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Black Promise (Obsidian Book 3)

Page 11

by Victoria Quinn

Was anything ever really over? I hid my offense that she continued to keep her secret from me. If she thought I wouldn’t figure it out eventually, she wasn’t very bright. The truth always found its way to the surface—every time. I struggled to keep my anger at bay at the cold brush-off. I’d made a lot of sacrifices for this relationship, but that still wasn’t good enough for her.

  I didn’t say another word for the rest of the evening.



  Calloway walked inside my office on Friday after five. He did his usual routine by standing in silence near the doorway and letting his brooding exterior do all the talking. He’d been in a sour mood all week. Every time I asked him about it, he claimed he was just tired.

  I grabbed my things and met him at the door. “Thank god it’s Friday, huh?”

  He stared down at my face, his eyes narrowed on my lips. He leaned in and kissed me, the kind that was longer and harder than it should be for the office. Then he abruptly pulled away without responding to my comment. “We need to pick up a dress for you.” He walked into the hallway and slowed his pace so I could keep up with him.

  “A dress?”

  “We have charity gala tomorrow night.”

  I’d completely forgotten about it. “Oh yeah…”

  We entered the elevator and rode it to the lobby. “There’s a few boutiques down the street. I’m sure we’ll find something for you.”

  “I can go on my own, Calloway. No reason to bore you.”

  “Watching my woman try on beautiful gowns isn’t boring for me.” We left the building then walked up the street together, merging with the rest of the pedestrians as they left work to enjoy their weekend.

  “What a diplomatic answer.”

  He circled his arm around my waist, his large hand heavy against my hip. “I’ve never been much of a diplomat.”

  We walked into one of the high-end shops in Manhattan. I could tell just by looking at the mannequins that I couldn’t even afford a scarf. Designer logos were on the wall, the kind of quality that celebrities wore on the red carpet. “Calloway, I—”

  “My treat. Don’t worry about it.” He read my mind like he was sitting inside my brain at that very moment.

  “It’s a charity event. Don’t you think it’s insensitive to wear a designer gown?”

  “Not at all. It’s being held at the Plaza, remember?” He walked up to the front counter and immediately got the attention of the woman standing behind it. “My girlfriend needs a gown for tomorrow evening. She’s a size two.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “How do you know what size I am?”

  He pressed his lips to my ear. “I fuck you every night, don’t I?”

  “Of course, sir.” The saleswoman came around the counter in a pencil skirt and black-framed glasses. It wasn’t the kind of service I was used to getting at the local mall. “What’s the occasion?”

  “Charity gala,” Calloway said. “Price isn’t an object. I want something elegant but a little revealing.” He winked before he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “I’ll be in the waiting area. Let me know when you’re ready.” He walked away, looking like he owned the store the second he walked inside it. His shoulders seemed more powerful every single time I looked at them.

  I turned back to the woman who was in charge of dressing me up. The sizzle of attraction was in her eyes, not immune to Calloway’s charms like she should be. When she caught my look, she quickly pretended like her eyes weren’t just glued to his tight ass. “This way. I already have something in mind…”

  I never looked at the price tag because I would throw up if I did. I felt guilty for letting him buy me something I didn’t even need. But it seemed important to him that I look my best. And deep down inside, I was excited to own something so glamorous. I’d always been a bargain shopper because I was satisfied knowing I wouldn’t have the nicer things in my life. But the moment I got to get my hands on something truly beautiful, I felt the flutter in my chest.

  Calloway handed over his credit card without blinking then carried the gown out of the store. “You’re gonna look perfect in this tomorrow tonight.” He stopped at the edge of the sidewalk then pulled out his phone. He typed a quick message, probably to Tom, before he shoved it back inside his pocket.

  “Thanks…I really love it. Thank you for getting it for me.” He already did so much for me. There was no way I could ever repay him for his kindness. He gave me a job when he didn’t have to. He let me live with him and wouldn’t accept any money for my half of his mortgage. He paid for all our groceries and our meals. It was strange to have a savings account when I’d barely had enough to get by most weeks for most of my life.

  His arm circled my waist, and he pressed a warm kiss to my temple. His lips were seductive, exquisite to the touch. “It was my pleasure, sweetheart. I just hope no man makes the mistake of staring at you too long. The charity gala will turn into a crime scene.”

  “Well, that woman in there was staring at your ass, so I’d say we’re even.”

  Calloway looked up the street as he waited for his driver, neither confirming nor denying that he knew the saleswoman had the hots for him. It was a smart move.

  “We can just walk,” I said. “I don’t mind.” My heels hurt my feet, but I’d been walking the streets of Manhattan for so long that I was used to it.

  “You aren’t walking in those. I’m not sure how you get through the day at the office.”

  “Well…I sit most of the time.”

  “Wish you were sitting on my face.” He looked down at me, the corner of his mouth raised in the form of a smile.

  I knew he was only partially joking. “Neither one of us would get anything done.”

  The car pulled up, and Calloway opened the back door for me. “I was never a good worker anyway.” He got in the seat beside me then moved his hand to my thigh. My gown was hooked to the hanger inside the car so it wouldn’t get wrinkled. He couldn’t look out the window because the dress was in the way, so he chose to stare at me instead.

  I couldn’t ignore his look because it was so powerful. When he commanded my attention, he always got it. Even if I wasn’t looking directly at him, I was still giving him my full attention. When the stare became too much, I met his gaze.

  He circled his arm around my shoulders and moved his other hand to my thigh. He slowly inched his hand up my leg, moving underneath the material as he pressed his face to mine. When his lips were just inches from mine, he teased me with their proximity. His hand slowly slid farther up until his fingers touched the outside of my panties.

  The center divider was up so the driver couldn’t see what we were doing in the back, but I still felt naughty anyway. If Calloway made me scream loud enough, Tom was certain to hear it.

  He still didn’t kiss me, just brushing his lips past mine as his fingers touched me. His thumb pulled my panties to the side, and his fingertips finally touched my throbbing sex.

  I moaned into his face and felt my knees widen automatically. My hand gripped his bicep just so I had something to latch on to.

  His fingers rubbed my clit as he brushed his mouth against mine.

  I loved the feeling of his fingers but I wanted his mouth just as much. My arm circled his neck, and I pulled his lips against mine, finally getting the kiss I was anxious to have. I should feel on display since this was one of the most public places we’d ever fooled around, but when Calloway’s hands were on me, I couldn’t think clearly.

  He rubbed me harder, bringing me to the edge of a sweet climax.

  Then he abruptly pulled away, taking his lips and fingers. He sat beside me and faced forward again, like nothing had just happened.

  “Uh…excuse me?” He’d never left me hanging before, so I couldn’t hide the shock.

  His face remained hard, unyielding. “Think about that way on the rest of the ride home. I’ll fuck you when we get there.”

  “What kind of game is this?”

  “No game, sweetheart.” />
  I pressed my knees together and squeezed my thighs, feeling my sex throb with angry desire. I seriously considered finishing the job myself, but I knew it would feel so much better if I let Calloway have the honors. “Why are you doing this to me? I thought you were a gentleman?”

  “Trust me, the wait will be worth it.”

  “I don’t agree…”

  He turned back to me, his face so handsome it hurt to look at him. “The second we walk through that door, I’ll fuck you up against that wall. I’m gonna come as soon as I’m inside you—and you’re gonna come too.”

  I did my hair and makeup in the other bathroom since Calloway was getting ready at the same time. I’d never attended one of these fancy events, the kind with flutes of champagne and men in tuxedos. Since I was from humble beginnings, this was all new to me. I spent extra time making my hair perfect, and I wore more makeup than I normally would. I just hoped I didn’t overdo it.

  The dress Calloway bought me was sleeveless with a sweetheart top. It was tight around my waist then flared out once it reached my hips. It was a soft gold color with black highlights, stunning but subtle at the same time.

  I never wanted to take it off.

  I walked downstairs and slipped on my heels, feeling five inches taller the second they were on. I was organizing my clutch when I heard Calloway reach the bottom stair behind me. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  He came up behind me and pressed his lips against the back of my neck. His hand moved to my hips where he gripped me tightly, digging his fingers right through the fabric and into my skin. He held me like that for nearly a minute, just breathing with me. “I haven’t even seen your face, and you still look beautiful.”

  “I hope you don’t prefer me that way,” I teased.

  He chuckled against my neck. “I do sometimes—but not right now.” He guided my hips with his hands and turned me around until I faced him. The arrogant smile that was on his face slowly faded away, replaced with a softer expression I rarely saw. His hand moved to my neck where he gently laid his fingers against my warm skin, his thumb right over my pulse. He didn’t make a comment because it wasn’t necessary. His thoughts were written on his face like text on a page.

  My hand moved around his wrist so I could feel his pulse, noticing how soft and rhythmic it was. When I gripped him during lovemaking, it was usually pounding with adrenaline. Now I could feel a gentle side of him.

  “I don’t think I can wait until the end of the night to make love to you, sweetheart.” He came closer to me until his face was pressed to mine. He didn’t kiss me, but his lips were close enough that I could feel the magnetic pull between our mouths.

  I didn’t know how much time we had, but I realized I didn’t really care. I’d spent an hour doing my hair and makeup, but now I didn’t care about messing it up. When he looked at me like that, all I wanted was to be united with him. “Then don’t.”



  I did my best to keep her dress nice and not mess up her hair, which she spent nearly an hour doing. I took her at the foot of the bed with my slacks around my ankles and my collared shirt wide open. My jacket had been laid on the bed instead of tossed on the floor where I would normally throw it.

  I wasn’t in the mood to fuck her, not like I usually was. When I saw how beautiful she looked, so elegant and exquisite, my heart did a strange somersault. I just wanted to be buried inside her, to feel my woman in a way no one else ever had.

  I moved my enormous length deep inside her slowly, nearly hitting her in the cervix before I pulled out again. Her arousal was drenched around me, and she was tight like she always was. In the moment, I didn’t care about the charity gala. If I walked in late, I didn’t give a shit. When I wanted my woman, I took her. There was no way in hell I was going to wait until the end of the evening. Knowing me, we would just hook up in the bathroom anyway.

  And her dress would definitely get dirty then.

  She lay absolutely still so she wouldn’t mess up her hair, but when she started to climax, she arched her body and tilted her head, her expression utterly sexy. “Calloway…”

  Fuck, I loved it when she said my name.

  I enjoyed the rest of the show, watching her writhe and ride the high until she was completely finished.

  I finally forgot I was pissed at her for not telling me the truth about her past, for not telling me her real name. When we were connected like this, man and woman, her secrets seemed irrelevant. My obsession rekindled to new heights, and I enjoyed her just the way I used to.

  I would have kept going if we didn’t have anywhere to be. But since we did, I knew it was time to finish. I continued my slow pumps until my cock thickened and it was hard as steel. It was the best part about the orgasm, about the exquisite explosion in my cock before I finally released.

  I hit my threshold then released inside her, filling her with all of my come, where it would remain for the rest of the night. I would show her off to my respected colleagues and donors, knowing she was full of my seed. It would make me feel like a man.

  My woman always made me feel like a man.

  She sat beside me in the middle seat of the car as my driver drove us to the Plaza. My hand rested on her thigh, and I glanced down at her from time to time, wondering what she was thinking in that pretty little head of hers. She looked like a beauty queen beside me, making me appear unremarkable in comparison.

  We pulled up to the front of the hotel where a few guests were chatting. Men in suits with women in gowns on their arms. One of the attendants opened the door so I could step up. Before he could help Rome out of the car, I extended my hand and helped her emerge like the royalty that she was.

  The attendant looked at her with approval before he walked to the next car that just pulled up.

  My arm circled her waist, and I held her close into my side, wanting it to be completely obvious that she was more than just my date—she was the woman who slept in my bed every night. We moved through the entrance then headed to the grand ballroom where the dinner was being held.

  “So, is this a silent auction or something?”

  “No.” I noticed the way her hair would brush against my arm. I couldn’t feel it through my suit, but I knew how it felt because it happened when we slept together every night. Her soft strands prickled my skin with their innate softness. “It’s to recognize the outstanding donors for the last year. Usually, other people who come forward and make big donations so their company can have that same publicity at a later time. The whole thing is a PR stunt, honestly.”

  “I’m sure some people genuinely want to give back.”

  Some, but not most. “Or get a tax break.”

  “Oh, come on.” She bumped her hip into my side. “Give humanity more credit than that.”

  “I already was.”

  She rolled her eyes like I was joking.

  I was being dead serious.

  We entered the ballroom where hundreds of people chitchatted with colleagues or introduced themselves to corporate competitors. I recognized some of the people from my company mingling with the people who gave us the donations to make our work possible. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the tables were covered with ivory tablecloths and beautiful flowers as centerpieces.

  But I cared more about the bar.

  I guided my date to where the liquor was held. “What would you like, sweetheart?”

  “Whatever you’re having.” The way she smiled when she spoke made me want to kiss her—and kiss her hard.

  But I would do that later. I got the drinks then handed one to her.

  She looked at me as she sipped from her glass, a coy expression in her eyes.

  I could tell she was flirting with me without saying a single word. She did that when we were in public places sometimes. If she thought I wouldn’t fuck her in the bathroom because we made love before we left the house, she was dead wrong.

  Before I could express my threat, peop
le recognized me and moved my way for a conversation.

  But there was still the rest of the night.

  “You know a lot of people.” Rome and I finally got a moment to ourselves when I excused us to get another drink.

  “I don’t. But they know me.”

  “Then how do you remember them all?”

  “I write it down on my hand.” I gave her a teasing look before I handed her another glass.

  She rolled her eyes then sipped her drink. “How much money do you think we’ll raise tonight?”

  That was always her end game. She wanted to know what kind of difference we were going to make for the people who needed the most help. Fancy dinners with people dressed in their finest wasn’t interesting to her. It was one of her attributes that made me fall for her a long time ago. “A lot.”

  “Does that go directly to us?”

  “Not necessarily. Some of it will go directly to certain groups, like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “The money will be allocated appropriately.” My arm hardly left her waist all night, wanting to show her off to everyone in the room. I’d never taken a date to these sorts of things. It was much easier to come alone and mingle. But now I never went anywhere without my better half.

  We walked to one of the tables, and I pulled out the chair for her. Just as she sat down, I noticed a familiar face across the room. With dark hair, blue eyes, and a strong frame, he blended in with the rest of the suits in the crowd. But his terrified expression made him stand out to me.


  He was the last person I expected to see here. Maybe he came to these events regularly, but I never noticed because he didn’t mean anything to me at the time. But he must have known I would be here—thinking he was safe with all these witnesses.

  Think again, motherfucker.

  Rome noticed my gaze and emitted a quiet gasp when she realized who was on the receiving end. “Calloway, don’t—”


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