Murphy (The Skulls)

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Murphy (The Skulls) Page 3

by Crescent, Sam

  For the next hour Tate prepared food while listening to her new friend talk about herself. Kelsey liked to read, cook, and work. Tate liked her instantly as not once did she mention fucking or joining motorbike clubs in her spare time.

  After they finished eating, both women cleaned away their dishes, and then Kelsey excused herself, offering to walk to work with her the next day. Tate accepted the company and sat back on her sofa staring at the clock. She was waiting for the knock or the unmistakable sound of her window opening or something. Murphy was a creature of habit, and she’d bet money he’d come out of her bedroom where her window was partially open for a little fresh air. Sipping her coffee, three minutes later her bedroom door opened.

  “You’ve got to start leaving the window closed,” he said, coming to stand in front of her. She stared down at his wet shoes making a mess on her carpet.

  “Get your shoes off.”


  Shrugging, Tate didn’t raise her voice. She sipped at her drink, waiting for him to speak now that he’d invaded her space.

  “Cherry your new little friend, or have you switched sides?” Murphy asked. “Last time I knew you, you loved cock.”

  Tate truly believed she was a woman of the world. Growing up in a world of rough bikers who spoke without a filter she’d heard a lot of crap. Murphy’s words didn’t fail to make her cheeks heat.

  “You’re disgusting.” Glancing up the length of his body, Tate ignored the jolt charging through her system. He really was a handsome man. No wonder women fell all over themselves for a chance to be with him. Murphy was a tall man, over six feet with muscles to go with his frame that people refused to argue with. She’d seen him hurt men twice the size of him without blinking. Remembering how he used to protect her during high school brought back too many memories. They were good memories, which made what he had done to her that much worse.

  His hair was tied at the back. She knew it was only a matter of time before he cut it off. Murphy hated long hair. His face was clear of any facial hair. Murphy was perfect in size, looks, and attitude. She felt an awakening arousal deep in her core.

  For a long time she’d pushed aside her sexual need, instead sticking to her anger. Around Murphy she couldn’t control her reactions, and that hurt her more than anything.

  Chapter Two

  At twenty-eight years old, Murphy knew when a woman was fighting her arousal. Folding arms over breasts, rubbing together thighs, or lack of eye contact were all part of the fight, and his woman was displaying them all. Tate was aroused by him, and she was fighting it. He couldn’t push too much. Their relationship hadn’t been the same since he’d come back. His time at The Lions had changed a lot of things, including their relationship.

  “I’m all for you wanting pussy, baby. It’ll be fucking hot,” Murphy said, unable to resist pushing her a little.

  She glared up at him. His dark, hard temptress was close to the surface. Murphy knew Tate better than anyone else knew her. He knew which buttons to push and how to make her fight.

  Within seconds she slammed the cup she was holding down on the coffee table. “You’re fucking disgusting. Kelsey is my friend. She’s probably the only woman in Fort Wills who doesn’t want anything to do with the fucking club or with you.”

  Tate got to her feet, separating the short distance between them. Watching her, Murphy felt his cock respond in kind. She really was a fucking beauty when she was angry. He’d known her before the shit hit the fan, and part of him liked this woman just a little bit more. There was a fire within Tate that called to him. He wanted to go up in flames with her. He’d missed this, and he’d missed her. Tate was the only person who kept him going during the darkest moments at the other club. The Skulls were rough, but The Lions were deadly to all. Murphy did not regret his actions. Infiltrating their group he’d brought an end to their awful ways. The drink, the drugs, and the women were all too much.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, sitting back down.

  “You’ve left your father’s house and won’t talk to him.” He sat on the coffee table waiting for her response.

  “The club? I shouldn’t be surprised. All you think about is the club,” Tate said.

  Anyone else wouldn’t detect the hurt in her voice. Murphy was the one who knew her. He’d been the prospect assigned to her protection.

  “The club comes first, you know that.”

  He didn’t see the coffee until it was too late. Tate poured the semi-hot coffee over his crotch. Gasping, he stood worried about his crown jewels.

  “What the fuck, Tate?” Picking up the nearest cloth he tried to clean away the wetness from his dick. She could have seriously burnt him.

  She stormed off, and he saw her getting a jacket on. “Come on then. Let’s go and see dearest daddy, shall we?” Tate asked.

  Tate was out the door. Cursing, Murphy ran after her, trying his best to keep up as she charged downstairs and out of the building. She was stood next to his bike with her arms folded.

  “You’re not in the right mind to be making this decision,” he said.

  “Fuck you. You’ve not been a Skull for a long time. You don’t know me. You’ll never know me.”

  Seeing no point in arguing, he straddled his bike and waited for her to do the same. Handing her his helmet, Murphy waited for her to wear it. It was his helmet, but he’d ride without it for her safety.

  Gunning the engine, once her arms were wrapped around his waist, Murphy worked his way back to the club. The rain was light, and he got to the club without a problem. By the time he parked the bike, Tate was off and inside the club. He heard the shouting within minutes.

  “You’re my daughter. Don’t you fucking talk to me like that,” Tiny said.

  “You were just fucking a woman my age. I don’t give a fuck if I’m your daughter or not!”

  Heading inside, he saw Tiny stood next to his office with his jeans open and the door shut.

  Hardy and Rose were sat in the far corner watching, along with Angel and Lash. The others were gathered around the room watching what was happening. Murphy noticed Killer, Whizz, and Time watching as well.

  “What happens at the club is none of your business.”

  “Then deal with me not being part of the club. I can’t believe you. You’ve got a fucking minion looking out for me.”

  She pointed toward him. Murphy was insulted by her new title for him. Minion? He was no fucking minion.

  “Tate, you’re behaving like a spoilt little bitch.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. I moved out. I don’t need you anymore, and you can’t handle that. I’ve got a job, and you’re without a daughter.”

  “Eva is at home for you. What about her feelings?” Tiny asked.

  “She’s there because you’re too much of a fucking pussy to do something about it. You should let her go find another job, but no, you’ve got her waiting at home for you while you’re fucking everything in sight.” There was no stopping Tate in her flow. He saw Tiny was tense as she hit home with what she was saying. “Eva deserves a man who’ll be there for her and won’t fuck everything with a hole. She deserves the kind of man Mom had. The man you no longer are.”

  Deadly silence settled over the club. Tiny’s emotions shut down.

  “What the fuck did you say?” Tiny asked.

  Murphy had never seen his president hit a woman, but from the look in his eyes that could all change.

  “Fuck you. Fuck the club. And if you were a decent man you’d let Eva go.” Tate turned on her heel looking at all the club. “What the fuck are you looking at?”

  “I’ll cut you off, Tate.”

  “Do it. The further I’m away from this club and you the better I’ll be.” She turned at the last minute. “Oh, Tiny, I’ll be letting Eva know the truth. This is the last woman’s life you ruin.”

  She slammed the door closed. It was the first time she’d not called Tiny, Dad. Tiny was clearly in shock. In the next instant, Tiny
slammed his fist against the wall. “Get her home safely,” Tiny said, through gritted teeth.

  Murphy watched as he pointed at Killer and ordered him to sort the woman out in his office.

  “Get rid of the bitch. I don’t care what you do, just get her out.”

  He headed outside to see Angel talking with Tate. Lash was stood smoking a cigarette watching the interplay.

  “Tate won’t let me near her. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. Angel’s the only person she’ll talk to.”

  “She’s being stubborn. Give it time and her mood will ease and she’ll come back,” Murphy said. He recognized her mood and had dealt with it before.

  “I don’t know. Something is different. She’s not a teenage girl anymore wanting a pissing doll. This is serious. Tate’s serious, and she’s cutting everyone off.” Lash turned to him. “The shit that went down with The Lions, it was bad?”

  “Yeah, it was bad. I hate the fact I hurt her, but we needed to take them out. The Lions are bad news, and the sooner we cull the stragglers, the better.”

  “You’re not going to talk about it?” Lash asked.

  “No, never.”

  “Well, if it’s not Lash and my other brother from another mother,” Nash said, stumbling closer to them. Kate, a sweet-butt, was on his arm. One of her hands was inside Nash’s jeans. “Tate, honey, you’ve got bitch written all over you.”

  Tate stuck her fingers in the air, swearing at Nash without saying a word.

  “The two chubby women are together again,” Kate said. Her eyes were glazed over. Murphy put it down to alcohol.

  Nash pushed her away, making her trip. “Don’t shit-talk them, bitch. You’re a fucking whore after a good time, and don’t forget your place.”

  “Nash?” Lash said, putting an arm out to his brother.

  “No, she doesn’t get to talk shit.” Nash pushed his brother away.

  Seeing the drama about to unfold, Murphy moved away. Nash had his own issues with Kate.

  “Please, don’t leave,” Angel said.

  “This is your world, Angel. I’m not part of it anymore. Come by my apartment this weekend, and we’ll talk then.” Tate hugged the other woman before pulling away. “Take me home.”

  He didn’t say anything and climbed on the bike, waiting for her to get on behind him. The drive was short. He left his bike, following her upstairs. She didn’t acknowledge him and went straight for the bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he watched as she opened a wardrobe and started going through the contents.

  “Tate, you can’t ignore me,” Murphy said, trying to draw her out.

  In answer, she grunted something. Rubbing a hand down his face, Murphy stepped into the room. Without thinking he opened a drawer, wanting to know something new about this woman. When he’d left Tate she’d been happy, all too ready to tell him her secrets. This Tate wouldn’t give him a damn thing.

  What he found made him pause. Lying in the bed of her underwear was a dildo. It was plain rubber or whatever dildos were made of. He saw the lube to go with the dildo. Moving the underwear around he saw another smaller dildo.

  “You can stop snooping,” she said.

  Turning toward her, he saw two boxes in her arms.

  “What the hell is this?”

  He held the sex toys wondering what her response would be.

  “That is Bob. He helped to be my first time. Virginity is overrated, and that’s what I use for my ass.”

  Okay, she’d shocked him more than he expected.

  “You think I was going to sit around waiting for you?” Tate snorted, putting the boxes back on the bed. She took her toys from his hands. “No man would have ever been good enough for Tiny. I used what was at my disposal.”

  “By fucking a fake cock?”

  “You were fucking Lion whores.” Her voice grew louder. “You’ve got no right to yell at me.”

  Dropping the toys into the drawer, he banded an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “No? You’re mine, Tate. You promised yourself to me.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she went lax in his arms. “You promised me a lot of things, Murphy. Remember those promises?” she asked.

  He tensed.

  “Do you remember your promise to put me first? To tell me when you were having to do business?”

  There was nothing for him to say to stop her.

  She pushed him away, and Murphy let her. “You broke all your promises, and in doing so, you lost me.”

  “You’re mine.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Tate shoved him out of her apartment. Murphy let her. Right now she wasn’t ready for him to fight. It took every ounce of willpower to leave her alone.


  With very little sleep, Tate met Kelsey downstairs waiting for her. The other woman was dressed in her dental nursing uniform while Tate wore her receptionist clothes.

  “You look like you had a rough night,” Kelsey said.

  Sipping her coffee from the travel cup, Tate agreed. “It was a rough night. A shit night.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No. Actually, give me your view on this.” They walked side by side. Tate loved the feel of the fresh air on her face. “You fall in love with a guy who’s always around. Yeah, he’s ordered to be around you and protect you, but you’re around each other all the time. You’re together so much you have feelings for each other. Then, when you think you’re ready to start a life together, he disappears, and you see him with another woman every day.”

  “Is he having sex with these women?”

  “Yeah, he’s having sex.”

  “I’d learn to move on and not have anything to do with a man who clearly thinks so little of me,” Kelsey said.

  “Exactly what I was thinking. I hope his dick will drop off.”

  Kelsey chuckled. “I bet.”

  They made it to the practice and promised to meet for lunch. Tate spent most of the morning ignoring everyone. A couple of the women tried to draw her into a conversation, which she ignored. She saw the questions in their eyes. Testing the waters she talked to a couple of women and saw through their act. They wanted to get to The Skulls, not be her friend.

  At lunchtime Kelsey had to work through with a dentist on some kind of root canal. Going into town Tate picked up a sandwich and took a seat on the nearest bench.

  Eating her sandwich, she watched the world go by. An hour for lunch was long enough. When she saw Lash and Angel approaching on his bike, she tried to finish eating her sandwich.

  Too late, Angel bounced over to her. “Hey, Tate, what are you doing?”

  The other woman accepted the club life too easily. Angel was nice, but Tate needed to move on. “I’m on break. I’ve got to get back to work.”

  She stood, brushing the crumbs down her body.

  “You’re seriously going to cut everyone off?” Lash asked.

  Tate hesitated. The Skulls were her family. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

  Leaving them on the street, Tate headed back to the surgery where she was working until late in the afternoon. She saw Kelsey nibbling on a sandwich when she returned. The waiting room was full.

  “Hey, how are you doing?” Kelsey asked.

  She needed to get used to having a friend. Angel and Eva were both her friends, but they came with the club. Why was it so hard for everyone to understand that she wanted some time away from it?

  “I’m doing good. You?”

  “It has been a busy morning.” Kelsey let out a sigh. Looking over Kelsey’s shoulder she saw the other nurses and receptionists chuckling.

  “What’s going on?” Tate asked.

  “Your father is in with Dr. Bixton, and he’s causing up a storm.”

  “What?” Tate looked toward the young doctor’s door. There was no sign of her father, and no sound coming from the room.

  “It’s nothing. I don’t think he’s here for you,” Kelsey said.

  Tate removed
her jacket taking a seat behind the desk. Great, this was not what she wanted to deal with right now.

  Get out of Fort Wills.

  The idea struck her, but she couldn’t do it.

  “Hey, do you want to get out of here for a couple of days this weekend?” Tate asked. Kelsey was still waiting.

  “What? Get out of Fort Wills?”

  “Yeah, let’s go to Vegas and go wild?” Tate liked the idea the more she thought about it.

  “Okay, that sounds a little reckless to me.”

  “How old are you, Kelsey? I’m twenty-four, and I’m feeling a little too old for my age. I don’t want to feel old. We’ve got the rest of our lives to settle down. Let’s go and be wild. You’ve got the weekend off, right?”


  “Then come out with me?” Tate begged her new friend already knowing she was going to invite Eva as well.

  “What the hell, why not? Let’s go to Vegas.”

  Tate let out a whoop as Tiny left the dentist’s office. He looked angry and stopped when he saw her.

  “I want a word, Tate,” he said.

  “I’m working. I can’t have a word.” Tate ruffled some paper trying to make out how busy she was.

  “Hi, Tiny,” one of the nurses said, thrusting out her chest.

  Rolling her eyes, she stared at her father.

  “You can go with him, Tate,” Dr. Brixton said, leaving his office.

  Letting out a sigh, she followed her father out of the building.

  “You’ve got the nurses chasing after you as well, great,” she said.

  He grabbed her arm, tugging her toward the alleyway so they could have some privacy. Walking out she noticed several of the other club members waiting for her father.

  “Why are you being so difficult?” he asked. It was only them, and there was no angry father staring back at her. She hated this part of him. The part she got to see when they were alone and the guy he showed Eva when he felt like it.

  “I’m taking control of my life, Dad. Why can’t you see that?”


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