. “Watch this.” In a moment of spontaneity, Rashad ran up toward the side of a nearby wall, jumped off of it, and did a handstand. He balanced his weight and with great agility walked around on his hands, yelling, “I’m the king of the world.” Alexis was flabbergasted. This guy was something else. She giggled and shook her head.

  “You sure are energetic . . . for an old man.”

  He got back on his feet and dusted off his hands. “Hey, baby, I would love to show you what an old man can do!”

  Alexis felt breathless.

  “I’d love to see that. Here’s my number, cutie. Use it. Don’t lose it.”

  Even though Alexis was nineteen, and she felt a little nervous about how she flirted back, she loved Rashad’s energetic and confident air. She could already tell that he liked her, and that they shared great chemistry.

  They talked on the phone every day. He made her laugh and gave her all kinds of compliments. She soon started working in an office on campus. They saw each other once a week and she snuck him into her mother’s house to have sex. He continued to charm her and she loved the surprise gifts he brought to her. But a year later, when there was a reduction in force, Alexis got relocated to the communications division. That’s when she found herself working for Kiara Eason. Right away, Alexis realized that her boss shared a last name with the man she’d been sleeping with. That’s when she put two and two together. She asked Rashad if he was still married. He said yes, but “it isn’t a happy marriage so please don’t hold that against me.” She got angry at him but he begged for her forgiveness. By then Alexis was sprung. She couldn’t let him go.

  Ever since then, working for Kiara kept Alexis on edge. She needed her job, but she loved and needed Rashad even more.

  And now her boss wanted to meet with Alexis. She took her time and combed her hair, reapplied her hot pink lipstick, and curled her eyelashes. She grabbed her BlackBerry then walked into Mrs. Eason’s spacious corner office, which was well lit by the sparkling afternoon sun.


  “Close the door and have a seat.”

  Alexis wrestled with the fear within her belly, but she calmly sat down and crossed her legs.

  “Um, while I was gone from the office, I heard about a disturbing event that took place. From what I was told, you were a witness, as well as Shyla and some of the other staff.”

  “Yes, that’s true. But what does the alleged ‘disturbing event’ have to do with me?”

  Kiara was taken aback by her tone.

  “I wasn’t finished yet.”


  “Anyway, what it has to do with you, as well as the others, is that I think we should schedule a brief staff meeting to talk about it.”

  This heifer loves meetings.

  “That sounds like a personal issue that the campus police department has already handled. The lady’s husband didn’t even work here. The only disturbing thing that happened is a woman made a big fool of herself. Couldn’t be me.”

  “Well, Alexis, you definitely have a lot to say for someone who thinks the incident has nothing whatsoever to do with you.”

  “It’s just my opinion.”

  “That’s fine, but my concern is for everyone here to feel safe,” Kiara continued. “In fact, it’s my duty to create a secure environment. And while it is somewhat true that what people do on their own time is their own business—”

  “At least we agree on that.”

  “Alexis, I beg your pardon. Is there something going on that you’re not telling me? You’ve been snapping at me ever since you came in my office.”

  Alexis frowned and her eyes rested on an eight-by-ten silver picture frame that was prominently displayed by Kiara’s office telephone. She stared at the black-and-white photo of her lover, Rashad, snuggling cheek to cheek with Kiara. Their six-year-old son, Myles, was sitting on his mother’s lap. Kiara was grinning and her eyes sparkled with joy. Rashad’s lips curled into a proud grin. This must have been a new photo.

  Alexis felt teary-eyed. The handsome boy greatly favored Rashad.

  “This is some crap,” Alexis said out loud and rose to her feet.

  “What did you say? Why are you getting up? The meeting isn’t done yet.”

  Alexis clapped her hands over her mouth.

  “I think I have food poisoning. Excuse me.”

  Alexis stumbled out of Kiara’s office and hurried to the restroom. She burst into an empty stall and fell to her knees. She flung up the toilet seat and placed her face over the white porcelain commode. It was cold and sterile. And the thought of her face being so close to where people emptied their bowels made her more nauseated.

  “Oh, God,” she said just before her stomach unloaded. Her mouth spread open wider and wider as she vomited. Her forehead beaded with sweat and she wished she could remove her jacket.

  Once her stomach settled, she went back to her desk, opened a drawer with her key, and removed a clear plastic bag in which she stored toothpaste, a toothbrush, mouth rinse, and dental floss. She called it her “Freakum Bag” because she also kept two extra pairs of black thongs in it just in case.

  Alexis returned to the restroom, thoroughly cleaned out her mouth, and got freshened up.

bsp; As much as she hated to do it, she walked back into Kiara’s office and closed the door.

  “Sorry about that. I feel better now that I’ve gotten rid of something that wasn’t making me feel good.”

  “Where’d you go for lunch?”

  “Where’d I go for lunch?”

  “Yes, you said you experienced food poisoning. Maybe you should call that restaurant and let them know.”

  “Um, that won’t be necessary.”

  Kiara gave Alexis a quizzical look. “Have you eaten there before?”

  “Have I eaten there before? Look, don’t worry about it. It’s not even that serious.”

  “Just say the word and I’ll call wherever you ate lunch today.”

  Alexis gulped. “Please. Don’t.”

  “I won’t. But if I were you, I would never go back to that place again. Now will you please send out an invite for a thirty-minute meeting? It can start at three.”

  “If you say so; I don’t think this is needed. But you’re the boss.”

  “I’m sure everyone is going to feel differently about this but, as a married woman, it’s a topic that’s close to the chest. It’s never good when couples put their business out on the street. And from what I hear, this situation was completely out of control. I especially hate when married women lower themselves to the level of a—”

  “You want to say ‘whore’?”

  “I did want to say it, and I will say it. The other woman is a ho!”

  “You are entitled to your opinion, but why does that woman have to be called an ugly name only because she fell in love with the same man? Plus, you know nothing about the chick that the man is allegedly messing with.”

  “I don’t have to know anything about her,” Kiara snapped. “If he’s married, he’s off limits point blank period. She should know that.”

  “What she ‘should know’ always isn’t the case. Maybe he hasn’t admitted he’s married. You’d be surprised at how many men hide their status.”

  “Now, see, that’s just something I don’t understand. How can a man be living with his wife and going around acting like he’s single and ready to mingle? I’d kill Rashad if he denied me. Then I’d kill the other woman, too.”

  Alexis tried to place her shaking hands in her lap. “I’m sure you don’t have to worry about that with your man. You’re one of the lucky ones.” She forced herself to smile as she gazed at the family photo on Kiara’s desk. “Your family looks sooo nice. And I can tell you’ve got a special one right there.”

  Kiara thought about it and nodded. “Overall, I probably am fortunate to have him. But he’s the lucky one because he has me.”

  “Hmm. He’s lucky, all right.”

  “Oops, so sorry. I’m not trying to brag or anything. And Alexis, don’t give up hope. I’m sure in due time, the right man will come along for you, too.”

  “How do you know he hasn’t already come along?”

  “Oh, is that right? Well, I’d love to meet your man one day.”

  “Maybe you will.”

  “Do you have a photo of him in your phone?”

  Alexis stood up. This was her opportunity to tell Kiara that she was sleeping with Rashad. Her BlackBerry was tucked inside its Union Jack curve case; she opened the case, then snapped it shut. “I do have a photo, but I will show it to you some other time. I need to get going on that meeting request.”

  Alexis was just fucking with her boss, for she knew that she did not have a single photo of Rashad on her work cell phone.

  That afternoon, once the entire staff gathered again in the conference room, Kiara stood before all twelve employees appearing resolute and stern.

  “Normally, we do not meet about these types of topics, but considering what happened a couple of hours ago I felt it was necessary to bring everyone up to speed. I’ve met with the campus chief of police and one of the lieutenants. A woman whose spouse does work at TSWU came unannounced to our building today around one-thirty. She was screaming and causing a disturbance. Thankfully, she was unarmed. She wasn’t arrested but was issued a warning. I’m not sure if she also entered any other buildings before she found herself over here, but the good news is no one was hurt.”

  “Why was she here? I missed the action,” asked Ellie, the assistant manager of marketing.

  “Her man ain’t right, that’s why she was here,” Shyla said and gave a smug look. “Me and my man Wesley are getting married the first weekend in November, and I let him know from the jump that I do not play when it comes to cheating. In fact, if we’re walking down the aisle towards the minister and if Wesley so much as looks at another woman, I will call off the wedding even before I say ‘I do.’ I will tell that minister, ‘Before you get started, I do not. It’s a wrap. And y’all don’t have to go home, but you gots to get the hell up outchea.’”

  Everyone except Alexis broke into laughter. She was trying to figure out how someone as disgusting as Shyla could get engaged when she knew for a fact she was a much better catch than that silly bird.

  Long neck–having, goose-lipped, squawking-mouthed, chicken-legged fool.

  “Well, since I wasn’t here, I can’t say why the woman ended up in our building, but you can only imagine,” Kiara replied. “All I know is it sounded scary. People pop off over any and every thing these days. You know the state is debating if we all may carry concealed weapons on college campuses. So the tension is real, active shooters are in the headlines, and workplace violence is on the rise.”

  “We don’t have to worry about anything like that happening here, though,” said Tony. “Just about everyone who works in this department is happily married.”

  “True that,” said Shyla. She sneered at Alexis and cackled.

  “But, Tony, how would you know how happy they are?” Alexis spoke up. “You really know everything about everybody’s relationship?”

  Tony’s face turned a deep red.

  “Leave him alone,” Kiara snapped.

  “I’m sorry, Tony,” Alexis apologized. “I’m just saying some people try to act like they’re Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Outwardly that couple looks happy. But nobody knows what goes on behind closed elevators.”

  “Womp, womp,” Tony said good-naturedly. “She’s right about that one.”

  “Womp, womp. She’s always good for ruining a fun moment,” Shyla hissed in response. Alexis pretended like she didn’t hear and she didn’t care. But she definitely heard.

  Later that evening, a couple hours after she’d gotten home from work, Alexis glanced at her watch for the twentieth time. The walls inside her house smelled like fresh pine. She toted around a bucket of hot water as she wiped kitchen counters that were already clean. When she was finished wiping, she got the broom and swept an immaculate floor. And several times she turned on the television in the living room just to turn it off every time a commercial came on that made a doorbell sound.

  When she finally did hear a rapped knock on her door, Alexis took her time opening it. When she finally swung open the door, she stood and placed one hand on her hip.

  Rashad beamed at her and opened his arms as he walked toward her, but she stopped him.

  “I don’t know what type of bitch you think I am, but you’re about to find out.”


  “You’re late. Two hours late. Late Negroes get docked.” She twirled around, walked back through her doorway, then slammed the door in Rashad’s face.

  Rashad buzzed her cell phone but she let it ring without answering. Alexis walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and grabbed a bottle of champagne and a container of orange juice. She calmly fixed herself a mimosa then fired up a cigarette.

  She took her drink and went to open the patio door. She stretched out on the chaise longue, puffed on her cigarette, and waited.

  She let the phone ring another ten times before she answered. “What?”

  “Baby, I apologize. I’m wrong. I was late and I should have told you.”

; “You damn right you should have told me. I don’t know what type of fool you take me for but you’re messing with the wrong chick. I could be doing a whole lot more important things besides sucking your dick.”

  “Aww, sweetness, don’t say that. I told you I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry won’t fix this. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?”

  “Calm down, beautiful. It’s gonna be all right because I’m here now.”

  “I needed you earlier, though.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “I had a rough day. I-I just thought you could help make it better.” She caught herself. “But the fact that you didn’t care about my feelings really has me fucked up.”

  “I wasn’t late on purpose.”

  “It’s not just the fact that you’re late, Rashad. I really had a moment.”

  He paused.

  “What type of moment?”

  “I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I sense Kiara knows something. She makes odd comments sometimes. And I’m not in this situation by myself. But when I need to talk to you about things, you aren’t always available.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. What can I do to make it up to you?”

  “I’ll have to think about that one. And I’m not sure I can accept your apology.”

  “Damn, baby, why you being so hard on a brother? C’mon, let me come in. We can talk.”

  “We’re not just gonna talk. I know you.”

  “We’re gonna do two of my favorite things: talk and make love. How about that, baby?”

  “You heard me, Rashad. I’m not in the mood to let you feel on my booty, my twat, or any other part of this good stuff.”

  “You playing, right?”

  “The next time you see me will be Friday. You think you can remember to treat me right between now and then?”

  He nursed his bruised ego with a silence that scared her. But then he said, “All right, sexy. I will see you in a few days.”

  Chapter 3

  That Friday, Rashad rehearsed in his head what he needed to tell his wife. He arrived home from doing some subcontractor work around two o’clock, much earlier than usual. Kiara had been in the house all that day with Myles, who was battling a slight fever. She’d been busy tending to her son and doing lots of housework, plus she checked into the office via her tablet. After Kiara cooked and they enjoyed a late lunch, Rashad ran the water for her to take an afternoon bubble bath. She was standing in front of the vanity mirror tying a purple and gold headwrap around her bob.


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