Grave Magic

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Grave Magic Page 3

by Thorn, Lacey

  She wanted him again. Her body was alive with the need. Her nipples pebbled, the tips beading at the thought of his mouth caressing her, sucking on her. Her sex grew damp, her inner muscles clenching in remembrance of having him inside. He was the one. She’d felt it the moment they’d touched. He hadn’t even paused when she’d used her magic to open the door. It had to be fate.

  She bolted back out into the living room. Wait! Where was he? Who was he? Oh, dear goddess! She didn’t even know his name. She dropped to her knees on the carpeting. She’d accosted a complete stranger outside her door and let him have his way with her. Still, she couldn’t contain the grin. And what a way he’d had.

  “Stop it, Alice,” she reprimanded herself. For all the social skills she lacked, even she knew it wasn’t appropriate to have sex with a strange man just because he’d looked tasty to her. Oh, he was tasty. She smacked her lips, thinking of his skin under her mouth then shook her head again.

  Shower. She stood quickly and moved back toward the bathroom, reaching in and starting the shower. She stepped under the fall of water, letting it rinse away the evidence of her indiscretion, though inside she was reliving every moment. She was certain he’d been about to introduce himself when she’d followed through on her need to see if he tasted as good as he smelled. That one touch and it had all spiraled away from her. She’d become lost in him and the sensations he’d brought to life within her.

  My god, had she told him her pussy belonged to him? She cupped her sex, slipping soapy fingers along the folds. And it was. Fates help her, but she couldn’t imagine taking anyone else after having him. She wanted to know his name. Needed it like the oxygen she breathed. He’d let her claim his cock as hers. That had to mean something. Right? Her questions after taking a lover weren’t nearly so nice as the experience had been.

  She finished her shower then rubbed her skin with a towel before reaching for her favorite jasmine-scented oil and soothing her skin with it. She put her damp hair back into a ponytail and headed toward her bedroom. She grabbed a dress and slipped it over her head, smoothing it over her hips and tugging the hem so it brushed just below her knees. The bodice cupped her breasts so there was no need for a bra. She thought briefly about forgoing panties but didn’t think that would be such a good idea, considering how her first encounter with the stranger had gone. She pulled a pair of sensible cotton undies from her top drawer and slid them up her legs.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on a pair of socks before slipping her feet into her boots. She added a lightweight sweater, leaving it unbuttoned. Returning to the bathroom, she scanned her appearance from head to toe before pulling the ponytail from her hair and using her fingers to fluff. The blonde strands fell in waves around her face, and, deciding she liked it, Alice left it free.

  She moved back into the living room, her gaze immediately pulled back toward the couch where he’d loved her. She fisted a hand and pressed it against the juncture of her thighs. She wanted him again. Her sex was already blooming, her folds slick and hot with need. How was that even possible? The spot they’d left was already fading, and with a sigh of regret, she whispered a spell, gave a wave of her fingers, and whisked away the residue of what had happened.

  She spent a few minutes straightening the cushions and plumping the pillows. She didn’t see the T-shirt until she headed toward the door. Bending to pick it up, she immediately brought it to her nose. It smelled of sweat and musk and him. He’d had it tucked into the waistband of his shorts as if that could hide the impressive erection he’d sported. Nothing could have hidden the length and girth of his arousal. She folded the material neatly and carried it into her bedroom, slipping it under her pillow. Something to tide her over until she figured out who he was.

  “Goddess, please let him be easy to find.”

  Sending up the prayer, she grabbed her keys and headed outside. She shook her head when she saw the yoga mat still in her front yard. She picked it up then rolled it and tucked it inside the house before snapping the door closed behind her. Turning, she waved to Caitlyn as she made her way to her car. The big black truck was gone. She’d have to ask her friend about the owner when she got back.

  “Don’t forget my party!” Caitlyn hollered at Alice as she drove by.

  Shit! She’d forgotten her friend’s birthday. Alice was heading to town, anyway. She could easily pick up something while scouting for her mystery man. If she hurried, she could get it to Caitlyn before the guests showed up.

  Alice wasn’t big on large crowds. Mostly because she had no idea how to behave around them. Her tendency to say and do whatever she thought wasn’t easily curbed and led to embarrassing situations. She smiled. Her last encounter hadn’t been embarrassing. It had been many things. Hot, erotic, satisfying, but not embarrassing.

  Four hours later, she had three possible birthday choices and no sightings of her mystery lover. The black truck was back next door when Alice pulled into her drive. She drove the car farther around, toward the back of her house, to leave more parking available for Caitlyn’s guests.

  “Alice! Come help for a minute,” Caitlyn called as Alice stepped out of the vehicle.

  Alice tumbled the gifts into the bag she’d picked up, deciding to give her friend all of them, and headed over. The yard was decorated with pretend cobwebs, and Caitlyn had fashioned a spider’s web at one corner of the back porch. Little twinkle lights hung among the tree branches and stretched over the backyard. There were tiny black bats scattered among them, and Caitlyn was on a stepladder, trying to hang a silver ball when Alice joined her.

  “The decorations look great,” Alice enthused.

  “Thanks, if I could just get this to hang right, I could focus on the food,” Caitlyn huffed.

  “Here, let me,” Alice offered, and the two women traded places. “Nice truck, by the way. New?”

  “That’s Hud’s. He showed up last night, headed to bed with barely a hello then went on a run this morning and came home, slamming doors and grumbling.”

  Alice froze. “A run?”

  “Yeah,” Caitlyn replied. “He jumped in the shower then took off before you left. Got back an hour ago, and his mood hasn’t improved at all. He asked all kinds of questions about you, though. Did you two meet?”

  Oh, no! Alice almost fell off the ladder. Her mystery man couldn’t be Caitlyn’s new man! Giving the ball a magical boost, she hung it in place and closed her eyes. Please, no! Please, please, no!

  “Alice.” Caitlyn’s voice was warm, making Alice feel even worse. Alice practically jumped down, her skirt flaring up around her and catching on a nick in the wood, exposing her white cotton-covered derriere. “Alice! Hold still. Let me help before you hurt yourself.”

  “No, I’m okay. I’ve…” She hit a wall with a whoosh. Hard hands caught her, stopping her flailing.

  “Let me.”

  She moaned, dropping her head against his chest in shame as one broad palm cupped her ass, lifting her while he easily extricated the traitorous material from where it had caught on the wood. As soon as her feet landed flat on the ground, she tried to move away from him, but he kept her anchored at his side. Why was he making this so difficult?

  “The bag has your birthday gift,” Alice offered, still trying to free herself.

  “You could have just brought it this evening,” Caitlyn said with a smile, scooping up the bag Alice had dropped. Then her gaze met Alice’s, and the smile disappeared. “You’re not coming, are you?”

  Coming to a party where she’d be forced to watch Caitlyn with her new boyfriend, all the while remembering how he’d felt against her skin, buried inside her? Not a chance.

  “No, thank you. I appreciate the invitation, but I’m not good with crowds,” Alice said, finally ceasing her struggle to escape the man she’d spent the day searching for. “Plus, I don’t have a costume.”

  “You can always borrow something of mine. Or…” Caitlyn’s gaze bounced between
them, and one eyebrow lifted in question. “What’s going on with you two? Did I miss something?”

  Alice folded like a cheap card table. “Caitlyn, I’m so sorry. I was happy to see you’d finally gotten rid of the weasel and got someone else. Then I saw him running,” she waved one hand toward Hud, “and I just wanted a taste and… It was so good. And next thing I know, I’m climbing him. Then we’re inside, and he’s inside me. And oh, goddess, I’m a horrible friend because, even knowing he’s yours, I’m not sorry and I want him again.”

  “Jesus,” her lover muttered, but Alice’s gaze was glued to Caitlyn’s face.

  The other woman’s eyes had widened at Alice’s confession. Caitlyn’s mouth had fallen open as Alice had recounted what’d happened, but just when Alice was afraid her friend would burst into tears, Caitlyn threw back her head and laughed. It was a deep, rich sound. Genuine and confusing.

  “I’ve broken you,” Alice worried aloud.

  “Not likely.” The deep baritone sent shivers down her spine, and she heard his demand echo inside her head. Whose pussy is this?

  “No,” Caitlyn interjected, shaking her head as she bent forward and tried to catch her breath. “Hud’s not mine. Well, he is.”

  Alice whimpered, and Hud growled, pulling her impossibly closer.

  “No,” Caitlyn exclaimed again. “I’m mucking this up. Hud is my brother. He owns the house with me.”

  “Brother?” Alice echoed, daring a peek at the man next to her.

  “Brother,” he confirmed. “Now, what was this about wanting me again?”

  Heat suffused her face as Caitlyn laughed again. “Wow, you really take meeting the neighbor to a whole new height, big brother.”

  “Hello, Hud,” Alice whispered.

  “Alice.” He dipped his chin, his head starting to lower. She lifted on her toes to meet him when he seemed to think better of the kiss she‘d anticipated. He turned them both and herded her back toward her house. “Let’s take this someplace more private.”

  “Wait!” Caitlyn hollered behind them. “What about my party? And what did you mean the weasel? You don’t like Jacob?”

  “No,” Alice called over her shoulder. “You can do so much better.”

  “Woman, you have ten seconds to get inside your house before I rip those panties off and fuck you,” Hud growled beside her.

  Alice ignored Caitlyn and ran to her back door. Hud was right behind her. She was more than ready for a repeat of their morning. Would he use his mouth on her again? Would she be able to do the same to him?

  “Move,” he commanded, and she realized she’d paused at the door. Pushing it wide, she stepped inside Hud right on her heels.

  Chapter Four

  Hudson took one look at the woman before him and forgot all about the conversation he’d planned to have with her the next time he saw her. Alice Savoy. The innocent neighbor his sister had told him last night. He’d gone out to grab a big box of condoms, knowing once with Alice wouldn’t be near enough. His plan had been to corner her at Caitlyn’s party and drag her up to his room to talk. Which he’d known would lead to him being inside her again, so he’d placed the protection on his side table, in easy reach. Useless to him in her home.

  She had her back to the door again. Why was it he couldn’t make it farther into the house without getting his hands on her? She stood in front of him, chest heaving, legs braced apart as she caressed him with her gaze. And when those big, green eyes met his, he lost the struggle with himself and took her. He’d planned to be slow, easy, to make love to her the way it should have been when he’d taken her virginity. Part of him argued he knew nothing about her, but that wasn’t true. He knew how she liked to be touched and where.

  He made short work of her sweater and dress, pulling both off and tossing them aside. God, she was a sight in her white panties and boots, socks peeking out the tops. Innocent yet seductive. He went to his knees before her, placing kisses across her belly while he tugged her underwear down until she stepped out of them.

  “Hud,” she murmured, but that wasn’t the name he wanted on her lips.

  “Hudson,” he growled between kisses.

  “Hudson,” she moaned as he found and explored her clit with his tongue.

  Her fingers sifted through his hair, but he felt her tension, knew she wanted to clench them. He grasped her knee and shifted her leg so it draped over his shoulder, giving him better access to the tasty treat between her thighs. He suckled at the nub while gliding his fingers through the syrup coating her pussy lips. She was slick with desire for him, for his touch. For nobody but him.

  He shook his head in denial even as he shifted lower and thrust his tongue inside her. What had this woman done to him? If he didn’t know better, he’d think she’d bewitched him. He’d never been so hungry for a woman. Never been so possessive. Christ, his dick had been hard all day, and after what they’d shared this morning, he should be more than satisfied. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had sex. Maybe, that was it? His body was making up for lost time. He didn’t care. As her cream coated his tongue and her breathy sounds of pleasure filled his ears, all he wanted was her. His Alice. His.

  He fucked her with his tongue, swallowing every drop of juice he wrung from her. When he thought he’d sated himself enough to slow down, he slid her leg free. He caught her in his lap when her knees buckled. Then her mouth was there, her lips damp and parted as she panted from the intensity of the orgasms he’d given her. He licked the bottom curve, nipped it then sucked on it.

  She reached for him, shifting so she sat astride his lap.

  “I never imagined it could be like this,” she whispered.

  He didn’t ask what it was. He didn’t need to. He knew exactly what she meant.

  She cupped his face, kissing him softly, her tongue soft as a kitten’s as she licked her essence from his skin. It was incredibly erotic, and his dick felt as if it would punch out of his jeans. He took control of the kiss, ravaging her mouth as he turned her so her back hit the floor. He moved between her sprawled thighs as he made quick work of button and zipper then shoved his pants down far enough to free his straining erection. He slipped his hands down to cup her ass, hooking her knees over his elbows, and ran his cock along her seam.

  “Reach down, and guide me in,” he commanded.

  “You’re so big,” she gasped. “I didn’t get to touch you before.”

  He opened his mouth then forgot what he was going to say when she slid her palm up his length and swirled her fingers around the head, swiping her thumb over the tip, rubbing his pre-cum around like a lubricant.

  “You feel so good inside me,” she continued, and he gritted his teeth, determined to let her touch him for a moment more. “I want to take you in my mouth. I don’t know if you’ll fit, but I’d like to try.”

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “Put me inside. Now.”

  She led him to her entrance, and he thrust deep, riding her hard and fast. He pounded her beneath him, and he told himself he could stop if she’d asked him to. Thankfully, she didn’t. She hung on for the ride, giving herself with complete abandon. When their gazes met, his heart jolted. He was falling in love with her.

  He shook his head. Hell, no. It wasn’t possible. He’d known her for one day. He forced himself to pull back then turned her, so she was on her hands and knees. He mounted her, coming over her back so he covered her and took her that way. Lust. But no love. Sex—in any way he wanted it most likely. He could handle that. He’d just gotten out of a long-term relationship with Uncle Sam. He wasn’t looking to step right into another one, especially with a woman he knew next to nothing about. He planned to change that if he could ever keep his hands off her long enough.

  “Hudson,” she moaned, drawing it out as she dropped her head to rest along her forearms on the floor. “Yes! So good. Mmm.”

  He gripped her hips tighter, his fingers flexing against her skin as he rode toward his
release. He came with a bellow, her snug little pussy rippling around him, milking every bit of his seed from his cock. It felt incredible, as if her pussy was made for him and only him. He growled, locking his hips to hers as more ejaculate filled her. Christ, he was a Neanderthal. If he didn’t remember he had a brain as well as a dick, he’d be dragging her around by her hair while he beat his chest. In between fuckings, of course.

  He groaned, dropping his head forward, chin to chest, as his lungs bellowed with the need for oxygen. Sweat dripped from his brow, coating his skin, and wasn’t that a kicker. His sweat had started all this. Well, a more accurate accounting would be it had been her licking his sweat that had started them down this path.

  She moaned, her body going boneless under his hands.

  He eased out of her and winced when he saw the bruises forming on her hips, joining the marks already there from earlier. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “Are you okay?” He traced his fingertips over the marks, hating his newfound caveman side that liked her wearing his touch. Christ!

  “Mmm, good,” she moaned, opening one eye to look at him. “Why is it I’m always ready for a nap and you’re not? It’s not fair.”

  Not fair. Hell, feeling as if he had no control around her wasn’t fair, but he was dealing with it. He shook his head. No, he wasn’t. He fucking wasn’t dealing. He tucked himself back into his jeans but left them unfastened as he scooped her up in his arms. She groaned but looped an arm around his neck and cuddled against his chest. Hell, he was still wearing his T-shirt.


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