Susan Mallery Bundle: The Buchanans

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Susan Mallery Bundle: The Buchanans Page 11

by Susan Mallery

  Reid didn’t know what to do with all the information Madeline had dumped on him, but he didn’t doubt it was true. He could feel it in his gut.

  “How did you figure all this out?” he asked. “Lori didn’t tell you.”

  “Of course not. She wouldn’t want to burden me with what she wrestles with. But I watch and listen. She’s so much more than she believes she can be.”

  “I know.”

  She looked at him. “I thought you might. So what are you going to do about her?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Lori wasn’t his type. She wasn’t the kind of woman to enjoy a hot night and move on. He wasn’t good for anything else. Which meant avoiding her was the best solution for both of them.

  Yet he found himself wanting to be with her. Not just in bed, but out of it as well.

  “You’ll figure it out,” Madeline told him. “Just try not to hurt her. She’s more fragile than she looks.”

  He thought Lori was a rock, but maybe there was more to her than just sarcasm and being everyone’s source of strength. Maybe there were sides of her no one saw.

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” he admitted. “This isn’t the sort of thing I’m any good at.”

  “Then maybe it’s time you learned.”

  REID SAT IN HIS OFFICE at the sports bar and went through invoices. He generally passed any paperwork to the three assistant managers who really ran the place, but today, for some reason, he wanted to feel useful.

  He sorted the paperwork by vendor, then went onto his computer and compared this month’s bills with those from the previous three months. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for but it seemed a logical way to figure out if anyone was trying to hide kickbacks or stealing.

  He heard footsteps in the hallway.

  “I swear, I saw him,” a woman said as she and her friend walked past his office on the way to the restrooms. “He’s so good-looking. And I don’t care what that bitch reporter said. He was great in bed.”

  “I thought so, too. It could have been a little longer, but then it always could have been a little longer.”

  They laughed. The sound was cut off when the bathroom door swung shut behind them.

  Reid turned his attention back to the computer, but his concentration was shot.

  He had no idea who those women were or when he might have slept with them. For all he knew, they’d had a threesome. At least they hadn’t been complaining about his technique.

  But that wasn’t much comfort. He turned off his computer and left the paperwork on the desk. Nothing felt right anymore, he thought as he grabbed his jacket and headed out. He needed something to do with his day—something that mattered. Pretending to run the sports bar and hiding out at Gloria’s didn’t cut it.

  He drove east, crossing Lake Washington, then turned aimlessly through Bellevue. He stopped in front of a large sporting goods store and stared at the display. God, he missed baseball. Sports had always been a way for him to escape. They had given him purpose and a goal.

  He grabbed his cell phone and dialed a familiar number.

  “What’s up?” he said when Cal answered.

  “Not much. Where are you?”

  “Not at the sports bar,” Reid told him. “Is there a place in Seattle where kids need sports equipment? Like a school in a poor part of town or a club or something?”

  “Sure. Hold on.” Reid heard typing, then Cal continued, “There are a couple of after-school places where poor kids go. They probably need supplies and equipment. Why?”

  “I gotta do something. You got an address?”

  Cal read it off, along with a phone number. After Reid hung up with Cal, he called and asked to speak to the director. A woman got on the phone.

  “Do you have a yard there where kids play?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She sounded cautious.

  “How’s the equipment situation? I’d like to send over some balls and bats and other stuff. You could use it?”

  “Of course. Always. Who is this?”

  He hung up.

  Two hours later he was parked across the street from a beat-up old building. About thirty kids gathered around the large delivery truck. They cheered when the equipment was unloaded.

  “I don’t understand,” an older woman was saying. “This man just called and asked if we needed it. Are you sure it’s free?”

  “Everything’s been paid for,” the delivery guy said. “Just sign that you received it and we’re good.”

  The woman smiled, then signed.

  Reid shifted into first and drove away.


  REID ARRIVED back at Gloria’s house to find Lori waiting for him. It was after four and her shift had officially ended. Sandy’s car was parked in the large circular drive, which meant Lori had no reason to stay.

  Except to see him.

  Watching those kids with their new sports equipment had gone a long way to making him feel less like a loser. Having Lori hanging around to see him cemented his good feelings.

  “You stayed,” he said as he smiled at her.

  “I have to talk to you. Privately.”

  He liked the sound of that. For reasons he couldn’t explain he kept remembering that kiss. He’d wanted to repeat it, but had never found the right opportunity.

  He followed Lori to the back of the house. There was a small den, with a television and stereo equipment on one wall.

  Lori shut the door behind him. He moved toward her expectantly. She stopped him with a single sentence.

  “Some TV producer called here, looking for you,” she said.

  His desire froze and disappeared.

  “What did you tell him?”

  She pressed her lips together. “Her. I lied. I said I didn’t know who you were and that I had no idea what she was talking about.”


  “Not thanks. I don’t want to have to do that sort of thing. The reporter looking to ambush someone was bad enough. Now this.”

  “I can’t stop them. What do you want me to do?”

  “Not be this way. I don’t get it. I can’t begin to understand who or what you are. On the one hand, you have moments of kindness and intelligence. On the other hand, you seem willing to have sex with most women in this country. Or any country, I’m guessing. None of this makes sense.”

  Her energy went beyond annoyance. She seemed as much confused as frustrated.

  She put her hands on her hips as she faced him. “How can you be so interested in volume? How can you not care about the person inside?”

  “Because for you it’s all about the person inside,” he said.

  “Of course. I want to have a relationship to go with my sexual encounter. That probably sounds really backwards to you.”

  “It doesn’t,” he said as he wondered about the men in her life. Who were they and why wasn’t she married? Had she been the one to resist or hadn’t anyone asked?

  “Are you seeing anyone?” he asked.

  “What? No, but that isn’t the point.”

  “I get the point. I was just curious.”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “We’re not talking about me. Explain the thought process, Reid,” she said. “Why on earth do you act this way?”

  There were a hundred different answers he could give. Slick lines he’d used before. But he didn’t want to share any of them with Lori, so he settled for the truth.

  “I’m not the kind of guy women marry,” he said. “I’m not the kind of guy women get serious with.”

  Lori waited a few seconds, opened her mouth, then closed it. “That’s it? You’re a dog when it comes to women because it’s not your fault?”

  “I’m not a dog. I’m very clear on what’s going to happen and what isn’t. I tell the truth.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She crossed to the leather sofa and sat down. “You’re saying you act this way because the world has low expectations and you’ve chosen to
live down to them?”

  Not exactly how he would have phrased it, he thought, feeling uncomfortable. How had they gotten onto this topic to begin with?

  He crossed the room and sat at the other end of the sofa.

  “You don’t think very much of me,” he said.

  “You don’t give me reason to think better.”

  She was right. Most of the time he didn’t care what women thought of him. Enough worshiped him that he didn’t give a damn about the rest. But for some reason Lori was different.

  He drew in a breath. “There was a girl,” he said slowly. “Jenny. I met her when I was drafted into a farm team.”

  He looked at Lori. “That’s a minor league baseball team. All the major league teams have farm teams to groom players.”

  She smiled and even with her glasses, he could see the corner of her eyes crinkle. “I know what a farm team is,” she told him. “I’m not a huge fan, but I’m not totally ignorant.”

  “Good. So I met Jenny and it was amazing from the beginning. She was pretty and smart and funny and I was crazy about her.”

  Lori shifted on the sofa. Her mouth twisted slightly, then she said. “So you were normal once.”

  “More than that. I was in love.”

  He didn’t like remembering how it had been back then. The good times with Jenny had been the best, but the crash…he’d wondered if he would ever recover.

  Lori’s hazel eyes darkened slightly. “I can’t imagine you in love. You mean like being faithful and wanting a future in love?”

  Her voice sounded tight. He wanted to believe that was about envy or something, but he had a feeling it was just a whole load of disbelief.

  “I asked her to marry me.”

  Lori’s breath caught. “I didn’t know.”

  “No one does.” He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs and stared at the ground. Without wanting to, he remembered everything about that night. It had been warm, but raining. The rain was the reason he hadn’t been playing. A three-day soaker had trashed the field. He could smell the dampness in the air and someone’s cooking a couple of apartments over. He and Jenny had been sitting on the steps leading up to her place.

  He remembered the feel of her body so close to his, the way her long straight blond hair had gleamed in the moonlight. He’d looked at her and known she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was all he’d ever wanted—someone he could love forever. So he’d asked her to marry him.

  “She said no.” He spoke the words flatly, as if they had no meaning. As if he couldn’t remember what it had been like to hear her faint giggle of surprise.

  “I’m sorry,” Lori said.

  “Don’t be sorry yet, because that’s only part of it. She said she wasn’t interested in marrying me. She thought I was a lot of fun and great in bed, but marriage was out of the question. I wasn’t the kind of guy women married. She was actually seeing someone. He was going to propose and she was going to say yes. I was the kind of guy women had a last fling with, but not the kind anyone wanted to be with for the long haul.”

  LORI HAD A RESTLESS NIGHT and a difficult morning. She couldn’t seem to concentrate on what she was doing, mostly because she kept reliving her conversation with Reid.

  While she knew he was telling the truth, she still had trouble believing any woman could reject him so easily. Sure, he was too good-looking to be real but he was charming and fun and just thinking about having him kiss her again was enough to make her weak at the knees, which made her want to pound her head against the wall out of sheer humiliation, but there it was. The reality that Reid was the kind of guy women loved. Even smart women who knew better. Apparently self-awareness was very different from immunity.

  She couldn’t get her mind around the fact that someone he’d been in love with had walked away from him. Had, in fact, rejected him cruelly. There had to be more to the story.

  Lori knew many of her questions would never be answered—especially the one about why this was so fascinating to her. She didn’t want to know the answer to that.

  She finished clearing the dishes from lunch and loading the dishwasher. Then she went to check on Gloria.

  Her patient was reading in bed. Gloria set down her book when Lori entered the room.

  “My oldest grandson’s wife is coming to visit,” Gloria said, her voice sounding more resigned than pleased. “She had a baby recently. The biological father came from a sperm bank, if you can believe it. I’ll never understand why Cal wanted to get back together with a woman who would do that sort of thing. He could have done so much better than some breeding cow who…”

  Lori raised her eyebrows.

  Gloria drew in a breath, then let it go slowly. After a second, she spoke again. “My grandson’s new wife is coming by to visit. She’s bringing her new baby. Won’t that be lovely?”

  Lori grinned. “I think you’ll enjoy the company.”

  “I like babies,” Gloria said slowly. “Regardless of where they…” She paused again. “Penny is very pretty. I’m sure her baby will be especially attractive.”

  “You’re making progress,” Lori told her. “How does that feel?”

  “Awkward and foolish most of the time,” Gloria admitted. “But you’re right. It makes a difference. I want my family in my life and if this is what it takes, then I’m willing to do it.”

  “The things we do for love.”

  Gloria stared at her. “Or don’t do. Why aren’t you married?”

  “No one asked.”

  “I find that hard to believe. You’re perfectly capable.”

  Lori knew that there was a genuine compliment buried in the less than elegant words. “I should have that stitched on a pillow. ‘Perfectly capable.’”

  “You know what I mean. You’re the sort of woman who would make someone a good wife.”

  “You’d think that, wouldn’t you? But apparently men everywhere decided they could live without me.” She spoke lightly, not wanting to admit there might be any pain inherent in her situation. She was nearly thirty years old and no man had ever fallen in love with her.

  Her sister’s theory was that she deliberately picked men she could never care about so it was easier for her to keep her distance. Lori wasn’t sure. She’d never been in love, so maybe Madeline had been right. And she did tend toward men who were safe.

  Except for Reid. Not that she could ever really care about him, but he was someone she could dream about.

  She’d gone her entire life without having a crush on someone. Why did she have to have one now? And on him?

  “You’re not sexy enough,” Gloria said.

  Lori stared at her. “Excuse me?”

  “Men are stupid about sex. Always have been. You don’t try to make yourself attractive.”

  “I dress appropriately for my job.”

  Gloria shook her head. “Don’t pretend that this is how you are during the day and it’s totally different the rest of the time. You’ve made a career of blending into the background. I’m not fooled. Hand me my purse.”

  Lori reached for the leather handbag by the bookcase and passed it across to her patient.

  “Maybe I like my life,” she said, more than a little annoyed. “Maybe I don’t appreciate your criticism.”

  Gloria slipped on her reading glasses and pulled out a Palm Pilot. “I’m the queen bitch, girly. What makes you think I care?”

  Lori tried to hide her smile, but couldn’t. “You’re not all that.”

  Gloria looked at her over her glasses. “I’m all that and more. Write this down.” She read off a phone number. “You want Ramon and only Ramon. Tell him I sent you. That should put the fear of God into him.”

  “Who, exactly, is Ramon?”

  “My hairdresser. And don’t panic. I’m an old woman and he does what I say. But with your hair, he could do something amazing.”

  Lori resisted the need to finger her long, wavy hair. It had always been a disaster she didn�
�t know how to control. Deep down inside, she’d always wondered if a great cut could make a difference. But she’d been afraid to try before, so she’d left her hair long and kept it back in a braid.

  Still, she was tempted. Would changing her hair make Reid see her differently? And how much did she hate that he was the first place her mind zipped?

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’ll think about it.”

  “You’ll call,” Gloria said. “That’s an order.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good.” She glanced at the clock. “Now put my purse away and help me to the bathroom. Penny will be here any minute.”

  TWENTY MINUTES LATER Lori opened the door to find an attractive woman holding a baby on the wide porch. The woman seemed tense and apprehensive.

  “Penny Jackson,” the woman said with a tight smile. “Not Buchanan. Which I’m sure Gloria hates. For a woman who was a pioneer in her day, she has some very particular ideas about the rest of the world. Not that I care. I don’t care. Except she’s Cal’s grandmother and my grandmother-in-law, so even though I don’t want to care, I actually do.”

  She paused, sucked in a breath and seemed to relax. “You’re probably thinking you don’t want to let the insane inside. I totally get that.”

  Lori grinned. “I’m a professional. The insane don’t scare me.”

  “Good to know. What about mean old ladies?”

  “I’m fearless.”

  “I wish I was.”

  “You will be. I’m Lori Johnston, Gloria’s day nurse,” she said as she stepped back. “Come on in.”

  “Do I have to?” Penny asked, but she stepped inside. “I’m married to Cal, Gloria’s oldest grandson, which you might have figured out from my senseless rant. This is Allison.”

  Lori stepped close to smile at the baby, ignoring the audible ticking of her biological clock. All she had to do was see a small child and her body sent up hard to ignore get-pregnant-now messages.

  “She’s beautiful,” she said honestly, gazing down at the sleeping baby.

  Allison was all pink skin and pale wisps of hair. She smelled like powder and vanilla and her mouth was that perfect rosebud shape women spent the rest of their lives trying to duplicate.


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