Grave Magic

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Grave Magic Page 5

by Thorn, Lacey

  He glanced at his watch again. Two and a half hours. It was time to make an exit. He headed to the kitchen, dodging fairies and witches who wanted to pull him into conversation. He managed to snag some finger food and cake. Then balancing those, he grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and headed upstairs toward his room. He slipped inside long enough to throw a bag together, putting the condoms on top then pulled it over his shoulder and headed back down through the crowded house.

  “Hud!” His sister’s yell brought him to a halt as she made her way across the room to join him. “Are you leaving already?”

  “I don’t think you’ll miss me,” he teased, nodding toward the groups of people loitering around the living room and kitchen. He knew there were some outside, as well.

  She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head against his chest and squeezing tight. “I always miss you, Hud.”

  He dropped his bag to the floor and hugged her back with his free arm. “Hey.” He waited until she’d glanced up at him. “You okay?”

  She stepped back and patted his arm, squatting to grab his bag and hand it back to him. “It’s my birthday. Of course, I’m okay. You and Alice have fun.”

  She turned and wove her way through the crowd before he could say anything else. For a moment, he was torn. He’d been home one night and barely spent any time with his sister. Now, he was leaving on her birthday to have sex with their next-door neighbor. What the hell was wrong with him?

  Even as he questioned it, his legs moved, taking him toward the kitchen and the back door. His sister would be surrounded by friends tonight. He’d let her celebrate, then be here bright and early to help clean up. He’d spend the day with Caitlyn, just the two of them, and find out what was going on with her.

  He stepped outside and saw Jacob pacing in the yard speaking into his phone. He kept throwing glances between the house and Alice’s place next door. Hudson swore Jacob was plotting something. He got close enough to overhear something about “the little bitch” before Jacob realized he was there and ended his call without another word. If the bastard was referring to Caitlyn, Hud would make sure he regretted it.

  “Hey, Hud. You leaving?” Jacob inquired.

  “Hudson,” he corrected. Only close friends and family called him Hud. Except for Alice. For some reason, he liked his full name from her lips.

  “Sorry. Hudson,” Jacob corrected, but the look on his face didn’t match the sentiment. Jacob nodded toward the bag on Hud’s shoulder. “Heading out for the night?”

  “Just next door for a bit. I’ll be back soon.” Tomorrow but for some reason, he didn’t want Jacob to know that. He noted the way Jacob’s gaze darted to Alice’s house then back to Hud. The glint in other man’s gaze said he knew why Hud was headed to Alice’s. Thankfully, for Jacob, he didn’t voice his thoughts.

  “Have fun,” Jacob said then turned and walked away.

  Hud watched until the other man disappeared back inside the house. He’d find out what he could from Caitlyn tomorrow then do some digging of his own. If he could get his hormones in check, he’d get Alice’s take on Jacob tonight. What was it about him that she didn’t like? From Caitlyn’s reaction earlier, Alice hadn’t mentioned her dislike before today. Remembering earlier had him shaking his head again at Alice’s confession about their meeting.

  I’m a horrible friend because even knowing he’s yours, I’m not sorry and I want him again.

  He liked the fact she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He glanced down at where his greedy dick was already trying to punch its way past his zipper. The damn thing was out of control. How the hell was it even hard again? Even in his teenage years, he hadn’t had this much sex in a twenty-four-hour period. He stepped up onto Alice’s back porch and the door opened. She stood there wearing nothing but a short robe, her hair long and loose around her. Then she smiled, and he swore his heart skipped a beat.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were coming back or not,” she said as she held the screen door open for him.

  “I told you I would.” He stepped past her and set the plate of food on the table before placing his bag on the floor.

  “I wasn’t sure, and I wouldn’t blame you. It’s Caitlyn’s birthday. She’s so special. And you’re hers. Not the same way you’re mine. Not that I think you’re mine. I mean…well, you did say your, ah…that it belonged to me.” She pointed at his dick. “Or I guess you implied it belonged to me.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her and enjoyed the way her cheeks flushed with color.

  “I mean you asked me who it belonged to.” Her voice was a nervous whisper at the end.

  “And who did you say it belonged to?” he questioned, moving toward her and pulling her snug against him. She seemed to melt into him, her stomach cuddling his aching cock.


  He barely heard her answer but saw the ownership in her gaze, felt it in the touch of her hand as she squeezed him through his jeans.

  “Show me,” he urged, unsure what he wanted from her. Only that he wanted her.

  She dropped to her knees before him, and he nearly choked on his tongue at the image she presented. Her hair was all around her. Her hands steady and so fucking small as she went to work unbuttoning and lowering the zipper. Her gaze was…hungry, which fed his hunger.

  “I’ve wanted to taste you from the moment I saw you,” she admitted as she pulled his jeans wide open then gripped the sides and tugged at them.

  “You did taste me,” he reminded her.

  She paused and smiled, licking her lips. His dick jumped, drawing her gaze back to it.

  “Not here,” she whispered and leaned in to him. He dropped his hands to her head, burrowing his fingers into the strands, and she pressed her mouth along his cloth-covered cock. He felt the heat of her breath, the brush of her nose as she rubbed it back and forth over him.

  “Take it out, Alice. Let me feel your mouth on me.”

  She sighed as she went back to work pulling his jeans off his hips. He shifted to help her. She tugged them down to mid-thigh then wrestled with his boxer briefs. He wanted to help her, meant to, but couldn’t get his fingers to cooperate. Then he was free, his dick bouncing upward to slap against her chin, leaving a trail of pre-cum where it touched.

  She flicked out her tongue, tasting what he’d left behind then leaned in and licked over the head of his cock. Hud’s knees went weak, and he was momentarily afraid he’d collapse. Then she wrapped her hand around as much of his cock as she could and brought it toward her mouth. She licked again then pursed her lips and placed a kiss on the tip.

  “You taste so good,” she murmured.

  “Suck it,” he ordered then groaned when she kissed him again. “Please.”

  He couldn’t remember ever begging for something, but he was now.

  She flattened her tongue along the underside of the corona then wrapped her lips around the head and suckled delicately. He locked his knees in place and barely kept his fingers from clenching in her hair. Then she swirled her mouth, bobbing onto the shaft.

  “Fuck, yes,” he growled, using one hand to cup the back of her head and urge her to take more. “God, yes, baby. Feels so good. Suck it. A little more. That’s it. Just like that. Yeah, wrap that hand just there. Mmm. Can you jack the rest of the length? Let me feel your fingers and mouth. Yeah. Just like that. Oh, god. Little faster. Fuck yeah. Suck it harder, baby. Let my dick know how much you want my cum. You want my cum, don’t you, baby?”

  She nodded but never released the suction on his cock.

  “Show me. Take a little more in your mouth. Here. Let me fuck you. I’ll be easy, baby. Just what you can take.” He thrust slowly in and out of her mouth, trying to ease in more of his shaft with every stroke.

  She let him control it, tightening her lips and sucking harder every time he pulled out of her mouth. Her eagerness to please had him quickly losing control. He thrust faster, surging deep
er, the tip hitting the back of her throat and making her tighten and gag around him. He pulled back quickly, but she grasped his hips and held him while she bobbed on his shaft.

  “Jesus! Alice! God, baby. I’m going to come. Oh, fuck!” he roared, clutched the chair with one hand while he held her head with the other. His cum shot out and poured down her throat. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth worked his dick, milking every drop of his release from him.

  She seemed to know when to stop, releasing his sated cock to nuzzle his inner thigh, placing soft kisses here and there. When she glanced up at him, he felt… Christ, he felt so much. Like a king and a god and a man ready to fall to his knees and worship the woman before him.

  “What kind of spell did you put on me?” he asked, half-joking. This wasn’t like him. This was a complete one-eighty from the man he normally was.

  “I don’t do spells on people,” Alice replied as if his question were serious. “I manipulate things. Not people.”

  Her face was so earnest.

  “Things?” He wanted to take back the question as soon as it left his lips as if some part of him knew he wasn’t ready for whatever came next.

  “Yes,” she stated and pointed her hand toward a row of candles on the bar that divided the kitchen from the dining room. With a flick of her wrist, the wicks flamed to life. He blinked several times and was pretty sure he managed a good impression of a fish. He could have explained away the flames, but then one of the candles lifted into the air, crossing the kitchen to sit on the dining table. “See,” Alice said as if she’d shown him the most wonderful thing in the world.

  “What the hell?”

  “Hudson!” she cried, but the roar in his ears drowned it out. He would have hit the floor if there hadn’t suddenly been a chair under him. That was probably her doing, as well, but he couldn’t wrap his mind around it just yet.

  “What the hell are you?” he demanded, or at least, he tried to. His voice sounded weak.

  “I’m a witch.”

  Chapter Seven

  It had been almost a week since Hudson had walked out of her life. She’d been confused at first, unsure what was happening. She’d still had his taste on her tongue when the door had shut behind him. Finally, the look on his face filtered through her brain. Shock. Horror. What she’d seen as the simplest of things had knocked him on his ass, almost literally. She’d remained on her knees where he’d left her until the candles had burned out and only smoke and melted wax remained.

  She’d done something wrong. No, that wasn’t right. In his eyes, she was something wrong. How could that be? How could he not believe in magic? Or, even worse, be frightened by it? That was what she’d seen. Behind his incredulity and anger, she’d easily picked up on fear.

  For the next two days, she’d cleaned her cottage from top to bottom. Her phone had rung on and off until the battery had died. When she’d finished cleaning, she’d put it on the charger. She’d texted Lola to tell her she wouldn’t be needed this week, and that Alice would see her the next week. Then Alice had powered off the cell again. On the fourth day, there’d been knocking on the door, which she’d ignored.

  Hudson. She was avoiding him while she dealt with her emotions. Maybe not fair to him, but then, were his actions any different? He’d left her, on her knees, the taste of his pleasure still on her tongue. Just walked away. And the look on his face… It was something she couldn’t get past. Not yet. So, she avoided him while thinking of almost nothing but him. Quite a quandary, really. One she needed to deal with on her own, without Hudson. Her emotions were too new, too raw, and the pain was too deep for her to trust herself around him. She needed control, and she would take all the time she needed to gain it.

  Day five had her restless and angry. It wasn’t her fault Hudson couldn’t deal with who she was. Fuck him! Who cared? Part of her screamed that she did. Thankfully, the louder, angrier part of her yelled back he’d only been in her life one day. Never mind what her mother had said about life changing in one day. Hudson had been a brief moment of impulse. Perhaps, he’d been a lesson she needed to learn in social decorum. It would definitely be a long time before she’d let anyone into her life so easily again.

  She waited until dark to slip out her front door. Hudson’s truck was parked in the driveway by his house, and the hurt that hit her anew had her wanting to flip the damn thing on its side. She controlled the urge. Barely. She thought she saw movement and stepped over into the shadows of the porch, hiding within them. When she was sure no one was there, she headed across to the woods, being careful to stay in the shadows. She didn’t conjure lights this time, preferring the dark. She knew the path anyway.

  When she stepped into the clearing, a blanket of calm fell over her. She made her way to the center, mentally casting her circle and asking for the Goddess’ blessing. When she was ready, she opened her hands and lifted her palms upward. The candles she’d left behind on her last visit snapped to life, the wicks flaming brightly in the darkness. She lowered herself to the earth, sitting with her legs crisscrossed, arms rising at her sides, palms once more pointed toward the sky.

  She let the calm wash over her, releasing all the hurt and frustration she still held inside. Despite all her denials, one day had changed everything. Hudson had swept into her life and taken over. He’d made her feel…alive and special and…wanted…for one glorious day. She shook her head. Just because he’d meant something to her didn’t mean he felt the same way. She had to accept that and move past it. Neither of them was going anywhere, so she’d have to learn to be civil. One day, she might see him with another woman and—

  She stopped that train of thought, refusing to lie to herself and say she’d have to accept it. The truth was, it would hurt like hell.

  * * * *

  Hudson stood on the front porch, staring toward the woods where Alice had disappeared earlier. He’d wanted to call out to her, wanted to go to her, but he’d taken note of the way she’d hidden in the shadows when she’d sensed his presence. It had been five days since he’d walked out on her, and he still wanted her. She was a hunger he couldn’t sate. He’d called, but she hadn’t answered. He’d even broken down and gone to her house. She hadn’t answered his knock, either. He had questions, damn it! Questions he needed her to answer.

  Tonight, he was done being ignored.

  “You okay, big brother?” Caitlyn asked, stepping outside to join him.

  “Thought you were out with Jacob tonight?” he asked, rolling his beer bottle between his palms.

  “I ended things.” She leaned on the railing, bumping shoulders with him.

  “You okay?” he asked, mimicking her earlier words to him.

  She nodded. “I am.”

  “How’d he take the news?”

  “Pretty well,” Caitlyn admitted with a laugh. “Better than I thought he would, actually. I was worried he’d be…”

  “Angry?” Hudson supplied when his sister paused.

  “Hurt,” she corrected. “I never saw him as a weasel, but I think a part of me always knew he wasn’t the one for me.”

  “Why?” Hudson was curious.

  “There was no spark. I… I want something like I see Mom and Dad share. Like what our grandparents shared.”

  He nodded. Yeah, he wanted that, too.

  “You know how supposedly there’s someone out there for everyone?” Caitlyn asked, and Hudson nodded again. “What if there’s not? What if some people have no one?”

  “You’ll meet the right guy, baby sister. And when you do, you won’t even have to question it.”

  “Like you with Alice?” she asked, and he snorted before taking another pull on his beer.

  “Speaking of Alice. What do you think of her?”

  “She’s one of the sweetest people I know,” Caitlyn enthused.

  “But is there anything you find…strange about her?”

  “Other than her interest in you?” Caitlyn joked, but H
udson didn’t laugh.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Did something happen?” his sister demanded.

  “Answer my question,” Hudson countered.

  Caitlyn shrugged. “I think she might have some type of telekinesis.”

  “Have you seen anything?”

  “Well, you’re not laughing at me, so I’m guessing you’ve seen something, too,” Caitlyn answered. “I’ve noticed a few things that have made me question what I was seeing. A book sliding across the table toward her when she didn’t know I was there. A candle flaming to life when I know she never walked over to light it. Then, one day, I swear I saw her floating.”

  “What?” Hudson almost spewed his beer. “How the hell was she floating?”

  Caitlyn shrugged. “It makes no sense. I walked to her front door. I was heading out and wanted to see if she wanted to tag along. Maybe grab lunch or something. I glanced in the window, and she was in the middle of the living room. Her legs were crossed like she’d been sitting on the floor. Her arms were bent at the elbow, palms toward the ceiling. And she was floating about six inches up in the air. I tripped over my own feet and barely managed to catch myself. When I looked back inside, she was crossing the room, a big smile on her face. I’m still not sure if I saw it or not. What about you? What have you seen?”

  “Do you think she’s dangerous?” Hudson asked, though his gut screamed a loud hell, no.

  “Alice? Never. There’s not a mean bone in her body. She’s literally one of the nicest people I’ve met in my life. Did something happen? You two seemed hot and heavy one minute, then you’re prowling around the house, tearing shit apart just so you can fix it.”

  “I didn’t tear anything apart. It’s an old house, Caitlyn.”

  “Which I’ve taken good care of, as did our grandparents. What has you ready to crawl out of your skin, Hud? Talk to me.”

  “I’m okay. Promise. I just need to talk to Alice and get a few things settled.”

  “Whatever you’re thinking, I hope you don’t hurt her. Alice is as innocent as a person can be when it comes to this ugly world. I’d stake my life that she’s been sheltered most of hers. But for all that, there’s something about her that makes you feel happy when you’re around her. She’s like a breath of fresh air. Don’t break that. Please.”


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