Fake Bride: A Billionaire Boss Fake Marriage Romance

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Fake Bride: A Billionaire Boss Fake Marriage Romance Page 19

by Cassandra Bloom

  “Yeah.” I sat down on the edge of the bed and took her hand in mine. “But, I need you to come to dinner with me tonight.”

  Tanya blushed. “You really want me to meet your parents?”

  “If you are going to have my child, of-course.”

  “I guess you have a point,” Tanya admitted. “But… are you sure it’s a good idea to do it right now?”

  “Honestly. I don’t care whether they like you or not, all that matters is that I like you.” I offered her a warm smile before pushing her back on the bed, lips colliding together, hips locking, and hormones raging.

  Chapter 13 (Tanya)

  “Wow…” I whispered, body surging with pleasure in the aftermath of my orgasm. Once again, Everett had rocked my world, making me scream and quiver. My pussy was sore, but still, it craved him more than ever.

  So, I rolled on top of him, about to playfully start kissing his neck when I noticed the serious expression on his face.

  “You need to sign the contract.” He said.

  “Can’t we do it in a little while?”


  “What’s the sudden rush?” I asked. “If you’re so worried about it, why didn’t you make me sign it before we started screwing around?”

  He didn’t answer me. Instead, he got up, tossed on a pair of sweatpants, and disappeared out the door.

  I blinked, trying to figure out what had just happened. Had I done something wrong? Had I upset him somehow? This wasn’t making any sense.

  Quickly, I scrambled to my feet. I grabbed my dress off the floor, but it was ruined. With no other choice, I grabbed his shirt and shrugged it on. It barely covered my ass, making me blush. Nonetheless, I ventured out of the bedroom, searching for Everett. I needed to figure out what the hell was going on.

  I couldn’t understand how he had gone from making love to me to suddenly acting so stiff. Sure, he was a businessman, but this seemed a bit much.

  Finally, I found him in his office, mulling over a document. “You need to sign this.” He said not even bothering to look up at me. “Now.”

  His voice was strained, almost angry.

  “Everett, what is going on? What’s gotten into you?”

  “I just want to do things right.” He responded, expression calm.

  I stared at him, looking for the answers he was not telling me. “Okay, but let me read it first. If I’ve learned anything from working with you is that you must always read a contract.”

  He nodded, handing it over.

  For a moment, I thought about sitting in his lap, hoping that would lighten the mood but it seemed that the time for playfulness was over. This was strictly business.

  I was starting to get worried. Was I a fool to think that there could be more to our relationship? He wanted a surrogate – not a girlfriend. Still, I tried to remain positive as I read through the contract.

  The wording was cold and distant. It spoke about our relationship as if it were a run of the mill transaction. He’d fuck me. I’d get pregnant. Then, I’d have the baby. Payment would follow. That’s all he wanted, a baby, nothing more, nothing less.


  “Yes?” He looked up, eyebrow raised in question.

  “Tell me, honestly, what you want out of this.”

  “What do you mean?” He asked.

  “Us,” I emphasized the word. “What do you want out of us?”

  He didn’t answer for a moment; fingertips pressed together in front of his face. He was thinking, brow furrowing ever so slightly. His shoulders were tense. “I’ve learned, from my past, that it is very hard to trust people.” He began. “So, I want to make sure that things remain completely transparent between us. I do not want a relationship with you, Tanya. I am not asking for you to be my girlfriend.”

  I felt my heart crack. The tiny sliver of hope I had been holding onto slipped through my fingers. What was the point, then? Why had I agreed to this? Deep down, I knew the reason. I had fallen for this man. I had fallen for him long ago, just pining for him from the sidelines, praying and wishing that he would notice me. Now he had but not as a love interest but a baby maker. I felt sick to my stomach.

  “I want an heir. At the birth of the baby, you’ll be paid the million dollars. You’ll raise the child. I’ll provide the funding until their 18th birthday. At that point, they’ll move in with me so I can teach them about the family business.” He was speaking so robotically. Did he really believe all this?

  I shook my head. “Everett, listen to yourself. You’re talking about your future child as if they were some commodity. Is that the father you want to be? Wouldn’t you rather have a child with someone you l –”

  Before I could say the word, he held up his hand, cutting me off. “You do not have the right to judge me.” He growled. “Either, you sign this contract or I have you terminated from the company.”

  “Terminated? On what grounds?” The thought of losing my job terrified me. How would I pay the bills? Rent? In an expensive city, the loss of income was detrimental.

  “In your employee contract, it expressly states that you may not have intimate relations with anyone in the company.”

  My eyes widened. “So, you tricked me so that you could blackmail me into having your child?”


  “Then, how the hell do you explain what you’re doing right now?”

  “You told me last night that you wanted to have my baby. I did not question your motives. I would appreciate if you did the same for me.”

  “I can’t believe this.” I could feel anger bubbling in my veins, fists shaking by my side. I had trusted this man – I had given him my body thinking that maybe, just maybe there was more to him than a businessman who just ruthlessly took what he wanted. I guess I was wrong.

  “Well, are you going to sign the contract or not?”

  Without a word, I snatched the pen from his hand and signed the document. Unable to look him in the eye, I turned on my heels and headed for the door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked.

  I ground my teeth in frustration, halting just before the threshold. “Home.”

  “But, we have a dinner to attend. And it expressly states that you’re required to go to social functions with me.”

  “Fuck off,” I growled.

  “Are you going against the contract?”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I finally asked, turning to look at him, eyes pleading. “What have I done?”

  He did not answer. Instead, he got up and looked out the window, expression somber.

  I watched him, trying to figure out what was going on, mind jumbled into a scramble. “Everett… please… if I did something, just tell me. I can’t stand being treated this way.”

  “It’s for the best. This way, no one gets hurt.”

  No one gets hurt? I nearly scoffed.

  Chapter 14 (Everett)

  Guilt tugged at my heart, trying to persuade me to stop but this was the only way. Without a contract, I was liable. Tanya could turn around and cheat on me the same way Nettie had. And, I wasn’t going to let that happen. Not again.

  Before my mother called, I had nearly fallen for this woman’s charm. She was beautiful, intoxicating, and a pleasure to be around. She made me feel happy, excited, and powerful all at the same time. The same feelings I felt when I had dated Nettie. I had been in such a honeymoon haze that I didn’t even notice her creeping behind my back. It wouldn’t happen again. I would keep things profession – stick to the contract – and everything would run as smooth as silk.

  Still, the pain in Tanya’s voice nearly made me reconsider. Maybe, just maybe she would be different.

  But, then again, maybe she was just the same.

  I wasn’t about to take my chances.

  “Dinner is at 5:00. We’ll leave at 4:30. You’re free to do as you wish until then.”

  “And, what do you expect me to wear since you destroyed my dress last night. L
et me guess, that was strictly business as well.”

  I frowned, stung by her words. Tanya had never spoken to me like this. It was clear that she was irritated and she had every right to be. She probably thought I was just using her. And, maybe, I was. But, it truly was for the best.

  “Come with me.” I prompted, leading her to a guest bedroom. “I had this room prepared in the case that you agreed to my offer.”

  Tanya narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “You had this all planned out, didn’t you?”

  I didn’t answer her.

  Toward the back of the room was a white door. I opened it, revealing a large, luxurious walk-in closet filled to the brim with designer clothing, all in Tanya’s size.

  Despite the pout still painted on her face, she followed me, eyes widening at the sight of the impressive wardrobe.

  “You can wear anything you’d like.”

  “I don’t get it… First, you make love to me, then you give me the cold shoulder, and now you’re providing me with all of this.”

  “The contract states –”

  “I don’t want to hear another word about that stupid contract.” She interrupted. “I’m done trying to make sense of it all.” She turned her back on me, sorting through the dresses. “What kind of dinner is this? Casual? Formal?”



  “Do you need help picking out an outfit?”

  “No.” I took her harsh tone as my cue to leave.


  When we finally arrived at my parents’ estate, the tension between Tanya and I had only grown worse. She was no longer speaking to me, her lips pressed into a permanent frown.

  With a sigh, I got out of the car, thinking that this was going to be worse than spending time with Nettie. This would be a living nightmare.

  Still, we walked inside, arms hooked together, acting like the couple we weren’t.

  “Everett!” My mother’s voice rang from the top of the stairs. Making her grand entrance, she descended, red dress flowing behind her. “It’s so good to see you.” When she reached the bottom of the steps, she cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed them, making a fuss.

  I put up with it for her sake. After all, we only had dinner together once or twice a year.

  Suddenly, my father arrived, dressed in his finest suit. “Everett.” He said with a serious tone, eyes already locked on Tanya. “Who’s this?”


  “Oh! That lovely little assistant of yours.” My mother cooed. “You’re a blessing, dear.” She took Tanya’s hand, squeezing it. “Everett would have lost his head if it wasn’t for you.”

  Tanya blushed ever so slightly. “I do what I can to help.” She said graciously.

  “What is she doing here?” My father asked, ever blunt.

  “She’s my date,” I said, hoping that would end the conversation.

  “You two are dating now?” My mother asked.

  “She’s my date,” I repeated my tone even firmer this time.

  A grunt of disapproval came from my father.

  “Well, there’s no point in us just standing here. Let’s eat!” My mother grabbed my hand, leading me to the dining room.

  I noticed, almost instantly, that there were five plates on the table. “Are we expecting someone else?”

  Just then, there was a knock on the door.

  My mother disappeared to answer it as I pulled out a chair for Tanya.

  She sat down, fiddling with the cutlery, avoiding eye contact with my father who was watching her like a hawk.

  Just before I could take a seat, he pulled me aside. “What do you think you’re doing? You can’t be serious.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Bringing your assistant to the family dinner?”

  “What about it?” I challenged, pretending I had no idea what my father was upset about.

  “She has no class, and you know it, Everett. Of all the girls you could date, why go for your poor assistant?”

  “Because I want to,” I said, teeth clenched. “And, I believe that who I date and don’t date is my own business. So, stay out of it.”

  “Let me remind you that you’re in my home and I will not be spoken to in that tone.” He growled, features darkening.

  Before I could retaliate, my mother returned.

  At her heels was Nettie.

  Great, this day was just getting better and better.

  Chapter 15 (Tanya)

  This dinner was turning out to be a disaster and it hadn’t even started.

  As I sat there, I could hear the men talking about me. If they thought they were whispering, they obviously did not know the definition of the word.

  I didn’t ask to come here – I was coerced.

  So, I tried my best to swallow my pride knowing that if I didn’t, I’d be without a job or worse. What if Everett tried to sue me? Then I’d be screwed. I’d probably find myself in jail. It was hard to believe that Everett would stoop this low but I had seen him use dirty tactics before and I guess I was no different.

  “What is she doing here?” Everett turned, eyes burning with hatred.

  It was the second time I was seeing the blonde woman. A few weeks ago, she had barged into Everett’s office. This must be the ex-girlfriend.

  Great, just great.

  “What is she doing here?” Nettie returned, pointing a manicured finger in my direction. “Shouldn’t she be at the office filing papers or something?” She snorted before sitting down at the table, whipping her hair behind her shoulder.

  “Get out,” Everett demanded.

  “Now, Everett, be civil. You wouldn’t want to ruin dinner, would you?” His mother asked, waving a hand as if that would melt away all the tension building in the air.

  It didn’t.

  I feared that Everett would pounce across the table at any moment. I had never seen him look this angry. It terrified me.

  “Sit down.” His father ordered. “Now.”

  Everett hesitant but eventually, with a huff, he sat down, staring at Nettie across the table. Once the food was served, he stabbed into his meal, tearing at his meat like a rabid animal.

  “So, Nettie, what have you been up to?”

  “Oh, you know, not much. Just got a new modeling job. It’s a Paris company, but they have a branch here in the states. It’s a few blocks down from Everett, actually.”

  “Great.” He grumbled.

  “Now, don’t be rude.” His mother shot him a reprimanding glance.

  “And you, Tanya, do you do anything outside of assisting my son?” This time, his father spoke up, watching me carefully.

  I gulped, feeling small under the heat of his gaze. “Um…”

  He frowned. “I thought as much. I honestly don’t know why you’re wasting your time on this woman.”

  Everett growled. “Do not insult her.” He tightened his grip on his fork. “She is my date, and I demand that you treat her with respect. Tanya is an intelligent –”

  He was interrupted by Nettie’s laugh. “Intelligent? You can train a lab monkey to do her job. Don’t kid yourself, Everett. You just feel sorry for her because she’s fat and she won’t ever get someone else.”

  Her words pierced through me like bullets.

  Was that what this was? A pity party? Was I just the fat girl he could manipulate into having his child? Unable to stand another minute of this horrible experience, I got up from my chair and stormed out. I didn’t even bother to look back, door slamming in my wake.


  I ran as fast as I could, legs carrying me as far as they could before my knees threatened to buckle. I looked up, finding myself in the middle of town.

  The sidewalks, usually crowded with pedestrians, were deserted. No doubt, most people were at home, enjoying time with their families.

  The thought filled me with a soul-crushing sense of loneliness. Was I the only person who had no place to go? I bit my lip, trying to hold back the tears but th
ey came all the same. I broke down, slumping into a nearby bench. All I wanted was a family. Maybe that’s why I had so foolishly agreed to be Everett’s surrogate. But, I didn’t want things to be like this. It was a nightmare.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had enjoyed the holidays. Every year, it was the same. While everyone else was happily opening presents or sitting by a warm fire, I was home alone, curled up with a book, trying not to cry. When Everett had invited me to the Christmas ball, I thought, maybe, just maybe, it was the start of something.


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