The Pits of Passion

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The Pits of Passion Page 10

by Amber Flame

  “Well,” Benjamin said, offering one arm to each. “I don’t think I have ever been in such beautiful company before. I am sure I will be the envy of every man in Paris tonight.”

  The trio descended the stairs amid the bustle of the lobby and although people hurried about as usual, all heads turned. Elizabeth burned inside, casting her eyes down and wondering now what possessed her to dress so flagrantly. Christine’s jewel-necked dress was much more modest and attracted much fewer stares. Gathering her courage, Elizabeth lifted her eyes and head and strode proudly next to her husband.

  Trevor ordered a carriage and it arrived duly. Benjamin handed the girls inside, then climbed in beside Elizabeth, sitting very tall next to her. She thought he must be feeling proud of her, but actually he was just trying to see down her dress. With Trevor up on the box, the carriage lurched out into the street.

  The streets were all gaily lit and people hustled and bustled about the streets and sidewalks. Elizabeth wondered if Paris were so alive every night. It was such a contrast to the painfully correct nightlife of England. The liveliness infected her, and she found herself smiling and humming.

  When the carriage rolled to a stop, Benjamin immediately hopped out and handed the girls down. The front of the restaurant was strangely bare, giving no indication of the type of establishment inside. Linking arms again, the trio went inside.

  Elizabeth felt almost blind because the interior was so dark. She kept close to Benjamin, peering dimly about. Then she heard Benjamin speak quietly in French and she sensed rather than saw a figure beside her.

  “The maitre’d will seat us,” Benjamin said for the benefit of the girls.

  Suddenly Elizabeth felt a hand close around the firm cone of her breast and she squealed frantically. The hand quickly removed itself and she heard a flood of French.

  “Oh,” she heard Benjamin say. Then to her, “Sorry, chap thought he had your elbow.”

  Still shaking, Elizabeth held out her elbow to the presence next to her and felt a light hand take it pensively. By now her eyes were becoming used to the light and she was able to avoid the tables as the waiter led them to a shadowed corner. Regaining her composure, Elizabeth was able to smile feebly at the Frenchman as he seated her.

  When all three were seated, the waiter left to bring some wine. Elizabeth took the time to glance about, wanting to see everything in the restaurant. Each table was lit only with a half gutted candle so the light was very faint, but she was amazed at how much richness and beauty the subtle lighting hid. At each table were the best dressed, most important people she had ever seen. She saw men with rich velvet jackets and diamond stickpins and woman dressed in sumptuous gowns and trimmed in jewels. The display was dazzling and Elizabeth knew that, despite the plain exterior of the place, it was obviously the swankest restaurant in Paris.

  “Would you care for some wine?” Benjamin asked the girls. They both said yes and Benjamin ordered, speaking crisply in French. With the wine, the waiter brought menus and Elizabeth glanced at it apprehensively.

  “Benjamin,” she said in a low voice, “I don’t know what any of this is. I can’t read French.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. His eyes, she noticed, kept returning to her heaving bosom. “I’ll order for two.”

  “What?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I mean, I’ll order for both of us.” He quickly signaled for a waiter.

  While they sipped their wine, Elizabeth took the time to glance around her again. She was still amazed at the luxury of the people and their surroundings .She began to feel uneasy, though, when she noticed so many of the men looking her way. It seemed that every table had at least one pair of smoldering eyes that were focused on her. She only saw one man who was not staring at her, and he was busy with one hand under the tablecloth. She was about to ask Benjamin what he was doing until she saw the smile on his escort’s face.

  When the food arrived, it was something Elizabeth had never seen before. Both Benjamin and Christine began to eat immediately, so rather than look prudish, Elizabeth ate, also. It was an odd texture, but not unpleasant and the flavor was interesting if not delicious. Feeling heartened, she ate with as much vigor as her husband and sister-in-law.

  “Isn’t this delicious?” Christine asked.

  “Yes, it is,” Elizabeth answered around a mouthful. “What is it?” The French name meant nothing to her, so she asked for a translation.

  “Have you ever heard of mountain oysters?” Benjamin asked. Elizabeth’s face blanched.

  “Don’t be silly, Benjamin,” Christine said. “There are no oysters in the mountains. Oysters come from the ocean.”

  “Are these...?” Elizabeth couldn’t ask.

  “Benjamin is being silly,” Christine said. “These aren’t oysters. This is beef of some sort. A real delicacy here in Paris.” Satisfied that she had cleared the misunderstanding, Christine resumed eating.

  “Wine, my dear?” Benjamin asked.

  “Please,” Elizabeth managed to gulp. She held her glass out and Benjamin filled it half full. When Elizabeth didn’t remove her glass, he eyed her curiously, then filled it to the brim.

  If this doesn’t get the taste out of my mouth, Elizabeth thought, nothing will. She downed half the glass in one gulp and shuddered as it went down. Knowing that Benjamin was watching her, she finished the whole glass and held it out to him for more.

  While Benjamin and Christine ate heartily, Elizabeth toyed with her food and tried not to barf. She drank a great quantity of wine, more than she normally would, and felt it seeping throughout her body. By the time the plates were taken away, she could see two Benjamins smiling mockingly at her.

  “Would you care for dessert?” he asked. At her hesitation, he laughed. “Don’t worry. Dessert is not quite the ‘delicacy’ dinner was. You’ll enjoy it.”

  Doubtful, but not wanting to cause a stir, she agreed to the dessert. When it came, it was a flaming dish of some luscious fruit in a hot rum sauce and she found it delicious. After all, she thought, what could they do to dessert?

  When they had finished, Elizabeth found she was full enough, although mostly of wine. They rose to go and for a moment she felt her knees start to buckle. Before she could sit down again, Benjamin was there holding her. His arms were like steel bands around her, and she felt immediately more secure.

  “Are you all right?” he asked huskily against her ear. His breath was warm on her cheek and she could smell the wine he had toasted her with.

  “I think so,” she said. Her legs seemed to solidify momentarily, but a peculiar buzzing sounded in her ears. “I’m afraid I did have too much wine,” she apologized.

  “I think we’d better get you home,” Benjamin laughed. With one arm protectively around her and one hand holding hers, he led her out into the cool night air.

  “But Benjamin,” Christine wailed as they got into the carriage, “you promised we could go out and see Paris. You said we could go to shows and go dancing. Benjamin, you promised.”

  “Elizabeth is in no shape to go dancing,” Benjamin said. But he had promised. “I’ll tell you what, Christine. Trevor will go out with you. He’s been to Paris before and I’m sure he can show you the sights.”

  “Trevor?” Christine asked. The valet looked at her with a painful expression on his face, then shrugged. “Oh, goody!” Christine said.

  Benjamin held Elizabeth close to him on the way home. Her head was reeling so much she had difficulty differentiating between the moving scenery outside and the blurring motion inside the carriage. Rather than bother with it, she allowed herself to rest contentedly against Benjamin’s strong shoulder.

  The carriage pulled up to the hotel, and Benjamin helped Elizabeth out and upstairs. Christine was happy enough to go off with Trevor to do the town.

  “I’m sorry I drank so much,” Elizabeth apologized. “I don’t usually do that. I’m really not used to drinking all that much.”

  “That’s all right,” Benjamin said.
“I didn’t really want to go out anyway. I’d much rather just relax and stay in tonight.”

  “I’m glad you’re not angry with me,” she said.

  Holding her gently, Benjamin led her up the stairs and to her room. He unlocked the door and led her inside where she gratefully collapsed on the bed.

  “My body won’t do what I want it to do,” she said piteously. “I can’t even unbutton my gown.”

  “Allow me,” Benjamin said. He sat beside her on the bed, and Elizabeth inadvertently rolled toward him. With deft fingers, he undid all the tiny buttons on the back of the gown until he revealed a startling vee of satiny flesh that begged for his caress. His fingers burned for her, and he reached down to stroke her lovely skin.

  “Thank you, Benjamin,” she said, rolling over on her back. With her buttons undone, her dress loosened in the front and the magnificent swell of her breasts welled up toward Benjamin’s burning fingers. He fairly ached for her and her half closed, dreamy eyes only enhanced the vision before him.

  Unable to hold himself in check any longer, he slid one trembling hand beneath the material of her bodice and his lips seared her tender flesh. She stiffened involuntarily and a small cry of passion escaped her lips. Her response only aroused him more, and he plunged on, drawing her gown down off the rounded mounds of her breasts.

  “Oh, Elizabeth,” he breathed. “I’ve been so hungry for you.” He kissed her again, sending small shivers of delight through her body. “I’ve also hungered for a hot fudge sundae, but not as much as for you. I want you--now!”

  He brought his lips down hard on hers, bruising her tender mouth, ravaging it in his passion. Elizabeth was taken unaware by his sudden assault but responded quickly. Feeling the warmth of the wine within her and the heat of Benjamin’s hands without, she melted in his arms. Her flesh burned and tingled, and her mind swam.

  “Let me help you out of this,” Benjamin said passionately and ripped her gown deftly from her body. She lay quivering beneath his gaze, her chemise barely veiling her voluptuous body. He stared at her almost in awe.

  “Aw,” he said, “you’re beautiful.” With loving hands he tore her chemise off and stood up to get off his own clothes. Elizabeth lay as if in a dream, watching this beautiful specimen of manhood--her husband--coming back to her. Their bodies met in an ever- heightening build of passion, the tactile impulses driving them to undreamed of sensations. Benjamin kissed and caressed every inch of her body and she reciprocated in kind. Together they explored every facet of physical love, finally exploding in a violent crescendo of fulfillment. When at last they lay spent in each other’s arms, Elizabeth thought she had died and gone to heaven. Except she decided if she had gone to heaven, her fern wouldn’t be so sore.

  Lying contentedly in the bed, the couple slept peacefully.


  When Elizabeth awoke the next morning, she was alone. She ran her hand over the cool place in the bed where Benjamin had lain and wondered what he had thought this morning when he awoke. Was he glad? Mad? Sad? Would he know it was only the wine that drove her into his arms?

  Lying in the bed languidly, she wondered what today would bring. Perhaps today would be the beginning of a new life for her.

  Suddenly a knock sounded on the door.

  “Who is it?” she called.

  “It’s me,” Christine said, bursting into the room. She came and sat at the foot of the bed, her face a maze of emotions.

  “I think Benjamin’s found out something about Franklin,” she said excitedly. Elizabeth sat upright in bed, her ears pricked. Benjamin hadn’t missed a trick last night.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Well, he said we’re to sail to England and wait for him. He’s got something important to do here on the continent.”

  “What?” Elizabeth almost screamed. Would she never have a normal life? Would she never know the contentment of seeing her husband every day like most women? Would she never stop asking stupid questions?

  “That’s right,” Christine said. “Trevor is to come for us in an hour and take us and our trunks to the ship. I should think whatever Benjamin is doing, it must be dangerous or he wouldn’t want us to leave so quickly.”

  “Yes,” Elizabeth agreed numbly. Or was it that he had no wish to see her again after the shameless way she acted last night? She felt like she wanted to die. She was no better off now than when this whole mess had started.

  “Do you want me to help you pack?” Christine asked cheerfully.

  “All right,” Elizabeth said. She was too dismayed to do anything else, so while she dazedly placed one or two things in her trunk, Christine folded and packed the rest of her new clothes.

  “What about this?” Christine asked, holding up the gown Elizabeth had worn last night. It was ripped all the way to the hem, with pieces of her chemise along with it.

  “Throw it away,” Elizabeth said through clenched teeth. Shrugging, Christine left it in a heap on the floor.

  In an hour’s time, the two women were being bounced along the road by Trevor’s expert handling of the horses. Elizabeth was too shattered to think of much, but Christine chattered incessantly and didn’t require many responses. Elizabeth stared forlornly out the window as the French scenery sped by and wondered if she would ever see Benjamin again. How ironic that when she finally realized she loved her husband, he should send her away. Perhaps she had been born under a dark star and was never to be happy.

  The day passed in a blur of rolling pastureland and peasants shoveling sheep shit. When they paused at a wayside inn for dinner and lodging, Elizabeth walked into the lodge and settled beside Christine at a table. Trevor signaled for food to be brought and a fat man with a curling mustache brought steaming bowls of thick stew. The food was good but Elizabeth barely noticed.

  When they had eaten, Trevor showed them upstairs to their rooms. Christine had the room at the end of the hall overlooking the back of the inn, and Elizabeth was situated in the front room right off the stairs. She undressed and slid between the sheets of her plain bed, dreaming achingly of the night before.

  In the still of the night, or thereabouts, a quiet knock roused her from sleep. She lay still a moment wondering who would knock on her door so late. If only it were Benjamin. But no, she knew it was not. She got up and pulled a thin night robe on, realizing it was probably Christine who wanted to talk.

  She unlocked the door and swung it open to see a dark shape in the hall and the smell of alcohol almost knocked her over. Before she could slam the door shut again a grimy hand flashed out and clutched at the wrapped neck of her gown, dragging the thin material until it fell open away from her body. Her charms spilled out free of the constricting fabric and panic seized her. The man would have seized her, too, but panic got there first and she screamed. Suddenly lights were flickering on and doors were opening and the stranger took flight down the stairs.

  “What is it, madam?” Trevor asked. He held a lamp up, the wavering yellow light showing his tired and somewhat exasperated face. He eyed her torn gown and swelling breasts disgustedly.

  “There was a man,” she panted, “and he attacked me! He went down the stairs. If you hurry you can still catch him.”

  Trevor glanced disdainfully toward the stairs and then back to Elizabeth. He scrutinized her as if she might be lying and she angrily drew herself up in defiance.

  “Oh, all right,” Trevor said, and began to walk very slowly down the stairs.

  Elizabeth was infuriated by Trevor’s lack of speed and vowed that she would remark to Benjamin about it. He really was a very poor bodyguard. Then she turned about to go back in her room only to find the hall filled with men, staring longingly at the voluptuous spheres of her breasts. Thinking quickly, she pulled her wrap close about her and disappeared inside the room. She barred the door heavily and fell back into bed.

  What was happening to her? Last night she had been dressed in beautiful clothes, wined and dined at the most exclusive place in Paris,
ogled by hundreds of prominent men and still protected by Benjamin’s warm presence. Tonight she was housed and fed in a roadside inn and attacked by thieves and rapists, surrounded by the dregs of society. It was too much for a well-bred lady to bear. She smothered her face in her pillow and cried.

  The next morning, Trevor knocked briskly on her door to awaken her and after breakfast they set out once again. Elizabeth was still feeling morose and the journey was again very boring to her. Christine chattered on.

  “When we get back to England we will have to go visit Lord Glastonbury. He has a wonderful estate in Cornwall, and he’s handsome. Maybe we can persuade him to have a party for you and Benjamin, sort of a coming out, what?” When she received no answer

  she plunged on. “The things we bought in Paris will be so envied in England. All the women will be blue with jealousy.”

  “Green,” Elizabeth said.


  “Green with jealousy.”

  “Oh, yes, green. Well, anyway, won’t it be marvelous? There’re a few women I’ll just adore making jealous. Say, look at those funny men.”

  “What men?” Elizabeth asked disinterestedly.

  “Those funny looking men riding toward us. With black masks on.”

  “What?” Elizabeth almost screamed. She looked out the window to see four masked men riding hard and fast toward the coach, black capes flying out behind them.

  “Highwaymen!” Elizabeth said. She rapped her riding crop on the outside of the coach. “Trevor, highwaymen! We must run for our lives!”

  In answer, the coach lunged forward and Elizabeth smashed her head against the back wall. The horses responded to Trevor’s whip and thundered down the road, sending mud and dirt flying from their hooves. The carriage rocked unsteadily, but with all their speed, Elizabeth saw that they weren’t losing the bandits. The men rode as hard as they could, their horses taking leaping strides to keep up with the coach. Then suddenly Elizabeth was almost thrown forward as the horses pulled to a screeching halt.


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