Saturna and the Battle for Zard

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Saturna and the Battle for Zard Page 45

by DP Scott

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The royal space ship arrived at the castle’s landing strip exactly on time. On either side of the transporter the large dark blue Zardite ‘Z’ was noticeably gone, replaced with the black Veectoreze ‘V’. The ship flew over the blue carpet that had been placed across the runway, erratically hovering back and forth before it landed. It seemed as though the pilot was purposely aiming for the musicians, who were playing one of the royal welcoming tunes.

  When the engines of the ship were quieted the dignitaries in full uniform quickly moved into position. Protocol put the Zardites at the right side of the transporter next to the door. Thor of Veectors stood nervously at the front of the line, dressed in a Veectoreze uniform. He supported Gondee ever so lightly beside him. Next stood Anton, Yuko and Oron in full military dress. Seven other Veectoreze sentries followed, their uniforms reflecting the colors of their planet.

  The local Zardite inhabitants sat in the newly erected stands at the opposite end of the blue carpet, awaiting a glimpse of the unknown special guest. They were there out of curiosity, but actually more interested in the food and drink that had been promised to them following the arrival ceremony. When the door of the ship opened there was much nattering about who would be exiting. A buzzing filled the air almost drowning out the music.

  There seemed to be a shape in the doorway, but no one was able to identify who it was. They could only see moving blackness. Within an instant the most unexpected inhabitant stepped out of the craft and onto the tarmac. The talking stopped, the music stopped, and there was utter silence as the gawking crowd tried to understand why they had been called to greet Detis. She was dressed in a beautiful, but unusual black gown, which seemed to grow from her skin. When the wind caught the train of the dress it made Detis even larger and more frightening. Glancing once towards Thor, Detis ignored the rest of the dignitaries and approached the stands. The nearer she got, the more the inhabitants cringed, sensing an impending doom.

  Strolling to the podium that had been set up for her, Detis scanned the crowd with intensity, and then turned to the Veectoreze dignitary who had accompanied her. “Make the announcement to this pathetic group, Razore, the authorities on Zard are useless!”

  Moving to stand beside her, Razore spoke in his most elegant tone. “My fine inhabitants, we are here today to publically announce a most unfortunate occurrence. So close to the passing of a great King, Queen Saturna has also been taken from us, leaving the former Princess Detis with an immense burden. We ask that you join us in celebration as she has already been crowned Queen of the Solar System and has come here today to meet her inhabitants on Zard. You will now bow to Queen Detis!”

  Nine thousand inhabitants sat silently staring at Detis and Diplomat Razore. The announcement had taken them by surprise. Detis, the Queen of the Solar System! The Zardite dignitaries still in their positions near the ship made eye contact with one another. The response of the inhabitants was what they had expected-- it was almost time to engage their plan. As Anton started to take a step forward, Gondee touched his arm.

  “Wait a few more minutes before you approach her,” he whispered, leaning a little more on Thor’s arm for support. “We must wait for her to show her real personality to the crowd.”

  True to what Gondee said, it didn’t take long for Detis to become furious at the lack of response from the inhabitants. She had not expected massive cheering, but the silence and disrespectful stares were more than she could stand!

  “These worthless Zardites will pay, oh how they will pay,” she cursed. Pushing Razore to the side, she addressed the crowd. “You will bow to me on your hands and knees! From now on this will be the way you approach your Queen! I will not tolerate mistakes, SERVE me and you will be rewarded, FAIL and you will no longer be part of the Solar System. Do you understand? Get on your hands and knees now!” she screeched, pushing the podium violently off the mound towards the inhabitants, who remained frozen to their seats.

  With a loud crash, blackness began to surround her and flow into the crowd. The Urites became frightened, babies began to cry, and all of the inhabitants shuddered as they came to realize what was happening. One by one, they fell to their hands and knees using the ancient way of greeting royalty. Anton, handsome in his army uniform was quite noticeable as he walked casually towards Detis around the subservient inhabitants and fallen podium.

  “You, on your hands and knees!” snarled Detis, knowing now that Anton would have no choice but to do as she bid. “I hope you’ve learned from your past mistake because I won’t be as tolerant this time,” she added with a smirk.

  Anton remained standing and walked over to her. “I honor you as My Queen. Please let me kiss the royal ring,” he said loudly as he knelt on one knee before her.

  “That will not be necessary,” replied Detis, hiding her left hand.

  “You do have the royal ring, My the inhabitants know you have been chosen to reign?” asked Anton innocently, but loudly, turning to address the crowd. “…because I don’t see it upon your left index finger!”

  Mumbling began among the Zardites and a head popped up here and there. Detis looked nervous.

  Gaining her composure she sternly stated, “I will have the royal ring very soon. Saturna sent it to me when she realized her time was near. I am the heir to the throne and you WILL obey me! All of you WILL obey me, or I shall deal with you one by one! Guards! Where are the Veectoreze guards?”

  The seven Veectoreze sentries rushed to the podium around Anton, but did nothing because they had been told they were at the ceremony for show only. Detis, shocked at the small number of Veectoreze sentries who had come to her call, stood waiting for the rest of them. When no more Veectoreze guards arrived, she became distraught and seemed to lose focus, looking left and right for gold and black uniforms.

  “Do you have a witness to prove Queen Saturna sent the ring to you of her own free will?” questioned Anton at the top of his voice, noting her uneasiness.

  “I will not be interrogated by the likes of you! I have lost a husband, a daughter, and now faithful servant named Hete who sadly and unexpectedly was killed after he sent the royal ring to me. If he was here today, he would tell you Saturna gave the ring to me of her own free will!” replied Detis tearfully, bowing her head in an attempt to get sympathy from the inhabitants.

  “Don’t be sad, Your Majesty. I’m right here. I wasn’t killed at all,” exclaimed Hete, jumping up from the still half-kneeling crowd, all of whom were attentively watching and listening to the unbelievable drama.

  Detis paled and then turned crimson, unable to speak for a moment. Gripping the sides of her gown tightly, she looked into crowd and realized from the inhabitant’s side glances at Hete, that some of them knew who he was.

  “Find the rest of Veectoreze sentries,” she whispered to Razore through gritted teeth turning her attention to Hete. “Hete my friend, how wonderful to see you’re safe. My heart is joyous. Come to me now and bring me the royal ring,” said Detis, trying to sound cheerful and raising her arms in welcome.

  “I can’t do that because the royal ring belongs to the Queen,” Hete called back to her, unmoving from his position in the crowd.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, my faithful servant. I’m the Queen, and I command you to come to me now!” Detis said, getting angry.

  “No you aren’t, she is!” Hete yelled, pointing to Saturna who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

  Dressed in a white satin and lace gown, and looking more exquisite than ever, Saturna made her way slowly to the front of the gathering. She proudly held out her hand showing the royal ring on her left index finger and invited the nervous inhabitants to stand. One by one they did as they were told.

  This can’t be happening, thought Detis, blinking rapidly. She looked about for Diplomat Razore and the Veectoreze guards and saw that they were gone. Realizing she was alone and trapped by thousands o
f inhabitants surrounding her, she had no choice but to face Saturna. Angry, worried and now humbled, she let herself fall to the ground in hopes she could beg for forgiveness on her hands and knees.

  “Rise Detis, and face your charge of treason. We do not kneel before royalty on Zard,” said Saturna as she approached her. Watching her rise on wobbly legs, Saturna felt no pity. “You will be stripped of your royal title and all belongings and shall be moved to a cave on the northern side of the planet with contact from no inhabitant. As you are well aware, high treason is the only crime in the Solar System punishable by death. I spare your life because you were a wife to my father. However, your name shall be removed from the archives and all remembrances of you will be burned. As far as Zard is concerned you did not exist!” stated Saturna loudly and clearly.

  Hanging her head in defeat, Detis made no reply. Anton waited for a nod from Saturna before he removed the deflated Detis from the tarmac. Diplomat Razore and the other Veectoreze diplomats who had arrived with her tried to blend into the crowd, but were quickly surrounded by Anton’s men. Saturna watched unmoved as Detis and the Veectoreze diplomats were escorted away before she climbed the mound and turned to face the crowd.

  “My inhabitants rise and join me in celebration, for today will go down in history. This day marks a victory in the beginning of my reign! I am Queen of Zard, Queen of the Solar System, chosen by my father to rule. Let no one, male or female ever challenge the crown again, for I have successfully defended it and will always be ready to do so. Come and let us celebrate a victory for our planet!”

  Justice had been served and Saturna knew her father would have been proud. Pausing to gaze at her inhabitants, she saw Gondee, looking so tiny and helpless beside the enormous Thor. The Wisdom Keeper had come to support her today although she had strictly forbidden it. Across the field she saw Yuko organizing the troops and prisoners, and near the castle wall Oron, preaching all was well as he ushered the inhabitants inside the castle for food and drink. She was thankful, extremely thankful to have such wonderful advisors and friends!

  “Can you see him? Can you see Anton? We should wait here for him, My Queen,” said Peep, beaming as she leaned out of Saturna’s front pocket.

  Saturna smiled at her little friend. “Anton is too busy to worry about me. He has a demanding job, and besides Hete’s been put in charge of our security. It’s really his place to assist us. Here he comes now in his new red uniform.”

  But when she looked again, she noticed Anton had joined Hete at the bottom of the mound and was approaching her. Their eyes met and locked, and her heart missed a beat.

  “Hey Saturna, we’re here to escort you and Peep to the castle. We have to hurry before all the celebration cake is gone,” said Hete, puffing out his chest and grinning from ear to ear. “Things went very well Saturna, don’t you think?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “Yes, my dear friend Hete, things went very well.”

  And they all burst into laughter.

  The End

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Saturna and the Battle for Zard. The sequel Saturna and the Secrets of the Kingdom is now available as an ebook and paperback.

  Saturna and the Secrets of the Kingdom is the second book in the Saturna series. Saturna has won the war, but the battle continues. With conflict on the planet Veectors, security issues on Jattee, and a major political situation on Mevot, Saturna must deal with each challenge to maintain control of the Zardian Empire. On route to the ice planet Mevot, a solar storm forces the royal spaceship to seek refuge on Turnti, an advanced planet where the inhabitants communicate by telepathy. Here, Saturna discovers secrets about her mother's past and learns to harness her telepathic abilities. A second unscheduled stop on Thespa, a planet well known for its great beasts and dragons, proves to be valuable when Saturna uncovers a long forgotten secret.

  For more books by D. P. Scott go to


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