Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One

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Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One Page 10

by Bria Marche

  “Well now that you brought it up, why not?”

  Mia and Matt polished off the rest of the Mad Housewife she opened before dinner. Matt grabbed the last bottle of wine from the shelf in the refrigerator. The four bottles Mia purchased earlier in the week were already gone. He took a look at the label. “Really Mia? Menage a trois? Is this what you’ve stooped to?”

  She threw a couch pillow across the breakfast bar at him and laughed. “I’m on a roll, damn it! Until I’m in a happier place, I’m going to buy the most inappropriate, raunchy, ridiculously named wines I can get my hands on, especially if the names are descriptive to my life. That is my new and improved purpose in life. Now sit! We have some liquid bonding to do.”

  “You are seriously deranged, Mia.”

  “Yes I am, and I love you too.”


  They ate their last breakfast together as a complete family, for now anyway. Mia would leave soon to go back to New York. Tom had a speech therapy appointment later that Ann and Matt were taking him to. Mia felt a twinge of guilt and jealousy knowing that she couldn’t participate in the care of her parents.

  There’s no way I could bring them to Tarrytown with the crap going on now. I can’t stay here either if I plan to get rid of Jack. Soon this will be over with and I can move on with my life. Mia looked at the clock on the microwave: 10:00 a.m. “I guess I better shower and start getting ready. What time is Dad’s appointment?”

  “It’s at eleven forty-five. We’ll be leaving in less than an hour, Sis. We’ll wait for you to come back out before we take off.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long.” Mia showered and dressed. She liked letting her long locks dry naturally when there was time, and today would be fine. She walked back to the kitchen and said good bye to everyone. “I love you guys so much. Dad, take care of yourself. Mom, take care of Dad. Matt, take care of both of them.” They laughed and hugged each other. Mia reassured them she would lock everything up when she left. “I’ll talk to you in a few days. I love you all.”

  “We love you too, Mia. Bye, honey,” her mom said, with a sweet smile.

  Mia watched Ann and Matt get Tom comfortably seated in the car, then waved from the screen porch as they drove away. She shook her head in disbelief while she drank the last cup of coffee and washed the remaining dishes in the sink. She thought about the unimaginable turn of events that took place over the last six weeks. Jeez… if Mom and Dad knew what was going on they would be devastated.

  Mia gathered all her belongings and loaded the car. Back in the house, she took one last look around to make sure the lights were off and the doors were locked. She smiled as her hand lingered on the plaque next to the front door. It read, Everyone Welcome ~ Wipe Your Feet.

  Mia got into the rental car and headed for Tampa International. She sat back and relaxed as the jet made its way to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta. Now her thoughts were drifting from Jack the jerk, to Aaron the ambivalent. Who the heck was at his house last night? Mia surprised herself for giving that phone call so much thought. Knowing Aaron as well as she did, made it seem even more suspicious that a woman would be there, and playing with her dog. Whatever. She reached up and hit the call button. The flight attendant appeared within a minute.

  “Hi there, what can I get you?”

  “I’ll have a glass of Merlot, please,” Mia responded, then turned to stare out the window.

  It was eight-thirty by the time Mia reached the train station in Tarrytown. The day was long and now she didn’t have a ride back to her house. Damn it. I didn’t even talk to Aaron about picking me up. I was too distracted by his ‘friend’ in the background. Mia didn’t feel like indulging in any drama, so instead of calling Vic or Tina for a ride, she opted for a cab. It was only a three mile ride, no big deal. It never occurred to her to even try Jack’s cell phone. As far as Mia was concerned Jack was just an inconvenient roommate for now.

  The cab slowed down in front of her house. “This is it, right here. Thank you,” Mia said, to the driver, as he stopped the cab and unloaded her bags from the trunk. She handed him fifteen dollars, tossed the backpack over her shoulder and wheeled her suitcase up the sidewalk. There was just enough daylight left for her to unlock the front door without fumbling in the dark. The porch light was off and the house was dead quiet. Good, nobody’s home. Just how I wanted it. I can get a good night’s sleep without Jack’s drama.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mia woke at nine o’clock. It felt strange to her being in the house completely alone. Not even Reggie was there to welcome her home with his jumping and begging for attention. I’ve got to call Aaron and arrange a time to pick up Reggie. Why does the thought of seeing him feel awkward now?

  A bowl of cereal was the plan until Mia opened the refrigerator and saw the expired quart of milk with a definite curdled appearance to it. “Ugh… disgusting.” She poured the half full jug down the drain and cracked two eggs into the skillet instead. She popped two pieces of bread into the toaster and poured a cup of black coffee.

  After breakfast and a shower, she started her day, beginning with a trip to the grocery store. Mia drove to the nearby C-Town market and loaded up with everything she enjoyed eating, not giving Jack’s interest in food a second thought. She called Vic and Tina as she drove home.

  “Hey, Vic, I’m back. Do you want to do lunch today like at twelve-thirty?”

  “Abso-friggin-lutely. I’ve missed you, woman. Is the jerk home yet from his sleazy trip to wherever?”

  “Nope, and I don’t even care. We’ve got plans to make, and we can start our scheming over lunch. Let’s go to Amelia’s. I’ll call Tina too.”

  “Sounds great. Out.”

  Now I have to call Aaron. I can’t put this off any longer. Mia nervously tapped Aaron’s name on her contact list. “What the hell is wrong with me anyway? Just get the dog and go. That’s all I have to do.”

  “Hello,” he said, in the same happy tone as always.

  “Hi, it’s Mia. I’m back, and was wondering when I should pick up Reggie. What works for you?”

  “Come over now. Reggie’s going to go crazy the minute he sees you. It will be fun.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in a bit. I have to drop my groceries off at home first, bye.” Could I be over thinking this? He sounded normal on the phone.

  Before she arrived at Aaron’s house, Mia made a quick stop at her favorite bookstore on the corner of Second Street and Elm. She knew how much Aaron loved reading crime novels and he deserved a gift for dog-sitting. The bookstore was family owned and quaint, like many businesses downtown. Mia loved the old building smell that permeated in the air when she opened the door and stepped over the threshold. She would love to browse, but she had to save that for another day. She told Aaron she would be there soon. She picked up the newest release in hardcover, and continued the half mile to his house.

  Mia loved the block Aaron lived on. It reminded her of Thomas Kinkade’s Hometown Morning painting. Charming bungalows and cottages lined the street. Original iron lampposts lit the way at night, and giant oak trees hovered overhead like protective parents. Everything was green, lush and beautiful. What I wouldn’t give to live on Oak Terrace Lane. Mia parked along the curb in front of Aaron’s picturesque bungalow. The home belonged to his grandparents’ years ago, but once they became too old to care for it, Aaron purchased the house. They were overjoyed, since none of them could bear the thought of selling the family home to a stranger. It was a welcoming home with a large front porch that held two wicker rocking chairs and a table between them. A fern stand was situated on either side of the double oak entry doors, each holding an enormous Boston fern. The six paneled oak doors had decorative brass hardware and an inviting aura. Mia’s hand reached for the door knocker, but something made her stop. Instead, she sat on one of the mint green wicker rockers as if she was obeying a command. It was calling out to her, and she obliged. Mia dropped onto its floral cushion and smiled. She didn’t
have any camera gear along, but she did have her cell phone. Children ran by, playing tag and hide and seek. Little girls drew images on the sidewalk in pastel colored chalk. She snapped a few pictures with her phone and laughed out loud. So there are kids that still play… go figure.

  The creaking hinge of the front door opening startled Mia out of her daydream.

  “Mia? I thought that was your car along the curb. What are you doing?” Aaron asked, somewhat puzzled. “How long have you been sitting out here?”

  “Hi, Aaron. I’ve only been here for a few minutes. It’s so beautiful, I needed a minute to appreciate it. It’s a photographer thing, I guess.” Mia tried to downplay the fact that she would give her right lung to live there. I deserve happiness too, damn it.

  Reggie bounded out the front door at the sound of Mia’s voice. He jumped on her with wet dog kisses and tail wags. They laughed at his excitement and Aaron welcomed Mia inside.

  “Do you want to stay for lunch? I was starting to get it together. It would be great to talk, and you can update me on your dad.”

  “Thanks, but I already have lunch plans. So, the good news is, my dad is going to be fine. It might take six months before he’s his old self again, but there wasn’t any permanent damage.”

  “That’s great to hear. I’m relieved for all of you.”

  “Anyway, thanks for taking care of Reggie. I stopped at the bookstore and got this for you, and… well here… I just hope you like it.”

  “Mia, you didn’t have to buy me a gift. I’d do anything for you, and Reggie, he’s a blast.” Aaron opened the bag and found the very same book he just read the free preview of. He planned to stop at the bookstore later and buy it. “It’s uncanny,” he said, scratching his forehead.

  “What is, Aaron?”

  “You are. I’m just amazed at how well you know me.”

  She smiled in response, but had to bite her tongue so she wouldn’t ask him about Friday night. His personal life was his own affair, and asking who visited him was none of her business. It would also reveal a side of Mia that Aaron hadn’t seen before. Mia was jealous, and she wasn’t sure how to deal with that.

  “Okay, I better go and drop Reggie off at home. I’ll see you soon, bye.”

  “Bye, Mia, take care,” Aaron said, as he watched her walk down the brick sidewalk to her car. He lingered at the door longer than necessary, watching, smiling and drinking in her beauty. She was the one, the only one Aaron would ever love.


  Mia was anxious to meet up with Vic and Tina at Amelia’s on Main Street. They had to get back on track and come up with something concrete. Mia parked her black Camaro right in front of the restaurant. There were perks to living in small towns. She found parking spots easily. Mia saw her friends waiting inside through the window.

  “Yay! There’s our girl, back from sunny Florida,” Tina said, smiling from ear to ear. After the group hug, they were seated in a corner booth. “So everything is going to be okay with your dad, right?”

  “Yep, he’ll be fine, thank goodness. That’s one less person I need to worry about. My mom and dad are going to spend a few months with Matt in L.A. as Dad recuperates. Matt really came through on this one. There’s no way I could have stayed down there, or had them here the way things are going with Jack.”

  “Speaking of Jack, where the hell is he? Have you even heard from him?” Vic asked.

  “Nope, still nothing. What a jerk, right? I mean, how would he even know when I was coming home, since we haven’t spoken. Did he intend to beat me back so I wouldn’t realize he was gone?” Mia asked, gulping her Brooklyn Summer Ale. “Tomorrow is a work day, and he’s been gone since last Saturday. I would expect him home sometime today. It will be interesting to hear what he uses as an excuse. Of course, he has no idea I know he’s been gone for a week. Maybe he’ll just use the same old Claire story and act like he spent last night in the city. God that man irritates me. Anyway, we need to hook up with Karen and get the ball rolling. I’ll give her a call. Should we try to get together on Tuesday again?”

  “Sure, why not? We’ve already put teasers out on the salon owner’s blog. We said there was an audition in the works for local models to compete for the cover photo of a new glamour magazine. We wrote there were just a few slots left, and we’re going to narrow it down to the final four next week. In reality, Sasha will be the only one we’re going to deal with.”

  “That sounds perfect. Karen will know what to do,” Mia said, wearing a devious grin.

  Chapter Seventeen

  She noticed the interior house lights were on when she pulled in the driveway. That meant one thing—Jack was home. She saw him through the window, milling around in the kitchen. A sharp pain stabbed at her stomach the minute she parked the car. It surprised Mia how quickly the nervousness and anxiety kicked in. She wanted to confront Jack and tell him what she thought of him. The urge to slap his face and tell him to get out was strong, but timing was more important right now. She had to suck it up and play the role of the century. Daily life had to remain “status quo” even as much as she despised him. Mia sat in her car for another few minutes until the pain subsided.

  I have to be strong and in control. I can’t walk in the front door doubled over holding my stomach. Damn it. I have no clue what to say when I see him. I’ll let him lead the conversation.

  Mia inhaled the afternoon air deeply to calm her nerves, then opened the front door and stepped inside. Jack came around the corner and into the foyer as she closed the door. He held a cold beer in his hand, trying to give the appearance of being relaxed and nonchalant.


  “Mia, where have you been? I saw your suitcase by the closet, when did you get back?”

  “You’d know when I got back if you were home.”

  “Yeah… well I went to the gym earlier and ran a few errands. So when did you get back?”

  “Today.” Liar liar, pants on fire. Lies slip out of both of our mouths easily these days.

  “Right… that’s what I thought since you weren’t here last night. I bought groceries and Reggie is fine. I just fed and walked him. So how’s your dad?”

  “He’ll be okay in time. You’d know that too if you bothered calling me. I tried you a few times, but your voice mail always picked up. Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  “When I’m at work I always turn my phone to vibrate. I guess I missed the calls.”

  “Right… I’m going to take a nap, I’m tired. Jack?”


  “What’s with the tan?”

  “The tan? Oh… my tan? That’s from the tanning bed at the gym.”

  “You need to use a tanning bed in the summer? Why?”

  “I don’t know, it’s relaxing I guess. Go ahead, get some rest. I have work to catch up on anyway.”

  “Are you behind at the office?” she snickered.


  “Nothing.” Mia closed the bedroom door behind her and sat on the bed holding her throbbing temples. I can’t believe the shit he makes up. The lies pop out of his mouth like it’s nothing, it’s so natural for him. At least my lies are insignificant compared to his. He bought groceries and just walked Reggie? Right. Jack, you’re such an ass.


  Mia knew what to do the minute Jack left for work Monday morning. She needed a telephoto lens and she would get it from Aaron. For today, she was fine hanging out in the bedroom. Avoiding Jack was easier than accidentally blurting something out if he provoked her. Luckily, there was a TV on the dresser. Sunday afternoons didn’t provide anything entertaining to watch, but Mia turned it on for background noise in case she made a phone call. A sound buffer was always a good idea. She checked out different prices and brands of telephoto lenses on her tablet. She wrote down the ones she liked so she wouldn’t spend too much time at the camera shop. Mia still felt strange around Aaron. It was so unlike him to have a woman at his house Mia didn’t know. It was an Aaron she wasn�
�t used to. She felt betrayed in a way. Why am I all twisted up about this? I can’t expect him to wait his whole life for me. That is so wrong on my part. I should be happy for Aaron if he’s found a girlfriend. Instead, I’m behaving like a jealous teenager.

  Mia left the house about an hour after Jack did Monday morning. Daniels Camera Shop didn’t open until nine o’clock anyway. She decided to ride her bike into town just because it was that beautiful of a morning. A stop at Amelia’s for a danish and coffee while sitting in the sun, sounded like a perfect way to start the day. Amelia’s was only a block from Aaron’s shop, so she would see him arrive. Since Aaron was the owner, and everything downtown was so laid back, the shop might open anywhere between nine and nine thirty in the morning. Mia nibbled on her danish, enjoying every delectable bite, especially her favorite part, the cheese center. The strong Columbian coffee was magnificent. She made a quick call to her mom just to say hi and to see how everyone was doing.

  “Hi, Mom, how are you guys?”

  “We’re good, honey. We’re leaving at the end of the week. Dad needed a post-op exam before the doctor would give him clearance to fly. We should be set to go on Thursday. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. Everything is good. My flight back home went well and Jack says hi.” Another lie passing my lips, she thought, as she asked God for forgiveness, and promised to go to church now and then. “How’s Matt?”

  “He’s so helpful. I’m really grateful and proud of you both. Your dad and I really raised wonderful children.”

  “Thanks, Mom, that’s sweet of you to say.” If she only knew what I’m up to, she wouldn’t think I’m so wonderful.

  Mia glanced up when she heard voices across the street. There, in front of her eyes, was Aaron and a woman Mia didn’t recognize. They were walking side by side into the camera shop. Mia saw them laughing as he unlocked the door and they stepped inside. Aaron closed the door behind them, forgetting to flip the sign around to show the store was now open.


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