Murphy (The Skulls)

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Murphy (The Skulls) Page 5

by Crescent, Sam

  Kelsey smiled back at her. When the elevator hit the ground floor, Tate noticed the three men waiting. She promised to meet the other two when she was finished with Alex. The three men followed them to the bar.

  “Are they with you?” she asked, stepping in beside him.

  “I’m a powerful man.”

  “A powerful man shouldn’t be worried with three bodyguards.”

  Alex led them to the end of the bar. She took the seat next to him as he signaled the female bartender. Resting her elbows on the counter she waited to be served. Alex ordered her vodka with orange while he took a brandy.

  “I’ve got many enemies. I’m not a good man, Tate. I’m a powerful man that does bad things,” Alex said.

  Lifting the glass to her lips Tate stared at him over the rim. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “You’re family, and unlike Tiny, I think you have a right to know the truth.”

  Putting the glass down, Tate couldn’t look away. Staring at him now, she saw the threat within his depths. This man was not a good man like he said. She remembered him buying her balloons for her birthday and being there for barbeques, picnics, Christmases, and birthdays.

  “Are you with some kind of mob?” she asked.

  “No. I’m in business with your father. He helps transport product while I pocket a hefty profit, as does he. Your mother met him on one of our business meetings.”

  “You’re in business with my father?”

  “No, I lied again. Tiny and I agreed you’d never find out. We’re more than in business together, we’re business partners. Tiny owns half of this building, and I was once part of The Skulls.”

  Tate finally sipped at her drink. She’d always thought Tiny was just part of The Skulls, the club that helped look after Fort Wills. She wasn’t stupid and knew the club wasn’t entirely legal.

  “Start from the beginning.”

  “Patricia and I originally came from Fort Wills. She was too young to remember Tiny, but our parents left the town. It was too rough, drugs, prostitutes, bad vibes, everything. I started this place up, and Tiny came to me with an idea. He still lived in the town and had grown up watching it get fucked over by chaos.”

  Tate listened, knowing Fort Wills hadn’t always been the quiet, placid town it now was.

  “He had an idea, an idea that put a club in charge of Fort Wills. There were some men who wanted the same.”

  “Mikey? He was one?” she asked.

  “Yeah, he was a hard nut back in the day. He was amazing at bringing order to the town. We offered him the chance of being leader, the president, but he turned it down. Tiny was the leader. He was the right man for the job. I was the business side, the muscle whereas Tiny knew everything about the town. One visit here, he met Patricia. She was young, sweet, innocent, and they fell in love with each other. I didn’t want her to be part of it. Tiny wouldn’t hear any of it.”

  “I know this. They fell in love, and he moved her back to Fort Wills.”

  “The club always came first. My sister accepted that.”

  “Do you own like drugs and prostitutes and everything you fought against?” Tate asked.

  “No, Tiny and I move the drugs away from the town. We don’t accept that shit going down in Fort Wills. We have a lot of crap going down. You don’t need to know everything, but we’ve both made a lot of enemies. He’s got the club to protect him, and I’ve got my men. They’re loyal.”

  “Why did you stop coming when Mom died?”

  “We thought it was best you having a clean break. You weren’t attached, and we had business that kept me out of town. Tiny didn’t want you part of any of it.” Alex sipped at his brandy, stopping.

  “So that’s the story?” Tate asked.

  “Pretty much.”

  “It’s fucking lame.” Tate stood ready to leave. “The Skulls are a family. When Mom died you had a choice. I thought you blamed us. I thought you hated Dad so much that you couldn’t bear to see us.”

  “Sit down, Tate.”

  “No, I’m done being ordered around by men who think they own me. I’m going to go and party. I don’t want you to come near me.”

  “I was hoping we could build a friendship up,” Alex said. “You’re the only thing I’ve got left of Patricia.”

  “You should have thought about that before you put the club first.”

  She walked away. What was it with the men who put the club first? Alex could pretty up his explanation all he wanted. He still put the club first. He chose business before getting to know her. She’d grown up thinking her uncle didn’t love her after her mother died.

  Shaking her head, she found Eva at one of the machines with the pulley at the side. It looked boring.

  “Are you all right?” Eva asked.

  “No, I need alcohol, partying, and dancing, and I need it now.”

  “Alex loves you, Tate.”

  “No, he doesn’t. Like Dad, Murphy, Lash, Nash, and all of the fucking Skulls, they’re in love with the club. Maybe it’ll do them more good to fuck each other instead of putting us through hell.”

  Kelsey giggled beside her. “Now that would be fun to watch.”

  “Does this place have a dance floor and bar away from the gambling?” Tate asked.


  “Lead the way, Eva. It’s about fun. Fun and nothing to do with the club.”

  Chapter Four

  Murphy walked off the plane four hours after Eva, Tate, and Cherry had gotten off. That was four hours of trouble his woman could already be in. A long, sleek black limousine was waiting for them. Killer followed close by Murphy as they climbed inside. Hearing about the women’s expedition, Tiny had gathered six men and one woman to go to Vegas. He and Killer were there, along with Nash, Lash, Tiny, and Zero. Angel was travelling with Lash, even though Tiny had rejected the idea of another woman getting involved.

  “I swear when I find her and get her alone she’s going over my knee,” Tiny said.

  “Tate won’t let you get that far,” Lash said, smirking.

  “I wasn’t talking about Tate. Eva’s going over my knee for a fucking spanking. The woman should have told me what was happening. Keeping shit from me is not acceptable.”

  Looking around the back of the limousine, Murphy saw all of the men were trying to contain their laughter. Eva and Tiny were destined to be together. Tiny was being a hard ass by keeping her at arms’ length.

  “Of all the fucking places to come, she had to choose Alex’s casino.” Tiny was muttering to himself.

  “Who’s Eva?” Killer asked.

  “Tate’s ex-nanny. Tiny has a thing for her, but he keeps her away from the club.”

  “He fucks everything that moves. The woman I took out of his office was tied down to the desk with her ass in the air. She was begging to be fucked,” Killer said.

  Murphy knew a lot about his president’s sexual activities. Tiny was a dominant man with thoughts that the woman stayed at home while the men worked. It was an old-fashioned view, but it was what Tiny believed. Eva and Tiny were in for a rocky ride before they got together.

  “You better have a handle on Tate,” Tiny said, drawing him into conversation.

  “I’ll deal with Tate.”

  “I’ve called ahead. Alex is giving up rooms. It’s a slow weekend in Vegas for him.”

  “I’m up for watching you spank Eva. It’s going to be interesting. I wonder if she’ll give into you willingly or if she’ll put up a fight,” Nash said, laughing.

  Out of the two Myer brothers, Nash was the one who risked his life more. The guy must have a death wish by talking about watching Eva and Tiny together.

  “With where your dick’s been, you’re not coming near Eva.”

  Nash stopped laughing. “My junk is clean. I don’t touch anyone without a rubber. Speaking of where a dick’s gone, what about yours, Tiny? You remembering to rubber up before the loving?”

  Tiny launched himself across the limousine. One punc
h was thrown, and Nash was in the fight as well.

  The other four men tried to pull the men apart in the small space. Angel was screaming, and Lash finally pulled Tiny away from his brother. “My brother deserves a beating, but I’m not having you put my woman in danger. Think, Tiny. He’s fucking with you. It’s Nash. Keep the anger locked up tight, or you’re going to lose it too bad.”

  Slowly, minute by minute, Tiny calmed down to the point of relaxing. Nash’s face was already bruising up.

  “Sorry,” Tiny said, sitting back down.

  “Yeah, sorry. It was fucking wrong of me to talk like that,” Nash said.

  Everyone sat down, and silence fell over the group. The limousine couldn’t move fast enough to get them out of trouble. They were confined to a moving vehicle with temperamental bikers, and that was a recipe for disaster.

  “Four hours. Do you have any idea what damage Tate could do with four hours? Eva’s not much better. She’ll do anything for that girl, even lie to me about this fucking trip,” Tiny said.

  Murphy watched the city pass him by. Four hours with no one around Tate, he knew the damage was going to be dangerous. Visions of men fucking her, being inside her, and leaving her alone entered his thoughts. She was a fun woman and drew people to her when she wasn’t such a bitch. Yes, some people gravitated towards her because of her position in the club, but there were still some who’d wanted to know his woman. He was all too aware of the draw of her. Over the years, looking after her, he’d tried to ignore her. She would talk to him for hours while she did homework. The hours she spent playing pranks on him had eventually made him fall into her web. Her taste in movies was also different. She was the only woman he knew who would watch a horror flick and then be crying at a romantic comedy straight after. He would wake up in the morning looking forward to spending the day with Tate. When she wasn’t at school he found it fun to just hang out with her at the mall or watching movies. She was just fun, and he’d ruined that part of her. Being in The Lions didn’t mean he was lost to what was happening. He saw the damage he’d done on a weekly basis. Tate was no longer the carefree woman she’d been, and he was the one who had to deal with that every day.

  There was a harshness to her. He’d asked the prospects assigned to looking after her, and all of them spoke of her ignoring them, even yelling at them to get away from her. She didn’t let anyone near her or to get close. From what he’d learned, Angel had been the only person she’d gotten close enough to.

  Not close enough to invite to Vegas.

  Glancing over at Angel he saw the sadness in the other woman. She hadn’t complained during the drive.

  When he got his hands on Tate he was going to show her the damage she was causing to others. She could take her anger out on him but no one else.

  The limousine stopped outside a tall, wide building. The lights were bright, illuminating the sky and pavement. Climbing out of the back, Murphy stared up at the busy building.

  “I thought you said this was quiet,” Murphy said.

  “The hotel’s quiet. The main casino is as busy as it should be for a Friday night.” Tiny answered, looking up at the casino. “It has been too long since I came here last. Brings up too many fucked up memories.”

  “Patricia,” Lash said, mouthing the words to him.

  They were gaining a lot of attention. Their cuts had a lot of reputation, even in Vegas. Entering the casino, security intercepted them. Murphy tensed expecting a fight.

  “Mr. Allen is waiting for you at the bar,” the tallest man said. “If you and your people will follow me?”

  Murphy followed beside Killer toward the bar section. A man with greying hair sat at the bar looking at the screen of a laptop.

  The security man cleared his throat.

  “Leave,” Mr. Allen said.

  “Alex, it’s good to see you,” Tiny said, embracing the man in a male hug.

  “Your daughter’s a tough cookie, Tiny. What did you do to her?” Alex looked at all of them. “You certainly brought the cavalry.”

  “These are my men, and that’s Lash’s woman, Angel. She’s a friend of Tate’s. Where’s my daughter? I thought we agreed you’d keep her close.”

  Alex sighed, turning the laptop to face them. “I tried to talk to her. She’s not the most understanding of women, Tiny. There’s your daughter. I’ve got men watching her, and I’ve been keeping an eye on her as well.”

  Looking at the screen, Murphy lost it. Tate was on the dance floor wearing a slut red dress, which showcased all of her curves. Her tits bounced as she danced to the beat of the music, and his anger spiked.

  “Where the fuck is she?” Murphy asked. Tiny let out a growl and turned away.

  “If I was you, I’d follow him,” Alex said.

  Killer followed him as he went after Tiny. The older man took the stairs leading down to the base of the club.

  “Alex installed a nightclub. It’s popular, but it’s downstairs and the guards will only let certain people in,” Tiny said.

  “You mean women who are ready to fuck?” Murphy asked.

  “Get Tate out of there. I’ll handle Eva. You, Killer, get the other girl out of there.” Tiny gave his orders as they got to the door. The guy on the door was talking into his ear piece. He held his hand up, listening.

  Tiny was about to give orders when the guy opened the door. “You’ll have no problems from us while you get your women out.”

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Killer said. “Not a woman. Not again.”

  “She’s Tate’s friend. Just get her out. She looks submissive enough that she’ll follow you.”

  Entering the darkened room, Murphy waited for his vision to adjust to the lack of light. Tiny left them heading toward Eva, who Murphy saw was stood at the bar. Looking onto the dance floor, Murphy spotted his own woman. His cock got hard at the sight of her lost to the music. Her friend was dancing with her.

  He pointed out the friend to Killer. “Get her, get out. Go to Alex, and he’ll give you the necessary keys to the rooms where we’re staying.”

  Killer left his side, and Murphy concentrated on Tate. Her eyes were closed as a guy humped away behind her. Clothes were in the way of any real action. He blocked the guy out and simply admired his woman.

  Her body was a thing of beauty. He loved watching her. Everything was natural. Her tits bounced, her hips swung from side to side. She was all woman, and he was about to get her for himself.

  Moving around behind the guy, Murphy shoved him away, relishing the curse from the other man. He wanted the other man to get up and fight him. Instead, the guy took one look at him and left. Fucking coward.

  Wrapping an arm around Tate’s stomach, he tugged her close, rubbing his hard dick against her ass.

  She gasped, leaning back against him.

  “You should have known I’d come for you,” he said, whispering the words to her ear.

  Tate turned in his arms, facing him. Her face was flushed, and the slight scent of alcohol radiated out of her.

  “I was expecting it. I thought I’d get a night to pick up a man and you’d find me getting fucked by someone else.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. This response he hadn’t been expecting.

  Inserting a leg between her thighs, Murphy raised it up until her crotch rubbed against him. She cried out, rubbing herself all over his thigh.

  “I’m so wet, Murphy,” she said.

  Tate moved closer, licking his neck and then nibbling on him. Fuck, he was ready to come in his pants, and all she was doing was touching him.

  Reaching down, he grabbed her ass and brought her closer to him still.

  “Do you want to fuck me, Dillon?”

  It had been so long since he’d heard his name on her lips. There was a time when it was all she called him.

  “You know I do.”

  She leaned in close, biting on his neck. “It’s a shame you put the club first because you could have been fucking me for the past few years.”
  Tate stepped back, caught him off guard and kneed him in the balls. “That’s for picking them over me,” she said, turning on her heel and walking away.


  Getting out of the nightclub was Tate’s main concern. She moved around the people and headed for the door. Gripping the handle she turned in time to see Tiny grasping Eva around the waist and hauling her up in his arms. Glancing over her shoulder Tate saw Murphy getting to his feet while cupping his balls.

  She needed to get out of here before she did something she’d regret. Opening the door, she nodded at the doorman then raced up the stairs. Her heels were hindering her escape. Stopping, she removed her heels and took off through the casino. No one stopped her as she ran toward the doors that held the stairs for the hotel room.

  For several seconds with Murphy’s arms wrapped around her she’d been tempted to give in to him. Then reality hit her hard. Murphy was not the man who promised to love her and to put her before everyone else. He was the guy who’d left her without any explanation and then fucked any woman he wanted. The only thing she was thankful for was that she didn’t have to watch him fucking the women. She’d seen him around town plenty of times with several women.

  Pushing the thoughts, the pain, and even the guilt of just hurting him, Tate ran upstairs toward her room.

  “Tate!” Murphy was close as he shouted her name.

  Running up the stairs, Tate tried to run faster. His movements were faster than hers, and she was losing her breath. She’d never run from an ex before.

  Opening the other door to her floor, she ran to the steps, pulling out the key from her breast that Eva had given her. Her hands shook as she tried to push the key into the lock.

  Murphy slammed behind her. He pulled her into his arms, covering her mouth with his hand as she made to scream.

  “You’re not escaping me tonight.” He put her on her feet with his hand still over her mouth.

  She clawed at his arms, trying to get free of his hold. Murphy held her firm, opening the door and locking it behind himself.

  Finally, he let her go.

  Tate tripped over her feet and fell on the floor in a heap.


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