More Than He Expected

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More Than He Expected Page 1

by Andrea Laurence

  The Exception to the Rule

  Playboy Alex Stanton likes his relationships short and without strings. But his fiery fling with Gwen Wright left him craving more. So when a holiday weekend getaway provides an opportunity for another taste of the tantalizing woman, he grabs it. Only, things have changed since their last encounter….

  Besides being noticeably pregnant, Gwen insists she’s sworn off men. As if the challenge weren’t tempting enough, Gwen’s enticing new curves have made the sexy spitfire even more appealing. But how can the footloose bachelor hang on to his heart when he can’t stop longing for the soon-to-be mama?


  Gwen sat up and frowned. “What do you mean, stop?”

  “Stop using this pregnancy as an excuse to push people away,” Alex said. “It won’t work on me.”

  Gwen swallowed hard, her dark eyes widening slightly as she searched for meaning in his face. “I don’t know what you’re—”

  “You want me,” he interrupted. “And I want you just as badly as I did all those months ago. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s no reason to try to defuse the attraction between us just because of some artificial barrier you’ve put in place. If you want me, give in to your feelings.”

  She opened her mouth to argue but his words seemed to have struck her temporarily mute. Alex thought this might be his opportunity to finally kiss her again the way he ached to....

  Dear Reader,

  When I was writing the end of my first book—What Lies Beneath—something unexpected happened. The best man and the maid of honor at the wedding started making eyes at one another! Up until that moment, I hadn’t even considered that scenario, but once they hit the dance floor at the reception, it became obvious to me that my next book would have to be about Gwen and Alex.

  That’s where the fun started. As an author, it is my job to make sure my characters find their “Happily Ever After,” but also to make them earn it. I’ll admit I get a bit of sick pleasure from making their lives difficult. And messing with Alex was even more enjoyable than usual. What better way to make a notorious playboy quake in his Armani loafers than to confront him with his greatest fear—a pregnant ex-lover.

  I can’t wait for you to read Gwen and Alex’s story. If you enjoy it, tell me by visiting my website at, like my fan page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. I love to hear from my readers!





  More Than

  He Expected

  Books by Andrea Laurence

  Harlequin Desire

  What Lies Beneath #2152

  More Than He Expected #2172


  has been a lover of reading and writing stories since she learned her ABCs. She always dreamed of seeing her work in print and is thrilled to finally be able to share her books with the world. A dedicated West Coast girl transplanted to the deep South, she’s working on her own “happily ever after” with her boyfriend and their collection of animals that shed like nobody’s business. You can contact Andrea at her website,

  To Mavens Linda Howard and Linda Winstead Jones—

  You are more than mentors. More than friends. You believe in me, push me and give invaluable advice for both career and life. I only hope that one day I can be as generous of knowledge and spirit as you are.

  And to Maven Beverly Barton—

  I miss your laugh. I wish I could’ve shared this experience with you, but I like to think that wherever you are…you’re proud of what I’ve accomplished.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve




  Saturday, October 20

  The Wedding Reception of Will and Adrienne Taylor

  It was terribly cliché for the best man to seduce the maid of honor, but damn, that was one sexy woman.

  Alex had no intention of using his best friend’s wedding as an opportunity to pick up women. Usually, weddings were filled with misty-eyed romantics wanting more than Alex was willing to offer. He’d planned only to wear the tux and wave goodbye as another of his friends crossed over to the dark side.

  But Gwen Wright had thrown a petite, slinky wrench into his plans the minute she had strolled into the welcome breakfast. She’d been wearing a tight brown skirt and beige blouse that made her dark brown eyes pop against peaches-and-cream skin. She’d cast a quick glance at him that morning, appraising him with a small smile curving her peach lips. When their eyes met, the light of mischievousness there had intrigued him.

  Will had introduced them a few minutes later, and Alex was pleased to discover she was the maid of honor and his partner in crime for the big day. He’d politely taken her hand, marveling at how soft her skin felt against his. He’d wanted to spend more time talking to her, but he didn’t get the chance. She was swept into the wedding chaos and the moment passed.

  He hadn’t had another chance to really talk to her, much less touch her, but the anticipation was building with each hour that ticked by. He tried to focus on Will and what his job as best man entailed, since that evening had been dedicated to bachelor activities with the guys.

  But tonight was a different matter. When he’d stood at the rose-covered archway beside Will and watched Gwen come toward him in that clingy pink gown, he thought he might not be able to wait much longer. As he’d escorted her down the aisle at the end of the ceremony, he’d pulled her aside and whispered, “Later,” into her ear. The blush of her cheeks let him know the brief message had come across loud and clear.

  And later it would be. Later than he’d planned, actually. Gwen was running the show like a seasoned professional. The first opportunity he had to talk to her was during their obligatory dance, but despite holding her in his arms, he could tell she was a million miles away—making lists, planning the cake cutting… She was a woman on a mission, and he hadn’t made an inch of real progress in his pursuit of her.

  Now the bride and groom had departed and the crowd had started to thin. They were quickly closing in on a “now or never” moment. From the other side of the room, he watched her direct the few men charged with taking the wedding gifts back to the apartment. Every gesture, every smile intrigued him. Alex wished he could figure out what it was about Gwen that drew him to her. The impact of her presence had been direct and immediate. If she had some kind of sexual kryptonite that weakened him, he wanted to know it.

  And there must be. She’d had his undivided attention for a good part of the last thirty-six hours, and she didn’t even know it. There was no argument that she was beautiful. He loved the way her curly ash-blond hair framed her heart-shaped face and the dark eyes that watched him beneath full lashes. Her petite frame was highlighted by her bridesmaid gown, showing off those shapely calves.

  But there was something else about her. Something that drew him in and wouldn’t let him look away. And he was determined to find out what it was.

  * * *

  “It’s later.” Gwen had been sitting for less than forty-five seconds when she heard a man’s voice over her shoulder. Forty-five seconds were not nearly enough to make up for the hours she’d spent on her feet.

  She was the maid of honor. It was her job to scurry about and ensure everything was on track. But she was tired. Dog tire
d. Regardless of what the man wanted from her, he could forget it. Even dancing with Prince Harry had less appeal than kicking off her shoes and face-planting in her bed right now.

  Then she looked up and found herself smack-dab in the laser sights of none other than the best man, Alex Stanton. He was looking extraordinarily handsome tonight in his Armani tuxedo, his golden hair tamed for the special occasion. The hazel-eyed bachelor had been charming and friendly toward her for the last few days, but like Gwen, he’d been busy with wedding responsibilities of his own.

  She’d tried to ignore the tingle of electricity she’d felt dance across her skin when he’d taken her arm to walk down the aisle. But then, in a brief moment alone, he’d leaned close to her ear and whispered the word “later.” The single utterance was laced with such heavy meaning that it was hard to breathe for a moment. How he’d managed to roll “I want you,” “I’m going to rock your world tonight,” and “I hope you’re prepared” into a single word, she’d never know. He’d followed the promise with a sly smile and wink before he’d pulled away and embraced the newlyweds.

  “Miss Wright, may I have this dance?”

  Gwen wasn’t sure if she had the strength to make it through another dance with Alex. During their first turn on the dance floor, the electric feeling had intensified; this pull that urged her to press inappropriately close to him while they swayed. She’d spent the song thinking of cheesy knock-knock jokes to distract herself. She didn’t want Alex to think she was throwing herself at him. Regardless of what she’d read into his words earlier, he was dancing with her because he had to. You dance with your cousin if that’s who you’re paired up with in the wedding party.

  But several times over the last few hours, she had felt the prickle of awareness on the nape of her neck and caught Alex watching her from across the room. There was an unabashed appreciation in his eyes as he had looked her over, making a warm flush rise to her cheeks. But instead of approaching her, he would flash his trademark smile and disappear into the crowd like a circling shark.

  The reception was virtually over now. She had pretty much given up on anything but a quiet cab ride back to her apartment, since by her estimation, “later” had come and gone a long time ago.

  And yet here he was asking her to dance. His heated glance sent a shiver down her spine, a tingle of excitement overriding the pain in her toes and sending her heart racing.

  Most men did not jump-start a reaction in her like this, but Alex was not most men. To say the millionaire real estate developer was out of her league was an understatement. But he didn’t seem to notice.

  As he held his hand out to her, there was no denying what he was offering. He wanted to fulfill his earlier promise and then some. Alex was interested in more than a dance, and by taking his hand, she was agreeing to it all. The building ache of need low in her belly and the suddenly tight press of her breasts against the confines of her fitted gown told her she was anxious to accept his offer.

  Gwen looked up at her suitor. He was handsome, charming, rich… . When would she ever have another opportunity like this? She’d had her share of lovers over the years, but few could hold a candle to Alex. His reputation set tongues wagging, and she’d be lying if she’d said she didn’t want some firsthand experience. She deserved a night of fun with a man who knew how to have a good time. She’d been working so hard at the hospital and helping Adrienne. Next year would be just as hectic and, if all went as planned, quite lonely. A no-strings liaison with the playboy might be just what she needed.

  One last drink before rehab, so to speak.

  Her eyes locked on his, her answer clear as she reached out to offer him her hand. With a triumphant smile, he eased her from her seat and swung her gently around to face him on the seamless, white dance floor.

  Without hesitation, Alex wrapped his arm around Gwen’s waist and pressed her tight against him. His bare palm splayed across her lower back, the heat of his touch only intensifying the pulsating desire stirring just under the surface.

  She was surprised by her sudden, physical reaction to his touch. It was like a floodgate had opened. She had to suck in a ragged breath to cover the shudder that accompanied the rush of adrenaline through her veins. The spicy scent of Alex’s cologne swirled in her head, mixing with the soft fragrance of roses and candle wax and making her almost light-headed. Gwen could only cling to his shoulders as they rocked back and forth to the slow, seductive music.

  They stilled on the floor as the music continued but didn’t pull away from one another. Instead, Alex leaned down and kissed her. It started off soft but quickly intensified once he got a taste—his tongue invading her, his mouth and hands demanding more. And she gave it to him. Gwen arched her back to press her soft body against his hard contours. He growled low in his throat, the vibration rumbling through his chest and teasing the firm peaks of her aching nipples.

  Finally, the last few notes of music silenced, breaking the seductive spell that cocooned them from the surrounding world. But Alex didn’t let go, as she had expected. He looked down at her, the gold flecks in his eyes almost glittering with arousal. His jaw was tense, his shoulders rising and falling with his own rapid breathing.

  It was time to leave. The hows and wheres and whats were still up in the air, but they couldn’t stay on the dance floor forever. “I need to get my things out of the bridal room,” she said, her voice breathy.

  Alex nodded, releasing her from his embrace, and Gwen headed toward the dark hallway at the back of the boathouse.

  “Keep it together, girl,” she whispered to herself as she turned the knob and entered the small space. Set up for brides, the room had a vanity and mirror, a chaise lounge, a wardrobe for hanging clothes and its own bathroom. They had cleared out all of Adrienne’s things earlier, but Gwen still had a few items scattered around.

  She quickly checked her hair and makeup in the mirror. Her hands trembled as she grabbed her compact and mascara, stuffing them into her purse. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or arousal rattling her composure.

  Gwen was reaching for her hairbrush when she heard the soft click of the door closing, then locking, behind her. She didn’t turn. She only needed to look up to see Alex’s reflection in the vanity’s mirror, his back pressed against the door as he watched her with passion blazing in his eyes.

  The where had apparently been decided. And she was glad.


  Eight Months Later

  “I’m almost there,” Alex said. “Fashionably late, as always.”

  The voice of his best friend, Will Taylor, sounded through the Bluetooth-enabled sound system of his Corvette. “I’m not really worried. Just wanted to make sure you remembered how to get here.”

  “I’m making the last turn now,” Alex lied. He was at least another fifteen minutes from the house in Sag Harbor, but it would soothe his friend’s concerns. This was supposed to be a vacation. The Fourth of July was one of those laid-back holidays with no obligations. There were no schedules, so he couldn’t possibly be late. “Is everyone else already there?” he asked.


  Alex hesitated before asking one last question. “Did Gwen end up bringing someone with her?” It was a dangerous question to ask, but he had to know. He’d rearranged his entire schedule to come out here because she would be there.

  “No, she came alone. She rode up with us this morning.”

  Excellent, Alex thought, although he didn’t speak the word aloud. As far as he could tell, no one, including Will and Adrienne, knew about what had happened between him and Gwen last fall. So of course they wouldn’t understand his interest in seeing her again. Or his burning desire to have her in his bed every night for the next five days of this trip.

  “So what does that make? Ten of us?” Alex tried not to sound like he was fishing. “That’s a nice, round number. I’m glad she was able to take the time off. I haven’t seen her since the wedding, but I figured Adrienne would have her up for the holiday.�

  Will made a thoughtful sound but didn’t elaborate. “We’ll see you shortly then.”

  “Bye,” Alex said, pressing the button on his steering wheel to terminate the call. Easing back into the soft leather seat, he gripped the wheel tightly and pressed his foot down on the pedal to accelerate.

  Gwen would be with them in the Hamptons this week. Alone.

  He’d been hopeful, but he hadn’t let himself ask until now. The two weeks they’d spent together after Adrienne and Will’s wedding had been incredible. She was the smartest, funniest, sexiest woman he’d ever been with. It had been quite the pleasant surprise to find such an intriguing woman in such a small package. But to underestimate the spark inside that petite frame was a serious mistake. She was a firecracker in bed and out.

  Their two weeks together had flown by, and before he knew it, he’d had to leave for New Orleans. Like all his relationships, it was short and without strings. Just a fun, sexy fling. But unlike most of the women he dated, Gwen hadn’t wanted any more than that. She didn’t eye his bank account or bare ring finger with burning ambition. She was just in it for a good time. He got the feeling she was busy, just as he was, and didn’t want the complication of something serious. It was perfect.

  So perfect he was hoping she’d be up for another round.

  Apparently their short time together had not been enough for Alex to get his fill of Gwen. He typically grew bored with a woman after a few dates. If they pushed for more, he pushed the end button on his cell phone. He was always open about it, but most women seemed to think they might be the one to tame him. None had come close.

  At best, Gwen had managed to stay on his mind amid the distractions. For the last seven months, Alex had been working on a new real estate development project in New Orleans that had sucked up a lot of his free time. Despite everything, thoughts of her would occasionally sneak into his brain while he was sitting in a boring meeting or lying in his bed at night. She’d even slipped into his thoughts as he’d trolled Bourbon Street. After their time together, it seemed that none of the women he met, especially in a setting like that, were up to par. Night after night he’d slink back to his hotel, alone.


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