Susan Mallery Bundle: The Buchanans

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Susan Mallery Bundle: The Buchanans Page 14

by Susan Mallery

  He moved in front of her, pulled her close and kissed the hell out of her. There were lips and tongues and reaching and then his hands were between her legs and rubbing and she was so damn close.

  Her climax exploded without warning, making her cling to him in an effort to stay standing. Muscles convulsed and throbbed as pleasure poured through her. She might have screamed, she wasn’t sure—but as they were kissing, it didn’t much matter.

  The man knew what he was doing, she thought hazily as he continued to touch her, drawing out every ounce of amazing without pressing too hard on her suddenly sensitive flesh. Then, when the shuddering had stopped and she could breathe again, he eased her back onto the bed, lay down next to her and stroked her face.

  Without her glasses, the room was blurry, but Reid was close enough to be exactly in focus.

  “Still fine?” he asked, the corners of his mouth twitching with an almost-smile.

  She sighed. “Better than fine. Much, much better.”


  He sat up and pulled off his University of Washington sweatshirt. Despite her weakened condition and general sense of well-being, she couldn’t help notice the perfectly toned abs and his smooth, muscled back. The man was a walking, breathing advertisement for great genes, a challenging workout and the sense to take advantage of both.

  Maybe it was tacky, but she couldn’t help wanting to see the rest of the package.

  She reached for the button of his jeans.

  “Impatient?” he asked.

  “A little.”

  “I like that in a woman.”

  While she took care of business on her end, he stretched out an arm behind her and tugged on the coated rubber band holding her braid in place.

  She abandoned his jeans. “What are you doing?”

  “Unfastening your hair. I’ve been wanting to see it loose for weeks now.”

  “My hair?”


  After what had just happened, she was more than willing to give him anything he wanted. So she sat up and reached for her braid.

  “Get naked,” she told him.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He pushed off jeans and briefs a lot faster than she was able to deal with the braid. Apparently not sure what else to do with his time, he leaned in and licked her right nipple.

  Despite her recent orgasm, fire shot through her, all the way down to her crotch. She fell back on the bed and resisted the need to grab his head and hold him captive over her breasts.

  “You’re distracting me.”

  “Ignore me.”

  He knelt over her and drew her nipple into his mouth. First he flicked his tongue against the sensitive peak, then he sucked. Hard.

  Forget the hair, she thought as she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the experience of being seduced by Reid Buchanan.

  He moved back and forth between her breasts. He used his mouth, his tongue and his fingers to explore every inch of them several times over.

  She writhed beneath him, feeling her body ready itself for a second round. Her insides hungered to be taken by this man. He was hard again or still or always and she subtly tried to shift so that he could slide inside of her. But he resisted.

  “Soon,” he said against her breast.

  “You told me that before.”

  “I’m not lying.”

  Before she could complain, he began moving down her body. First he kissed her breastbone, then her belly. He teased her belly button with his tongue and continued his journey south, finally reaching his destination between her legs.

  Lori closed her eyes and decided to accept her fate at the hands of a man determined to make her boneless. She thought about mentioning the fact that she’d already come once and that it was unlikely it would happen again. Except there wasn’t anything ordinary about making love with Reid, so who knew what would happen.

  He parted her with his fingers. She felt anticipation, the coolness of his breath followed by the warm, erotic touch of his tongue.

  Oh, yeah, she thought as she relaxed into the slow, steady movements. Just like that.

  He circled her with the tip of his tongue, then used the flat part to stroke her senseless. He was a man on a mission and she found that she liked that. He was patient, he read her body and she found her muscles tensing in anticipation about forty-five seconds after his first touch.

  She’d always needed a slow build, but not today. She went from intrigued to panting in far too short a time. Even as the pressure inside her increased, she tried to figure out what it was he was doing that was so great. Then she decided she didn’t care and lost herself in the ride.

  He caressed her, moving back and forth against her center. Need made her part her legs more, as if trying to offer all she was to him. She was torn between going for it and making it last longer. Everything felt too good, she thought as she felt herself getting closer and closer.

  Her legs began to tremble. She clutched the bottom sheet and dug her heels into the mattress. He moved a little faster, then gently inserted a single finger inside of her.

  She hung suspended for a heartbeat, then two. Tension built until she knew she was going to be ripped apart. It was her last conscious thought as her release crashed through her, causing every muscle to contract and her whole body to get lost in perfection.

  She cried out, caught her breath and cried out again. She pushed against him, needing more, wanting everything and then getting that and more. She rode his finger, gasping with thanks as he pushed in two. She felt herself contract around him. It was too much.

  She couldn’t wait to do it again.

  A few minutes later her heartbeat had slowed from hummingbird speed. She lay on the bed, exhausted and exhilarated. She wondered if she would ever be the same again.

  “Mission accomplished,” she told him. “I’m officially boneless.”

  Reid lay next to her, his head propped on his hand. He smiled slowly. “I’m glad.”

  “No, seriously. This was amazing. You could get your own cult.”

  Her words made him smile. He liked that he’d pleased her. No, more than liked it. He felt as if he could take on the world.

  Everything about her screamed satisfaction. Her skin was flushed, her eyes dilated. She looked like a very happy woman.

  “I don’t need a cult.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “I could be president.”

  Her eyes were hazel. He’d never noticed that before. They were large and sexy and he found himself wanting to get lost in them.

  He’d wanted to please her for a couple of reasons. First because he always liked his partner to enjoy the experience, but also because he had something to prove. That damn article still haunted him.

  But somewhere along the way, that hadn’t mattered anymore. He’d wanted to make the experience great because of who Lori was. Because he wanted to please her. Specifically her.

  She sat up and unfastened the rest of her braid, then flopped back down on the bed. He reached out and fingered a wavy curl.

  She turned toward him. “At the risk of being greedy, I’m ready for more.”

  So was he. He’d been hard and ready since she’d showed up. It had been a hell of a long time.

  He opened a drawer in the nightstand and grabbed a condom and quickly put it on. Then he pulled Lori close and began to kiss her.

  Her body felt good against his. She was soft and yielding in all the right places. He liked how she smelled and tasted and responded. He liked pretty much everything.

  She reached between them and touched him.


  Oh? He was about to ask what was wrong when he realized he wasn’t hard. Until maybe three seconds ago, he’d been a rock. Now…nothing.

  “Give me a second,” he said and reached for her breast.

  He was fine, he told himself. Everything worked. Everything always worked. He was a fucking machine.

  He tried to find humor in the play on wor
ds, but couldn’t. Then he focused on how great her breast felt in his hand. Then he did his best to remember a porn movie he’d seen. Any porn movie. Crowds and crowds of people doing it. A whole stadium humping.

  It didn’t work. He wanted her. He wanted her bad. He wanted to be in her and coming and feeling great. But his body refused to respond. If anything his dick shrank down to the size of a grape.

  He rolled onto his back and swore. Humiliation made him rest his forearm over his eyes and wish to hell he was anywhere but here.

  “Reid?” Lori’s voice was soft and tentative.

  He raised his other hand. “Don’t,” he told her. “Whatever you’re going to say, just don’t. I want to totally be in the moment, so later, when I’m asked, I can point to this as the official low point of my life. I know it’s the newspaper article. I know it’s pressure. But knowing doesn’t help.”

  “There’s a bright side.”

  He lowered his arm and looked at her. She was bent over him, her long hair teasing his arm.

  “There’s no damn bright side,” he said, trying not to sound angry at her. “This doesn’t happen to me. I know guys say that, but for me, it’s true. It sure isn’t you. I enjoyed what we were doing. It was all I could do to let you come first and not just take you in the first five seconds. I’m better than this.”

  She smiled. “Better doesn’t come close. Right this minute, you’re the best sex I ever had. Seriously. So what does that say about my life? Talk about putting things in perspective.”

  Against his will, he started to smile. She grinned, then began to chuckle.

  “I’m pathetic,” she said, still laughing.

  “No. Never. You’re beautiful.”

  And she was. Naked and flushed and smiling at him. Without thinking, he kissed her. She parted and then he was in her mouth.

  God, she felt good. He touched her body, stroking her everywhere. He reached between her legs and she parted for him. She was so wet and hot. He wanted to be there.

  Without thinking, he shifted so that he could push inside of her. He had a moment of panic, knowing he couldn’t possibly, but then he was filling her. He was hard, he thought with relief. Then being hard didn’t matter. Not when he could thrust into her and take them both the long way home.


  LORI DID HER BEST to slow her breathing. It was kind of embarrassing to still be panting ten minutes after the fact. But considering all her body had been through in the past half hour, maybe it was to be expected.

  She still felt boneless and incapable of actual movement. Every part of her groaned with satisfaction.

  Reid shifted so that she lay next to him. He wrapped an arm around her and ran his hand down her side.

  “Amazing,” she breathed. “Seriously, that cult thing? I’m totally there.”

  Instead of answering, he kissed her. There was tenderness in the gesture and without warning, she felt tears in her eyes.

  Tears? After sex?

  That got her attention. She sat up and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was nearly five—a full hour after her shift ended.

  “I should be going,” she said, mostly because of the unexpected emotion, but also because she rarely arrived home much later than this. “Madeline will wonder what happened to me.”

  “Let her get her own guy,” Reid said, pulling her back into his arms. “Call and let her know you’re not going to be home for dinner, then stay with me.”

  Several thoughts filled her brain at once. In no particular order they were the fact that Reid seemed to want her to stay. Didn’t guys want to do the deed, then cut and run? She would have bet a lot of money on the fact that he was one of them. A guy who was only in it for the sex shouldn’t want company after. So was he just an anomaly or was this a different situation?

  She knew which she wanted it to be but it wasn’t like she was going to be asking the question.

  Second was the “let her get her own guy” comment. As in he was her, Lori’s, guy? On what planet?

  Finally the fact that she wanted to stay but was afraid. Afraid of caring, afraid of feeling, afraid of him crushing her like a delicate girl bug overwhelmed by feelings.

  A strong, self-actualized woman would face her fears. A smart woman interested in survival would disappear into the night.

  He handed her his cell phone and then he smiled.

  The smile got her. They were naked, in his bed and she’d just had the most incredible sexual experience of this or any other life. Why would she want to walk away from that?

  “Hi, it’s me,” Lori said when her sister picked up.

  “How interesting,” Madeline said, a smile in her voice. “According to the caller ID, I should be talking to Reid Buchanan.”

  “I’m, ah, using his cell phone.”

  “Are you going to tell me why?”

  Lori knew she would confess everything later, but right now she didn’t want to get into the details. “I wanted to let you know that I’ll be a little late tonight.”

  Reid pushed her onto her back and began licking her breasts. Despite the liquid fire pouring through her, Lori did her best to keep her breathing totally normal.

  Madeline laughed. “Who would have thought my totally straightlaced sister would fall for a bad boy baseball player? Have a good time.”

  Reid grabbed the phone, said, “Don’t wait up,” into it, then disconnected the call and slipped his hands between her legs. “Where were we?”

  Thirty minutes and two orgasms later, Lori resurfaced. She lay on her side, facing Reid and lightly traced his features.

  “You’re very good-looking,” she said.

  He frowned. “Don’t say that.”

  “Because it’s a bad thing?”

  “Because it’s one of the things you don’t like about me.”

  “That’s not true. I like that you’re pretty.”

  He winced. “No guy wants to be called pretty. I’m not pretty.”

  “You’re close.”

  He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “You think I’m shallow and that I’ve skated by on my talent and good looks.”

  “A little. Do you want to tell me that you’ve done any differently?”

  “I want to, but I’d be lying.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “Now this is pretty.”

  “Gloria wants me to cut it.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve always hated my hair. When I was younger, it was a hideous color of red. I was teased all through school. It’s gotten better in the past few years, but with the waves and everything, I don’t know what to do with it. So I ignore it.”

  “Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away,” he told her.

  “If you’re going to get all deep and sensitive, a lot of women are going to be disappointed.”

  “What about you?”

  This was the second time he implied that she mattered in some way. Lori hated how much she wanted that to be true.

  “I’m open to change.”

  “Except when it comes to your hair.”

  He had her there. “Maybe I should get it cut.”

  “You should do what makes you happy.”

  Being with him made her happy, she thought as she pressed her hand against his bare chest. She liked the feel of warm skin and the way the hair there tickled. She still couldn’t believe that she was here, naked, able to touch him however she wanted.

  He stroked her cheek, then rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “Why nursing?”

  “I wanted to help people and I wanted to be needed.” She drew back slightly, startled by her own honesty.

  “Good reasons,” he said.

  “Partially altruistic, partially selfish,” she admitted. “I also wanted a career that I could count on. I knew that I would have to take care of myself financially and nursing has made that happen.”

  He smiled. “No plans to marry a rich guy?”

  “No pla
ns to marry anyone.”

  “Why not?”

  She had a fairly clear understanding of why not. The bottom line was she didn’t trust any man enough to believe he could love her.

  “I’m not the marrying kind. I’m okay with that.”

  “You don’t believe that humans have a biological need to pair bond?” he asked.

  She blinked at him. “What did you say?”

  His smile turned smug. “I went to college.”

  “Where you majored in cheerleaders and being charming.”

  “I got a degree in cultural anthropology.”

  The surprises kept on coming. “Why?”

  “I thought it sounded cool and would get me women.”

  She laughed. “At least you’re honest.”

  “I try to be.”

  “Okay. Back to your original and slightly startling question. Yes, I suppose most people need to pair bond. But the need is stronger in some than in others. It’s not a big deal for me. I just want to be able to take care of myself. Buying my house put me on that road.”

  “Your whole face changes when you talk about your house.”

  “Does it? I guess because I really love the place. I love that I can decorate it however I want. I love the size and the location. I love that I have an emergency fund in case I need a new water heater or there’s a plumbing problem. I love that every month I add a little extra onto the mortgage payment so I can pay the place off in fifteen years instead of thirty. I feel safe there.”

  His dark gaze never left her face. “Feeling safe is important to you.”

  He wasn’t asking a question, which was fine. He was plenty smart enough to figure out her issues.

  “I grew up in a double-wide in Tacoma. It was no one’s idea of a great life,” she said.

  “Madeline mentioned your mom was difficult.”

  “Oh, really?” She flopped onto her back. “What else did my sister tell you?”

  “That you were the one your mother took things out on.”

  That was true, Lori thought sadly. “My mother used to drink. A lot. She was a pretty mean drunk.”

  “And now?” he asked.

  “She’s been sober seven years.”

  “So that’s good, right?”

  “I guess. She’s trying to put the pieces back together.”


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